MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 4 0 years wild ginseng

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Although Li Yuan himself feels incredible, there is no other explanation except this. The only possibility is that the gold beads that were picked up from the peach kernel yesterday were broken and absorbed by ginseng, so this will happen. However, this is only Li Yuan’s speculation. He is not sure what the truth is.

For Li Yuan, it is difficult to find out the truth, so he quickly decided to take this ginseng to Lao Liao to see if the change is good or bad.

Before going out, Li Yuan smashed the leaves and fruits of ginseng. After all, it was too magical. The old Liao has already been half-earthed, and Li Yuan does not want to scare him. If he makes a three-long and two-short, it is not good.

Liao Hanqing, the old name of Liao, is also a neighbor of Li Yuan. The two live very close and arrive in a few minutes. Speaking of old Liao, Li Yuan is admired except for gratitude.

When Li Yuan’s mother was still alive, Lao Liao had no choice but to help Li Yuan’s mother and child because of the pity of their orphans and widows. After Li Yuan’s mother died of overwork, she was led by Lao Liao. Under the busy work of Li Qian’s parents and other neighbors, she gave Li Yuan’s mother a funeral dinner.

Therefore, Li Yuan has always treated Lao Liao as a grown-up. Although they are very casual when they get along with each other, this is definitely a respectable elder in Li Yuan’s heart.

Lao Liao lives alone, Li Yuan even has the key to his family. The familiar door opened the door of the old Liao family. The first thing I saw was the thick old bamboo and a lot of bamboo carvings.

Old Liao is not too young, and the old rheumatism legs make him inconvenient to move all the year round, usually rely on carving these things to pass the time. In fact, the bamboo carving that Li Yuan sold yesterday is the work of Lao Liao.

Li Yuan and Lao Liao are responsible for carving, and the other is responsible for the sale. Although the two have never talked about how to make the money, they have always cooperated very well. Li Yuan also used most of the money he earned to buy medicine and various supplements for Lao Liao, and only a small part of himself was used.

"Old Liao, I am coming." Li Yuan shouted after entering the door, and soon saw Lao Liao came out with a cane.

There are more than sixty old Liao, and the hands are as rough as sandpaper. It is obviously used to be rough. However, in his small and crowded study, he was filled with books, and many of them were about to be smashed. From this point of view, Lao Liao is a bit like a scholar.

None of the neighbors knew the origins of Lao Liao, and he himself had been keeping a close eye on it. Li Yuan had never asked him very interestingly. In Li Yuan's view, it is enough to know what kind of person Liao is. There is no need to ask questions about the past.

"Your boy is coming!" Old Liao's tone was cold, but the wrinkled old face had a hint of gratification.

"I sold the bamboo sculpture yesterday, three hundred." Although I know that Lao Liao does not care about this, Li Yuan still habitually pays the bill to Lao Liao.

Old Liao really frowned, and then it didn't matter: "How much is your business, you don't have to tell me later."

"I just talked casually." Li Yuan smiled slightly: "Then you bought the root ginseng, but... the ginseng you bought this time is a bit strange, you still have to see if you can eat it."

In Li Yuan’s impression, Lao Liao’s knowledge is extremely complex, and it can be said that astronomical geography is omniscient, so it is not appropriate for him to identify the “variant” ginseng.

Lao Liao frowned and said: "What is a bit strange, your kid should not be deceived by people..."

At this time, Li Yuan had already taken out the ginseng. Lao Liao immediately swallowed the back words and pointed at the ginseng with amazement. His fingers were a little trembling.

I have known Lao Liao for so long, Li Yuan has never seen him like this, and quickly reminded: "Hey, don't be excited! Now we can have both of us. If you blew the blood vessels, I will be covered. It’s not a mouth to say it!”

Li Yuan’s words played a role, and Lao Liao finally returned to his normal appearance, and stunned him with a look: “You stink, you will talk nonsense, get ginseng to me!”

Li Yuanxiao smiled and handed over the ginseng. Old Liao carefully took over the ginseng, carefully looked at it for a while and then praised: "This... this is the real wild ginseng! 瞧瞧 This shape, this iron line, the pearl on the bowl and the root must Grain, this wild ginseng is at least a hundred years old! Kid, are you going to rob the Chinese medicine store?"

"Cut, we are all so familiar, I still don't understand you." Li Yuan felt that he was greatly insulted and said with indignation: "I will do things that are not technical, rely on brute force?" ?!"

Lao Liao looked at Li Yuan for a while, then thought deeply and nodded: "Yes, your kid is weak and sick, so he prefers to lie and swindle, and rob this kind of work that requires strength. You really can't do it!" ”

Li Yuan did not say good-naturedly: "I don't discuss this with you. Just tell me if this ginseng can be eaten, and it will be good for your body!"

"This is still asking?" Lao Liao gave Li Yuan a white-eyed saying: "This is a wild ginseng of more than 100 years. Now there is no place to buy it on the market! Before the rich people died, they wanted to live a few more days. Will use this kind of thing to hang, you said can you eat? According to my estimation, the effect of this ginseng on a ginseng can be worth a whole forest ginseng."

Li Yuan sighed with a sigh of relief: "If you can eat, just take it and eat it slowly."

See Li Yuan actually want to give this wild ginseng to him for more than 100 years. Lao Liao quickly said: "Kid, your heart is my collar, but this thing is too precious, I really can't!"

"When did I say that I didn't count it?" Li Yuan frowned. "This ginseng was originally bought for Don't want anyone else!"

When this sentence was exported, Li Yuan picked up the machete used by the old Liao to cut the bamboo, and slammed it against the ginseng.

"Oh!" In the scream of the old Liao, the ginseng was cut into two paragraphs cleanly and neatly.

"You kid, it's a violent thing!" Seeing that things are irreparable, Lao Liao reluctantly pointed to Li Yuandao: "Do you know how much money this ginseng can now? This is all over!"

Li Yuan casually threw the machete to the side and clap his hands and ask: "How much can it be?"

"At least 250,000!" Lao Liao cherished the truth: "And if the appearance is good, there are more!"

"Two ... 250,000?" Hearing this price, Li Yuan also involuntarily widened his eyes, and even said that it was unfavorable.

"Haha, do you know that you are distressed?" Lao Liao smiled. "Get these two pieces back. If you meet someone who knows the goods, you can still sell tens of thousands!"

However, what surprised Liao Liao was that Li Yuan did not take back the plan of this wild ginseng. Instead, he did not care about it. "Not a wild ginseng, I am not at all rare. You should take care of it." Maybe you can still have a second spring, and then find a wife to give birth to a baby, haha!"

"You kid, take my old man to go on fun, roll!" Answering Li Yuan, naturally, is the dissatisfaction of Lao Liao.

After being beaten by Li Yuan, Lao Liao did not ask him where the ginseng came from. Of course, Li Yuan will not take the initiative to mention it. After a few words with Lao Liao, he will leave and leave. Welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in ~ Mobile users please read.