MTL - Path of Medicine With a System-v2 Chapter 1944 Where's my Adasi?

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  Chapter 1944 Where is my Adasi?

  A fat man was lying on a hospital bed, and the flesh on his body was hanging beside the bed like a meat bag. Lift off the accessories covering the abdominal cavity, the fat man's belly looks like it has been tanned too much after tanning.

   Surrounding the incision, the outermost skin color is scorched black skin, like a fried oil cake. It is golden yellow with a black burnt color, and the closer to the incision, the color gradually changes to rouge, and the skin around the incision is directly like abalone that has been overcooked and dyed.

   "The fat inside the incision collapsed, not only blocked the drainage tube, but the patient also had a high fever."

  The deputy director personally introduced the patient's condition to Zhang Fan.

  Zhang Fan took the medical records and began to check the patient's examination records.

  At this time, Zhang Fan no longer smiled, but entered the working state. After reading the medical records, Zhang Fan gently closed the medical records, and the deputy director immediately took them with both hands.

  Then I started the physical examination, "I already have jaundice, and the skin color tends to turn yellow, and the blockage is very serious."

  Zhang Fan's physical examination was nothing unusual for the directors and deputy directors, but it was quite amazing for young doctors.

   "Do you think the physical examination in textbooks is as standard as that of Zhang Yuan?"

"I don't know who is more standard, but I think that with the inspection of Zhang Hospital, if the outpatient clinic does not rest a day, it can see at most 30 patients, or even 30 patients. How many patients do we have in a day? Two Let's start with a hundred, if the leader encounters other things, and then turn over the experts, the number of patients is two hundred and twenty-three, how can there be time for a physical examination, and it is too late to see the results of the examination.

   This method is also used by the boss to pretend. But to be honest, the standard of Zhang Yuan is still there, and his technique is better than our director's teaching rounds. "

   Several attending doctors gossiped quietly, there were too many people, and a group of young doctors squeezed in front to watch Zhang Fan's technique carefully, afraid of missing any details.

  Actually, this kind of physical examination is not enough to just look at it with bare eyes. After reading it once, it seems that it is not difficult. When I get started half an hour later, I don’t know where to start.

   It’s definitely the rhythm of the brain saying it knows it, the eyes saying it understands it, and then your hands are aggrieved and talking nonsense.

After the examination, Zhang Fan turned his head slightly and said, "Although this type of operation cannot be performed immediately, it must be debrided, otherwise the collapse will cause serious infection. Give me a size 7.5 sterile glove, and another one that is thicker. The soft drainage tube, and the debridement kit!"

   "I'll go, Zhang Yuan is about to get started."

   "Zhang Yuan is Zhang Yuan. He dares to do this kind of surgery. Hey, the gap between people is really big."

  In the medical circle, there are several types of patients that are difficult to find other doctors to take over, such as internal fixation with steel plates, traumatic HIV, and debridement of postoperative infection. This kind of surgery, don't talk about changing the hospital for treatment, even if you change the doctor in a hospital, there may not be someone to take over.

  If this kind of operation is done well, you should be right. If it is not done well, the disputes will last for several years, and this kind of operation is extremely prone to problems.

  A long time ago, there was a doctor who performed the appendix together with his master. At that time, the appendix surgery was still incision. After the appendix operation, his master retired and left. As a result, the incision of the patient did not heal, just like a child's mouth, and pus was vomited once every ten or twenty days, and there were black threads in the pus.

  Then, this patient and this doctor lasted for more than ten years, just like menstruation. Every month, this patient came to this doctor, and then scolded the doctor, while the doctor smiled and changed his medicine.

  So, for this kind of postoperative infection, experts from other hospitals generally don’t even give advice, and at most say one thing: symptomatic treatment.

  Zhang Fan has no scruples, not because he has absolute confidence, but because he is a doctor.

   Disinfection, hands and arms were smeared with the no-clean disinfectant, and the skin felt slightly tight as if covered with a thin film. Hospital disinfectants often have a degreasing function.

   Even soap actually has the function of degreasing. Many doctors' hands, after getting old, are as dry as chicken feet when stretched out. Zhang Fan's hands already had this tendency.

Although the body is still strong and the muscles are still plump, but the hands are now like installed mechanical hands, and sometimes even Shao Hua will complain, "Your hands hurt me, do you have teeth growing on your fingers?" ?”

   Disinfecting the towels, the director and deputy director of Zhongyong General Surgery went up directly and began to act as Zhang Fan's assistants. After the two finished laying the towels, the director also began to disinfect and put on gloves. Zhang Fan wants to get started, they can't stand on the sidelines and watch.

   "It will probably hurt a little, bear with it." Zhang Fan said to the fat man with a smile.

   Fatty's nervous, trembling double chin can be seen on his fleshy face. The cruelty of medical treatment can also be seen where the flesh of a strong man can tremble with fear.

Many people think that if they have a problem with their health, they just need to go to the hospital. In fact, going to the hospital is not a good thing, except for giving birth. Therefore, it is better to take care of your health on weekdays. After all, this is what can support you in this life. Secondary body.

  The blue towel covered the fat man's head and face, as if he was about to send him away. The fat man's breathing became short of breath, and the blue towel moved up and down with his breathing.

Putting on the gloves, Zhang Fan lightly pressed the skin around the incision. The incision on the skin was like a child's mouth, spitting out liquefied fat, like fat meat chewed by a toothless old lady. Scattered and broken.

  Zhang Fan's pressing is not boring, but to determine which direction the degree of liquefaction is more serious.

  Ordinary doctors can only rely on color Doppler ultrasound at this time, but Zhang Fan doesn't use it. The accumulation of surgeries in the past few years is really not for nothing.

  Standing up his middle finger, after wiping it with paraffin oil gauze, Zhang Fan slowly rotated his fingertips around the incision.

   This is not only to adapt the incision skin, but also to allow the lubricating oil to fully contact the incision skin.

   Then, with a puff, Zhang Fan inserted his **** directly in, it was too easy.

Zhang Fan, who entered the fat layer, frowned slightly, because it was too easy. Normal fat, with one finger inserted, is not only laborious, but also has a strong sense of damping. Although it is a super lubricated fat layer, it still makes people feel A feeling of dryness.

  The old driver of this thing can probably understand it.

   Now, after Zhang Fan puts one of his fingers in, not only does it not feel wrapped, but it is like a toothpick inserted into a large water tank. When you shake it, you can even feel a sense of waves inside.

   This is definitely not an exaggeration.

   It is vertical when it enters, but it is hook-shaped when it comes out. Necrotic fat sticks to the fingers, and the fat is like meat sausage that has been placed for a long time.

  It's like the smell of bacon cleaning.

  In Zhang Fan's fingers, there are not only liquefied fat, but also coagulated blood clots. The bluish liquid is mixed with black and red, which is really like the granular shape caused by irregular menstruation.

When Zhang Fan's finger was pulled out, the director wearing sterile gloves quickly began to wipe it with iodophor, from top to bottom, and even the finger crevices were cleaned. Wipe the same.

  Go on, plug it in and pull it out, pull it out and plug it in.

  At the beginning, the fat man was very nervous. But in and out, it doesn't seem to hurt at all.

  Fatty thinks this **** is nothing special.

As a result, when the cleaning began to slowly turn bright red, the muscles all over Fatty's body tensed up and began to hurt when the finger was inserted suddenly. It's like stuffing the chrysanthemum and pulling the intestines outward.

   "Ugh!" The fat man in pain started to moan.

   But it’s useless, a group of young doctors have six or seven hands on each arm like killing pigs.

  Clean up, stuff in gauze, or dry gauze.

  When the rough gauze was stuffed in, the fat man started to call his mother in pain.

   The necrotic tissue is cleaned up, and the rest of the tissue is healthy.

   This thing is like sandpaper sanding the subcutaneous tissue of the foreskin that has never seen the sun and wind. The painful fat man secretes urine.

  Gauze is inserted piece by piece under the collapsed skin, "drainage tube."

   "Be patient, just two injections, two injections for anesthesia, two injections for no anesthesia, and no anesthesia for you."

  The thick drainage tube is like a milk tea straw stuffed into the gauze.

  Then, the fat man felt a severe pain of burning electrodes. The fat man was already covered in sweat, and there were crystal clear beads of sweat hanging on the hair of his calf.

   "Remember, debride the wound once every three days, and make sure there is no infection before elective surgery."

  The fat patient, after being covered with accessories, sighed for a long time, as if he had entered the state of a sage afterwards, and fell asleep within a few moments.

  General surgery rounds, chest rounds, Zhang Fan has been doing rounds in the surgery building throughout the day.

  In the mediocre internal medicine department, several directors who are close to each other chat while eating together.

   "Why don't we invite Zhang Yuan to come over and do the ward round?"

   "Forget it, let's not join in the fun. I saw the boss this morning. The boss's face is pulled like a shoehorn, and his face is as dark as if his wife was kidnapped."

  In the surgery building, a group of young doctors became more enthusiastic than each other. I had only heard that Zhang Fan's level was high before, but how high is it? Now they know that Zhang Fan really didn't blow it out.

   "Zhang Yuan, I have something to do. Is it convenient for you? A young man in our department, his lover has a liver tumor, which is central. He was supposed to be operated on today, but you are here, why don't you stand up?"

  The director of chest surgery brought a young doctor with a nervous expression on his face.

   "Okay, help me change the plane to tomorrow. I must help this job. They are all on my own. It's fine if I don't come. If I don't help now, it will be unreasonable."

  Zhang Fan agreed without any hesitation, and the young doctor's excited eyes were full of tears.

  Chasu, the International Medical Department, the chief of the local tyrant country has lost his temper.

   "Where's Zhang Fan Adasi? I can't ask Zhang Fan Adasi to check me now? Is our friendship over?"

  A group of diplomats, not only from the rich country, but even the diplomats from the Hua country are all sweating.

  This old man really can't be provoked. In recent years, although Golden Retriever has strictly controlled the Tuhao country, just like his own sister-in-law.

   But Hua Guo still flirts with others secretly, and now the old chief is angry.

  The diplomats kept complaining in their hearts, "This Zhang Fan, this Zhang Fan, I don't understand the severity!"

   At this time, no one dared to speak. Ouyang saw that this was not a problem.

   She smiled and stood up!

  (end of this chapter)

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