MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 12 Lin Feng's Wuhun

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Yangzhou City, Lin Jia, in a simple and clean room, Lin Hai was in a daze with a portrait.

The portrait is a woman, the woman is very beautiful, and the autumn-like eyes are full of silky movements. Surprisingly, this beautiful woman has a monster on her shoulder, which is like a snake. It is not a snake. It has a faint look of a dragon. It is very strange. It only needs a glance to be hard to forget.

"Dream, Xiaofeng has finally grown up. He inherited your martial arts. Now maybe he doesn't know what this martial art means, but when his martial arts have awakened his life, he will understand that his mother has inherited it. How powerful he is."

"When the waste martial arts become an unparalleled twin martial arts, it will bring a lot of shock."

Lin Hai muttered in front of the portrait, with a deep affection in his eyes.

"They may have thought that I forgot, but I never forgot, I will tell him everything after Xiaofeng Wushen has been awakened, and one day I will let him step into the Imperial City."

Lin Hai’s eyes are strongly persistent. He has hesitated. If Lin Feng has been as weak as before, he will let Lin Feng be an ordinary person and spend his life, but now he sees hope from Lin Feng, he believes With the obsession of Lin Feng’s eyes, he will be able to awaken the martial arts.


Lin Feng naturally did not know his mother's business, that is, he did not have any information about his mother in his memory. Lin Hai never told him, so he would not know what the little snake is.

Abandoning Lin Heng, Lin Feng suddenly became extraordinarily relaxed, as if the knot in the heart was untied, perhaps because the remnant of the previous 'Lin Feng' disappeared. After all, the previous 'Lin Feng' was Lin Heng killed.

Did not leave immediately, Lin Feng is ready to experience in Fengyun Gorge, all who enter Fengyunxia are coming for the battle, even if he does not take the initiative to provoke others, I believe that someone will come to him to fight.

"It's you." I thought of this, and immediately there was a cold voice coming. Lin Feng looked at the sound and saw a graceful figure. Although I couldn't see the face, the light figure was fascinating.

Lin Feng has some doubts. This person has a mask on his face, so he can't see the other person's true face. He doesn't know much about Yun Haizong. He should be familiar with Han Man, Tsing Yi and Jing Jing. Obviously it is impossible to be Han Man and Tsing Yi. The quiet body is not so sullen.

"The last time I was escaped, this time I saw where you are going." The other side sneered, taking a bow from the back, let Lin Feng's eyes faint, he remembered one person, Liu Fei, a line of hot springs The woman, Lin Feng, remembered the name, and Liu Fei’s arrow almost killed him.

Perhaps it is known that Lin Feng's strength is not weak, Liu Fei directly used Wu Hun this time, Lin Feng immediately had a feeling of being locked, locked by the opponent's arrow Wuhun.

"The long-range power of the arrow is very powerful. It is difficult to play at close range. I need to be close to her." Lin Feng thought about the electric turn and lifted his footsteps. He did not hesitate to run in the direction of Liu Fei.

"Want to attack melee?" Liu Fei sneered, and the open bow and arrow screamed out, and the wind whistled, and the bowstring still had a tremor.

"Hey!" A soft bang, Lin Feng's long sword on the back.

"Nine waves, thundering sword." Lightly screamed, Lin Feng left hand nine waves spurting out, rushing forward, the arrow power weakened, if the thunder sword is thundering, the arrow will be opened directly.

"Floating light."

There is no pause in the figure, Lin Feng is rushing forward, and the action is done in one go, as if he has experienced countless drills.

However, Liu Fei does not only have a beautiful face, but her strength is also very amazing, ranking eighth among the outside disciples.

She knows that Lin Feng wants to be close to attack. She immediately retreats with her body after shooting an arrow. She is good at bow and arrow and naturally cultivates a clever body. So after Lin Feng opens the first arrow, she is in her hands. The bowstring was opened again, and this time there were three arrows on the bowstring.

"Goodbye." Lin Feng's figure suddenly turned to shoot out, rushing toward the woods on the left. Liu Fei's body is very strong, and he doesn't have to be much worse. Although he can be close but needs time, this time is enough. Liu Fei shot a few arrows, and once he made three arrows, the threat to him was still very big when he had several waves and three arrows.

Therefore, Lin Feng changed the plan after seeing the three arrows on the bowstring of Liu Fei, and entered the woods. This will greatly affect the strength of Liu Fei, and in the open area and far apart, the owner of the arrow Liu Fei is absolutely capable of exerting the strongest strength.

"It seems that I still underestimated the martial arts repaired by the martial arts. It is not so good to deal with it." Lin Feng said in a secret voice, but he did not think that Liu Fei’s own strength in the Qiwu martial arts is also a powerful existence. The arrow martial arts that can lock the breath and the bow and arrow, the remote power is absolutely horrible.

However, Lin Feng is not discouraged. He believes that as long as Liu Fei dares to follow him into the woods, he will definitely win him.

"Hey." Liu Fei behind him sneered, sipping a light, bowed into a full string, and the sound of the humming sound was even stronger.

A strong sense of crisis spread, Lin Feng understands that Liu Fei's arrow is about to be shot, the sword in his hand is tight, and he needs two breaths to get into the woods.

"Give me a stay." A hegemonic voice came out, the swords and spirits, the extreme sense of crisis came, Lin Feng's footsteps hard to stop, violently leaping backwards.

"Boom." The dust was flying, Lin Feng's ground in front of him exploded, and there was a deep sword mark gully. If Lin Feng continued to move forward, the sword would fall on him.

Raising his gaze, Lin Feng looked at the people in the tree, dressed in white clothes, and held a long sword. This sword was just issued by him.

"Liu Fei Shimei, where did this person offend you, would you like me to help you solve it?" The man on the tree was high, and looked at Lin Feng with a scornful look. Feel free to say that in his eyes, Lin Feng was always an ant, trying to pinch Can be pinched to death, as long as Liu Fei nodded, he can immediately kill Lin Feng, even if the ban is prohibited, because Lin Feng and his status are too different.

"Internal disciple." Lin Feng saw the inside door sign on the other's clothes, his heart was cold, and he was a child inside the door. He said that he would start by hand, as long as he reacted slowly, he was killed on the spot.

"Yu Hao, my things don't need you to manage." The arrow in Liu Fei's hand did not shoot. It wasn't that she was kind enough to forgive Lin Feng, but because Yu Hao pursued her, she didn't mean Yu Hao, so she didn't mean it. She didn't do it because she didn't want to owe Yu Hao anything.

Put away the Wuhun, Liu Fei will hang the bowstring on his shoulder, and Lin Feng said: "For your luck, it is better not to meet me next time, otherwise there will be no good luck today."

After that, Liu Fei turned and left, not a little bit to stay.

"Liu Fei, why are you?" Yu Hao shook his head, and then he left and looked at Lin Feng.

"Boom." Another explosion came out, and a deep sword mark appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Actuate your child's life, let me see you irritate Liu Fei next time, I will kill you." Yu Hao's voice came from afar.

Lin Feng stood in the same place, motionless, even if the tyrannical sword blew in front of him, he did not wrinkle his brow.

Liu Fei thinks that she is strong, so it is only because he stayed in the hot springs of the first line for a while, so he wants to kill him. Yu Hao is an inner disciple. He is powerful and there is no reason. He almost killed him directly. In the short time to this world, Lin Feng is completely aware of what is called the strong.

"Yu Hao, the moment I stepped into the spirit of the martial arts, is when you sacrifice the sword." Lin Feng took a deep look at the two sword marks in the ground, flashed a sharp light in his eyes, then turned and left, He believes that with his talent, this day will not be too far.

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