MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 2415 Holy king heaven

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Lin Feng persuaded Dacheng's demon sacred gold scorpion, but he was not afraid of the crisis in the midst of it. This sense of crisis was not too strong, obviously it could be resolved, so he continued to watch the battle.

In this battle, the Tianwu Sheng Dynasty walked out of a figure, making Lin Feng's look flashed, actually an acquaintance.

In the past, when Huang Bang asked, Shi Renshi, Shi Renfeng, now he has entered the door of the Tianwu Holy Dynasties.

This Shi Yunfeng participated in this battle. His realm is the realm of the Holy Emperor. It is already very strong. Standing on the peak of the emperor's level, you must know that if it is not the turbulence of the Nine Miles, it will lead to a great change in the world. It is already very strong. After all, it has not been many years. Shi Yunfeng, who was asked by Huangbang, has become the top figure in the state of the Holy City. It does not fulfill the words that have been circulated in Zhongzhou. Great achievements, but nowadays, they seem to be less conspicuous, because nowadays, more talented people appear together.

"Shi Yunfeng, the old emperor asked, you are not as good as me, today, you will still be worse than me." I saw a voice coming out, this voice came from the direction of the Canaan sacred, a glimpse of people walking, it is the old emperor The list asked the top figures, the battle, the strongman of the Canaan Buddhism, and now he is also the peak of the Holy Emperor, asked in the old emperor, his ranking is ahead of Shi Yunfeng.

"Lin Feng, unfortunately you don't come up, don't know what realm you are today, and Chu Chunqiu, don't know how." Fighting and looking at the direction of the Tiantai, this era is very exciting, now they are already so strong Unfortunately, I met a very exciting big time.

"Looking at old friends fighting is also a pleasure." Lin Feng smiled, and at this moment, a voice came rolling: "Lin Feng, you guys, finally knowing to come back, and not to inform me."

I saw the emptiness in the void, a naked body, a huge body walked around, saw him Lin Feng revealed a smile, said: "Let, this occasion you can not wear clothes."

"Hey, it’s better not to wear it when you wear it and fight with your hands and feet." The platform still has a sincere meaning, and then falls into the performance field. "There is no same for Lin Feng. I will win this first."

"That will depend on your strength." Fighting warfare is awe-inspiring.

"Old ancestors, how is the strength of the people who fought at War King College?" Lin Feng asked the ancestors of Haotian.

"The combat power of these guys is very amazing. It has reached my level. It may even be stronger than me. At War King College, you have a genius of your talents. Ji Yun has fallen into your hands. Now, no. People can compete with these people." Haotian sighed, and there were some characters in the War King Academy. Later, during the turmoil, they either died or worshipped the Tianwu Dynasty.

"Well." Lin Feng nodded slightly: "I owe it to the college, but the interior of the War King Academy must also clean up the environment. Your strength has always been great. Why don't you personally shoot for the college?"

Haotian's ancestors looked stiff and looked very embarrassed. He didn't think that Lin Feng would come back today. After Lin Feng returned, he had been silent and had not spoken. However, his previous performance was obviously seen by Lin Feng. .

For Lin Feng, some people are his anti-scale, his woman, his master, his brother, the ancestors of the ancestors he did not pursue, but now, degrading his master, very unkind, this He must deal with it. Of course, he will not target the college. After all, the college has good for him. This is only for the ancestors of Haotian.

"Lin Feng, you are also a disciple of the War King Academy, for the college to fight for glory, isn't it better?" Haotian's ancestors are very embarrassed, however, he is self-proclaimed to be an elder, this Lin Feng said to him, it is a bit rude, then back Lin Feng said a sentence.

"I?" Lin Feng looked at the eyes of Haotian's ancestors, and then revealed a smile. Suddenly, the ancestors of the heavens only felt dizzy, and he seemed to be in the endless death, to destroy and die.

"You say me?" A voice came into his eardrum, causing the old man to roar: "No, let me go."

However, the next moment, the whole piece of void returned to a clear, I saw Lin Feng still there, smiled and looked at him, and Haotian ancestors were already soaked, pale as paper, as if experienced a doomsday, At this moment, everyone around me is staring at him.

"What happened to the ancestors?" Lin Feng asked faintly. However, in his eyes, there was a faint chill, which made Haotian’s ancestors bow their heads. They didn’t dare to look at Lin Feng again. How could he and Lin Feng? This is so powerful.

Sheng, must be a sacred place, Lin Feng, stepped into the sacred level, the heart of the ancestors of the heavens, kept beating, just now Tianwu saint and Lin Feng equal dialogue, he still holds a hope, Tianwu saint is 慑This is the case with Yu Lin’s discipleship in the Destiny Temple. However, at this moment, his thoughts have been completely shattered. Lin Feng is a holy place and the same level of existence of the Tianwu saint. How could he go to battle in the battlefield.

"Old ancestors, when they got the momentum, they were deceiving." Lin Feng said a faint voice, and then he did not look at the ancestors of the heavens again. All of this, the other ancestors looked inside, but they all remained silent. Now that Lin Feng is returning, Tianwu saints are equal. The things that Haotian ancestors have just done have undoubtedly angered him. Other ancestors naturally go with the flow. After all, the relationship between Lin Feng’s personal and War King’s College is very close. They do not want their attitude, affecting Lin Feng's feelings for the War King College.

At this moment, the war situation has already been opened. The battles at this level are completely different. One pair of decisions, no group battles, and the group wars of the Holy Emperor are too horrible.

"Shi Yunfeng actually realized the petrochemical avenue, and the attack defense is terrible. The original strength of this petrified boulevard should also belong to the origin of the earth." Lin Feng saw the battle of Shi Yunfeng, whispered, and many words, after entering the level of the Holy Land, It must be turned into a holy law. It is best to belong to the source. The petrochemical avenue belongs to the origin of the earth. If you want to understand the origin of the earth, you must control the earth's origins, such as petrochemicals, gravity, etc., all belong to the earth. .

"The battle is also very strong. It is a battle-fighting class. The attack is fierce, and like the air, the attack defense is very tyrannical, I am afraid it will be better than Shi Yunfeng."

Lin Feng looked at the battle on the battlefield. In the form of a bystander, he looked very thorough. Finally, it was the turn of the ring to appear, and Lin Feng was slightly surprised. The people who collapsed were good at a kind of power, that is, explosive power. In the later period, the stronger the explosive power, the full potential of the whole body is stimulated. This is a unique force. In addition, the downfall has also realized the sound wave avenue, which is very strong.

The battle of the round was slowly going on, and it took a lot of time. The sun gradually slanted westward, and the sunset fell on the performance field, which seemed to have a few different moods.

In the end, the Fujian and Taiwan defeated Shi Yunfeng, but lost to the war, the strength of fighting, is very strong, and gave Lin Feng a feeling of deja vu, fighting like a person, empty.

The ultimate ranking of this round of fighting, the first battle, the second in Fujian and the third in Shi Yunfeng.

"Wonderful." I saw the Tianwu saint standing up, patted the palm of his hand and said: "Well, today's battle, outstanding performance, every three-figure seat, if you want, you can worship me." Under the door, become my disciple."

The voices of the Tianwu saints fell, and many people were heart-warming. However, in the six rounds of the war, most of the top three seats were from the Tianwu Dynasty, the Canaan Sect and the Tiantai. They were afraid that they would not leave their own power. After all, Lin Feng came back, and the rooftop was also at the same level as the Tianwu Dynasty.

"Why, don't you?" Tianwu sage looked into the direction of the rooftop, watching the wolf smoke and the platform: "You two, can come under my door."

"Hmmm?" The crowd looked slightly condensed. What does it mean to be a Wusheng in this day? Isn’t this a public provocation of the rooftop, Lin Feng, but still there.

Lin Feng did not feel strange. It seems that all this is very common. This is, is it coming?

"Tianwu saints, you are also worthy of my master?" The cold eyes swept across the other side, and the look was indifferent. The words of the saints of Wutian were undoubtedly insulting him and insulting the rooftops.

"Not worthy?" Tianwu sage smiled and said: "The frog at the bottom of the well, you can know that the king of the sacred king is also divided into different realms, the first sacred place, that is, the so-called half-step saint; next, is the small sacred king, Dacheng Holy King, Supreme Holy King, your holy city Zhongzhou, there is no one saint in the past half-step, want to be sanctified, it is difficult to go to heaven, and I, is a small holy place, I, do not deserve to be your master?"

The crowd was slightly shocked, and the little sacred king, this guy, turned out to be a small sacred king, the second level of the holy kingdom.

"I am giving you the opportunity now, it is your privilege. Otherwise, if there is any accident on the rooftop, you have to follow the funeral." Tianwu saint whispered, making everyone shocked. Tianwu saint means , Tiantai, will be destroyed?

"Nonsense." The wolf smokes cold.

"Nonsense?" Tianwu sage sneered, and there was a horrible pressure between the heavens and the earth. The whole piece of Tianyu seemed to be under this pressure. Everyone must suffocate and swear. Raise his head, and then they saw the sky above, a figure standing there, standing on the sky, like the gods outside the sky, everyone, is a super terrible existence.

"Sage, all are saints." Everyone's heart trembled, which for them was a heavenly army, supreme power, overlooking all of them.

PS: A lot of friends didn't say it was unscientific. Khan, the news of tens of thousands of minutes in just two or three minutes is only one of the eight messages. It is thousands of words in one second. It is unscientific to draw it. It is pure luck, today's Christmas. Everyone is happy, micro signal: jingwuhen888.

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