MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 12 Grab something with the young master of the Lan family?

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   Chapter 12 Stealing with the young master of the Lan family?

   Thief God!

  Qing Yunge couldn't help scolding secretly in her heart. After finally finding a good material, someone actually wants it?

   Listening to this tone, I must have come to know that this metal is the legendary deep sea mithril.

   She tilted her head slightly, looked through the gap in the shelf, and saw a blue-clothed gentleman standing sideways in front of the counter, talking to the shopkeeper.

   He is tall and straight, wearing a robe of woven cloud brocade, embroidered with green bamboo patterns on the edge of his clothes, wearing a hairpin made of suet jade on his head, and his long hair is rolled up.

   The side face is warm and smooth, the curvature is beautiful, and the temperament is as high as jade. It looks very elegant, but it makes people feel inexplicably terrible, like a lonely moon in the dark night, cold and gloomy.

   This person is extremely dangerous!

  Qing Yunge's eyes narrowed coldly, and he quickly searched his mind for the memory of this blue-robed noble boy, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know who he was.

   In fact, this is normal. Judging from the days when the tragic girl basically stayed out of one door and two doors, it seems that she really doesn't know many people except for the moth prince and the lady of the Lan family.

   But, no matter who he is, no one can grab what she likes.

   "Shopkeeper, how do you sell this piece of metal?" After thinking about it, Qing Yunge spoke up before the shopkeeper answered, and by the way raised the black and red metal in her hand to show her opinion.

   Before he finished speaking, with a sound of "Shh—", two eyes fell on her.

Only then did Qing Yunge see the face of the blue-robed gentleman, only to see a smile on his lips, his face like a peach blossom, he was clearly looking at her, but there was no reflection in his dark eyes, like a bottomless darkness. tan.

The shopkeeper's expression suddenly became strange. He didn't expect that there were still people interested in this ordinary piece of metal. Although they said that they were buying and selling things on a first-come, first-served basis, because the identity of the people around him was not easy to offend, he This is definitely going to be broken.

   After thinking for a long time, he said, "I'm sorry, this girl, we don't sell this piece of metal."

Hearing this, as if she had known for a long time that there would be such a reply, Qing Yunge's cherry lips under the veil slowly evoked a cold arc, she said lightly: "I haven't heard of it, the Treasure Pavilion is put out. There are things that are not for sale.”

   raised his eyes, his voice turned cold: "Or you, the shopkeeper, think I can't afford it?"

   "Young Master Lan, this..." The shopkeeper looked embarrassed, so he had to ask the blue-clothed gentleman for help.

  Young Master Lan, this title...

  Qing Yunge's eyes sank. Although there are many sons in the Lan family, but there is only one young master, the identity of the person in front of him is self-evident.

  Lan Tingyun, the number one master of the younger generation of Suzaku Nation, but a weak crown, has reached the fifth stage of the soul stage, in addition, there is a contract profound beast at the level of the seven-star holy beast.

   Among the same age, only the heirs of the Xiao family can compete with him.

   Not only that, he is also Lan Xinran's real brother.

  Thinking of this, Qing Yunge's eyes became colder. In her opinion, if anyone from the Lan family can cultivate descendants like Lan Xinran, it must not be a good thing.

   "This girl, this piece of metal is something I've been looking for for a long time." Lan Tingyun spoke at this time, his voice soft and slow, politely making people embarrassed to refuse, "Can you give it to me?"

   "I'm sorry, I liked this metal first." Qing Yunge remained expressionless and said coldly, "There is a first-come-first-served rule when buying things, don't you know?"

   As soon as these words came out, Lan Tingyun raised his head and carefully looked at the person who rejected him in front of him.

The girl standing against the wall was wearing a long crimson dress with star flowers embroidered on it and a dark blue streamer around her waist. Her long dark hair was **** by two hosta, revealing her fair neck and collarbone. .

   The half-foot Hongling covered her face coefficient, leaving only a pair of bright eyes, and the surprising thing was that the color of her eyes was actually a rare rose purple, and there was a coldness in her pupils, and there was an indescribable atmosphere.

   When was such an imposing girl in the imperial city?

   Could it be that he hasn't come back for a few years, and the situation here has changed?

   There was a slight wave in the dark eyes, but it was fleeting, and finally turned into a secluded pool.

   "What the girl said is very true." Lan Tingyun smiled, with a warm smile, "It's just that this piece of metal is very important to me. I wonder if the girl can bear the pain and give up her love?"

   Hearing this, Qing Yunge raised his eyebrows and smiled deeply at him, "It is important to the son, and it is also important to me, why can't the son bear the pain and give up his love?"

   The momentum is unmistakable.

   The shopkeeper at the counter watched the confrontation between the two, and he became more and more frightened. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he couldn't get a word in.

   Who is this girl who dares to rob the young master of the Lan family?

"How about paying double the money to buy the metal in the girl's hands?" Lan Tingyun still smiled and didn't lose his temper at all, "Or if the girl wants something, as long as she does what she can, she will find it for her. "

   As soon as these words came out, Qing Yunge could be 100% sure, Lan Tingyun absolutely knew that this piece of metal was deep sea mithril, and it was not like exposing the matter, otherwise, she would not have discussed so many benefits with her here.

  If it was a different person, maybe she would let her out in a good mood, but the Lan family...

  As Lan Tingyun, if he wants to get deep-sea mithril so much, he may have to do something big. Maybe, he might use this piece of deep-sea mithril to deal with someone. Maybe, the Qing family is a target.

   In this case, it cannot be given.

   "The thing I want is this piece of metal." Qing Yunge smiled, "You don't have to put a lot of effort into it, just don't **** it from me."

   These words can be said to be extremely arrogant. For a time, the entire Treasure Pavilion fell silent, as if the air had frozen, and the silence was extremely quiet.

  Lan Tingyun's expression finally changed at this moment, the expression in his deep eyes was unpredictable, he did not expect that the girl in front of him would be so reluctant even if he knew his identity.

   Originally, with his character, he didn't like to grab things from others, but for that matter, Deep Sea Mithril, he was determined to get it.

   In the silence, a female voice broke the silence at the moment.

   "Brother, you're just buying something, why are you so slow." A charming voice came from outside the door of the Treasure Pavilion, with a hint of complaint, "I've been waiting until my feet are numb."

   Immediately afterwards, Lingluo's voice rang out, the wooden door was pushed open again, and a woman walked in, walking slowly, walking to Lan Tingyun's side, only to stop.

   When the face of the visitor was completely exposed, Qing Yunge's eyes narrowed coldly, and the killing intent instantly became intense.

  Lan Xinran, it's you again!

   No problem, our Miss Lan has appeared again 233333

   Ask for collection wow~QAQ



   (end of this chapter)

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