MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1927 Scaring the old lady, the old lady can't scare you to death!

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  Patents, laws, let alone golden retrievers, in fact, it is the same for any country, that is, it is used to deal with ordinary people, and of course it is also to protect ordinary people. As for the level of the country, it is actually a urinal.

For example, the country of Wanzi was ambitious and wanted to make a big splash in medicine. Don’t underestimate the country of Wanzi. The people in this country have a perverted character in their bones. They secretly learn to imitate and dream of surpassing each other. .

  Back then, Takeda of the Maruko Country was still from Sorai, and he developed the multiple myeloma drug Va. He originally wanted to get a golden retriever to make a fortune, and then break the embarrassing state of his country that has always been third-rate in medicine. Dreams are good, and pharmaceutical companies think that their own drugs will one day be like meatball cars, and the golden retriever cars they hit will run away with their heads in their arms.

   As a result, after arriving in Golden Retriever, the judge of the Golden Retriever Federal Court ruled that the patent of Wanzi Country was invalid. Why was it invalid? Anyway, after the court ruled, several pharmaceutical companies in Golden Retriever immediately launched several generic drugs for multiple myeloma. Really overnight, the pharmaceutical companies in Wanzi Country lost billions of dollars, and the research and development expenses were really paid for. Zhang Fan can deeply understand this.

  The country of meatballs is relatively less targeted in this regard. After all, the medicine of the country of meatballs cannot reach the top position in the world. It is the Golden Retriever and the German Retriever who really fight each other. For example, Merck’s blood cancer drug (cetuximab) was produced by several pharmaceutical companies on the Golden Retriever’s side. Then there was a lawsuit, which lasted for more than ten years. Really, Nima people are dead, and the lawsuit is not over yet. Huaguo has always been given preferential treatment in this regard, and there are very few pharmaceutical companies in Golden Retrievers that copy the medicines of the Huaguo twins! Golden Retriever has done a good job in this aspect. Lilan Xiao has a substitute in his own country, so he tries to delay the time to enter his own market. If Lilan can't replace it, they will still put their face in their trouser pockets. Get you a twin.

   In the face of real interests, the relationship between countries is actually the law of the forest. What kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality, you are all talking about bullshit, and hitting halfway is the basic operation. Who will wait for you to cross the river and pack it up before fighting you in an upright manner. Isn't this **** fool!

   But now, the golden retriever took off his pants naked to show off, this **** Zhang Fan is really not scared.

  If it was in the past, even if Zhang Fan got angry again, he would have to turn around, lift his butt, and tell the golden retriever in tears, slow down, I have hemorrhoids. You take the big head, I take the small head.

  But now, it’s different. In the past few years, with an annual income of tens of billions of dollars, is Zhang Fan really a miser?

  Looking at Chasu Hospital, there are many laboratory buildings and branch hospitals. Now Chasu City can almost be said to be the territory of Chasu Hospital.

Moreover, Zhang Fan is never soft on poaching people, and Zhang Fan, who is not stingy, would rather be despised by colleagues in Huaguo, and even almost expelled from his alma mater. He still leads a small **** in one hand and a wad of money in the other every day, blooming in all directions .

   It can be said that Zhang Fan's medical level is difficult to say, but he is currently in Huaguo, but whoever is a leader of a hospital or an experimental team with a little bit of reputation, who is not afraid to buy and buy Jiang.

  Even if you are an old man with a lot of tendons, seeing Zhang Fan is always a good-natured, good-natured friend who is not dead and poor. He really can't afford to provoke him!

  When Zhang Fan was scolded and condemned from all sides, Chasu Hospital had transformed itself from a little girl who had to show her **** in a grass skirt to a mountain peak in Huaguo Medical.

   Golden Retriever threatened Zhang Fan, thinking that Zhang Fan would soften. However, they were wrong.

  Heimaimaijiang was really angry, and said to Zhao Yanfang: "Don't talk about it, there is nothing to record, let's not talk about it.

   Now immediately let the tuberculosis drug team be divided into three groups, each of the three academicians will lead a group, and the first group will immediately start researching and developing similar drugs for Huo Lemei. Our tuberculosis drug platform is just in line with this drug.

  The second group conducts surprise research and development on alfa iridium pergotine, and immediately stops other related experiments, and must develop twin drugs within half a year.

  The third group, hasn’t the molecular structure of infliximab been tested when developing tuberculosis? Immediately enter the stage of animal experimentation. Years ago, we want to give good news to the people who have been entrapped by imperialism.

  After these drugs are developed, we will sell them at half the price, or even lower prices. Aren't you going to imitate our rectal cancer and hepatitis B drugs?

  It's okay, come on, let's imitate each other and exchange information, Nima, I really want to see how you imitate. "

   After speaking, Zhang Fan left without looking back.

When Zhang Fan lost his temper, the director directly took off his glasses, lowered his head, and didn't look at anyone, like an old pedant who encountered a problem he was wondering, staring at the negotiation manuscript without moving, but the slightly raised corners of his mouth showed that this guy It is estimated that he is holding back.

  Zhang Fan can get mad, and even talk nonsense, such as imperialism, copying each other, anyway, even if he talks about it, the other party has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.

  He also wanted to do the same, but he couldn’t. If he really wanted to learn from Zhang Fan, he would probably be criticized.

  The people on the Golden Retriever side were stunned. Isn’t this a negotiation? How could they just drop something and leave? When all the translations came, the Golden Retriever's side was blown up too, damn, how dare you do this.

  The drugs mentioned by Zhang Fan are almost all the top ten drugs sold by Lilan in the world. It can almost be said that this is the lifeblood of Jinmao Pharmaceutical. They thought Zhang Fan was too presumptuous. In fact, drugs for rectal cancer and hepatitis B are Zhang Fan's lifeblood.

  Anyway, Zhang Fan also thought about it, great, grabbed each other's lifeblood, and pulled it out desperately, to see who can't help crying first.

  Now tea has capital, and Huaguo also has some capital. If it was released before, it would be difficult. After all, you still have to be able to brag, otherwise it will be a joke. Maybe someone will drive the aircraft carrier to your door, lift the gun barrel to let you see how thick it is, and they will do whatever they say. On the EU side, the talks are not going well. They repeatedly pull and pull around various regulations and agreements, but Ren Li usually stares like a lucky cat with wide eyes. , is quite adaptable.

   Anyway, if there is no result on the Golden Retriever side, the EU side is just nonsense. Don't look at this group of people who seem stupid to be Golden Retriever's thugs. In fact, they are not stupid. Now it means that Golden Retriever is charging, and they follow behind to pick up the leak.

   What was really lively was Ouyang's side. There were five or six businessmen from all over the country sitting in the venue, looking like business elites.

"Agents must pay a deposit, each drug is at least 500 million, and the annual sales volume must be increased by 60%. Those who fail to reach the deposit will be fined and the agency right will be removed. And accept 30% of the drug property rights of Cha Su Medical Experimental Co., Ltd. Shareholding...」

  Old lady Ouyang solemnly read out the terms she had discussed with Zhang Fan.

  There is no need to talk about the research and development of the efficacy of drugs here, it is just a bayonet.

All of a sudden, the dealers in the second way were dumbfounded. Nima, you are selling drugs or contraband, and you are increasing sales by 60% every year. The deposit is 500 million. Why don't you grab it? Want to be invested?

  The old lady must have been drunk before she came to work this morning.

  A group of second-hand traffickers have already united in private. After all, they don’t need to divide their territory.

  So although they are all colleagues, they are probably the industry with the most harmonious relationship among colleagues.

   As a result, originally sharpening her sword and wanting to make a fortune from the Cha Su Hospital, unexpectedly, the old lady Cha Su began to talk in her sleep in broad daylight.

An Erdao businessman who wandered around the capital all the year round said with a smile: "Dean Ouyang, don't ask for high prices. Our channels have been operated for many years. After we act as an agent, we don't need to advertise. It’s sold out for you, and we haven’t asked you for advertising fees yet, but you want to show our company instead, it’s not good.”

"Ha ha!"

  Although the group of people did not laugh wantonly, they were also very undignified.

  Ouyang lowered his head, squinted his eyes and glanced at this chubby Erdao dealer from the upper edge of his glasses frame.

  Then the old lady snapped and patted the table.

  Don't look at lean

  Skinny old lady, but she still has a lot of strength to slap the table. After all, she has been practicing for many years.

   Fatty Bai was taken aback, and his smiling face was scared away.

Ouyang pointed directly at the other party's nose and scolded: "What are you, a cadre at the deputy office level of my old lady, let you be humiliated like this. You are a second-rate dealer, standing here brazenly questioning our hospital and the government after countless days and nights. document.

  You are despising the government and the country. Don’t think that there are a few powerful people standing behind you, so you are defiant and even scare and threaten the old lady. When I was on the battlefield, you were still eating shit. Behind my mother is the country! "

   "You, why are you swearing at people! When did I despise the country?" The fat man's face turned blue with anger. He didn't scare Ouyang. He came here to ask for money, not revenge. He just wanted to let Ouyang know that he knew his own strength.

   When it comes to quarrels, Ouyang let it out, and it is estimated that there are not many people in Huaguo who can fight.

  The old lady felt uncomfortable when the outline was launched. This little trick was nothing in those days. Ouyang doesn't talk to you about right and wrong, she just confuses concepts now, makes you arrogant, and scares the old lady. If the old lady doesn't scare you, you pee your pants.

   I didn’t plan to have a serious talk with them, but if I don’t, they will talk about Chasu Hospital as a shepherd dog or a privileged unit.

  So, let’s talk, do you accept my conditions, or the negotiation will fail if you don’t accept it.

   Just right, Ouyang didn't have an excuse to smash the stall, but now it's all right, the fat man handed over the steps.

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