MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1706 Magic domain time and space!

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The orcs were all nervous, and the leading shark screamed: "Everyone is together, kill him!"

Dozens of orcs also flew toward Lin Feng. They wanted to kill Lin Feng and regain control of the confrontation. However, they just flew into the air, and they hesitated to volley and open the blood basin. The big mouth directly swallowed up most of the people, and the other people were killed by Lin Feng’s sword!

At this time, I licked my mouth and made a loud sigh. Lin Feng just wanted to praise him. But he said, "The master can now let me go out. I have already seen it in this place." Sealed for thousands of years, I want to go out..."

Lin Feng was shocked by two steps. Lin Feng did not expect this cockroach to speak!

Wang Yuan was behind Lin Feng at this time and was almost knocked down by Lin Feng. He quickly asked: "Lin Feng, what happened to you?"

"Nothing, I didn't expect this cockroach to be able to speak people's words, a little scared!" Lin Feng explained with embarrassment, and Wang Yuan was a suspicious voice: "What are you talking about, is this talking? ?"

"Well? Didn't you hear it?" Lin Feng looked at Wang Yuan and asked him. Wang Yuan directly shook his head like a rattle. Lin Feng looked at Qinghuangtian and others. They all shook their heads, all of them. Suspicious. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel

"Master, my conversation with you is not heard by others. You can't move my mouth."

Lin Feng saw it. Sure enough, this cockroach didn't move its mouth, but the sound came out like this, and it was passed into Lin Feng's mind. He said, "Master, let's go out, this place is a Open, this cave is about to collapse, and then don’t go..."

When the rumbling was half, a big stone fell, and fell directly to the ground, and Lin Feng and others rushed to the place where they fell, and then flew out of the crypt!

Jumping out of the cave, Lin Feng and other talents found that the outside was already a mess, and the guarded soldiers apparently had lost their positions and fled to the sparsely populated areas. Those monsters are obviously very interested in these people, and they are scrambling to devour and chase after them.

Lin Feng and others were quickly stared at by a passing monster. The monster made a strange scream, flapping a huge wing up and down, and swooping up!

啾...啾...啾..., it seems to be calling the companion, and there is a sharp and rushing scream from the higher part of the sky, and the shadows flash across the dark sky.

Falling down from the sky, the birds are overwhelming like an open net. Lin Feng’s heart is shocked. At this time, it’s a whistling whistle, wielding two giant claws and throwing it directly. A monster coming up is turned to the ground!

The monster did not seem to think that his own kind of attack actually attacked them. Immediately, he was fierce, and he gave up attacking Lin Feng and others. He turned to the attack and smashed dozens of monsters together!

This scorpion began to emerge as a colorful light, seemingly turned into a colorful beast, and its huge body was vacated at this time, actually flew up, fighting in the air with these monsters and monsters In one place, from time to time, injured monsters fell from the air, Lin Feng and others are responsible for filling the knife below, to ensure that they will die!


A huge strange bird fell in front of Lin Feng in an unbiased manner. This strange bird did not die at this time. He was still struggling on the ground. Lin Feng just came to the face with it, and saw Lin Feng, it immediately Fierce hair, struggling on the ground to stand up and stick out his claws and grabbed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng directly boxed out, did not expect this strange bird big wings directly bounced, this strange bird's body seems to be as hard as the iron, the strange bird is still chasing Lin Feng, Lin Feng quickly took out Xuanyuanjian, The strange bird looked very fearful, and even fluttered his wings back and forth!

Before Lin Feng’s sword was released, the strange bird was thrown down on the ground by the scorpion falling from the sky. The claws of the cockroach were like the sharp edges, and the giant bats were directly passed through, leaving a strange bird. A blood hole, black stinking blood spurted around like a fountain, and a black smoke appeared on the ground.

The strange bird quickly disintegrated, and finally turned into a broken bone and crashed into the ground, quickly turned into a pile of dust, blown away by the wind!

At this time, the earth shook again and again, and suddenly a huge group of light was suddenly evoked on the nine days. In the group, there were looms of mountains and buildings, which were extremely high. The place is rapidly expanding, causing the tremor of the whole world!

The spirits are screaming in front of Lin Feng: "Lin Feng... This... What the **** is going on? Is this the Tiantian domain going to collapse..."

"This situation is very familiar. How do I feel so similar to the scenes that we traveled across the earth?" Qinghuangtian did not have any horror, this made Lin Feng suddenly frown, which really made Lin Feng brain make up. The scene at the time!

It is like a hole suddenly appearing on the top of the sky. The space that has been blocked from the outside has collapsed. It has formed a huge hourly air bubble, and it is still constantly changing and constantly squeezing. Everything in the original space!

After the enemy is not enemies, the ball is cold and the test is

When this thing came out, the strange birds in the sky seemed to see some natural enemies. They burst into sorrows and screamed in the air, but there were still many people who couldn’t escape. They were directly entangled by the colorful light, and they instantly became one. The black dust of the group was scattered in the air.

It's as if they have never existed before, and they are swallowed up by that huge bubble space.

People on the ground are stunned by the strange phenomenon, because no one knows what the ball is, and what it is doing, not knowing what kind of fate will come.

But when Lin Feng didn't think clearly, the light group had already filled the entire sky quickly, and pressed a little bit toward the ground. Suddenly, a muffled sound suddenly burst, and the huge time and space smashed from the sky. The earth!

The vast sky is covered with clouds, and the sun has long been swallowed up by the storm. There are huge waves on the vast sky. Every air current wave is like a thunder, and the whole world is shaking.

Lin Feng and others have discovered that all the places involved in this squad have changed their appearance. The original land has turned into a vast ocean. Everything in this world seems to have become strange and completely become another world. !

Sun Kedi’s far-fetched feelings hate the cold moon and hate

At this time, Lin Feng and others stood on the edge of a high sea cliff. Almost half of the feet had to go out. Lin Feng quickly stepped back two steps to protect the panicked Qinghuangtian!

Wang Yuan screamed: "Mom, what the **** is going on, why, why is it like this..."

Wang Yuan is a native monk who has been born and raised, but he has never experienced such a change of time and space. It is inevitable that he cannot accept this reality. He muttered: "Lin Feng, where is it here, is our earth no longer exists?" I still have parents on earth..."

At this time, I was also full of horror and screaming at the fist: "Lin Feng, is this the legendary heaven? Are we already flying?"

If you are so embarrassed, let Taishang Laojun and others be excited. Yang Lan said with excitement: "Don't we really fly up? Is it true that heaven is like this, but why..."

Yang Lan’s words have not been finished yet. Suddenly I heard a woman’s voice coming from behind. Everyone hurriedly looked back, but I didn’t know when, the back was full of people and beasts, all of them were fierce and staring at Lin Feng. Wait!

Affolity of the Enemy Corps

Lin Feng saw a few familiar faces at a glance, and it was the Chiyou who was laughing! Jiaoxiao's witch, the holy Buddha! Eight big Ding old! Yu Wang! Daji! Wait a lot of strange people!

"Lin Feng, let's finally meet again, giggling..." The witch's holy Buddha smiled and walked forward, stepping away, incomparable charm!

At this time, Lin Feng slowly calmed down. Now, this situation makes Lin Feng feel a little confused. If the impulse is blind, it is extremely unfavorable to his side!

Lin Fengqiang calmly said: "Women's holy Buddha ~ I would like to ask you what is the situation, you are showing what magic, is it an illusion?"

If this is only an illusion, it is quite terrible. What difference does Lin Feng, the illusion of the founding of the untitled class, and the real world? !

"Giggle, Lin Feng, since you are so curious, then I might as well tell you, this is not a fantasy. On the contrary, this is a real world. In this world, my husband is especially the real king. This is his creation. The new time and space enchantment, and you are the outsiders in this world, we are now going to destroy you these aliens!" The witch Buddha is still full of laughter, but the words are so ruthless!

At this time, Wang Yuan stood quite awkwardly and asked with an angry anger: "Then our earth is time and space, is it no longer there?"

The face of the sorcerer's holy Buddha slipped through a sarcasm and shook his head and sighed: "Your earth is time and space? It is giggling, here is the time and space of the earth, it is just a new time and space of the earth, or a superposition of two time and space, now as long as Killing the self-cultivators of these human beings, then our orcs are the masters of this time and space! And you ordinary humans become orcs, just like the definitions you gave us, giggling ......"

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