MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 52 son in law

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Shen Qingzhou left, and Yu late was somewhat lacking in interest. However, she remembered the phone that Jane Rain had just received, so she packed up and set off.

Yu night rarely came to Yu Huan's studio. The number of times he came was probably two hands. The car parked downstairs, and she took out her mobile phone and called Jane Rain to the door.

The phone has not been pressed out, and a staff member with a sign has come over. "Hello, you can't just enter here. Who are you looking for?"

Yu late did not answer, Yu Huan, a close assistant, saw her, "Yu night, come to find Huan Ge."

Yu night put away the phone and nodded. "Where is he?"

"Upstairs, I will take you there." The assistant said to the staff next to him. "Can Huan’s sister still not see it?"

The staff was slightly stunned and looked at Yu’s eyes a few times. Before I only saw the photos on the Internet, I couldn’t remember.

"Sorry, Miss Yu."

Yu smiled and said to the assistant, "Go."

"it is good."

Yu night went upstairs with the assistant, and the assistant opened the door to her office. Yu night said a thank you and went inside.

The door rang, and the Jane Rain inside jumped up. She looked at Yu’s leisurely and walked in, like a smile. She immediately stood behind Yu Huan. "Baby, you are coming."

Yu night put the bag on the sofa and licked his sleeves. "Jane rain thick, you give me over."

Jane Yuen has quickly knocked Yu Huan back. "Yu Ge is sour, I give him a back, Yu Ge, is it comfortable?"

Yu Huan’s mouth overflowed with a smile, but he couldn’t help but two small ones. “Yes, let’s go down.”

"Good le!"

Yu night blinked and went straight to the two.

"Why, I thought it would be fine to hide behind my brother."

Jane rain thick flat mouth, "Yu night, you are hungry, come, let's eat, what do you want to eat, I treat."


"I heard that a newly opened dessert shop is delicious, how can I go." Jane rain thick dog legs hold Yu's hand.

Yu night squinted at her. "Where to go, you will say how to compensate me. I don't even tell me such a big thing. Jane rains, you must have not regarded me as a friend."

"Oh! I am dying!! You Yu is definitely the best and best friend of my life. You can't do anything important in my heart."

"Oh?" Yu night looked at her. "It's more important than my brother."

"Also...just as important!"

Yu night flashed a smile in his eyes, and his eyes fell on Yu Huan. Yu Huan and her eyes collided, but it was very calm.

Yu night walked around Jian Yu and went to Yu Huan’s front. "Brother, it’s very deep,"

Yu Huan hooked his lips. "Don’t make trouble, go eat first, want to eat."

Yu night stunned. "Today I am the master, I want to eat the most expensive! You two will wait for the next year to be slaughtered by me."

"It will work all my life."

Three weeks passed quickly.

For Jane Rain, it is a bad news for time to flow quickly. Because her vacation is over, she has to go back to school to complete her studies.

The baggage was packed up last night and flew abroad at noon today.

Jane rain was sitting on the sofa, biting a cola-like lollipop in his mouth, and his face was cloudy.

"Strong, do you want to bring more than one box of special hot sauce at home? Thick? Thick!" Jane called several sounds of Jane Rain and did not respond.


"What are you thinking about, have you heard me?"

"I listened."

"Then what I said just now."

" are saying it again."

Jane looked at her silently, "The soul is not guarding, what happened."

"Nothing, probably I don't want to go."

"You, this child, I used to watch you want to fly out, but now you can't fall in love."

Jane rain thickens his mouth, "Mom..."

"All are ready, the luggage moved down and went to the airport." Jane dad walked over and said.

Jane rain snorted and stood up slowly. Just then, the doorbell rang.

Jane went to the door.


Jane Ma, looking at Yu Huan standing outside the door, some of the reactions were not met, "Yu Huan, how come you."

"It’s going to go abroad today, I will send her."

"Ah, this is a lot of trouble for you." Jane asked him to come in. "Let your uncle send it, and you are very busy."

Yu Huan smiled and said, "Should."

Jane Mom: Should it? ? ?

Jane Yuen heard Yu Huan’s voice in the living room. She turned her head and saw the well-dressed Yu Huan’s eyes staring at her with a smile. “You don’t have a job today.” Jane Rain was surprised.

Yu Huan hooked his lips and walked to her side. "Send you, work can be placed first."

Jane rain licked my lips and my heart was sweet.

“Luggage is packed?”

"Well, okay."

Jane Dad just pushed the suitcase out and Yu Huan quickly picked it up. "Uncle, let me come."

"Yu Huan, how come you, you haven't come to our house for a long time."

"Sorry, my uncle, I haven't seen you for so long, next time I will find another time to visit you." Yu Huandao.

"Well, you haven't been with me for a long time."

Yu Huan laughed, "Yes. Right, uncle, let me send it today."

Jane Dad, "How is this good, I will send it."

Yu Huan silently thought that Jane Jane might want to see Jane Rain away personally, so he said, "This way, you and my aunt are my car, I will drive you."


"Dad, let Yu Ge send it." Jane rain thickened.

"Yes, it’s still a little early now. We have a meal together before we go. How do you see it." Yu Huan smiled and looked at Jane Rain, then said to the two elders.

Jane looked suspiciously at the two people. The more she saw it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She suddenly said, "It’s thick, how can your boyfriend not come to you?"

Jane rains and stays, "Ha?"

"The boyfriend you said last time, said that I haven’t brought it back for so long, even if you go abroad, don’t come to you?”

Jane rain squinted and looked at Yu Huan.

Jane’s sight was very close to Yu Huan, and Yu Huanqing coughed. “Auntie, I’ve never told you that the boyfriend in the mouth is me.”

Even from the small eyes between the two people, I have seen some clues about Jane, and I heard that Yu Huan’s personal recognition was still awkward. Jane always knows that Jane Yuen likes Yu Huan, but she has not been optimistic. First of all, because of Yu Huan’s career, in her opinion, the entertainment industry is still very chaotic. But the most important thing is that Yu Huan is simply not interested in Jian Yu, a big star, will return to like an ordinary girl?

But at this moment, Yu Huan used his actions to tell him that he would really like her ordinary daughter.

Jane always hopes that Jane Rain will find a man who loves her. She asks her to go to blind date. In fact, she wants to create more opportunities for her. But she never imagined that Jane Rain will finally go with Yu Huan. Come together.

Jane Rain is going to catch the plane. The time of the incident is not suitable. Jane Damma has no way to pull Jane Rain to ask for a good question.

So, under the stunned Jane’s mom and Jane, and the four men carrying luggage, they went downstairs.

Jane usually has the habit of dancing in the community, so she is familiar with the three big aunts nearby. Middle-aged women get together, and the most favorite thing to talk about is the marriage of their own children. Before Jane had no boyfriend because of Jane Rain, she was always persuaded by these people. Later, Jane Yuen said that after having a boyfriend, aunts and aunts Also began to inquire about the man's way, Jian Yuqiang never said to Jane, so Jane is a question.

In this case, everyone thinks that the man must be unable to take the shot, so he said that he is arrogant. So when chatting in peacetime, Jane was not shown off by some people, showing off how much better her son-in-law.

"Hey, what is your niece?" Just then, a few neighbors who came back to buy food came over. The one who wears a big red dress is usually the one who likes to show off in front of Jane.

"Yeah, I have to go abroad again."

"Hey, how can this be good? I have been reading a girl all the time. I still have to take my boyfriend home. I will be smarter at home, knowing that I am early." The red dress women laughed. Said.

Jane Ma gave her a look, oh, know that your daughter has married a rich man, as for it, every day, say every day!

The collarmen watched the meeting next to them, and one of them asked, "What kind of car, old Jane, you changed the car..."


"Wow, my mother, this car is very expensive. I have seen it on TV." The neighbor Zhang’s son suddenly said with excitement that he quickly took out the mobile phone Baidu. After a while, he reported a string of Arabic numerals. "Uncle Jane, is this price?"

Jane and Jane looked at each other. They didn’t understand the car at all. The usual car of more than 100,000 is just a means of transportation. Where does he know the price of this car?

"This car is not mine."

The neighbors who have been listening to this string have been stunned. They can’t afford such a expensive car for eight years...

"Who is that?"

After the neighbors asked, Yu Huan had just finished reorganizing all the luggage and came up from the rear of the car. "Uncle and uncle, you can leave."

"Who is this……"

"Hey, this is my son-in-law." Jane suddenly introduced a loud voice, and Jane Rain was shocked by a big jump, son-in-law? Why are you married? It’s not just looking gloomy...

"Nvwa?" The women in the red dresses are all straight. "This car is also his."

"Isn't it?" Jane seems to be very helpless to spread her hand. "Our family is going to go abroad. He must come and deliver it personally. Hey, he usually works very busy and manages a large group of people."

"Hehehe." The red dress women laughed. I can watch the young man standing in front of her eyes and she has no words to refute. This man is not only tall and handsome, but also has money. Her son-in-law's car is not so expensive!

"Oh, Huan, go drive, let's go to the airport."

"Good aunt."

Jane was smug in the car with her neighbor's gaze.

Yu Huan asked the two elders to get on the bus first and then ready to drive. Jane Rain followed his hand and pulled his clothes, whispering. "My mom seems to be a bit abnormal."

"Is there." Yu Huan smiled. "Auntie said it was not very good. Female, hehe."

Jane rain is thick and thick. Yu Huan touched her head. "Hey, go in, go back and wait for it."

"Okay." Jane rain took a few steps and suddenly ran to him in front of him. "I almost forgot, you sent me to the airport so blatantly, what happened when you were photographed!"

Yu Huan hooked his lips. "If you take a picture, you will be photographed. What happened?"


The car gradually drifted away, and several neighbors downstairs in the community were still paying attention.

"Hey, you said, Jane’s son-in-law is a bit familiar."

"The young man is so handsome."

"Oh... I always feel like a star."

"Like what, ah, go back and cook, don't watch."

"Oh, really, I have an impression."
