MTL - Peerless Battle Spirit-Chapter 2993 Open Chaos Palace (7)

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"It's almost time, and we should start." The spirit of Tianjibang stood up, raised his tea cup, and laughed: "Before that, we would like to raise a cup together, and hope that after the Chaos Palace, we can still gather here. , Tea talk. "

"It must be!" Everyone toasted and drank.

The spirit of the Tianji list put down the tea cup and flicked his fingers. I saw a flash of light ahead. A jade boat about 100 feet long and about 20 feet wide appeared. The boat was covered with colorful dragon scales, exuding a wave A touch of Long Wei.

"Following the light and traveling the dragon boat?" Wu Di lit up his eyes and said, "This magic weapon is good. Although the speed is average, the breath can be hidden very well. As long as you keep a certain distance, even the Emperor can't find its existence."

The scales of the chasing light and dragon boat flickered one after another, as if in response to what Wu Di said.

"It was also an accidental opportunity." The spirit of Tianji list smiled, took the lead in the boat, Qin Nan and others followed.

The chasing light and the dragon boat issued a seemingly lingering dragon groan, which immediately turned into a ray, flew out of space, into the void, and hurried toward the Chaos Palace.

The Chaos Palace is located in the depths of the mysterious sky on the blue dome, and it must be driven from the edge of the upper mysterious sky. The distance is extremely long, and the road is extremely dangerous.

Although it is only necessary to open the Supreme Palace of Chaos, in the realm of the Supreme Supreme, no matter how good luck is, even if the strength is as strong as Qin Nan, it is impossible and will inevitably fall in the middle.

Even the Seven Great Treasures have to be careful, so we can see.

However, in the past few thousand years, the spirit of Tianjibang has been exploring. In addition to the cooperation with Wu Di in the past two months, we have already learned a relatively safe path.

Tongtian Daoshu, Ji Xuan, Huang Yun, and Gu Fei all meditated cross-legged. Even Princess Miao Miao did not continue to be upset. She sat quietly on the side, her body shining with mysterious light, and she understood something.

When Qin Nan saw this, he immediately sent a message to the spirit of Tianji Bang, and said, "Hey, what's wrong with flying over?"

"Your boy, it ’s really a blessing." The inspiration of Tianjibang said, "She knows that you will be in a bad situation in the future, so she uses the Xiu to dominate the peak as a risk to break in. To find opportunities in the green dome. Not long ago, I was trying to gain an opportunity in life. "

"Is she okay?" Qin Nan's heart tightened suddenly.

"Relax, your little lover, there is no problem now." The spirit of Tianjibang said here, can not help but sigh, said: "To be honest, since I saw her, I often wonder if it is your martial arts Talent is strong, or her martial arts talent is strong. The talent of your little lover is really terrible, even Xuan Ling is surprised. "

"That's good, as long as she is okay." Qin Nan was relieved and a smile on her face couldn't help but said, "Compared to her, naturally her martial arts talent is stronger, then I It was because of the soul of the **** of war that she was able to walk step by step, and she could go against the sky by relying only on herself. "

"The chance she got this time is very amazing. When the time comes, she should be able to get out. I'm afraid it will scare you, maybe you're not as good as her."

"Not even me?" Qin Nan was startled, and the spirit of Tianji Bang was definitely not a joke, but wasn't the female emperor dominating the peak state and leaving?

What kind of chance is this that will allow her to directly break through Heavenly Supreme, Supreme Heavenly, and catch up with him in one breath?

Immortal inheritance?

Is Xiandi's heritage so scary?

"Don't ask, you can't mention any word about this for the time being, otherwise it may cause a very bad impact." The spirit of Tianjibang said positively.

"Well, as long as she's safe and sound, that's enough." Qin Nan nodded, then sat cross-legged, glanced at the retreats, and turned the innate martial arts body into operation.

The congenital Wuguang shimmered and shrouded the crowd. Many of them frowned and immediately stretched out. The face was faintly excited, as if they grasped some mystery.

time flies.

Hundreds of millions of ordinary monks in the upper realm, completely unaware of the horrendous waves set off in secret, are still talking about the inheritance of the Emperor and the enemy Qin Nan.

A day later.

Chasing through the void and chasing the dragon boat suddenly stopped, and everyone opened his eyes, revealing doubts.

"Why stop here? This is still a long way from Chaos Palace!" Wu Di couldn't help asking.

"With the power of chasing the light and traveling the dragon boat, although the Seven Greatest Treasures may not find it after approaching, the old man Zuo Xuan is different." The spirit of the Tianji list said lightly: "We cannot take this risk, or we will be the seventh treasure If you catch it, you'll end everything. "

"Indeed." Wu Di nodded approvingly. "The immortals of the Zhuxian Demon are fierce. Before, I didn't feel anything. Now I feel more and more horrible. Maybe there is something to do."

"But then, can't we see the sight over there?" Ji Xuan frowned. "Although I just opened the door to enter this area, I was afraid that I would miss some key secrets."

"Boy, my **** brother, I shot, how can there be no response?" The spirit of the Tianji list with his hands behind his back, smiled slightly, "I have already prepared."

As soon as his voice fell, a light shone on the jade boat, and from that light, a human figure gradually emerged.

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