MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-Chapter 7 Scorpio

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The range of the gods is comparable to the two eight deserts, and it is also divided into four directions in the southeast and northwest. The forest village where Lin Feng is located is in the northeast of the gods. There are tens of thousands of kilometers from the center of the gods. It takes twenty days to walk. Can you arrive.

Lin Feng and the two women chose to use the two ways of walking and flying, and they can reach the Temple of the Gods in just ten days.

After four days, Lin Feng sent the dream and Tang You to the world of Wuhun. I don’t know what dangers I will encounter outside. Even if I encounter other women in the future, I will send them to the world of Wuhun. rest assured.

Lin Feng spent two days in a trip, and he rushed to a city. The city is very glorious, with a vast expanse and countless high-rise buildings.

When I walked into the city, Lin Feng knew through inquiries. This is a transit city. It is a person who specializes in four directions and travels to the center of the gods.

Lin Feng walked into the center of the city and found a hotel to stay.

"Small two, come for a good wine, and two pounds of pork."

Lin Feng walked downstairs and chose a quieter corner to sit down and summoned the second one. After a while, the second was holding a jug of wine and two dishes of meat to Lin Feng.

The strength of this second child can be considered as ok, the strength of the next Wu Emperor, on the land of God can only be a shop second, this is in the nine continents, afraid of the small world inside the hegemon, this...

"This son, must also come to the transit city to participate in the circuit competition?"

Xiao Er put the wine and vegetables on the table, and smiled and asked Lin Feng.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng brows slightly pick, very interested to ask: "Small two, transit city to hold a road competition?"

"Yeah, don't you know the son?" Xiao Er listened to Lin Feng's question. Some looked at Lin Feng with a strange look. Then he smiled and nodded. "If the son doesn't know, the villain will tell you this. The Grand Prix."

"Okay, I am listening." Lin Feng nodded and smiled kindly.

"Hey, Xiao Er, what happened? Our family son waited for half a day, and said nonsense there, hurry up, give us the young master to drink."

Xiao Er did not speak, but was shouted by a burly big man on the side. Xiao Er’s face appeared pale and quickly went into the front of the burly man.

Dahan stood in front of the table, sitting in the middle of the table with a young man in a silver robe. The young man was handsome and had a sword on the table. The youth looked indifferent. Seeing Xiao Er came over and slightly squinted at the latter, letting Xiao Er’s face More and more pale.

"Scorpio son, the villain does not know you, please don't blame." Xiao Eryi looked at the youth with fear and respectful respect.

"Hey, what kind of characters are our sons, 岂 accounting is less than this little thing, roll, hurry to get wine and pick vegetables." The burly man screamed and scared the shopkeeper to rush to the kitchen to pick up the dishes.

Lin Feng stared at the young man, making the burly big man scorn Lin Feng, roaring: "Kids, look at you, our son is also you can offend?"

The burly big man was angered, and his face was fierce. A terrible deterrent swept out and went straight to Lin Feng.

The strength of Xiao Cheng Sheng Wang is also considered good.

However, with this strength, it is too ridiculous to want to shock yourself to this supreme holy king.

Lin Feng slammed his sleeves and slammed his mouth, and his mouth rang throughout the inn.

The burly big man stunned, glaring at the painful left face, and then the anger of Haotian, his face screaming and screaming: "Kid, you **** to die."

The burly big man held his fist and banged it with a fist. The horrible atmosphere bloomed, and the people around him quickly sneaked away. The store’s second child also came out, watching Dahan and Lin Feng have a contradiction, and suddenly his face changed.

"Bad, this can be broken, how can he provoke the Scorpio son?" Shop Xiao Er pale, carefully put the dishes on the youth table, the young man squinted at the store, and then said to the burly big man: "Jun, come back Let's go."

At this time, the burly big man had already hit a little half a meter in front of Lin Feng’s chest. He was about to slam on the body. The young man’s words made Dahan immediately stop the attack on his hand. The store’s second child also looked a little slow, and the dark road Lin Feng finally got out of danger.

"Hey, boy, count our sons to be good, or I will abolish you." The burly big man screamed, his sneer sneer, his smile with sarcasm, as if he had spared Lin Feng’s life, he was ready to walk back to the Scorpio.

"Oh, since I am here, I will stay here for a while." Lin Feng's faint smile, a palm shot, the horrible Supreme King's breath swayed out, the burly man was pale and his legs were shaking.

Lin Feng took a palm and photographed it on the shoulder of Dahan. The big man screamed and felt that there was a mountain on his shoulder, which made him unable to move. Lin Feng tried hard to catch it. Dahan was caught behind Lin Feng.

"Your Majesty." Lin Feng faintly drank, then everyone saw it, and the burly man turned his face pale and prepared to give Lin Feng a knee.

Dahan’s heart is full of anger, he will not kneel himself, but Lin Feng’s horrible atmosphere makes him have to kneel down.

The shop's face is full of shock and horror, and I am thinking about it. How can Lin Feng not open her eyes, but it is the follow-up of Scorpio, isn't it the face of Scorpio?

Sure enough, Scorpio sees Lin Feng’s treatment of Jun, and suddenly screams and slams the table. Under the loud bang, a forceful attack hits Lin Feng’s chest.

Lin Feng's eyes were cold, the same shot a table, two touches, a horrible explosion in the air, and the surrounding tables and chairs benches were all shocked by the force, all of them widened their eyes and looked at the two People have a battle.

Scorpio's left hand waved, the burly big man's legs were much less curved, Lin Feng saw it, sneered: "Since the brothers want it, give it to you."

Lin Feng's casual pickpockets, Dahan flew out and went straight to the table of Scorpio's son. The Scorpio snorted and the left hand crossed, and the control of horror swept out, letting Lin Feng's face condense.

"The way of control is still the way to control Dacheng."

Jun was picked up by the Scorpio, standing beside him, his face pale and angry, and a trace of unwillingness.

"The son, Jun gave you a face, please punish you." Dahan clenched his fist and looked regretful.

"It’s not your business. It’s the strength of this Xiongtai. I dare to ask my brother’s name?” Scorpio, a cold smile, looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng squinted at the scorpion, and then faintly said: "wood wind."

"Woodwind brothers, we will have a period later, we will go, Jun."

Hearing the name that Lin Feng said, Tianzhu nodded and then stood up and said to Jun.

Jun nodded, and then looked at Lin Feng with a vicious look, half-threatly shouting: "Sinful of the scorpion, the wooden wind, you are dead."

"Oh, congratulations to the Scorpio son." Lin Feng did not care about the fist and smiled, watching Jun and Tianzhu son leave the inn.

Until then, all the talents stood up and looked relieved and began to point at Lin Feng.

"Is this kid really ignorant of death, even with the Scorpio son?"

"There is a lingering death, huh, I think I am more powerful."

"Scorpio sons will not be compared with such people, lest they be said to be bullies ~ ~ haha, Scorpio is generous and generous, this person simply does not know the so-called."

A few diners around the inn pointed at Lin Feng, and the words revealed a hint of sarcasm and ridicule.

Lin Feng turned cold, blinked a few people, and shouted: "Before I am not angry, grab it!!".

"you wanna die".

"Waste, I really thought that I was beaten by the Scorpio, you are a personal thing."

"Brothers, should we teach this arrogant person?"

A group of men angered and yelled.

"There are so many nonsense, let me roll!!".

Lin Feng looked at a few people, and then waved his hands, the horror of the atmosphere swept everyone, the breath of the supreme king infiltrated, and several people suddenly changed their face, then looked at Lin Feng in horror.

"Ah!! The son is forgiving."

"The son is forgiving, I have no eyes."

"go away". Lin Feng faintly drank and waved his hands. A dozen people were directly bombarded by the horror of the horror, flying out from the railing of the inn, and the screams were heard.

This time, no one dared to talk about Lin Feng, they also saw the strength of Lin Feng’s terror.

The strongest of the Supreme Holy King is the strength of the lord. On the land of God, the lord is also the lower-level force among the strong, and the gods are afraid that there are only tens of thousands of masters.

"Small two, come over."

Lin Feng didn't go to see the people who were panicked, but looked at the store's second child and waved their hand.

Xiao Eryi’s face was cautious and carefully walked to Lin Feng’s side.

This is not the main face of the Scorpio son, but also flew a dozen emperor-level powerhouses, the next Wu Emperor in his district, can not provoke.

"The son, please tell me if you have something."

Xiao Er asked more respectfully than before, with a smile on his face.

Read The Duke's Passion