MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 2493 Jiuyi new pattern

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The ice fire was born to the extreme, defeating Lin Feng, the temples were surrendered, and the nine trembles.

This is the top battle of the future. Lin Feng took the alliance of strong strength and strength to the league. After all, he was defeated and lost to the ice fire supreme. The flame temple and the ice temple of the two temples were accompanied by the yin and yang. On the second day, the Ice and Fire Supreme commanded the world, to be the king of the nine kings, to dominate the nine, and even the world of the demon began to oscillate.

In that battle, the Peng and the Dragons of the Taihuo were also involved. If Lin Feng finally defeated the ice and the Supreme, many strong ones would not be able to escape.

However, this still can not stop the ice fire supreme road of dominance, but on the third day, there is news that the temple of destiny has been disbanded, and since then it has disappeared in the Jiuyi, everyone understands that this is also a helpless move, the ice fire supreme is so proud of this attitude If you don't follow, you will only have a dead end, the Temple of Destiny, preferring to disband, and not willing to surrender.

On the fifth day, the two great temples of the Temple of the Earth and the Temple of Heavenly Sounds brought the strongest of the temple to the Temple of Fire, indicating surrender, and would like to listen to the Order of Ice and Fire.

On the sixth day, the news came out, snow and ice to respect the temple of the flame, to be the most majestic temple of the nine, the Supreme Shrine.

On the seventh day, the major forces of Jiuyi pursued the people of the ancient circles and caught a strong man who was unconstrained and joined forces. However, everyone knows that the person who wants to capture the snow and ice is Lin Feng. Nowadays, Anyone who has a relationship with Lin Feng, the Ice and Snow Supreme, ordered the Nine Miles to take the time to force Lin Feng to come out and pay any price.

At the same time, Jiuyi is still surrounded by wars, and the major temples seem to exist in name. The major forces have begun to expand their territory and develop their own strength. Without the constraints of the temple, the ice fires are too lazy to control, leading to the turmoil of the Jiuyi and the killing of the land. However, no one dares to touch the power of the Supreme Supreme. The people of the ancient times are not clear. However, it seems that the hegemonic situation will be formed. That battle has really laid the status of the Supreme King.

The ardent ambition of the ice fire is great. He ordered the nine scorpions, and the temple of the buddha, the temple of the demon, and the temple of life came to surrender. No one should violate his will. On this day, the Supreme Shrine was cast, and Jiuyi came to congratulate him. The Supreme Shrine is a thousand steps, and the Ice Fire Supreme stands at the highest point, overlooking the world, and glances at the temples of the temples and the powerful parties.

"Achieve the world, I am respected, for the nine kings, gather the world's air, I will be on the throne." Ice fire supreme mood at this moment, just listen to the following drink: "Congratulations to the ice fire supreme!"

"You're welcome." Ice Fire Supreme raised his hand to indicate people, with a smile on his face, but at this moment, his brow wrinkled slightly and said: "Why didn't the Lord of the Devil Temple come?"

The sound is rolling, it seems to contain a strong anger, making the brows wrinkled, the demon temple master did not come?

Now the ice fire supreme is like a day, and can't compete.

However, at this moment, I saw a figure slowly vacating. This man wore a magic robe and looked at the ice fire supreme. He said slowly: "Today, my demon temple is the teacher, and at the same time, invite you to go to the DPRK. Congratulations, just where you are all there, let's go together, ice fire supreme, you can also go."

"Let's relax." Someone screamed out, but the man's look did not change, but he saw the ice and the supreme eyelids slammed slightly: "I feel that the demon temple owner is abnormal. I didn't expect to have a capable person behind me. I have to look at it. Who else can compete with me for the court."

"Take the people first." At this moment, the ice fire Supreme said coldly, and then two figures were brought up. These two people are the people who prayed for the temple. One of them is the Zizhu of the Temple of Heaven. .

"Today, I will first swear by Li Wei, and go to the Devil's Temple in person." Ice Fire Supreme said proudly, his eyes sweeping toward Zizhu.

However, Zizhu saw the ice and the supreme gaze turned, but did not fear the other side, coldly looked at each other, said: "Do you dare to kill me? I know who is my master?"

“Well?” The crowd’s eyes when they heard Zizhu suddenly became extraordinarily wonderful. Zizhu is the owner of the Zizhu League, one of the three major leagues in the past. He also has a master. Then how strong is his master.

"Who?" asked the ice fire to the indifference.

"Icing the ice, you really think that you are the king of the nine kings, I don't know how high the earth is." Zizhu said indifferently: "In the past few years, the temples have led the nine princes. Could it be that you have forgotten the seal of the country?"

"The devil is supreme." The crowd shrinks the pupil, seals the mountain, the strong in the ancient times, terrible, very few people know his strength.

"I am a big disciple under the magic seat, Zizhu; if I want to be the king of the nine kings, my master has already come out to lead the nine, what is the wheel to get you, but my master is disdainful, but now, the time is coming, the **** will Now, the Master has let me out, ready to return to Jiuyi, ice fire supreme, you have been chasing Lin Feng, want to erase the threat of taboos, but you know, my master has always supported Lin Feng, waiting for taboo growth Let him be strong, and then the peak matchup, this is the gap, the difference in tolerance, you and my master respect, also dare to call the king?"

Zizhu calmly said, making the crowd's heart dark, the strength of the magic, now to what extent.

"I am doing yin and yang to make achievements, how do you fight with me?"

"My teacher respects the gods, repairs the three lifes, lives two, two students, three, three things, who knows how many three people in the world are made by my teacher, you really think that the elites who participated in the Jiuyi War, Is it the name of the nine, so if I don’t, I know the name of Zizhu."

Zizhu said with aloud, looking at the ice fire supreme: "If I am jealous today, my master will slap this supreme temple."

Under the silence of the ice fire, he immediately said: "I will keep your life. Since your master is ready to reproduce the nine, then I will wait for him and take it."

Zizhu saved a life, but the crowd was not very calm, I did not expect that since the strong rise of Lin Feng, the ice fire is supreme, and then, the demon temple hall, the teacher and the demon return to the nine, is really a taboo caused by the turmoil It seems that it is too early to be the best in the world.

The ice-fired supreme gaze looked into the distance, the eyes flickered and the indifference said: "I went to the Devil's Temple and walked."

When the voice fell, his body skyrocketed, but in an instant, it disappeared without a shadow. The speed was no longer able to pass. The crowd did not leave, but waited here. What would happen to the Devil's Temple?

This kind of waiting seemed to be extremely long. It was only after a long time that a figure descended from the sky. It was a sacred fire. I saw his eyes cold and cold, and then a sneer in the mouth, saying: "It seems that the road to God, not Will be lonely."

After all, he saw his sleeves waving, and went away, leaving a crowd of people, but everyone seems to understand that the demon temple, I am afraid there is a strong existence that can compete with the ice and fire.

After seven days of this incident, the demon temple feasted the eight parties. In fact, it was necessary for the people of the nine parties to visit and not to follow. The strong men of the temples went there again. They felt very wrong, especially the temples. The lord, they are the Lord of the Lord, and this is high, but now, they are crushed by death, but they can only swallow their voices. This is why they do not want taboos.

However, the taboo has not yet grown into a top figure, the Ice Fire Supreme and the Devil's Temple, but want to dominate the Nine.

A month later, Jiuyi had rumors of vibration, lost the country, sealed the seal of the mountain, and drove to the Jiuyi Heaven Court, and personally descended to the Supreme Shrine where the Ice Fire Supreme was located, took the Zizhu away, shocked Jiuyi, and since then, separated from the temples. Jiuyi, turned into a strong three, called Wang Jiuyi.

At the same time, everyone is looking for Lin Feng, especially the ice fire supreme, he must find Lin Feng and kill, taboo, can not stop his way.

Demon Temple, it seems to be looking for Lin Feng.

Also, the demon, it seems to have sent people to look for Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng seems to have disappeared, and has not appeared for a long time.

On top of a mountain, I saw two figures appearing. One of them asked: "Isn't found anyone yet?"

"I can't find it, it seems to have disappeared completely."

"Can't contact the communication?"

"Well, there is no response."

"His friend, look forward to it." The person who asked the question said that he would go away.

Ice and Snow Supreme is in the temple, above the ladder, I saw the ice fire supreme standing there, cold and cold asked: "I still haven't found a footprint?"

"Supreme, not at all, Lin Feng is good at camouflage, I am afraid to turn into others."

"Look slowly, I used to fight with me. The power of yin and yang has hit him. I am afraid it is difficult to recover. However, he is not dead, and my heart is uneasy." The ice fire said calmly, and then the people below fell back.

Soon after, there was news that the temple of life, which did not ask foreign affairs, was forced to surrender to the snow and ice, and suffered a fatal blow. The temple owner died, the temple collapsed, and everyone was stunned. The ice and snow were supreme, and finally the temple of life was started.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was a hundred years old. At this time, in a wilderness area of ​​Jiuyi, a figure was suddenly wrapped up by the horrible reincarnation, and then swallowed up by the reincarnation.

A handsome figure appeared, and it was Hou Qinglin. Now he is a supreme sanctuary. However, he has been chased and killed everywhere. Not only him, but the people of the former destiny temple have been chased by the ice and snow supreme.

"Well?" At this time, Hou Qinglin looked down and saw that he took out a jade slip, his eyes flashed through the edge, and then the body went empty.

Read The Duke's Passion