MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 34 the film

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Yu nodded lately. "Yeah, if you don't go out in the dark, you are inconvenient. You said, let's go to the movies or go to the road."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and suddenly smiled inexplicably. Oh, it was this.

Yu night saw him did not say, thought he did not want to go, "Do you not like to go?"

Shen Qingzhou coughed, "No, go."

"Really, then I am ready."

Shen Qingzhou reached out and rubbed her hair. "What are you prepared for?"

"Of course I have to dress up. Isn't this the first time to go with the sinking door?" Yu said, "I think we still watch movies. No one can see you in the dark."

"I don't want to disturb people, I can take it." Shen Qingzhou naturally took the lead.

Yu night thought about it. "That's not good. We bought the last row. When the lights went down, how about?"

Shen Qingzhou stared at her.

Um... Yu’s look is a bit subtle. Probably, we have never done this kind of thing.

"Oh, it’s so hungry, I cooked the noodles first." Yu was afraid that Shen Qingzhou refused, and quickly took out the ingredients and pretended to be busy and started cooking.

Shen Qingzhou looked at her back, her eyes flashed with a smile, panic, how could he not agree?

In the evening, Yu night brought Yu to the Shen Qingzhou home from home. "His Royal Highness, today you and the red beans can play together very late, is not very happy."

Yu little, "Wang Wangwang! (Don't just leave me on a date, so good to say)"

Yu’s loving touch of Yu’s head, “No chaos, no messing up the room, knowing no.”

"Wang Wang!"

"Hey." Yu said to Yue to point to the red bean to play. As soon as he looked up, Shen Qingzhou had already changed his clothes and walked out of the cloakroom.

Simple shirts and trousers, light-colored, obviously should be very simple and simple style, but wearing it on him seems to make him a model on the pictorial, big long legs, high value, how to see how dazzling.

Yu glanced up and down at night, "Well... a little handsome."

Shen Qingzhou came over and grabbed her hair. "Go."

"I just had a good haircut, don't mess with me!" Yu night squatted and bent.

Shen Qingzhou looked at her with a sigh of relief and spit out two words. "Nothing bad."

After saying this, take the car key and walk out the door. Yu changed the heel and went up. "What is not bad, you didn't find out what I am different today."

Shen Qingzhou went to the elevator door and heard her say this. She turned to look at him. The look was just a look at her and she glanced up and down.

Yu night was not confident when he saw it. It won't... It's really not good to see.

"Cough, turn to the past, the elevator is coming up." Yu late feared that he was too hit, and deliberately turned the subject.

Shen Qingzhou did not listen to her, with a smile in her eyes. Yu late deliberately dressed up today, light makeup, small face powder, wearing a white knee-length skirt, slim white calf and a pair of high-heeled shoes, this makeup makes her look mature a lot, unlike at home Under the age of eighteen.

"Very beautiful." Shen Qingzhou turned to face the elevator, a faint spurt.

Yu night, who did not hope, suddenly stopped, and a blush appeared behind her ear. She wanted to make him boast, but she didn't expect her to be too embarrassed after she really boasted...

The movie is more than eight o'clock, because it is not a weekend, so the traffic is not that big. Five minutes after the film began, Yu and Shen Qingzhou entered.

Yu night is behind Shen Qingzhou. Because she is too dark, she wears high heels that I don't usually wear. So I almost fell. Shen Qingzhou listened to her exclaimed in the back, and her eyes were holding her hand quickly. "Be careful."

"Hey." Yu night took his hand and carefully looked around. The people next to them looked at the screen. No one noticed them. Yu night breathed a sigh of relief. However, the inexplicable feeling was very exciting. what's going on?

In the last row of positions, the two sat down to watch the movie. The movie was chosen by Yu in the evening. The small-cost love film, the actor is a well-known small flower.

"Forgot to buy popcorn." Yu said whispered.

Shen Qingzhou, "What is delicious about that thing?"

"That is the unique mood of the film. It is not complete to come to the cinema without eating popcorn."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and thought about it.

The movie was released after the male actor and the female horn grew up. The movie was a bit touching, but Yu had never looked at it seriously, and her eyes looked at Shen Qingzhou from time to time.

Seeing more, Shen Qingzhou naturally found out, he turned to look at her, "take a good movie."

Yu night is holding his chin. "But I think you are better than the movie."

Shen Qingzhou paused and glanced at the big screen. "Really, this movie is very rough, and it is not good to cut the actors."

Yu is happy, "Yes, so I am better off watching you. The purpose of the couple coming to the cinema is not a movie."

During the conversation, a couple in front of the two suddenly kissed silently.

Shen Qingzhou passed his eyes and his brows were slightly wrinkled. "Is that coming like this?"

Yu night looked at him in front of his eyes. The couples were a little bit ecstatic, and it was very hot to pick up the kiss. Yu late’s heart beats a lot, but it’s still strong and calm, and Shen Qingzhou’s hook is hooked. “You come over, I tell you.”

Shen Qingzhou leaned in her direction slightly. Yu late took a deep breath, reached for his neck and pulled him in her direction. Every time he kissed her, she had to counterattack once.

Yu night directly bit his lips, Shen Qingzhou is obviously caught off guard, and she was really dominated by her. Yu night’s eyes didn’t close. In the dim movie, only the glimmer on the screen reflected in his eyes. Medium, very bright and breathtaking.

She left his lips slightly and whispered, "I will see the movies you guide in the future will be serious, can we do something else?"

Shen Qingzhou still kept her posture pulled up. He paused and gently pulled Yu night closer. The voice was slightly hoarse. "Well, let you do something else."

Say, kiss her lips.

The movie is still playing, everyone's eyes are concentrated on the screen, even if someone looks back at the moment, the last row of the scene will only smile, the little couple cinema is sweet, it is normal, who would think that it is us A big director who is frozen to death.

Half an hour later, Yu night ended the most unremarkable, but most happy movie in life. Near the end, Yu late had already pulled Shen Qingzhou out of the cinema.

"Don't want to know the ending?"

"Oh... probably the two people are happy together." Yu said, "Or else it is separation."

Shen Qingzhou hooked his lips. "The movie ending is not necessarily only two cases. But the one we look at can only be these two situations."

"Yes, it's not the kind of brain-burning story you took." Yu and Shen Qingzhou walked toward the passage of people. "It's a bit thirsty, drink something."

"and many more."


"I am waiting here." Shen Qingzhou finished, went straight back, Yu looked at him with a puzzled look, "Where to go."

"Not thirsty."

Shen Qingzhou’s back went away. Yu’s lips smiled and Shen’s director seemed to be getting more and more. Boyfriend’s position was good...

Yu was very sweet and waited for a long time in the same place, but he did not see him back for a long time. Yu late felt guilty in his heart, so he quickly went back.

Just turned around, Yu night knows that something is wrong.

She saw Shen Qingzhou holding a bucket of popcorn and a cup of cola in her hand. She snorted in her heart. Why did he buy popcorn? Did she just say it at the cinema? She came to the cinema but didn’t eat it. Rice is very incomplete...

Yu’s heart was mixed, and Shen Qingzhou was surrounded by a group of people at the moment. He probably didn’t expect it. When he came back, it happened that the movie was finished. He wore a mask, but he was recognized for buying things for her. It is.

Both men and women have it, and some people seem to be a little excited. There was no security guard or assistant agent at the side of Shen Qingzhou. He frowned slightly and was blocked by the crowd. That's it, he didn't even put down his hand.

Yu late stunned his idiot, took out the sunglasses from the bag and put it on, and then squeezed in without saying anything.

She spent a lot of effort, and her hair was squeezed into a mess before she squeezed next to him. Yu late grabbed the things in his hand and handed it to the side, shouting as he handed, "Sinking the popcorn and cola that I have eaten! Quickly grab!"

In an instant, the attention of a group of people was attracted by the two things, swarming in the past to pop the popcorn.

Yu late took the opportunity to pull Shen Qingzhou's arm and shouted, "Go away."

Shen Qingzhou frowned. "What are you doing?"

"Or else you see that you are being squeezed with the two things." Yu late struggling to kill a road, but Shen Qingzhou is still much rarer than what he has eaten, and the crowds of this group attract more curiosity. People, so more and more people.

Yu night was squeezed to the east. She was wearing high heels and had difficulty walking. Now she was pushed and hit, and finally she slammed her feet.

"Ah!" A painful attack came, Yu Yu almost gave it down.

Shen Qingzhou picked up her waist and "what happened."

"Don't worry about me, you go out first. If you are not there, you will naturally not be squeezed." Yu late pushed him, and Shen Qingzhou's face suddenly sank.

“Shen Qingzhou is really Shen Qingzhou!”

"Ah! Shen Zhi gave me a name!"

"Shen Qingzhou, I like you very much, don't squeeze me, go away."

"You have to go away! Block me!"


The masses were in a mess, Shen Qingzhou looked at the bitter Yu night, suddenly picked up her waist and angered, "Give me away!"

"..." suddenly silenced.

Shen Qingzhou’s gaze was swept away from the surroundings, and the sound was heavy and scary. “Let’s go.”

"Shen, Shendao..." A little girl next to him called him, and his eyes naturally fell to Yu's body in Shen Qingzhou's arms.

"She is hurt, let me know a little." Shen Qingzhou tightened her arm and held Yu's head in her chest so that everyone could not see her face.

Yu late, "Let me go down..."

"Look, don't make a noise." Shen Qingzhou's lips became a line.

At this time, the security guards of the cinema finally rushed over. They were shocked when they saw this scene. After seeing Shen Qingzhou, they quickly rushed forward to protect him in the middle.

"Let's let it go!"

"You come with me."

"Call an ambulance." Shen Qingzhou said.

Yu night, "Not so serious, I have to wait for the ambulance, let's go to drive our car."

Shen Qingzhou looked at her and said, "Well, I will take you there."

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