MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 50 New Year's Eve

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The old year is about to pass, and tonight is New Year's Eve.

This year, Shen’s family has increased a lot because of the addition of a girl. Even the serious father has always smiled.

On the other side, Yu Huan is still busy with work.

After learning the New Year's Eve dinner at home, Jane Yuen made an excuse to find a friend to go out and play. There are not many people on the street this evening. It is probably the New Year's Eve relationship. Everyone is reunited at home.

Jane rain walked blindly on the street and walked to a square. She saw Yu Huan’s latest advertisement on the big screen of the square. He was handsome and aggressive on the screen, and the peach eyes were slightly smiling. There is a feeling of hooking.

Jane rain had been watching for a long time, and suddenly the phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and saw the name on the screen, her heart twitched. She pressed the answer button, "Hey."

The sound on the side of the phone is the same as the sound on the screen. He said, "Happy New Year's Eve."

He said that the fountain behind him was just lit up, and the water sprayed upwards to draw a good curvature. Jane rained a little smile, "Well, you too, happy New Year's Eve."

"What voice is there over you." Yu Huan asked.

After Jane rained his eyes, "It’s a fountain, I am in the square near my house."

"How did you run there in the big night?"

Jane rain thickly hooked the lips, she did not know how to run out, probably a little stuffy in my heart.

"Yu Ge, where are you?" Jane Rain thickened the topic.

"I am in the studio."

"only you?"


"I will stay in the studio alone on New Year's Eve, you will be too bad."

Yu Huan smiled. "There is something busy, and there is no one at home. There is no need to go back."

Jane rain was so thick that she knew that Yu had stayed with Shen Qingzhou in the past few days, and there was no one in the family. Inexplicable feeling distressed, maybe Yu Huan has become accustomed, but Jane rain thick can not see his lonely person this day.

"Yu Ge, I am going to find you with delicious food."


"You wait for me for an hour, don't go." After that, Jane Yuen did not care about Yu Huan's reaction. He hung up the phone and ran home.

There are very few shops on New Year's Eve that are open, so Jane Rain thinks that the first time is to go home. Today, Jane has made a lot of dishes, and their family of three can't finish it.

Of course, Jane Rain will not bring anything left to Yu Huan. She quietly opened the refrigerator, took out the food that was still stored in it, heated it and put it into the heat preservation box. Finally, Jane Rain was still on the wine of Jane’s treasure.

Jane Rain has dealt with all of this and sneaked out.

"Strong? What do you take?" Jane suddenly opened the door of the room and saw the look of Jane Rain. "Where are you going?"

"I, I will take some food."

"Eat? Give it to whom." Jane said after a brow, "Hey! Isn’t that your boyfriend? It’s thick, you can’t do it, bring people back to eat, hurry, I am waiting at home."

Jane rain is wearing a pair of shoes. "What belt is there? Yu Ge works in the studio. I haven’t eaten dinner yet. I will send him to the past."

"Hey, Yu Huan..."

Jane rained a loud voice and closed the door and it flashed.

Jane suddenly paused and suddenly reacted. "You give me back!"

Jane’s father came out of the room. "What happened."

"The thick **** is looking for Yu Huan again! He also said that he did not eat dinner for him."

"Yu Huan hasn't finished eating yet, just go home and eat it."

"This is not the point!" Jane Ma said, "The point is that there are strong boyfriends, how do you still care about Yu Huan eating?!"

Jane rain hit the car, and all the way to the downstairs of the studio.

It seems that Yu Huan is good for the staff. This special day gives the staff a vacation, and there is no one in the studio.

Jane Rain gave Yu Huan a call. After a minute, Yu Huan came over and opened the door to her.

"You are really coming."

Jane rain raised the things on his hands. "I can't stand it if you are miserable. On New Year's Eve, you are hungry and working. Hey, now I will accompany you to dinner."

Yu Huan’s light movements, he used to be alone, never felt that there was such a pity, but did not know why, when Jane Yuen appeared, he suddenly found that there was a bit of miserable before.

Jane Rain followed Yu Huan upstairs and put the meal on the table. "I also brought you a bottle of red wine, haha, wit."

"When you come out, parents know."

Jane Rain took over the wine glass that Yu Huan handed over. "I didn't intend to say it, but I was discovered when I was stealing. My mom said that I went to find a boyfriend and asked me to bring it back, so ah, I I have to give you up."

"She thinks you have a boyfriend, um... is it me?"

Jane rained a thick meal, "Well, my mom always thought I had it before the last time I was in front of the blind date."

Yu Huan looked at her and looked like a casual question. "So, you really don't have it now."

"Of course... no. You don't know." Jane Yuen opened all the dishes he brought, and smiled. "Come on."

Yu Huan silently said, "That Ming Cheng, still chasing you recently?"

Jane rain almost gave the red wine, "just... okay. He has been looking for me, but it is not together."

Still not together? also? ? This sentence makes Yu Huan a little stuffy, that is, maybe together, will be together?

In the quiet office, only two people sat opposite each other. Jane rained and sipped a drink, and sometimes talked with Yu Huan. Jane rain did not eat much, and Yu Huan saw that she had already eaten enough, or she would not be so reserved with her habits.

This idiot is specially escorted to accompany him on this day, afraid that he is alone. Yu Huan is very warm in his heart. It is very uncomfortable to think that Jane Rain is going to go with others.

Since the last rainy drunkenness was taken away by Ming Cheng, he realized that he was not right. He strongly felt that he did not want Jane Rain and Ming Cheng together.

At first he told him that he was not worried about the little boy, but slowly, he found that Jane Yuen was not the same as Yu Yu. For Yu night, he was really heart-warming in the role of 'father'. He is worried that she is in love and is completely protected by her sister.

It can be Jane Rain, and he knows more about Ming Cheng than Shen Qingzhou. He knows that Ming Cheng is a good person. In theory, he can rest assured that Shen Qingzhou is with Yu late, and it is more reassuring that Ming Cheng and Jian Yu are together.

But why is he so repulsive, thinking about it, all the reasons can only be attributed to one.

He likes Jane Rain, men like women. He didn't want to let Jane rain, so he was so picky about the men she had seen. At first, Yu Huan was awkward. A girl who saw a big girl from a young age, he actually liked it so much...

Can slowly find out, what do you like when you like it? Protecting her from an early age, it is also very beautiful to continue to protect today.

"Yu Ge, why don't you eat it." Jane Yuen looked at him as he was ecstatic, reaching out and shaking in front of him.

"No." Yu Huan returned to see her and said to her, "Rain is thick, you are on Ming Cheng..."

The phone ringing suddenly sounded when the words were not finished.

Jane rain thickened, "Hey, Ming Cheng."

Yu Huan’s eyes are stagnation.

"Strong, happy New Year's Eve."

"Uh-huh. Happy New Year, New Year."

"Happy New Year is too early, I will tell you later in the morning." Ming Cheng suddenly said for a moment, "Strong, I miss you a little."

Jane rain is a little bit sloppy.

The office is very quiet, and the sound of the mobile phone is also somewhat obvious. Yu Huan will hear the words of Ming Cheng without fail.

"Actually, I am in your home downstairs now, um... Do you want to come down?"

Jane rain thickly squinted, "You, are you downstairs in my house?"

"Well, I want to see you." Ming Cheng seems to be a little embarrassed. "Although this time is a bit disturbing, but... I don't know how to get here."

Jane Rain thickened her brow. Since the last time Ming Cheng said that she had to chase her, she has been chatting with her and looking for her to play. Many times, when Ming Cheng said it, the things he did were very touching. To be honest, she also gave birth to the idea of ​​trying with Ming Cheng. After all, there are still some things that she still needs to take a step.

"Well, you wait for me, I am passing now."

"Ah?" Ming Cheng Wei Wei, "Are you not at home?"

"Well, I am in Yuge Studio. Nothing, I used to be very fast."

"Hey... what are you doing there?" Again... Yu Huan?

"Yu Ge didn't have dinner today, I sent him over." Jane Rain said and stood up. "You wait for me for half an hour... Hey!"

The phone was suddenly taken away, and Jane Rain looked at Yu Huan, who was standing in front of her. Something was wrong. "What happened?"

Yu Huan looked at her with a sullen look and hanged the phone mercilessly.

Jane rain squinted, "Yu Ge?"

"Not allowed."


"Don't you want to stay with me for dinner? I haven't finished eating yet, you can't go anywhere."

Jane Rain is a little unresponsive, and Yu Huan has never been so self-willed.

"Yes, Ming Cheng is still waiting for me, just downstairs in my house."

"He is more important than me?" Yu Huan’s voice looked a little low. "Do you really like him?"

Jane rain is thick, "You, what do you say."

Yu Huan suddenly took her over and buckled her waist, holding some strength. "I said, you don't like him."

Jane rain is sullen on Yu Huan’s shoulder, and the mind is directly down. “Why...”

"Because I like you." Yu Huan's voice is a bit stuffy. "Because I like you, I don't want you to like others. Do you understand?"

Jane Rain does not know how to describe the feeling of that moment, maybe it would be more appropriate to use a blank to explain. Yu Huan said, I like you.

She has always liked it, but Yu Huan, who has never had the feelings of men and women, suddenly said that he likes her? Why... so suddenly.