MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-Chapter 5 The owner of the old cow?

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Fiction: The resurrection of the great **** of Valkyrie

Author: Du Wei Q

Updated: 2015-06-0509: 07 Word Count: 2314

"The strength of Dacheng Holy King? Stand up and talk back."

Lin Feng glanced at the old man and saw that the flow of the body was the breath of the great king, it was a heavy voice.

Hearing the words, the old man quickly stood up and squatted beside Lin Feng, his face full of panic, he could not think of it, in the village of the gods can actually see a strong supreme king level.

In the former village of the gods, he was the first strongest in the week. The strength of the great king was already the strongest, so he dared to be arrogant and allowed his grandson to be mad.

Lin Feng stared at the village and always felt that there was some familiarity. Looking at the distant mountains, above the mountains on the kilometer, there was a thick white fog, which made the whole view of the mountains not clear.

"What is your name?" Lin Feng looked at the old man and asked.

"My name is Zhou Lao, the village head of this village." The old man replied honestly, a respectful smile on his face, and he would not dare to provoke the Supreme King, although the Supreme Holy King is not really strong in this sense.

Lin Feng heard the words, thoughtfully nodded, and then squinted at Zhou Bin, Zhou Bin at this time has already been scared to death, who can think of offending a supreme holy king, he was the upper emperor Can people still destroy themselves with one hand?

"I wanted to kill you, but since I saw that Zhou is the village head of this village, I will leave you a life. If you dare to marry my woman in the future, I will kill you!!"

Lin Feng screamed, and a savage murderous sway came out, making Zhou Lao tremble, not to mention Zhou Bin, who only felt the haze behind, the pants were wet, he urinated. Was scared by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sniffed the air in the air, could not help but frown slightly, dreams and Tang secluded is a grin, turned his head.

Zhou Lao’s face was red, and he wanted to kick his grandson. It was a shame.

"I haven't asked my predecessor what name?" Zhou Lao smiled charmingly, holding his fist and walking to Lin Feng's body, a tentative question.

Lin Feng glanced at the latter, letting Zhou Lao's face pale and white, and repeatedly waved: "Don't ask, the name of the predecessors, naturally not the younger generation can know at will."

Zhou Lao is called Lin Feng as a predecessor, because Lin Feng is the supreme king of the strong, can change face and age at will, and this as a great king of the king he can not reach, so I always thought that Lin Feng changed his face.

If Zhou Lao knew that Lin Feng had practiced the martial arts for less than a hundred years, he did not know what it was.

"My name is Mufeng, you can call me a wooden wind." Lin Feng sank a bit and looked at the old man.

Zhou Lao respectfully nodded and smiled: "The woodwind predecessors, but also the seniors to the residence of the younger generation, the younger generation must respect the seniors several times the drink, be regarded as a sinful for the unfamiliar grandson."

Zhou Lao said, made a requesting posture, so that Lin Feng could not refuse, only by the old age, and the level of his own Supreme King, with Zhou Lao is not enough to hurt himself.

Lin Feng took the dream and Tang Youqing in front of the two women walking, Zhou Lao pulled up Zhou Bin this grandson, stunned the latter and then followed Lin Feng straight to the depths of the village.

In a twinkling of an eye, four people came to the depths of the Shenling Village, which is under the foothills. There is a relatively lonely house, which is very magnificent. This is the residence of Zhou Lao.

"Oh, I will enjoy it." Lin Feng smiled coldly and looked at the old man. The latter was a sly smile and took the lead.

Lin Feng stepped out, suddenly frowning, a dangerous and mysterious breath flowing out, let Lin Feng stop.

Zhou Lao was surprised to see that Lin Feng did not leave, it was a questioning question: "Predecessors, why not go?"

"Say, what is the layout of your place?" Lin Feng looked gloomy at Zhou Lao.

It was said that Zhou Lao’s eyes suddenly changed, and then his grandson, who was pulling his face, quickly hid into the palace.

"Haha, woodwind, today is your death, in the village of the gods, no one can let me kneel down, today you must die!!".

Zhou Lao looked stunnedly, holding his fist, and then his arms swayed, and a glare smashed the sky and the mountains.

At this time, the whole mountain was shaken, and the fierce tremors seemed to be avalanche. During that time, the entire mountain was surrounded by a silvery glow, encircling the entire mountain.

"The killing of the big road, the line of the master level." Lin Feng's eyes were dignified and observed the flowing silvery light around him. Gradually these rays became a barrier, flashing the atmosphere of killing.

The characters at the level of the master can arrange such a powerful line of squad, just want to deal with themselves, it is inevitable that some pediatrics.

"In the array." Lin Feng sipped a low voice, suddenly bursting into a number of demon body, surrounded by eight positions, black magical airflow throughout the silver killing burst.

"broken!!". Lin Feng screamed, his hands slammed, the eight-party trolls suddenly became bigger, the magic became more and more powerful, and the last eight avatars attacked each other. The horrible energy made the ray of silver killing dim instantly dim, but it was like It’s a little worse, the road is still not broken.

Lin Feng's brow wrinkled slightly, and the sword of the day after was summoned, a white light flashed, and a giant sword on the eight devils broke through the silver giant screen, and the silver light curtain disappeared instantly.

Killing a large array, broken! !

When Zhou Lao saw it here, his face was pale. He couldn’t imagine that Lin Feng would still be in a formation, and he was also a master of the martial arts level.

Lin Feng scorned Zhou Lao, faintly shouted: "Self-cut, I don't shoot."

"me…". Zhou Lao was pale and feared to the extreme.

"Grandpa, aren't we still have a chance to summon the ancestors? Let's summon."

Zhou Bin’s whispered panic whispered to Zhou Laojiao, and heard that Zhou’s face was suddenly happy, and he slammed his palm and laughed wildly: “Haha, woodwind, today you are dead, I summon the ancestors, you will Distract the soul."

Zhou Lao was madly laughing, and then a robe smashed a jade symbol was crushed by his smashing, a loud bang, Yu Fu instantly turned into a circuit, then the road flashed silver The light.

Gradually, a huge star floats on the top of the mountain. On the star disk, a middle-aged man with a height of 100 meters sits. The man wears a silver robe. The gorgeous and temperament is extraordinary. The man has long hair and shoulders. The book is angry.

However, this is a very ordinary atmosphere, so that Lin Feng's heart is somewhat uncontrollable. This kind of breath is very familiar, and even familiar ones can no longer be familiar with it.

Lin Feng subconsciously touched his own martial arts world, and then a black figure flew out, is a cow into a robe old man, the old man appeared, so Lin Feng's mind is more determined.

"Bovine predecessors, you also found out?" Lin Feng looked at the old cow in front of his eyes, asked quietly.

The old bull nodded heavily and immediately looked at the height of the mountain. The figure that appeared, the old cow's eyes suddenly shed tears of excitement, excited, unbelievable, and a trace of doubt.

Lin Feng's eyes are gloomy, looking at the figure of up to 100 meters, this book is extremely angry, the strength is unpredictable, Lin Feng as the supreme holy king can not see through the strength of the other side.

"Master, is that you?"

The old cow finally couldn't stand the excitement in his heart, went forward, held his hands tightly, and asked excitedly.

The middle-aged man in the high-altitude foothills slowly opened his eyes, and the sitting star disk gradually disappeared. The figure of the man also shrank into a human body and landed on the ground.

"Mavericks, you finally found it here, I am very pleased."

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