MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 39 pet

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"I was so ugly? You look at this face, I didn't make up the makeup that day! These reporters don't pick the time!"

"... Anyway, you will grow like this. [Update fast & nbp; &nbp; please search]"

"I went, the national audience looked at me, I didn't even perform well." Jane rained and annoyed the whole hair. "Hey, Yu Ge's rumored girlfriend changed to me, and this Li Jie sister is not depressed."

"What is she depressed?"

"She likes Yuge, I see it."

Yu looked at her and looked at her with a slight look. "How come I didn't see it, thick, when your eyes are so sharp."

Jane rain settled down, avoiding Yu’s sight and getting out of bed directly. “I’m more resourceful.”

Yu night originally wanted to say that this thing is actually nothing. As long as Yu Huan explained that Jane Yuen was just a friend, the reporters and netizens gradually disappeared, but she never thought of it, this scandal happened. Will burn to her body.

The cause of the incident was that some netizen and boring netizen said, "Yu Huan’s sister has a good love and has raised two such beautiful dogs."

Yes, Yu Yu entered the background as Yu Huan and Jane Yuen. At the same time, Yu Xiaodian and Red Bean accidentally took it.

Then there was a large group of people who turned their eyes from Yu Huan’s body to Yu’s body.

"Samoyed is super cute, my family has raised it~"

"This reminds me of the red beans in my home continent, looks like, hahaha~"

"It’s really a bit like..."

"The one on the left, the size of the body, and the looks, exactly the same minute."


Someone brought up the photos of the red beans that were taken together with Shen Qingzhou. The two cute pets were put together and there was no difference.

Yu night also looked at the comparison chart. The picture on the map is exactly the same, but the dog grows that type, and it looks like nothing.

It can only be said that Shen Qingzhou's red beans are too famous, so that everyone will see the same Samoyed will think to him. But helplessly, everyone's brain hole is getting bigger and bigger.

After the end of an event, Yu Huan, Li Wei, Ming Cheng and others were interviewed by reporters.

"Huan Ge, is that drunk girl that night your girlfriend?"

Yu Huan knew that reporters would ask this question. He replied without hesitation. "It’s a good friend, drunk and sent her back. Everyone thinks more."

"But it looks good, and the girl is very good with your sister."

"Well, the girl who grew up with my sister since childhood has known for a long time."

"So not your girlfriend, can you scare the online pussy?" A reporter joked.

Yu Huan hooked his lips. "Everyone can don't mess with the scores. I have nothing to do with Li Wei. It's Li Wei."

The gloom that flashed in the eyes of Li Wei was followed by a bright smile. "Of course, I don't tell you the good news."

"That Huan Ge, there are rumors on the Internet that your sister Yu late's dog and the special image of director Shen Qingzhou? What do you think?" The reporter dropped the bomb and wanted to know what kind of answer Yu Huan would give.

"Red Bean?" Ming Cheng, who is on the side, wonders, "Isn't it the same?"

The reporters glimpsed, and the excited microphone was handed to the front of Ming Cheng. "Do you mean that the dog is red bean, not like, is it really red bean?"

Yu Huan whispered and coughed.

Li Xiao’s eyes were full of surprises.

Ming Cheng looked at Yu Huan’s eyes and suddenly realized that he was saying something wrong. “This, cough.”

"Ming Cheng, are you an informed person? Shen Qingzhou is now filming outside, so I will give my love to Yu Huan’s sister to take care of them. What is their relationship?"

Ming Cheng, "..." Is this a secret that cannot be told? Ming Cheng’s expression was slightly awkward. The reporter saw this and quickly handed the microphone to Yu Huan.

"Huan Ge, what is the relationship between my sister and Shen Dao?"

Yu Huan, "Well... Shen Dao just gave the dog to me for care."

No way, I can only admit it.

"It is understood that you and Shen Dao do not have any cooperation, nor is it a particularly close friend relationship? Shen Dao knows the love of the pet, everyone who is not familiar with him, he will not deliver the pet, you and Shen Shen..."

Yu Huan smiled and looked at the agent next to him. So the organizer’s staff and the agent went up. “Sorry, the interview is over, sorry, sorry.”

"Can you explain it? What is the relationship between my sister and Shen Dao?"

"Huan Ge!"

Broker, "Reporter, sorry, sorry, there are still trips."

A star was safely sent away from the reporter's line of sight, and Ming Chengyi asked, "Huong Ge, this thing, can't you say?"

Yu Huan gave him a look. "You know."

Ming Cheng had a bitter face. "It’s a dog. I didn’t think so much..."

Li Wei was also shocked. "The dog is really a red bean, Yu late and Shen guide?"

Yu Huan silently, did not answer, only helplessly took the shot of Ming Cheng's shoulder and left.

Yu late, it seems that your work will not last long.

Things continue to ferment, and people on the Internet are starting to get excited. When Shen Qingzhou and Yu Huan’s relationship is so good, Shen Qingzhou is more likely to be with Yu Huan’s sister than the possibility of two people becoming buddies!

Then someone turned the photo in the cinema out, although with sunglasses, but the woman in Shen Qingzhou's arms, chin, side face... 99% match!

What did you do, and the result was that the woman who saved the Milky Way twice was the same person? Shen Qingzhou’s girlfriend is Yu Huan’s sister? The netizens said that they were really scared.

Yu late coded the word, the brain was a bit awkward, could not understand the thoughts in the novel, she simply turned off the computer. On the other hand, Jane Rain is looking at the comments of netizens with a sneak peek at Weibo.

"Yu night, I blame you, my hot spots have been brushed down, and people have finally made headlines."

Yu was white and gave her a look. "I still want to go to the headlines. Simple, you are going to find my brother now. I will pull it over and kiss it and pass it to you."

Jane rain screamed, "What the **** is it."

"My brother, how are you, dare not." Yu late hooked his lips.

Jane rain gave her a thick look, "neuropathy."

Yu late, "I didn't expect you to be so daring." Yu said that she was very concealed. She didn't want to dismantle Jane Rain directly. She didn't even want to say that she had her reason, but she still hoped that Jane Rain could be happy if She really likes her brother's words, and should also express it, what an ostrich is.

Jane rained and settled. "Who is courageous."

Yu night just wanted to spit a few words, the phone suddenly rang.

Jane rain squinted, "Hey, Shen is calling."

Yu night bent and frowned, picked up the phone and went to the living room to answer the phone.


"I will be back tomorrow." Simple and straightforward, Yu night heard the heartbeat speeding up.

"So it is over?"

"The part of the framing here is completed early, and then it will change."

Yu was full of smiles. "Then you want to come back and see what I mean?"

"Don't look at you, see who." Shen Qingzhou said calmly.

Yu night chuckled. "Of course there are red beans. How can you forget him?"

Shen Qingzhou silently said, "I think, it should be very happy." There is a little bit of Yu, can you be unhappy?

"Well. Yes, you know everything on the Internet. I see that you are very busy recently and I have not told you this."

Shen Qingzhou sighed, "I saw it."

Yu late sighed. "The explanation is unclear anyway. Everyone has already determined that I am your girlfriend."

Shen Qingzhou’s brows are slightly embarrassing. “Explain? Originally, what is necessary to explain.”

"...also oh."

"It will protect you." Shen Qingzhou suddenly said.

Yu is a little late.

Shen Qingzhou’s voice was worn through the microphone, and it was cold and cold, with a gentle magnetic sexy. “Since I can’t stop it, I will protect it.”

The next day at the airport.

Shen Qingzhou and his party came down from the plane. Walking to the middle is Shen Qingzhou, who is wearing sunglasses.

The reporter did not know where to get the news, ambushed at the airport early. I saw Shen Qingzhou appearing, and I was surrounded by a beggar.

Going up, the person next to Shen Qingzhou saw this and quickly stopped the reporter and his distance.

"Shen, do you have anything to say about the relationship being exposed?"

"Is Yu Huan’s sister really your girlfriend?"

"How do you know, is it through Yu Huancai?"

"Is the girl at the cinema that day really her?!"

"Shen, do you say two words?"


Shen Qingzhou stood in the same place and reached for the sunglasses. After the sunglasses, a pair of light brown eyes are cold and indifferent.

"This is a private matter, I hope you don't bother her."

In a word, indirectly admitted all.

The reporters are excited.

"How do you know? Then she is the girl who cooks well in your mouth, right?"

"Look at you taking care of the red beans, you must trust her."

"How long have the two been together?"

"Shen, Miss Yu is very beautiful. Do they have a plan to get married? When do you tell us good news?"


Shen Qingzhou raised her eyebrows and looked at the reporter who asked the last sentence. Obviously, the reporter’s words made us feel quite comfortable.

"Marriage? At that time there was." Shen Qingzhou actually slightly hooked his lips, "but she said, I am still to be investigated."

The cold face with a gentle smile, the reporters have been watching for a while, mentioning the sister of Yu sister, too much humanity.

However, to be investigated? ? Fog trough, I feel that Yu sister is a good cow b.

Tang Yuegang went to the airport to pick up Shen Qingzhou and saw this scene. He stayed on the side and waited for the interview to end. After Shen Qingzhou was sent out by the staff, Tang opened the door and let him get on the bus. "How to get a drink first."

"No, send me home."

Tang Yuexi shook his head. "It’s awful. It’s not the same with a girlfriend. Can you die without seeing it?"

Shen Qingzhou turned to look at him and looked at him. "You know what."

Tang read his eyes and felt that Shen Qingzhou made him feel so sad! He is ridiculing that he has no girlfriend? !

"Hurry up and drive." Shen Qingzhou said dissatisfied.

Tang Yue shook his head. "Oh, our iceberg people have opened up, and they have opened more than a little. Yu Yu, Yu late, I decided to treat you as my idol."

Shen Qingzhou looked at the building that passed by the window, and the mouth slightly overflowed with a smile.

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