MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-Chapter 8 Heavy snow into winter

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Chapter 8: It's Snowing Into Winter

After eating half of the meal, Zhang Fan was summoned back to the department. Tuxun is a deputy high. There is a reason for the deputy director to be defeated by Shi Lei in the competition. He has no good fortune. Dean Batu despised him, and he was not Dean Bird, so he was a mess in the department.

"Xiao Zhang, this is your orthopedics, you call the director to transfer to the hospital." Tu Xun said after seeing Zhang Fan.

He was bullying Zhang Fanxin and he didn't understand the hidden rules of the hospital. If Zhang Fan called the dean, let alone the dean's attitude, Shi Lei would not be happy first. Shi Lei's heart and eyes, Tuxun's ashes were all cleaned up, let alone a new one.

"Teacher, we have taken the sick number."

"Stop it? Okay, you take care of it." Tu Xun opened his mouth, thinking of Nour's evaluation of Zhang Fan, and he said nothing.

Zhang Fan, they have been to the hospital for two months, the salary is 9,000 a month, the bonus is paid once every two months, and it is more than 800 a month.

At noon, Nour called Chen Qifa to his director's office, closed the door and said to the two of them: "We have done a good job in the past two months, the amount of surgery is OK, we must work together to get the job done." Speaking to the two, the latter sentence is obviously speaking to Chen Qiqi.

Then he took out two envelopes and handed them to each of them. "This is the cost of consumables for the past two months. One person is nine hundred. The three of us are the same." The cost of consumables is the rebate of various equipment.

In the past, the orthopedic trauma surgery was transferred to the hospital. Since Zhang Fan was admitted, the trauma surgery has been rounded up by him. Although there is one more penny, the amount of surgery can be increased, and the money is a bit more. Lao Chen is also happy.

Quark County belongs to the northern foot of the Tianshan Mountains. After entering October, the weather began to cool down sharply. By the end of October, the peaks in the distance had turned white.

Zhang Fan brought single clothes from the province, and the temperature couldn't hold up these days. I gathered a total of 6,300 for two months, and spent more than one thousand on my own, leaving five thousand. Zhang Fan considered temporarily not paying money for the family for the time being, and said after the girl was admitted to college.

The quark county is not large, so the big cross in the center of the county is a little bit more prosperous, and the cross is the urban-rural junction.

Now that I am working, and the weather is cold and infiltrating, I must buy decent warm clothes. Zhang Fan rode Li Hui's bicycle for more than a thousand and bought a set from top to bottom.

A few days after Zhang Fan bought clothes, it snowed heavily. It was ten centimeters thick overnight. Snow on the frontier is equivalent to blowing the charge, and each unit must go to work to clear the snow half an hour in advance.

Although it is cold in winter, the cold method in Quark County is not the same. Put on a down jacket and go outside for half an hour and freeze it directly. No wonder most people here are wearing leather jackets.

Chen Qifa now has a good relationship with Zhang Fan. He knew that he was obviously inferior to Zhang Fan, so he deliberately approached Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan gave him face. The two are now in harmony.

"Doctor Zhang, it's cold. Down jackets don't matter here. You still have to wear a leather jacket and a leather hat. It's not the coldest time, it's more than 20 degrees below zero.

After work at night, Zhang Fan let Gu Li stop at the door. "Brother, we have the winter festival today, my sister, I invite you to visit our house."

The frontier ethnic minorities began slaughtering cattle and sheep every time the first snow fell, and stored winter food, and slowly formed a festival, the slaughter of winter. During the festival, invite friends and relatives to visit home.

After Gu Li's waist was treated by Zhang Fan, it no longer hurt. I really treat Zhang Fan as my brother. Most people of ethnic minorities are more open-minded, and they can care about you after they recognize you.

In the past few days, there have been many winter festivals. Zhang Fan has been invited a lot to see Tianer's big fish and meat, and his looks are much better than when he first arrived.

The heavy snowfall in Quark County continued for four days, and the outside of the house was already plain white.

On weekends, Li Hui and Zhang Fan didn't have a place to go, just read a book and chat in the dormitory. Li Hui's girlfriend Wang Sha was on duty, and he also became lonely.

When Zhang Fan was ready to go to bed after washing, the cell phone rang, and it was Dean Batu's phone.


"Zhang Fan, where are you, come to the emergency department of the hospital." Zhang Fan was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I'm in the dormitory. I'll be right here."

The snow was slippery, and Batu's nephew accidentally dropped off the three-meter-high bridge after getting drunk. Fortunately, there were many people and they were hurried to the county hospital.

People have been shocked, and the film showed a comminuted fracture of the femur. After Batu asked the doctor to correct the shock for the first time, he sat in 120 and hurried to the city. As a result, Daxuefeng could not get out of the mountain and returned.

The second department of foreign medicine happened to be Chen Qifa on duty. Batu looked at Chen Qifa with a look of death and knew that he could not do it.

"What to do now, you are an orthopedist, you have to come up with a solution." Batu shouted at Chen Qifa loudly.

"Can't you show Dr. Zhang? He comes from a big city and is very knowledgeable."

Chen Qifa was also a dead friend and an immortal friend. Before he finished speaking, Batu turned and called. He also regretted it a bit, forgot to forget Zhang Fan and rushed to the city, which delayed a lot of time. I hope he didn't delay treatment.

Zhang Fan ran to the emergency department in three minutes. There were many relatives of doctors and patients in the corridor in the corridor. But Zhang Fan didn't see Nour's shadow.

"The operation must be performed immediately, and the patient is still bleeding, which cannot be corrected by rehydration shock alone." Zhang Fan said to Batu after watching the film and the patient.

"Are you sure?" Batu whispered close to Zhang Fan.

"Surgery is difficult, but it can be done." Zhang Fan said firmly.

"What do you need? You are giving an oral order now, and we are fully cooperating. Now everything is under your command."

Batu was born in the Department of Imaging. Medicine is a very specialized discipline. Professional matters are left to professional people to do. This is Batu's decades of experience. Zhang Fan's tone also gave Batu hope.

"Draw blood for blood type measurement, prepare 1000ml plasma, prepare in anesthesia department, me, Director Shi, and teacher Chen in the advanced operating room to brush hands. The equipment department has prepared the steel plate." Zhang Fan did not resign, and began to give an oral medical order.

At the beginning of the operation, the comminuted fracture was easy to handle, that is, a relatively large artery was broken, and the hospital did not have a surgical microscope.

Shi Lei was also the first to undergo surgery with Zhang Fan. I heard it was better to see it with my own eyes. When I saw Zhang Fan's skilled and professional technique, Shi Lei ran out of heart. "How old is he? The surgery can achieve this level. I've lived on dogs with him at my age. "

(End of this chapter)

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