MTL - Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness-Chapter 2060 : Extra 173

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Hey, I heard that my relatives came to Shanghai? Do you see time at noon? Auntie and uncle are doing the East, can your father and your mother have a good meal? ”

Feng Mengmeng had some knots in his mind. He even said that some of them were flattered. Although she knew that the wife of the chairman was approachable, she did not think that today, she screamed in a word, and said, what is her family?

"This -" Something was stunned.

But the dragon mother is more cheerful; "Don't do this, we are so happy to decide, you are waiting at home, after half an hour, I let the driver pick you up~"


The phone said that it was a regular meal, but when I got off the bus, Feng Jia Er found that it was a five-star hotel.

Under the leadership of the waiter, they went straight to the elevator and came to a luxurious VIP room.

At this time, the chairman and the wife had already sat on the sofa waiting for them early, so when the door of the private room was opened.

The wife of the chairman stood up for the first time and slammed into the side of Feng Mengmeng.

"Moving, I haven't seen you for a few days. Auntie can be alone, and no one is accompanying the shopping trip--" Mrs. Long sorrowfully wiped her tears, and this took Feng Mengmeng's hand and looked at it: "Hey, how many days have you lost a circle? Isn’t Yutian bullying you? You tell Auntie, Auntie will help you teach him."

"Mom--" Long Yutian glanced at the dragon mother with a very depressed look, she was alone? She is lonely, no one has to hold his deputy card, help her pay for it!

The dragon mother glanced at her son, only to find a pair of middle-aged couples who were with him.

Feng Dao Feng Ma was rushed last night, did not bring any clothes, plus a night of the car, people are also slightly tired, the appearance of the dust, the more honest and simple.

After seeing Feng Jia Er Lao, the dragon mother immediately became happy and smiled. She walked over and took the initiative to hold Feng Ma’s hand and praised it: "This should be the mother of Mom, I will say Well, only such a good parent can give birth to a daughter who is so cute and cute."

Although Feng Dao Feng Ma is not a businessman, but the Long Group, they are still very good.

I thought that the heads of such a wealthy aristocrats were all unattainable and incomprehensible, but they did not expect that the wife of the chairman looked so amiable, and there was no such thing as a giant.

This shocked Feng Jia Er Lao, but also let go of a little bit of cramped and nervous in my heart.

"Mrs. Long is very polite--" Feng Dao was a man after all, and he quickly responded. He spoke a favor to the chairman of the board, and then he glanced at the man next to the sofa and nodded to him. Good!"

Chairman Long stood up from the sand and went to the table. Because the wife had warned him before he went out, he was not allowed to wear a face, and he was frightened by his wife and relatives. Therefore, the chairman tried to let I don’t look so serious, it’s just like a long-standing person, and I opened my mouth.

"It's all family, don't be so polite, sit down!"

Because it is a five-star luxury private room, there are three waiters in each box. The waiter knows the dragon family. They are very helpful to open the chair and ask them to sit down.