MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1923 Please don't do medical beauty if it is not necessary

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  The winter of Chasu is melancholy. If it is cloudy and there are mountains and mountains of fog, it will be like a milky white underwear covering the city. Without the poetic flavor of a small city in the south, the fog here seems more wild.

If you describe the fog in the south, it is like the curling smoke that rises when making tea, and the tea fog is directly the water vapor from the super big pot for steaming steamed buns in the cafeteria. The turbulence makes people think that they have entered a bathhouse. inside.

  In the emergency center of Cha Su Hospital, Zhang Fan frowned.

  The guards have already evacuated, and the faces of several people in the beauty salon turned pale with fright. They probably won't come to Chasu Hospital next time they are killed. Nima is too unreasonable, so she came here with a gun without saying a word.

Medical beauty is born out of medical treatment, and it is not just a department. To be honest, compared with other diseases and departments, it seems that it is a minor operation on normal people. In fact, it is a comprehensive operation. .

  For example, in breast augmentation surgery, an incision should be made from the armpit, and then long oval forceps are used, just like the tongs used in rural areas when I was a child, to free the muscles and fat of the chest first.

   Layer this place, then insert the prosthesis, and then fix it.

   Moreover, with the development of medical aesthetics in recent years, it has developed from double eyelid cutting and eyebrow tattooing to various modifications.

  This kind of plastic surgery has long been out of the scope of minor surgery, such as fat filling, liposuction, and heightening surgery. This is not a minor surgery in the hospital, and the operation is extremely dangerous.

  In medical care, there is a signed consent form. Whenever the doctor preaches to the patient or the patient's family, for example, when he has appendicitis, the doctor says that the patient's life is in danger.

  Families and patients are scolding in their hearts, thinking that the doctor will frighten the patient. Does the doctor want a red envelope?

  Actually, what everyone doesn’t know is that every item in the surgical condition notification book has all happened in real life, and even each item was exchanged for human life.

  In the guidelines for surgery, if you can avoid surgery, try your best not to have surgery. Now, the hospital is not doing well.

   "I hope it's not a fat embolism!" Zhang Fan glanced at the young and slender patient, and murmured silently in his heart.

  At this time, Zhang Fan even hoped that the patient had an air embolism, not a fat embolism.

  The so-called air embolism generally requires about 100-150 air to quickly enter the blood vessel, which is about as much air as half a can of Coke, but Zhang Fan understands that some things are not transferred by human subjective consciousness.

  The two slender thighs were bruised and purple, as if a bull's head had hit them here, and the fat embolism couldn't escape.

   Compared with embolism, fat embolism is the most troublesome.

  There are many ways to treat air embolism and they are also effective. The spies in the movie give people a shot of air and then the patient goes to the hospital. The doctor can’t do anything, it’s all fake. The most common gas embolism is after diving. This kind of embolism pulls the patient into the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, and the effect is very obvious.

  But there is no good way for fat embolism. Don’t look at the patient being pulled into the hospital and given a meal of thrombolysis, anticoagulation, and antiplatelet.

This kind of treatment cannot eliminate the embolism from the mechanism. It seems that there are a lot of anticoagulant and thrombolytic drugs. In fact, I dare not give more. I can only touch it through the vagina, and the effect depends on fate. . Because I dare not give more of this stuff, it’s not that the doctor is reluctant, but once this stuff is given too much, in terms of thrombolytic effect, if the patient moves a little, blood will splatter for five steps, and hemorrhage directly leads to hemorrhagic shock and dies.

  There is also interventional thrombectomy, which works well for other embolisms, but it is useless for fat embolisms. To briefly describe it, this thing is elbow meat that has been boiled to the bone. Intervention is like holding chopsticks.

  Then, when you go down with the chopsticks, you look accurate and ruthless, but when you lift up the chopsticks, the hairs are not caught. Fresh fat embolism in blood vessels is such a state.

   "Yuan Zhang, fat embolism!"

  Lao Yang, who intervened, took off his protective clothing and gave

   Zhang Fan said something.

Zhang Fan nodded. A scholar of Golden Retriever wrote a book. When discussing autologous fat transplantation and plastic surgery, he clearly pointed out that blood vessel embolism caused by fat transplantation, blindness, cerebral infarction, pulmonary infarction, etc. At present, no effective preventive method has been found, and the rescue measures after the occurrence are very difficult.

   "Did the family members come?" Seeing that Zhang Fan's expression was not good, Xue Fei ran out of the emergency room on the pretext of looking for the family members.

  The treatment at this time, to be honest, the most effective is to lower blood pressure with mannitol statically, and then wait to see where the embolus will go.

  When it reaches the brain, the cranium is lifted to decompress it. When it reaches the lungs, we can only find a way to prevent necrosis.

   "Prepare for craniotomy!" When Zhang Fan reached out to ask for the operation consent form to be signed, Xue Fei shouted outside.

   "Yuan Zhang, the family members are here."

   This kind of thing is not Zhang Fan's business, but the emergency center's business.

   But this kind of transfer from an outer hospital, and the hospital has no particularly effective way to deal with it, and Zhang Fan was on the scene again, so he walked out.

  The family members of the patient have arrived. They are a pair of ordinary farmers with gray hair, old faces, and rough hands.

   "What's the matter, girl, what's the matter with my girl?" Trembling hands, supporting each other. Zhang Fan couldn't even open his mouth for the speech he had prepared.

  The longer I work in this industry, the more I hate this situation.

   It was like a pile of cotton wool stuck in his throat, "The situation, the situation is not very optimistic." Zhang Fan said softly.

"Oh! How could it be like this, how could it be like this, Nizi said in the morning that she was going to cut her double eyelids, and she went out happily in the morning, how could it be like this. God, you don't open your eyes, I just like A good boy, how can you let us live!"

  The old mother who has never seen the world can only cry helplessly. On her wrinkled face, the tears are like a dry yellow water seeping into the dry land. She can only cry, and she can only cry.

  As for the elderly father, his legs were trembling uncontrollably, and his lips were trembling, unable to speak a word.

"Save the child, save the child, she has just found a job, the child works very hard, she is obedient and filial, and saves money for a year or two, thinking of making herself more beautiful, so that no one will look down on her when she goes to work .”

  Xue Fei saw it, and hurried forward to pull the two old people to stop falling. The patient was not rescued, and two new patients came out.

   "Speak well to the old man, sign and prepare for the operation as soon as possible!" Zhang Fan sighed helplessly in his heart.

  Really, sometimes Zhang Fan really wants to say something to some people. Any surgery is risky. If you can’t have surgery, don’t have surgery. You haven’t encountered it, but it doesn’t mean it’s safe.

  Especially cosmetic surgery, really, it’s best not to go there unless it’s a last resort.

  Breast augmentation surgery, when it was first invented, was not designed to turn plains into peaks. This is to let some women who have undergone mastectomy not feel inferior and have some difficulties in life because of this operation.

  After Zhang Fan turned and entered the emergency room, Xue Fei explained the operation.

  Old Chen blinked, and whispered to the director of the security department: "Quickly tell the guards to control these people!" Then he picked up the phone and called Chief Zhou of the police station in Chasu.

   "The cost here is estimated to be beyond the reach of patients, so don't let the real boss run away."

  Old Chen, who has been in hot oil three times, is very clear about some routines on the market. Medical beauty institutions have a characteristic.

  It means that a company sets up a company, a large company sets up a small company, and the small company just finds a passer-by to give some money, and then you become a legal person. Even sometimes, just a random ID card can become a legal person, and they know this way too well.

  When there is no accident, they often don’t see any disadvantages, pay taxes on time, and are enthusiastic about public welfare, but once a major accident occurs, it will exceed the cost of their decoration and lease.

  At this time, the family changed and ran away. Anyway, the house is not

   It’s my own, the boss is someone else, at most it’s just a little worthless equipment and some doctors and nurses who get paid to work.

  When the passer-by boss was caught, he didn't know what happened. Ordinary people have nothing to do against them.

   After the matter subsided after a while, he hid in the dark and sent someone like his wife to come back, spend some money to change the name, change from Maria to Santa Maria, and continue to make money.

  So, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

  Old Chen saw Zhang Fan moved with compassion, so he called the boss of Chasu Police Station, otherwise, he would definitely not be troublesome.

The effect of the operation was not very good. The patient came off the operating table, and he was awake, but hemiplegia occurred on one side of the limb. A girl in her twenties has become withered and yellow in this life directly from the most beautiful age. leaves.

  This kind of hemiplegic recovery is extremely slow, and the time unit is directly calculated in years or even ten years.

   The diagnosis of the fat man is also clear, ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament.

  The disease is unique to people in Southeast Asia, and only 17% of patients are symptomatic. Such patients are generally treated conservatively, but this patient must undergo surgery.

  With a weight of more than three hundred catties, the old yellow face in the anesthesiology department turned green during anesthesia.

   "Yuan Zhang, the anesthetics are overdose. He hasn't been completely anesthetized yet. If you give more, there will be no drug-induced liver damage."

  When Zhang Fan heard this, he was also worried.

  Roshan-like physique, placed on the operating table, is directly like that kind of big monkfish. Looking over it, it is full of meat.

   After finally getting numb, Zhang Fan was so distressed during the operation.

   It took a long time to cut with a knife. Other patients would have seen the spine, but this guy hasn't even cut through the fat layer.

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