MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-Chapter 1 Fan Zhang

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Chapter 1 Fan Zhang

In college life, all kinds of people have different ways of living. Some people are drunk and dreamy, some people are in constant fire, and the encounters are endless. Most people will complete their studies in accordance with the rules and have a diploma when they graduate.

In the province of midsummer, although the temperature has reached 30 °, standing in the shade of the tree can still make people feel cool.

Zhang Fan, a fifth-year student in the clinical department, stood in the shade of the tree but could not feel a trace of coolness. The anxiety over the past few days made him blister.

Everyone is starting to prepare a resume, but Zhang Fan has no thoughts at all. Because his diploma is not yet available.

Zhang Fan's parents are both laid-off workers. There is also a 7-year-old sister in his family. When he received the college admission letter that year, he had enough tuition and fees with the help of family and friends.

Zhang Fan, who entered the university, did not rely solely on his parents financially. He not only actively participated in school work-study programs, but also sold instant noodles, ham, and eggs approved from the wholesale market after the evening self-study. The cost of living has been smoothly mixed for four years in college.

The last year of college may be God. In order to increase Zhang Fan's life experience, accidents at home are constantly happening.

First, his father who was working in a chemical plant was burned. He was treated conservatively in the county hospital for two weeks. However, the attending doctor gave a numb notice to transfer the patient, saying that the county hospital could not look well, and let him go to the provincial hospital.

It's a waste of time not to spend money.

The father had just been discharged from the hospital, and the mother had perforation of acute appendicitis. The operation was very successful, but in this way, Zhang Fan's tuition fees were lost.

If the tuition fee cannot be paid to the school, of course, no graduation certificate will be issued.

Relatives have helped a lot in the past few years, and Zhang Fan was also embarrassed to bother others and had to think for himself.

Graduating soon, the school will open graduation lectures, at their own free time.

Zhang Fan ran the construction site during the day to move bricks, and posted small advertisements to the agency at night. He had been busy for more than 20 days, and his tuition was still more than 2,000.

Graduating soon, there is no way out, Zhang Fan gritted his teeth and returned to the dormitory. Of course, the brothers in the dormitory don't have much money, so it is impossible to lend to Zhang Fan.

But the university is not a county high school, after all, there are still many rich people, and they are about to graduate soon, and many people are indulgent.

Many boring, gambling students started to gather in the dormitory.

Although the amount of gambling is not large, if you have luck, you can lose two or three hundred a day. But it doesn't hold up.

Zhang Fan is not trying his luck, he has a unique skill.

Zhang Fan's hometown is in a small mountain village in the northwest. The village is almost full of crops people who have faced the loess back to the sky. A few workers are considered celebrities to the village.

It was in such a small mountain village that a well-known figure, Zhang Fan's cousin, appeared.

When Uncle Tang was young, he was idle and not working. He stole the chicken next door today and the dog behind the village tomorrow. Anyway, the pig is not a dog.

One year, he left his hometown because of a fight that wounded the son of the village head of a neighboring village, fearing retaliation.

When Zhang Fan was in his twenties, Uncle Tang suddenly returned to his hometown, as if he had changed a person, and would never do **** again.

When Zhang Fan was young, he liked to turn around Tang Shu.

Uncle Tang who has traveled far away has a lot of stories in his mouth, and he will also play tricks, and a deck of cards can be played into flowers.

Although it is not often displayed in front of people, in the eyes of the little fart child worship, the uncle also has a little bit of nostalgia, so often playing cards to tease Xiao Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan learned a lot.

Zhang Fan, who was growing up, knew that this was a cheating technique in gambling. Idle and bored Zhang Fan often plays cards in his hands.

One year, Zhang Fan, who went back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year, saw the young people in the village playing cards, and he played tricks, and as a result he killed the Quartet and won dozens. I wonder who told Zhang Fan's father that he had a good fight and kept Zhang Fan out of bed for three days.

Father with low culture can't tell the truth, educating Zhang Fan is sticking out filial sons. Since then, Zhang Fan has never participated in gambling anymore and has a deep memory.

The clinical department is the largest department in the medical school. There are many wealthy children who often organize mahjong, golden flowers and the like. These people forget to play and often do not eat.

Takeaway was underdeveloped in the past few years, so as long as there was a gambling game, Zhang Fan would carry instant noodles. Which dormitory in the school had a gambling game, Zhang Fanmen was clear.

Dormitory No. 504 is a gathering place for gambling sticks. When knocking on the door, it is Zhang Fan. One of them may be hungry. He shouted to Zhang Fan: "Trader, I am not dedicated recently, I will starve to death if I don't come again. Now. Hurry, two packages of braised pork and two eggs. "

Originally, there was a word in the name, and every day, a bag was filled with instant noodles, and the nickname of the "monger" was slowly shouted.

"Sorry, these days I've been busy with no stock. Isn't this about to graduate, and I want to play two games watching you in full swing."

After more than four years of hawker life, Zhang Fan has experienced the cruelty of society in advance, and every time he speaks, he almost smiles with a careful smile.

"Ah, it's not easy, the traffickers are coming to play too. Hurry up, everyone will make room for it", talking, seven or eight people have already vacated a position.

They played Jinhua, the same three bombs, of which the A bomb was the largest and the second bomb was the smallest. The straight down was like a straight.

After Zhang Fan came on the court, he slowly followed a few, observed the others, and probably had some in his heart.

Finally, he got a good card and shuffled after winning a small one. Zhang Fan's unique skill was on the shuffle. The few present were not professional gambling sticks. Although he had not played cards for many years, it was easy to fool a few students who had not graduated.

In this way, I won two or three hundred a day, and I did not dare to win more. It was a small field. If a mallet went down to make the bottom of the sky, everyone would not be stupid. In the future, no one would play with Zhang Fan. Who will play with you if you lose.

Twenty days later, tuition was enough. Fan Zhang took the money and paid the tuition fees. Looking at the receipts in his hands, Zhang Fan felt the share of MMP. Every year, he could only make up for the tuition and living expenses.

Helpless, if it was not Zhang's father's beating, Zhang Fan might have abandoned the doctor and bet.

In the past twenty days, I was busy rushing to earn tuition during the day, and at night I had to spend my time thinking about how to play more hidden and invisible to others. It was not easy for him to work hard every day, so he forgot the job fair.

In addition to the three or four insurance graduates in the class, a few have a way to stay to the provincial capital, and the rest have either gone to the county seat or to the corporate hospital.

Even if you go to the county hospital, there is a little way to go. About half a year in advance or a longer time to operate, Zhang Fan can't even make up the tuition fees. Where can I find the relationship?

So job fairs are especially important. Even if the hospital can't get in, you can find a larger, more formal company to be a drug dealer at the job fair.

Fan Zhang, who missed the job fair, was dumbfounded. Where does the graduation certificate go to work?

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion