MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-v5 Chapter 1732 饕餮神王vs9 幽神王...

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"Hey, the purple dragon god, you can't take care of you!" The ghost **** Wang coldly roared, very dissatisfied with the purple dragon **** king here to do nothing, but at the same time my heart secretly glad, if not purple dragon **** In the words of the king, the war between him and the king of the gods will be endless. At that time, most of them will lose.

"Oh, I don't mean to gossip about it, just worry that the destructive power generated by the battle between the two gods will destroy the beast temple and avoid such things happening, so please let the two of you temporarily put down hatred and face the assessment together!" The **** king smiled with red light, and did not put the anger of the ghost king on his heart, giving people a feeling of floating, but for Lin Feng, such talent is the most terrible, but it is useless to face himself. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy can only be a childish trick.

"Oh, then give you a face!" Ghost God's face is very ugly, and then ignores the sacred king, but raises his hand and handed his token to the guard. After watching the guard, he will release the ghost king. Ghost God looked at the king of the complex face and then walked inside.

"饕餮神王, please!" Zilong Shenwang smiled and gestured Lin Feng first, but Lin Feng did not leave, his face as always, the purple dragon **** slightly smiled, did not speak, step by step Before holding the token directly went in, the guard did not dare to stop.

The scorpion king took out the token of the animal bones. After the guard was affirmed, Lin Feng also swayed and went in. Until this time, all the men of the World of Warcraft sighed, and finally sent away these sacred gods, the three gods One is more terrible than the other, one is more eccentric, and maybe when, offended others, the little life is gone.

"Let's go in too!" Some of the gods, who are less famous than the three great kings, handed the tokens to the guards. After the guards checked them, they all went in. They were not as terrible as the three gods. But it is still the orc strongman of the king level, and no one dares to treat disrespect.


The structure of the outer hall is relatively simple, more straightforward, some buildings are actually built directly from the animal bones, the white bones give a sense of horror, but the strong of the orc is not cited Of course, instead of being a proud capital, whose mansion has a house built of white bones, that is the symbol of strength.

There are more and more orc strongmen coming in the outer hall. As for Lin Feng, these **** kings came early, and there are special people who are responsible for arranging chairs to avoid these gods and adults. The king of the king who entered the inner temple, but to get rid of this, the king of God is still terrible.

The king of God does not have the strength to enter the inner hall directly. It is only because of the restraint of the rules. Anyone who is a king of the gods level cannot enter the inner hall without passing the assessment. This has nothing to do with the status.

Including the Golden Dragon King who had already entered before, the sacred king and so on all arrived, waiting for the beginning of the assessment, the so-called assessment is nothing more than a struggle between the two kings of God, and the king of God has the opportunity to enter the inner temple. The failed king of God can only come again next time.

Enmity and hatred

"The list of opponents has been listed. Let's announce the battle between the gods and the kings!"

"Ghost God vs. the dog king!"

Sun Ke is far from the enemy


At this moment, more and more matches are coming out. Lin Feng also knows that the opponent who is fighting against himself is a guy named Jiu Ning Shen Wang, and this moment the singer of the nine sacred kings is full of surprise, he has no Think of the opportunity to fight with the sacred king.

But there is no fear on his face, but there are some faint expectations. His strength is not weak, but he has never appeared. Now the king of the gods has the opportunity to fight against himself. Such an opportunity must be seized and cannot be wasted!

"In the first game, the purple dragon **** king against the cold snake **** king!" A guarding face with a blank expression, let Lin Feng have some doubts, is this guard not afraid of the king of the king? Or is it higher than the king of God, how could it be qualified to dominate such a game?

However, Lin Feng is not willing to pay attention to these things that have nothing to do with him. As long as he can advance to see Chiyou and False Heaven, then the goal is all achieved.

"I, I give up!" Just when everyone was ready to watch a dragon fight, the king of the cold snake suddenly shouted out, and his face was slightly pale and helpless, fighting against the purple dragon god, that Just looking for death.

"This, abstained?" Countless people dare not understand, is the king of the cold snake **** temper? Treating the arrogant Zilong Shenwang, he did not dare to have a trace of anger, and did not dare to challenge the Purple Dragon King.

The purple dragon **** king is still the son of the old man, his face is only smiling and there is no coldness. Only Lin Feng knows that the person who is good at hiding himself is actually the most terrible. The purple dragon **** is such a person.

"The king of the cold snake **** abstained, the purple dragon **** king advanced, continue to the next round!" The guard again shouted with a blank expression, suddenly Lin Feng had a more sturdy man.

This man is tall and handsome, and his appearance is not ugly. The only drawback is that his eyes are a little small. This is the appearance of the King of the Nine.

After Lin Feng’s eyes narrowed, he couldn’t help but sneer. In this world, it seems that everyone’s eyes have been reduced, only he has risen.

"I am the King of Kowloon. I have already heard the name of the King of God. I have to challenge you now. I don't know if I can?" The King of the Nine Kings will chat very much, although he is not convinced of Lin Feng, but on the surface.

"Despite your shot!" Lin Feng nodded slightly, extending his left hand to indicate to the latter, more like a provocation.

"Then taste the taste of my fist, haha!" The face of the nine secluded gods changed greatly, and the whole person turned into a stream of direct light and rushed over to the assassination at the fastest speed. Sudden acceleration for Lin Feng It may have caused some trouble in the However, nowadays, I am still dominated by time and space, and I still need to be afraid of anything.

Lin Feng did not look at the nine priests in the eyes, so when the shot is the thunderstorm, this moment scared the latter is the nine secluded king, he has never seen such a terrible attack, pale face A lot, this time I realized that the ordinary **** king and the **** king are too complacent about their own strength.

A fist hit, Lin Feng did not give the face of the nine secluded gods, directly flew out, from the beginning did not use the strength, this is already the least used power.

One palm shot flying nine secluded king, the whole space suddenly quieted a lot.

One trick is a trick. The king of the gods defeated the king of the nine gods. He did not use other cards at all, and even did not use the cards at all. Everything was so natural.

The singularity of the enemy

The singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singer and the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer of the singer Or is it higher than the king of God, how could it be qualified to dominate such a game?

The purple dragon **** squinted and saw such a slight mismatch. He always felt that the sacred king in front of him gave a very strange look, but let him say where it is not necessarily, but he could not say it. To give up, but it is undeniable that the strength of the king of the gods has increased too much.

If the former sacred king can also defeat the nine princes, but if it is so simply defeated, it is estimated that no one will believe, but this moment has become a reality.

"The king of the gods, one of the three great kings of the king, is really worthy of the name!"

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