MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 337 bet

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In fact, this is also a very normal thing.

After all, Li Yuan was a stranger in the horse racing world. Before that, his horse had never participated in any competition. What's more, he still passed the awards and won the qualifications by running the results, which made the horse owners look down.

Therefore, even if Jie personally introduced Li Yuan to other people, the horse owners were still very cold to him, and they loved to ignore them.

Li Yuan did not mind this. Looking at the horse owners who gathered together and whispered, he took a glass of champagne and stood at the window to watch the night scene.

"Little Li, don't mind." Jie quickly came to comfort Li Yuan: "The horse owners are all very proud people, they feel that their horse is the best, so..."

Li Yuanchong smiled slightly: "Mr. Wang, I didn't mind. I will let them know tomorrow, what is the real good horse."

"Haha, I believe that chocolate is definitely a dark horse in this competition." Jay also smiled: "At least in one game."

Jie also regards Li Yuan as his own person, so the speech will be so direct. In his opinion, chocolate may have the ability to win a game, but if you want to play two games in an hour and a half, I am afraid that there will be insufficient stamina, so there is no need to expect too much in the second game.

Li Yuan naturally would not say to Jie Ming, but just smiled at him: "I can be satisfied with winning a game."

Speaking of this, Jay is saying: "Listen to the colleague of the Jockey Club, today, you bought nine million dollars in chocolate to win in the first game?"

"Yeah." Li Yuan nodded honestly: "Don't you say that the horse owner can bet on his own right? So I will..."

"But you have nine million." Jie smiled and said: "If you lose..."

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Nothing, if you lose, you lose. You should support the Jockey Club and support charity."

"Young people are so powerful." Jay shook his head. "But the odds of chocolate at the moment are ten to one. If it wins... you can get at least 80 million if you get rid of taxes. It is indeed the risk, the gain. Bigger!"

Li Yuan laughed and said: "I am afraid it will not stop."

"How do you say this?"

"I decided that if I won the first game, I would immediately take all the bonuses to buy the second game. At that time..." Li Yuan smiled at Jay: "When is the time to see the odds of the second game, but even if One to one, the bonus will not be less."

I didn’t expect Li Yuan to play so big, even Jie couldn’t help but shook his head: “If the chocolate really won the first game, then the second horse will usher in the biggest single bet ever, you are going to be In the history book."

Li Yuan is not very interested in being recorded in history. He just wants to win more money. After all, he has so many confidantes, and he doesn't want to be ill-treated. He is even more unwilling to treat himself, so making money has become the top priority.

There were several horse owners who met the vice president of the Jockey Club and they all spoke to Li Yuan. They also despised the horse owner who participated in the competition.

One of the gray-haired foreigners gave a look to the other people, and took the wine glass and walked over to the two.

"Mr. Wang, hello." The foreigner first greeted Jie, and then deliberately looked at Li Yuandao: "This is... Oh, sorry, I don't remember very well, forget your surname."

Although I can see that this guy is intentional, Li Yuan is still very graceful: "My surname is Li, called Li Yuan."

"Oh, right, oh my memory, hello Mr.!" The guy pretended: "My name is Douglas, Michael Douglas."

"Hello Mr. Douglas." Li Yuan said faintly: "I don't know which horse owner you are in tomorrow's game?"

"Black lightning is my horse." Douglas screamed: "It's no wonder that you are not familiar with me because you didn't participate in the rematch! Black lightning is the most promising champion, you have to be careful!"

Li Yuanfu did not change his color: "Then I really want to pay attention to it. The second place tomorrow should be black lightning."

Douglas changed his face: "What do you mean by Mr. Li?"

"Because..." Li Yuan is confident and confident: "The winners of tomorrow's two games will be my love chocolate!"

"Haha, Mr. Li will really laugh!" Douglas said with a smile: "A horse that has never won a record before, actually wants to win two championships? This is simply a delusion!"

Li Yuan did not want to talk nonsense with such people, but smiled faintly: "Would you like to bet?"

"I bet you a million dollars!" Douglas waved in the air: "Bet black lightning can beat your chocolate! Take another million dollars to gamble with you, chocolate can't even win two championships!"

"Bet!" Li Yuan and Douglas shook hands, and then said to Jie: "Let Mr. Wang be a witness, I think you have no opinion?"

"No opinion!" Douglas was also unambiguous, and immediately handed out a two-million-dollar check to Jay.

Although there is no money in the bank account, Li Yuan still issued a check for two million dollars. Anyway, chocolate is a win-win situation, and there is no need to worry about the problems that will be discovered by others.

After setting a bet with Li Yuan, Douglas walked away with arrogance. He is also very confident in his black lightning and feels that he will certainly not lose to the unknown Chinese.

After Douglas left Jay Chou smiled at Li Yuan: "It seems that you really want to play a big one, even this opportunity is not missed."

"I was seen by you." Li Yuan said with a smile: "I call it a hay and a rabbit, and both sides are not delayed!"

Li Yuan and Douglas bet quickly spread. Everyone was very puzzled about this matter and felt that Li Yuan was sending money to Douglas. After all, Douglas's black lightning is just a strong year, and has won several international competitions. It is the biggest hot spot in this competition.

In contrast, Li Yuan is a nameless pawn. His chocolate has not participated in a game before this time. This time, he also obtained a foreign card to qualify. The strength of both sides is not at the same level, no matter who thinks that Li Yuan has lost.

So many people are secretly laughing at Li Yuan, saying that he is not self-sufficient, actually to challenge Douglas, it is simply self-inflicted.

Many people are waiting for tomorrow's game to see Li Yuan's chocolate being left in the final line. In their view, this bet Li Yuan lost.

In the hope of everyone, the first short-distance Marseille is about to begin. (To be continued.)