MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 29 Hand

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Yu night hit the car and took the red beans and set off to the crew.

At this time, the crew of the crew, who are still working, look at the direction of the rest area from time to time, and have already rested, standing directly and watching. There are four men sitting in the center around them.

A handsome sunshine, a delicate and expensive, a cold and dusty, and a ... cough, cute Xiao Yang classmates.

The temperamental but equally dazzling men sit together and face serious, but in fact they are very serious... playing cards.


Shen Qingzhou glanced at him with a sigh of relief. "If you can't fight, don't blame."

To Zhai Ran, he is a sigh of relief. He has been in the crew for so many years, and he has lost so badly for the first time!

"Huany, this is our right home, cooperate and kill them." Xiang Zeran squinted, ready to fight. Yu Huan glanced at Shen Qingzhou and sneered in her heart. "Shen, if you lose this, you will personally give us a lunch."

"This sentence should be for you." Shen Qingzhou said with no expression.

Yu Huan, "Let's walk."

The language is closed, Shen Qingzhou and he look at each other. Xiao Yang, who is on the side, feels the convection of the air in the air. Hey, let me go, okay, let me go? ? You don’t want to play a card like this!

Yu night went to the crew and took the red beans and walked inside. "Oh, good afternoon."

"Writer is good~"

"Hey? Didn't you shoot?"

"Temporary rest." A staff member replied.

Yu nodded later. "What, do you see Yu Huan?"

"There are ah." The staff pointed in the direction, "playing cards there."

"牌?" Yu night looked confused.

The staff continued. "It’s amazing. I’ve never been involved in these. I’ve been playing today, and I’m working with Yu Huan now.”

Yu night, "..."

Shen Qingzhou playing cards? ? Yu was surprised, and quickly took the red beans and went to the place where the staff said. Far away, Yu night saw a bunch of people under the hood. In the vagueness, she also saw Yu Huan and Shen Qingzhou sitting in the middle.

Yu night silently squeezed into the crowd, the spectators found that important people came, and quickly gave her a position, "Writer, you have not come, just Shen Jian won, ah, Huan Ge also won."

An actor who glared at Zeran with a glance, hey, didn’t say that Xiao Yang also won, right? Just lose him? ?

An actor quickly shut up.

Yu lately looked at Shen Qingzhou freshly. His long, white and well-defined hands were still on the back of her head in the morning, but at the moment she was holding a stack of cards and heard someone calling her name. Shen Qingzhou was carrying her to her. It seems that his brows are shallow and wrinkled, and his apparent expression still stays in the state of playing cards.

Yu looked at him and looked at his clear lips.

Yu’s ear was slightly reddish, and he quietly removed his gaze. “Brother, don’t you ask me to come over to eat? How do you play the card?”

Yu Huan, "Playing cards is for lunch. You wait, there will be lunch that Shen Shen personally sent."

Yu is not clear, so "playing cards and playing cards, there are still such tricks. That, why did Shen Shen send lunch?"

Explain to Ze Ran, "Whoever lost who went to the store we designated, and, don't allow the assistant, go in person, hey, serve the winner~"

"This... you often play in the crew, but Shen Shen seems to be the first time, are you too bully?"

Looking at Yu Ze and Yu Huan at the same time, bullying people? Who is bullying in the end?

Yu night was seen a glimpse, "How, what?"

Shen Qingzhou raised a smile.

Yu Huan angered, "So fast elbows turned out?! You want your brother to buy it."

Yu late, "I, I have that meaning."

Yu Huan, "I am really mad at me, but I am your only relative. Yu late, you said, I am not influential in yours."

Yu late flat mouth, and quickly pleaded to Yu Huan back, "How come, you have a great influence on me, can not shake."

Yu Huan snorted and was barely stunned.

On the other side, Shen Qingzhou looked at Yu Huan and Yu night, and his mind moved slightly. Great influence? Can't shake?


Shen Qingzhou suddenly felt that his victory and defeat should be collected, winning a game to lose a person, it seems very uneconomical.

Yu Huan, "Wang Yu!"

"Oh oh oh!!" cheered to Zeran, "Huan Er, you can go first, I am faster."

Yu Huan raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Qingzhou. It’s so unpleasant, oh, what else can you give? Won!

Shen Qingzhou looked at the bomb on the table and looked at the bigger bomb in his hand. For a moment, the silent card pressed down and did not let others see it. "No."

Yu Huan and Xiang Zeran looked at each other and saw the joy of bursting in the eyes of the other party. Yu Huan dropped the last card, "Ze Ran, hurry."

"no problem!"

There is only a little card left in the hands of Zheran. Shen Qingzhou does not stop him. Xiao Yang alone can’t hold it, so he doubles.

“yes!” excitedly smiled at Zeran. “The first time I have to eat the lunch that I’m going to buy, I’m a little excited. Shendao, troubles.”

Yu Huan peach eyes with a smile, "Well... I want to eat Chinese food, let's live near the house, have beef, pay attention, don't be spicy."

"I want spicy, I want to be spicy, oh, everything can be done, Shen Shen sent it, even if it is not good to eat." Xiang Zeran finished watching the actors next to him, "What do you eat?"

Everyone looked at each other and Li Mengmeng jumped out and said, "I want to eat that family..."

"I also want……"

"I want that..."


One of them said that after the courage, everyone is too big, and the actors are coming together to take a kick.

Finally, Yu Huan looked at Yu late, "What do you want to eat, let's talk."


"Yu night." Shen Qingzhou stood up and said something unclear, "Go with me."

Xiang Zeran, "You can't violate the rules, say you don't have an assistant."

Shen Qingzhou glanced at him and hooked his lips. "Well, Yu is not my assistant."

Xiang Zeran, "..."

The people around: Oh~~

Yu night looked at Yu Huan and then walked toward Shen Qingzhou.

Yu Huan looked at the back of Shen Qingzhou and said, "Yu night can go, but just pick the dishes. Yu night, don't help buy, don't help."

Yu night turned back, "Brother..."

Yu Huan interrupted her and was proud. "This is the punishment of the game."

Yu closed her mouth. When she went to see Shen Qingzhou, he had already gone a long way. It seemed that he did not mind what Yu Huan said. Yu night shook his head and followed.

Shen Qingzhou drove, Yu night sat in the co-pilot position, she looked at him hesitating and asked, "Shen, you are not angry?"

"What is mad."

"My brother, they are instructing you to buy lunch."

Shen Qingzhou looked at the front, the twilight was cold, "I am willing to gamble and lose."

"But, you are not the first time to play, this is still bullying new people." Yu late, then asked again, "Hey, why are you still playing cards suddenly..."

Shen Qingzhou had a meal and looked at her sideways. "Isn't it your brother, even he is interested, and it's fine to play it once."

Yu late slowly widened his eyes, and his heart was a bit stunned by his words. So, because he is her brother, did he touch something he had never played before?

Yu’s heart suddenly became a soft mess.

"Then my brother played this, it is estimated that it is also intentionally pitted you." Yu late did not look at it, so I do not know that Shen Qingzhou really won a lot of back in the early days, she only knows that Shen Qingzhou finally lost, was sent out to buy lunch. After saying this, Yu night saw Shen Qingzhou's cold side face stained with a layer of something that can be said to be gentle, and the corner of his mouth was bent, like a layer of gentle light.

She heard him say, "I know."

When she arrived at the Chinese restaurant designated by Yu Huan, Shen Qingzhou stopped the car. When she was about to untie the seat belt, Yu held her hand. "I still go, it is not convenient for you to show up."

"No." Shen Qingzhou casually took the mask. Yu night saw that he insisted on not saying anything any more. He just wanted to get off the bus and suddenly thought of what he had recovered. "Right, do you still have a mask?"

Shen Qingzhou glanced at her and knew her thoughts. Because she is the sister of Yu Huan, the photos of her and Yu Huan on the Internet are very hot, so it is estimated that many people now recognize her, and it is unnecessary trouble. Recently, I don’t want to show my face. However, after a while, the limelight has passed and everyone should forget it.

But now I need a mask, but it is not on the car.

"You don't have to go on the bus." Shen Qingzhou said.


"Okay, I will be back soon."

"Hey!" Yu night did not speak, Shen Qingzhou has got off the bus, no way, she had to wait in the car, it will be more trouble to follow.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Yu night saw Shen Qingzhou and two seemingly restaurant employees coming out, each employee carrying two big bags of things.

It was nothing, but when Shen Qingzhou directed two employees to put things on the trunk, several girls ran out of the restaurant.

“Shen Qingzhou? Is Shen Qingzhou right?!”

"Ah, really, I just said it is like it, you still said no."

"Ah!! So excited, excited, seeing live!"

"Sink, sink, can you take a photo?"

"Can you sign?"

Shen Qingzhou paused, and his tone was very weak. "No photo."

"Then, it's good to sign a name, please."

Several girls were entangled. Yu saw that Shen Qingzhou’s good-looking eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but he finally refused to take it and took their paper and signed the name.

"thanks, thanks!"

Shen Qingzhou slightly decapitated, closed the trunk, went to the driver's seat and opened the door.

And a few fans behind me still screamed and smacked. It was not until the car drove off that the fans stopped.

"Ah, I really didn't expect to meet a real person here, I want to send a circle of friends, I want to send Weibo."

"I just saw Shen Qingzhou sitting there for a long time. He came to buy so much to eat? Still one?"

"Hey!! Look at this!" One of the girls suddenly cried.


"Look, there seems to be a woman in the passenger seat!"

"It's really fake."

"I just visited Shen Qingzhou and I didn't pay attention!"

"I see, really awkward. Long hair, really female!"


(The remaining content of Chapter 29 is presented in the author's words!! This article is issued exclusively in jin, jiang, other sites are pirated, the chapters are incomplete, please support genuine!)

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