MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1681 8 Ding points the soul!

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When he walked out of the head office building, Li was in the cold voice of Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, don't think that you can get through everyone. I know all of you. Now you have become the public enemy of our comprehension. You are good at it. Let's go!"

Enemy land, ghost, grandson, hate, pick me up, my ball

"Oh, Li Kechang, you don't pretend to be innocent. You don't think that I don't know what to do with the fuss. If this account is known to the people in the realm, I am afraid you will not have any good end!" Lin Feng Reverse the lips.

Looking at Li's long-haired face, Lin Feng sneered and ignored him!

Wang Yuan thought for a moment, Lin Feng said: "Lin Feng, this way, you and our special affairs personnel are responsible for the internal defense of this Kyoto. President Li, you and your guild guild are responsible for the security of the periphery, divided into several layers of defense. As long as you see these monsters, you can kill them no matter what!"

For Wang Yuan’s arrangement, Li’s apparently very dissatisfied, frowning: “Wang Yuan, is this what you mean or the meaning of the head?”

"President Li, do you have any comments or suggestions, please tell me if there is anything wrong with my arrangement?" Wang Yuan asked.

Li Kechang looked at Lin Feng and said a little bit of distraction: "You let Lin Feng take charge of the internal security. I feel very wrong. The internal core area has a major responsibility for safety. Now Lin Feng’s path is unknown, and there are many end points. I don't think he is suitable for such an important task!"

Obviously, the responsibility for internal security is even more important. Who is responsible for this piece will indicate who is more important.

Wang Yuan thought for a moment: "This is not my arrangement, but the meaning of the head."

In one sentence, Li’s reason was directly blocked. This is the meaning of the head. Even if Li Changchang disagrees, he should not be able to make any different opinions anymore!

However, what Wang Yuan did not expect was that Li Kechang actually turned back and went back. He happened to meet the head of the walk. Li’s complaint complained: "The head, I think there is a problem with Wang Yuan’s arrangement. In the past, our guild guild has always been an important force in the defense of Kyoto, but now we have sent Lin Feng to replace our guild guild. This is a contempt for our guilds. I personally don’t care, but I am afraid that other monks will be dissatisfied. Heart, it’s not cold people, causing irreversible situations..."

This seems to be sensible, but it is actually a little forced to the palace. The head can't hear the truth. He frowned and seemed a little unhappy, but turned to say: "That's it, President Li chooses the point." The competent members, led by you personally, together with Lin Feng, are responsible for the safety of important neighborhoods. As for the external staff, you will be appointed."

After the head of the director finished, he left. Li Kechang also had no choice. At least now, he is not down to the wind. At the same time, he is responsible for internal and external security. Obviously, it is more important than Lin Feng.

There was nothing happening in the last two days. Every day, Lin Feng sat on the compass and hovered over the city. It was leisurely, and Li was busy. He went to the periphery and went to the inner ring. To turn around, there is a great monitoring of Lin Feng's meaning!

Especially for the black people who suddenly appeared, Li Kechang was quite jealous. These black people are all people in the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers. They are also quite powerful, but they are the same as Lin Feng. Li Kechang Every time I come, I am alert!

On the fourth day, Lin Feng was dozing off at high altitude. Suddenly, I felt the strong breath from the outside of the city. When I looked at the West, there was a dark shadow in the sky dozens of miles away!

This breath made Lin Feng wake up suddenly, because this breath is so powerful, so familiar, it is the breath of Chiyou!

In the peripheral defense, the monks had already fought with the comers. Lin Feng quickly rushed to the west. When they arrived, they discovered that these people were the witches and the eight greats, and the flight they led. monster!

However, I did not see Chiyou himself. These monks and the witches of the Witch and the Buddha played against each other and were simply unable to withstand a blow. More than a dozen people have been killed or injured!

Sun Dike, Qiu Fangjie hates to pick up the moon and hate

Li Kechang is still barely able to tie the people with them, but under the siege of these people, Li has long seen cold sweat on his face!

"Ha ha ha ha, you waste, but dare to nickname is to repair the real road, I see who can stop us! I advise you to know the current affairs for the Junjie, as soon as possible to return to my great Emperor, and seek common cause together! I am dead!" The witch's holy Buddha is screaming wildly!

When Lin Feng arrived, the witch of the witches immediately stopped the laughter and said to Lin Feng that he was very vocal: "Lin Feng, I have nothing to do with you, you have harmed me." I can't spare you today!"

After she finished, she saw her long-sleeved wave, and the dozens of flying monsters behind her immediately got like orders, and flew toward Lin Feng, sticking out a giant claw, and the sound of the air was so fierce!

"Lin Feng, help me! These old monsters are really amazing!" Li, who was being besieged by the Eight Dings, has been unable to stand up and shouted for help!

Lin Feng let the black people deal with these monsters, and they just fled to the top eight, Lin Feng did not want to be the head of Li Kechang, mainly want to hurt the eight big Ding old one or two, so frustrate their sharpness!

"Lin Feng, you came just right. Last time you broke our good deeds, I will come back today!" Eight Ding Laos saw Lin Feng, all of them were exposed, and the last time they helped Xiaoyu reborn. Lin Feng was rescued by the Pangu Compass, so that they have suffered a lot of counterattacks!

Lin Feng saw that they abandoned A. Li, who was surrounded by himself, and did not dare to despise it. He took out the Shadow Soul sword and swept it out!

The swords that are as long as a hundred meters are cut through the sky and sway to these old monsters!

But the sword gas was cut on them, but it was a golden light, and the sound of metal roaring, did not hurt them!

One of them is proud of the old saying: "Lin Feng, we have a fixed body, you can help me!"

Speaking of his handcuffs, he made a glimpse of Lin Feng’s volley, and there was a rounded virtual devil in the air. The circular Dingkou had a huge suction. Lin Feng only felt that he was being powerful. The suction is around!

Before Lin Feng had eaten this loss more than once, so this time Lin Feng would naturally not be fooled, and rushed to send a sword to the side to let the strongest suction!

But just aside to the side, there was a suction coming from behind, and when I turned around, it was a magical illusion that was coming to my back.

"The enchantment of the Tao!" Lin Feng meditation in the heart, while a sword stabbed toward the other side, is stabbing on the magic ding, a silent burst of sound, provoked a wave of turbulence, that Ding moment is light, as if immediately There is a crash!

Lin Feng was puzzled at this time. Doesn't it mean that Bading has merged? How can they still condense into magic?

"Achieve the Central Plains!"

At the same time, eight Ding Laos screamed at the same time. Eight magic tripods simultaneously attacked Lin Feng in the middle. Lin Feng jumped and jumped away, but he felt that his feet were caught by something, and he jumped. stand up!

Lin Feng subconsciously looked down, and suddenly found a vortex under his own, this vortex has already sucked Lin Feng's feet into it!


After the far-off genius

Eight tripods hit Lin Feng's body from eight directions at the same time. This power is big enough to break the stone!

Lin Feng only feels that the vitality of the body is stirring for a while, and there is a feeling of breaking out of the body. If the vitality breaks, then it will not be dead!

But what is even more bizarre is that these eight tripods are actually beginning to slowly merge together, and Lin Feng’s death and death are inside, and Lin Feng’s struggles can’t be removed!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, Lin Feng, the last time the integration of the eight tripods was destroyed by you, this time just take you to re-refining once, to refine you into the mystery of my child's magic!" The witch's holy Buddha is now very strong Hey laughs!

Lin Feng saw that his body was being swallowed up by these eight tripods, and his heart could not help but be amazed!

Lin Feng was anxious and helpless, but suddenly heard the voice of Daoyi: "Lin Feng, this is your chance!"

"What opportunity, you have not made a mistake, I am going to be divided by them to the Eight Dings!" Lin Feng shouted helplessly!

The Tao said: "Since they want to devour you, why don't you devour them in reverse? The last time you have gone through the refining of the real eight Ding, is it still afraid that these eight dying will not be done, now I will follow my method. If you succeed, if you break through the celestial ancestors, there is great hope!"

Upon hearing the four words of Tianpin Shenzu, Lin Feng couldn’t help but feel the heart. He has come to the earth since he has been improved. However, he has not been able to make a substantial breakthrough. Can you really make a breakthrough with this achievement?

In the middle of the road, I read a string of curses, and Lin Feng quickly followed: "Daohua yin and yang, imaginary and real, with my heart, I help my ......"

The road said again and again: "Hurry up and release your fire of Jiayan, introduce it into the body, and merge these eight tripods into Dantian. Don't let them separate again. Otherwise, you will be separated by the Eight Diagrams! ”

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a cold sweat, and let himself introduce the fire of Jia Yan into the body? This is a very risky thing!

Although there is no danger in releasing the fire of Jiayan, it is a flame formed by the release of the spirit, but let the fire of the Jiayan enter the meridians and the internal organs, which is a counterattack. If one is unsuccessful, then it is not Did you ignite all the energy?

If it is really ignited, it will immediately become a fried egg, and it will explode into thousands of pieces!

Just when Lin Feng was slightly surprised, the eight Ding had suddenly accelerated into Lin Feng’s body. Lin Feng felt that his seven-eight-eight-pulse and five internal organs had a while tearing, and they were actually born by these eight magic dragons. Tears out the subtle cracks!

Read The Duke's Passion