MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1720 I am there, you can't hurt them...

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Chu Chunqiu overlooks the holy platform. Two cold shackles pierce the body of Lin Shengxie. Lin Shengxie only feels the breath of death. He wants to press him and let himself bow, but Lin Shengxie lives in addition to his father. No one can let himself yield. (wWW.VoDtw.coM)

The enemy does not hate the distant side, the sun hates to pick up the lone finger and is cold.

Bite the teeth, the dragon sword cuts the finger, and a drop of blood drops on the dragon sword. In an instant, Lin Shengxie's momentum is violent to a certain extent, the left hand holds the dragon sword, rounds in the air, straight into the sky, so imposing The ordinary ancestors can't do it.

"Today, let me experience the gap between the gods and the gods of the gods! Hey!" Lin Sheng evil roared, and he went to the sky, the dragon sword turned into a **** sword, straightforward Chu Spring and autumn eyebrows.

Chu Chunqiu's face changed slightly, and other people were even more shocked. No one thought that Lin Shengxie was so bold, even Chu Chunqiu dared to kill?

"Oh, your temper has a three-point image of your father, but unfortunately there is no foundation and strength of your father!" Chu Chunqiu smiled lightly, and then under the gaze of everyone, just waved a hand, a palm of the hand skipped , instantly defeated Lin Shengxie this supreme blow.

The violent sound of the bang was spread all over the square. Outside the cloud, everyone was pale, and the aftermath was shocked for thousands of miles.

Under this collision, Lin Shengxie spurted out a blood and flew out, his face was abnormally pale, but in contrast, Chu Chunqiu just played the dust in the bomb, the gap between the gods and the gods and gods is so big. .

"I said, you are taking your own insults!" Chu Chunqiu scorned the eyes of the forest, and his face was ridiculous.

Lin Shengxie was caught by Lin Shutian without falling to the ground, and his brothers were heavily dignified.

After the science is far behind, I’m chilling, I’m early.

"Let's take a shot together, we don't believe that the gods are so powerful!" Lin Shutian put Lin Sheng's evil on the side, and his eyes went straight into the Chu Chunqiu above the clouds, and he screamed, and his figure disappeared like a dragon.

After the science is far behind, I am chilling. I am early. "Today, you don't want to escape!!" Chu Chunqiu roared, and a **** hand went straight to Lin’s chest and smashed the past. After Lin’s heavy damage, there was no more. Fighting power, only when you fall, you can only hope to laugh.

"I also look at what he can do!" Lin Qiongsheng, as the second son of Lin Feng, also played a very good leading role.

After the ground and the land

"We also go"

"There are us!" Ning Yuancheng and Fu Aotian two female sons also took off, did not fear Chu Chunqiu half inch, this scene let Lin Feng see, can not help but slightly nod, my heart is relieved, at least the daughters choose the destination They are not people who are afraid of death.

Not far from the ground, the enemy hates to pick up the cold boat

Lin Shutian, Lin Shengqi, Lin Shengqi, Lin Nianer, Lin Heng, Lin Qiongsheng and two son-in-law, all shot, went straight to Chu Chunqiu, want to gather all the power of the gods to reinvent or shock back Spring and Autumn.

"You still don't shoot?" Neon has changed the decoration and wore to avoid being recognized, and Lin Feng is also the same.

"Wait, I want to take a look at the achievements of these little boys, it is also an assessment!" Lin Feng whispered, no worry, let the Nihuang some puzzled, if it is dangerous to change to their children, it must be the first One rushed out.

But perhaps this is why every child of Lin Feng can become a strong person, because Lin Feng’s education method is correct. No one is a greenhouse flower. The disciples of these Lin family are too powerful.

On top of the clouds, from time to time, there are earth-shattering crashes, and countless roars are mixed with palms. The Chu Chunqiu is comparable to all the children and sons of Lin Feng.

The children of Lin, headed by Lin Shutian, felt tremendous pressure because they only felt that Chu Chunqiu had not used the real strength, just playing with them all.

Suddenly his face changed dramatically, but he was also very angry. He clenched his teeth. Lin covered his mouth and sighed. The body of Kowloon flew out, and the engulfing momentum became more and more intense. At this moment, the heavens and the earth became black, and only the forest could be seen. Arm, Kowloon flies out to devour everything.

"Big brother made a trick, we also took out the trick, a fatal!" Lin Shengyi skirts, the wind between the sleeves, the thunder and light, although the woman can be the strongest, even stronger than Lin Shutian After all, her mother is not a human being, so her body is exceptionally good.


"Cracking nine heavens!"

"Heaven and earth are sad!"

"There is a collapse!"


"The wrath of the people!"


At this moment, the heavens and the earth overlapped with thousands of gods, and the colors were different but the same horror. Not only that, but under the figure of more than ten, there was no one in the circle, all of them were shaken thousands of miles away, and even withdrew from the holy Taiwan, and the high above the holy platform, only these Lin's children.

Above the Scorpio, the energy of the annihilation of the world was accumulated, and eventually it became a ray of light and rushed to Chu Chunqiu.

"Father is careful!" Chu Lingyun and Chu Wushang face change, such a horrible superimposed energy, they really have no confidence in Chu Chunqiu can follow.

Chu Chunqiu's cold roar, he was really angry at this moment, more than a dozen juniors besieged himself, and everyone's tricks are so terrible, he really worried that one day, these Lin's children broke through the heavenly ancestors. That is the sorrow of the Chu family.

Wan can not let this scene reappear in the war, so this moment Chu Chunqiu really angered, and thundered the wrath of the thunder.

"Since you want to die, I will let you four happy!" Chu Chunqiu is like a demon god, his eyes become blood red, his black robe moves, his figure also moves, this is the first time he left after he arrived. .

The speed is too fast, everyone can only see a rough figure, but Chu Chunqiu has already come to the sky above the center of the rooftop, looking at the light column gathered from all directions, wanting to shatter himself, suddenly bursting into laughter .

"Haha, let you **** trick today, kill the Spring and Autumn!"

Silence Spring and Autumn!

The sparkling light and shadow are as obvious as the stars, but they are very fast. These light and shadows have gathered together to form a more powerful light. This is repeated. In a moment, there is an energy light group with a diameter of thousands of miles between the heavens and the earth. .

Under the energy group, Chu Chunqiu rushed to the sky and stood up. He danced long and screamed: "Destroy!"


In an instant, the light column collided with the light group. The light group is like a strong and powerful person. Without any rivals, any light column will be shattered into morning light, and the masters represented by the light column will be one after another. Hematemesis and fly out.

"Almost!" Lin Feng whispered, but the figure disappeared in place, the face of Nihuang changed greatly, feeling the speed that she could not guess, the heart was completely relieved, Lin Feng really broke through the gods.

Lin Feng's speed is too fast, and no one pays attention to it, including Chu Chunqiu. At this moment, Chu Chunqiu is bent on killing all the children of Lin Feng.

"Today, you don't want to escape!!" Chu Chunqiu roared, a **** hand went straight to Lin to cover the chest and smashed the past. After Lin Zhitian was hit hard, there was no fighting power. When he fell, he could only despair and laugh.

"Haha, one day, one day, my father will marry you above Jiuyi!" Lin Shutian closed his eyes desperately, but everyone was exclaimed, only a fuzzy figure resisted in front of Lin Shutian In one hand, I kept Lin’s body, and the other hand was like this. I shot it.

One blood hand collided with the other black palm, and everyone couldn't bear to look straight. The final result was that Chu Chunqiu was shaken back three steps, and this black shadow was safely held in the forest.

"With me, you can't hurt them half a minute!"

Rolling thunder, but revealing incomparable firmness, Lin Feng is like the savior of nine days away, but the most handsome of the past and the present, standing on the ground, the neon phoenix stayed, and the heart sprouted, unconsciously she even looked like Fuxi I can't remember, all of them are Lin Feng's coquetry at the moment.

After the hatred of the enemy

One palm, the earthquake retreats Chu Chunqiu, I am not moving, I am Lin Feng!

The exclamation is endless, everyone is boiling, looking at this shadow, I can't wait to rush to reveal his face, to see the true face of the other party, in the end, who can shake off Chu Chunqiu, it must be the **** of heaven.

After the vendetta is not enemies, learning cold and cold

But where is the second celestial **** in the war?

After the hatred of the enemy is not enemies, the cold is so far away. "Lin Feng is also the master of heaven?"

Lin stunned and stared at the mysterious man who had defended himself. The familiar temperament could not be changed. At this moment, Lin was so excited that he quickly broke away from Lin Feng’s support and laughed: "Haha, father, you. Finally home!"

"What? He? He is Lin Feng's master?"

"For fifty years, where did Lin Feng dominate?"

"Lin Feng is also the master of heaven?"

“Is this going to be fake?”

"How is it possible that Lin will not even admit his father's mistakes? It is so shocking!"

At this moment, the entire octagonal domain is boiling, not to mention the octagonal domain. The entire battlefield is boiling. Although many forces have not come, but the powerful ancestors still have channels to watch this annihilation activity.

But at this moment, after Lin Shutian called out Lin Feng, the battlefields all fell into boiling.

Chu Chunqiu's face is ugly, although I can't see the other person's true feelings, I can rely on this momentum to have the arrogance of not changing. This is Lin Feng, no doubt.

"You, I am really back!" Chu Chunqiu's face was a bit gloomy, but it converges a lot, because the other party actually broke through the celestial ancestors, which disrupted his plan, and the Chu family's dream of uniting the warfare was at least broken. It is.

Lin Feng ignored Chu Chunqiu, but with the eyelids swept through the strong circle of the Chu family, there are Chu family but more is the alliance of forces.

Sun Diqiu is not alone, after studying the war, Gu Yu

When Lin Feng saw these people at a glance, the hearts of these strong people shuddered. They could never forget the fierce battle of fifty years ago. Lin Feng’s style and sternness.

"Fifty years ago, I gave you a You are relying on the magic of the ages, I don't blame you!"

"Fifty years later, you have wasted this opportunity, then don't blame me Lin Feng for killing!"

"Tomorrow, all the forces involved in the annihilation of the octagonal domain, no matter how strong, burn it!"

Burn it out!

When the two words are out, the heavens and the earth are shaking, and Qiankun seems to collapse. Because of Lin Feng’s words, the pattern of the entire war zone will be changed.

"Hey, Lin Feng, I am here, saying so big, it is a bit mad!" Chu Chunqiu smiled coldly, these people are under his protection, want to kill these people? How can it be!

Sun Ke is not far away, Sun hate is too cold

Lin Feng’s eyes were placed on Chu Chunqiu in the sky, and then he smiled: “Because you can’t live tomorrow!”

Sun Ke is far away from the sun, hating the sun, and far away from the cold Chu Chunqiu overlooking the holy platform. Two cold eyes pierce the body of Lin Shengxie. Lin Shengxie only feels the breath of death, and wants to press him and let himself Bowing, but Lin Shengxie in this life except the father, no one can let himself yield.


The figure disappeared again!

Heaven and earth seem to have disappeared, and then avoid Lin Feng.

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[Two qq groups, the book's introduction above, you can add, get the new book and the book information.

The resurrection of the Valkyrie, the resurgence of the 1st number: 128152692

The resurrection of the Valkyrie, the resurgence of the 2 groups: 289125182]

The enemy is not enemies, the ship is picked up by the lonely sun.

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