MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1678 Beasts are besieged!

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This whale is more than ten times larger than the whales you usually see. It is obviously not a real whale. It should be an ancient monster that came out of the eight wilderness!

Lin Feng refused to look at it again. He flew to the top of the warship. A group of fires of Jiayan went out and was hitting the whale's mouth. The whale ate a painful spurt on the top of the head, and it was actually in the water column. With flames!

Obviously the fireball has entered its lungs!

The whale groaned and turned his face on the sea. After half a minute, he finally stopped struggling, turned his white belly, and there was a smoke of green smoke on his body. The fire of Jiayan had already burned in its body!

The flurry of meat fluttered in the air, Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the salty grilled fish tasted good!

The warships that had escaped from the whales had added enough horsepower to approach the island and rushed directly to the shore reef. The soldiers on the top fled to the island. Lin Feng saw this scene and could not help but save them. They also entered the protective cover of the Pangu compass!

Already more than a dozen small warships have completely sunk, being knocked over by big fish, and being dragged into the sea by octopus. Some large ships have chosen to flee the sea, but some ships have been damaged and lost. Power, just hover over the sea and sit still!

Lin Feng saw these monsters so violent attacks, and my heart has already decided, no matter what country these ships are, and what they do, but they are all human beings. Since they have this ability, they can’t Let them feed the monsters!

Lin Feng kept on the warships and shot down the monsters into the sea. The fire of Jiayan was a lot of force in the process. It burned countless monsters and caused them a great deal. The deterrents are far away from the monster bodies that burned the fire!

By this opportunity, Lin Feng saved a hundred or two people and sent them to Nanyan Island. When Lin Feng decided that he could no longer find a survivor, this returned to the island!

As soon as I landed, I saw that the island is already full of people. Many people are scared of the six gods, and they are crying and yelling. When Lin Feng arrives, these people are even more excited. Just like seeing the savior, they are moving toward Lin Feng. Come here!


Lin Feng hurried to the air and shouted: "Don't mess, don't step on it, people in the mountains and rivers, people are responsible for maintaining order!"

It’s hard to calm these people down. Lin Feng said this again: “Everyone is divided into groups according to their nationality, and the number of people is counted. If it is possible to contact the relevant departments of your own country...”

The enemy of the enemy is not a cool enemy.

At this time, on the outskirts of the island outside the protection of the compass, many large and small monsters have been landed, and they all look at these human foods that are close at hand, revealing a greedy expression!

But fortunately, they can't break through the shield, they can only sigh outside!

If it is not the protection of this mask, I am afraid that there will be more deaths and injuries. Although Lin Feng’s enchantment can also resist the attack, it is to consume vitality and physical strength. At this time, Lin Feng is exhausted!

After statistics, there were a total of 150 people in the above, belonging to seven or eight countries, all of whom were seafarers in the surrounding countries.

"Lin Feng, thank you for your rescue..." When Lin Feng wanted to enter the hole, suddenly a crowd of people crowded out, it was Mike!

Lin Feng nodded and tried to smother the past. Originally, she only saved them from the heart of sin, but this Mike was chasing after him: "Lin Feng, now I think our country should be temporary. Take over the island, we as a superpower, we should ensure the safety of these people!"

It’s a bit of a deadly change. Now that I’m out of danger, this Mike immediately took out the face of the world’s master!

Lin Feng didn't want to care about him. He wanted to go into the hole, but Mike followed him up. This made Lin Feng have to stop and say to him: "Mr. Mike, I hope you understand one thing, you are all me. If you save the island, you are all refugees. Now you don’t have any qualifications to ask for anything!"

"You are not right. We are a member of the United Nations and a superpower in the world. We have a duty to protect the security of other countries. If you disagree, then I will report to the president and send an aircraft carrier to take over..." Mike is still talking nonsense!

Lin Feng was almost angry and laughed. It was really like a pig in the nose. Lin Feng smiled and said: "Well, I will send you back to your warships now, let you kill yourself, you can wait. Come on your country's aircraft carrier!"

Mike has a ugly face: "Lin Feng, you don't want to challenge the world authority of our country. I know that you are a powerful self-cultivator, but are you powerful and powerful? Are you hoping not to provoke China and m? International disputes in the country!"

Lin Feng’s last patience has been exhausted, and he walked straight into the hole, while at the same time making a stroke, leaving an enchantment barrier at the hole!

Mike and others still don't understand, they directly hit the barrier, and they were bounced out and went out for more than ten meters. They fell into a bruise and a swollen face, and they were also angry and angry!

"Lin Feng, what happened outside?" Qianjin Caiyue has already landed, and he seems a little worried. "Is it the magic of the ancients to attack us?"

"Oh, let's be, you don't care, how does the body feel?" Lin Feng vaguely snarled, now it should be said that Chiyou is the culprit, but it is also the same as the magic of the ancients!

Qian Jincai month activities activities muscles, Lin Feng looked at her graceful figure, red face, walked over to take her into the mind: "Well, you are fine, you just rest in this hole, do not Going outside, it is dangerous outside."

Qianjincai nodded, but then said: "Lin Feng, why do I feel that the environment here is weird, it seems that it is not in the octagonal domain, where is this hole? Why did I listen to those people who said that this is the earth?"

Those who said that Qianjin Caiyue said that they are from the Jinxiu Mountain River, Lin Feng has already had doubts about seeing the golden moon, and he does not want to hide it again. After taking the golden moon and sitting down, he will say everything in the past. Again.

Hearing the horror of the face of the golden moon, he finally had tears in his eyes: "That... can we never go back to the battlefield?"

"This... it should be OK, this can be said later, now we have to defeat Chiyou... the devil of the ages." Lin Fengdao.

Qian Jincai is naturally very convinced of Lin Feng. In the battlefield of the Eight Dynasties, Lin Feng’s performance made Qian Jincai believe that there is no such thing as Lin Feng can’t do. On this strange earth, she also chose to believe Lin Feng!

At this time, there was a riot outside the cave. The black man ran in to tell Lin Feng that someone was making trouble outside!

After the enemy’s far-off ghosts, I’m cold.

After the enemies of the enemy, the ghosts and ghosts were examined by the cold. I was a little helpless. I even came to this time at this time. Lin Feng sneered: "Mike, you don’t use this set in front of me, you said you I can protect them, well, now I will divide the island into two departments, and you can naturally survive by yourself."

When Lin Feng walked out of the hole, he saw that the people outside now had been divided into two camps. The number of people in a camp was quite large, almost three-quarters of the number. The leader of this camp is Captain Mike!

Mike is selling hard: "Ladies and gentlemen, you must believe in the strength of our country. Only we can protect your safety. We have our shelter. You can be safe in any corner of the world... ”

The ship is far from the enemy’s hate

Lin Feng went to the opposite camp. I saw that there were only about thirty or forty people here. Lin Feng asked them, most of them were Chinese people. It is no wonder that they did not rely on the other camp!

However, in the opposite camp, there are also more than half of the people in China, but they chose to believe Mike's promise.

Mike also discovered the arrival of Lin Feng at this time, and suddenly his face was a little proud: "Lin Feng, you can see the situation now. The people who choose me are the vast majority. We should vote now to decide who has the right to decide. person with the most votes is the owner of this island!"

Lin Feng is a bit helpless. Even at this time, Lin Feng sneered: "Mike, this set is not used in front of me. You said that you can protect them. Well, now I will By dividing the island into two departments, you can naturally survive on your own."

"What do you mean, we have a lot of people, why only half of the place, we have to occupy this cave, which is the center of the island!" Mike dissatisfied.

The crew members who went to the island with him all looked like they were eager to try. The weapons in their hands were up, and there was a tendency to launch a struggle for armed power grabbing!

Lin Feng looked at the people on his side. Many of them were civilians. They were unarmed. Lin Feng asked the black people to transfer these people to the cave. Mike immediately came over and wanted to stop. Lin Feng made a direct decision to protect the safety of these people. A barrier separates two people!

"Mike, I warned you for the last time. If you want to trouble things on the island again, then I have to give up on you! If you think you are strong enough, then you can face the monsters yourself!" Lin Feng said Pointing at the monsters outside the mask!

Mike did not consciously fight a cold war. Just outside the mask of 100 meters, countless monsters are looking inside. Although they can't get in, they never give up on prying eyes, the hungry greedy eyes, look. It makes people's backs cool!

But Mike still insisted on calming the gun in his hand: "We will not give in, our legitimate rights cannot be compromised!"

At this time, suddenly there was a violent explosion, looking at the sea, but saw a huge warship exploded and rolled over, not another warship, but it was Mike their warship!