MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1658 Never do it!

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Lin Feng has not spoken yet. There has been a riot in the nearby Fusang camp. A floating monk exclaimed: "Chong Tian Zheng Xiong! Your Excellency... Sword God Oda Masahiro?"

For what is Oda Masaru, what is the name of the sword **** sword fairy, Lin Feng naturally does not understand, but see him gently nodded to the floating mulberry monk, suddenly the group of floating mulberry monks are all excited and worship!

At this time, the old vicissitudes of the singer of Li’s tremble trembled and said: “No... impossible... you can’t be Masaru Oda, the real Oda Masaru lived in the Edo period and died in 1868. You can't be Oda Masahiro!"

"Hahahahahaha, it seems that the name of the old man is really not small. After more than 100 years, there are still people who remember me, and I don’t want to live in this field!" He said that he would admit his own Identity, this makes Lin Feng can not help but be surprised!

If he is telling the truth, then he is at least two hundred years old? Is there really such an old and undead monster on earth?

However, Lin Feng had to choose to believe, because this person's stealth technique is enough to explain everything. If it is not such an old and undead old monster, how can there be such a powerful repair? !

"What is your name? I am rushing to Tian Zhengxiong's undead!" Chong Tian Zhengxiong corrected the color and confronted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled faintly: "I am the Chinese monk Lin Feng. I didn't expect this two-country battle to let your old and undead monster come out to join in the fun, it is really enough!"

"Hey, you are old and not dead! A Chinese low-ranking monk in the district is actually not good enough to kill me." Today I will let you know the kendo that knows my sang! "Chong Tian Zhengxiong has not finished yet. But when I saw the palm of my hand, there was a long sword in my hand!

Endangered local enemy

Lin Feng immediately looked at his hand. There was no storage ring on the ten fingers, but on his two wrists, he wore a string of quaint bracelets, which faintly exudes a sense of agility. These two bracelets are his storage instruments?

If you are telling the truth, then he is at least two hundred years old? Is there really such an old and undead monster on earth?

Look at the sword in his hand is also very weird, it is almost completely transparent, if you do not look carefully, it may be completely ignored, this sword does not know what the material, even so clear and crystal clear? !

Enmity, hatred, and enemies

Since the other party has already lit the sword, Lin Feng can't support it. After all, this is an old monster with nearly two hundred years old. Maybe there will be a powerful killing trick!

Lin Fengliang took out the Shadow Soul Sword to protect the portal. At this time, the Shadow Soul suddenly said: "Lin Feng, this is a powerful student of Oda, and his sword is so strong, he is afraid that he has already reached the realm." !"

Lin Feng asked with the gods: "What is the situation?"

"Transformation ... is to the point of ecstasy, can be shaped into gas, just now what he said stealth surgery is actually this truth, you see his sword is almost invisible!" Shadow soul explained.

After the shadow soul finished speaking, he paused and said: "In fact, this kind of person is also good to deal with, see me to pack him!"

Masahiro Oda was violently screaming, and his feet were quickly grabbed. The figure fluttered toward Lin Feng. Just as he was in the shape of his body, he disappeared from the eyes of the people. The audience was inevitably a burst of exclamation. For this strange fighting skill, most people have never seen it before, and naturally it is amazing!

The uninvited party Sun Xue is too cold and haunted

However, Lin Feng looked at the score. When Oda was rushing to 20 meters away from Lin Feng, his body suddenly flashed, and the thorns went to the side of Lin Feng, avoiding the defense below Lin Feng, and attacking Lin Feng's flank!

If he used to use his own stealth to declare war, it is not moral, but now the two sides have publicly duel, and what kind of fighting skills are used within the allowable range, and Masahiro Oda suddenly emerged from the side and stabbed Lin Feng. !

The translucent sword was stabbed with a strong wind. Lin Feng hurriedly stepped back half a step. At the same time, the sword in his hand was cut out in a slash, and the translucent sword was blocked. The huge impact provoked a ray of light and shocked the field. Masao is slightly swaying, and once again emerges from the invisible state!

But then disappeared immediately. Ogata Masahiro was shocked. Seeing that Lin Feng was so young, he was so keen that he could see through his stealth technique. It was really a taboo for Oda, and he also made a decision. The idea must put Lin Feng to death!

Enemy Qiuyuan ghost ball stranger

The plan to encroach on the Chinese comprehension community has been brewing for more than a hundred years, and this Masaru Ogata is the most active participant in this plan. Dacheng Dan is out of his hands. Let the floating mulberry real world dominate the earth!

But now there is such a stumbling block to Lin Feng, how to prevent him from giving birth to killing? !

"Split swordsmanship!" Oda Masaru’s heart whispered in a whisper, and the sword in his hand leaped into a second, second and fourth. After repeated several times, Lin Feng’s surroundings were covered with translucent swords, all of them. Lin Feng, who is in the middle of the harvest, spurs away!

As long as there is a success in this hit, Lin Feng must be seriously injured on the spot. Okinawa Masahiro can take the opportunity to kill Lin Feng on the spot. He believes that as long as this Lin Feng is killed in the ring, then there will be no more people will dare to force it. In the first place!

However, just before these swords were close to Lin Feng's ten meters, suddenly a sound blew from Lin Feng, Lin Fengzhou immediately appeared a group of pure gas barriers, this is Lin Feng released his enchantment!

Countless and sword shadows collided on this layer of enchantment, suddenly rebounded, and all were blocked out of the enchantment!

"Ah! Enchantment?!" Oda Masahiro screamed in amazement. "Impossible, I can't make such a strong enchantment with Oda Masaru. You Lin Feng actually...has already reached the Taoist ancestry?"

Ogata Masao was so surprised that he suddenly became confused and formed from the air!

Lin Feng looked at him indifferently: "Maybe you are right, maybe you are not enough, but since you are here, you don't have to go!"

Okinawa Masahiro received the sword body, and his face was changed with his face. At this time, he had a bit of coziness in his heart. Listening to Lin Feng’s tone, it seems that he is far more than the Taoist ancestors? Can he Lin Feng still reach the original level of origin?

Sun Diqiu Yuanqing Sun Xuesuo’s Moon

I haven't waited for the opening to ask again. Lin Feng has already got out of the sword. The Shadow Soul Sword in his hand suddenly becomes ethereal, and it turns into a touch of shadow, disappearing in front of Akita Masao!

The retreat of Masahiro Oda, he has already seen clearly, this Lin Feng seems to be poisoning his own hands!

But everything was late, just after Okada Masaru just quit ten meters, and suddenly the clothes buckle on his body suddenly fell, and the robes on his body immediately turned into pieces and fell off!

The audience was smirking, because at this time, Masaru Okinawa had become a red strip, and he only wore a pair of trousers like a sumo wrestler in the lower body. The appearance was too shabby!

The enemy is not afraid of the grandson

The enemy is not afraid of the Sun, the war, the hate, the Lin Feng, the shadow soul sword to protect the portal, at this time, the shadow soul is suddenly out of the channel: "Lin Feng, this Oda Masaru is a good life, he The sword is so strong, I am afraid that it has already reached the realm!"

"Giggle... Lin Feng, how do you see my Shadow Soul sword? Go to the shadow of the soul sword, killing invisible, I just want to play and play with him!" Shadow soul suddenly sneered at Lin Feng's ear.

Masahiro Oda was so humiliated and suddenly furious. He has long been famous among these young people. He was worshipped as a god-like generation. How can he be humiliated by a Chinese unnamed younger generation?

Although Okinawa Masao was lonely, he still had his own life-saving law, but he saw him pat his wrists, and suddenly he had another outfit, and he had a golden soft armor with magic, and suddenly appeared in the air. A snake-shaped sword!

When the sword comes out, the temperature within a hundred meters is steeply dropped. The strange sword is the original weapon of this Masaru Oda, and will only be used when it is most critical!

The snake sword shaped, straight thorns Lin Feng's road enchantment, Lin Feng disdainful light glance, but the next moment Lin Feng is a stagnation of the body shape, this snake sword actually pierced Lin Feng's enchantment!

In the past, Lin Feng had never encountered such a situation. He quickly rushed back and wanted to open the snake sword. However, Lin Feng was planning to fall, but the snake sword still looks like a real snake. Come in!

At the tip of the snake's head, the cold light flashed, spurting a few cold light, and coming to Lin Feng on the middle and lower three plates. Lin Feng was really afraid of this strange sword this time. This sword is obviously different from the ordinary sword. The best sword spirit!

Just when Lin Feng was in a hurry, the forward aura flashed, and three floating figures appeared suddenly in Lin Feng’s forward. When Oda Masahiro was happy, he thought he was done, but suddenly he saw three people appearing around Lin Feng!

This is completely a violation, cheating!

The two men had a duel, and Lin Feng secretly found someone to be a helper. Ogata Masao immediately shouted: "I protest! Lin Feng cheated..."

But his words have not been finished yet, but he closed his mouth directly, because he saw four Lin Feng, and three more Lin Feng in the original Lin Feng!

"Ah! Lin Feng... He is separated... Can he actually be separated?" The people in the audience screamed, cheering and questioning, and in the front row Wang Yuan and others were also shocked, and at one time they couldn’t tell which one was the real Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng, how are we going to help you with the scene!" The boy in the yin and yang boy, the girl also said: "We become your appearance to scare them!"

One of the other Lin Feng’s rough voices: “The size of my Shazu’s body is so small that it’s too wrong!”

Lin Feng can't help but sigh that these boys have come to this time and have a heart to play!

At this time, the flying sword of the snake sword was shot, but it was directly hit by the three boys. Before Lin Feng understood what was going on, his body shape had already flown up, and he was shocked by the rushing Masahiro Oda!

With a bang, Lin Feng’s enchantment directly hits Akita Masato, and smashes it out for a few tens of meters. Sitting on the ground directly in the ground, the big mouth spurts!

[From the day after tomorrow, resume three chapters! 】