MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 482 What a **** of a feeling! Big pig's trotter [2 more]

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   Chapter 482 This **** feeling! Big pig's trotter [2 more]

   The star soul waiting outside the gate of the hall appeared like a ghost.

   When he saw clearly what was happening in the hall, he was shocked for the first time.

  Wait, did he read it right?

   Why was their master hugged?

   And it seems that it is not forced.

   "My lord, you are..." Xing Soul thought for a while, then tentatively asked, "Should this subordinate be..."


  The Lord of Nine Serenities closed his eyes, he gritted his teeth, and looked at the man in white beside him: "Take your people away."

   For thousands of years, he has never been touched like this by a person of the opposite sex.

   What made him even more incomprehensible was that he couldn't bear to drag her off him himself.


What exactly is going on!

  The Lord of Nine Serenities had faint blue veins beating on his forehead. He felt the warm touch on his waist and breathed a few times.

   Su Muyan, who was still immersed in what was lost and found, didn't hear those words at all. She clawed at the person in front of her desperately, hanging almost all her weight on it.

   The expression of the Lord of Nine Serenities changed again, and he couldn't help but gasped.

   What is this human doing, does she know where she is touching?

   Although he has guarded the Realm of Nine Serenities for so many years, he is still a man after all!

   Seeing this scene, Xing Po wisely retreated.

After    returned to the outside of the temple gate, he enthusiastically said to Yuehun who was beside him: "Do you know what I just saw?"

   Moon Soul half-opened his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep: "What?"

   "My lord was hugged by a woman!"

  Yuehun woke up instantly, and couldn't believe it: "What did you say?"

   "You don't believe it, do you?" Xing Po snorted, "But that's the truth, let's wait for another mistress in the City of Bliss."

  The two priests outside the hall were gossiping, but the atmosphere in the hall was very strange at the moment.

   Qing Yunge was also surprised when the Lord of Nine Serenities turned around.

  Because she saw that the appearance of the Lord of Nine Serenities was exactly the same as Ling Mochen, who participated in the academy competition with her!

   But Qing Yunge is an outsider after all. She is much calmer than Su Muyan, so her first thought was that they might have been bumped by their appearances.

   After all, there are ten wonders in this world, and intelligent life that looks exactly the same is not absent.

   However, after she felt it with her divine sense, she rejected the idea.

   Looks can be the same, body can be the same, but the soul will never be the same!

  The spirit of each intelligent life is different, otherwise the reincarnation system will collapse.

   Then, the Lord of Nine Serenities is undoubtedly the former Ling Mo Shen!

  Thinking of this, Qing Yunge suddenly looked at Rong Jinhuai: "Ahuai, the reason why you didn't let Xiao Mu come is because Ling Mochen is the master of Jiuyou?"

   She knows how precious Su Muyan is, this little brother, and can't wait to give him everything.

   Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai was silent for a while, and then whispered, "Yes."

   "But the Lord of the Nine Serenities is clear..." Qing Yunge's eyes flickered, "I don't know Xiao Mu."

  If he is really Ling Mochen, how could he not know Su Muyan?

   "You know, Qingqing..." Rong Jinhuai said lightly, "Has Ah Jiu violated the laws of heaven?"

   Qing Yunge was startled.

"A-Jiu has become the guardian of the Death God family in a living body, which means that he has to pay some price." He whispered, "Seven emotions and six desires, you cannot have eternal life, once you have emotions, you must accept the punishment of heaven. ."

   "The punishment is..." Qing Yunge's voice paused slightly, "Losing memory, erasing feelings?"

   "This is light." Rong Jinhuai shook his head gently, "Three thousand karmic fires from the heavens can completely kill Ah Jiu, but he survived, I think..."

   A layer of mist floated in his eyes: "It's probably Xiao Mu who is supporting him."

   But after the Lord of Nine Serenities came out, he forgot his obsession.

   "Xiao Mu may not have felt it herself, but I'm afraid she already has a deep-rooted love for her little brother." Qing Yunge was silent for a while, "You didn't let her come because you didn't want her to face cruel facts."

   "Some things can't be stopped." Rong Jinhuai smiled slightly, "After all, I have to face it myself. You see, Ah Jiu is a little different from Muyan."

  Qing Yunge looked up and saw the indifferent man who seemed to be at a loss at the moment.

   "Nolan!" At this moment, the Lord of Nine Serenities spoke again, "Help me get her down."

"What? People are throwing their arms around you, but you are so merciless?" Rong Jinhuai looked at him calmly, "Ajiu, I'm not trying to persuade you, you've been alone for too long, you should have a company. ."

   The Lord of Nine Serenities looked very ugly, but he was really helpless.

   He hates this feeling!

  What kind of magic does this human girl with no hair even have to curb his murderous intentions?

   Unheard of!

   The black front of his shirt was soaked with tears. The Lord of Nine Serenities froze, as if he had made up his mind. He stretched out his hand and patted the back of the person in his arms.

  's voice was also a little stiff: "Don't cry."

  Su Muyan ignored her at all. She was aggrieved: "Didn't you promise to go to our Su family as an offering? Why did you leave me and run away?"

   The Lord of Nine Serenities felt powerless for the first time.

   When did he say such a thing?

   "Sorry, I..." The Lord of Nine Serenities paused as soon as he spoke, and a strange color flashed across his eyes.

   It's really evil, he obviously wants to say that he will cry again and throw you out to feed the three-headed hellhound, how can he apologize as soon as he makes a sound?

   What about his majesty as a guardian?

  Su Muyan finally stopped crying, she raised her head with tears in her eyes, but still hugged the man's waist with both hands: "Hey, little brother, you haven't answered me yet, how did you become the Lord of the Nine Serenities?"

   "Actually, I have always been." The Lord of Nine Serenities looked at the pretty face, his eyes darkened, "I just didn't tell you, because my identity is a secret to you."

After   , he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.


   That's not what he wanted to say!

  According to his style, it should be—human, get out of here.

   "Oh—" Su Muyan didn't notice anything wrong, she raised her hand and pinched the man's face, "Little brother, I noticed that you look better."

  The Lord of the Nine Serenities nodded: "Well, if you like it, not me..."

   Well, he should stop talking, he can't control himself at all now.

   Not only does the Lord of the Nine Serenities feel like a ghost, but Qing Yunge also finds it unbelievable.

   She pointed to the two people she was holding, and said to the man in white, "Did your brother have such a gentle personality before?"

   "Gentle?" Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai seemed to laugh, "He has nothing to do with this word."

  Beastmasters are gentler than the Lord of Nine Serenities.

   "Could it be that the Three Thousand Karmic Fire didn't clear his lust?" Qing Yunge thought for a while, "If Xiao Mu was so arrogant, he would definitely kill her directly."

   "Tiandao won't let go." Rong Jinhuai thought thoughtfully, "It's probably A Jiu's instinctive reaction."

   During the period when the Lord of Nine Serenities lived in the world, in order to bury his identity, he obeyed Su Muyan's words.

   Later, when he really fell in love, he took care of him even more carefully, not even daring to amplify his voice.

   "Ling Mo sinks him..." There was a clear light in Qing Yunge's eyes, "Is it possible to restore memory?"

   "It's unlikely, because the Three Thousand Karmic Fire has cleared his memory, unless someone can enter the Three Thousand Karmic Fire."

   However, no intelligent life can survive the burning of three thousand karmic fires, and is stronger than the Lord of the Nine Serenities, yet his memory has been taken away.

  Su Muyan asked the man for a long time, and then she remembered her purpose: "By the way, little brother, can you do the boss a favor?"

   "What?" After releasing his hands from him, the Lord of Nine Serenities finally felt better.

"You must know about Sister Yue and Brother Yun." Su Muyan sighed, "Big Brother Yun thought that Sister Yue was dead, so he didn't hesitate to use his own life to open up a channel of reincarnation, and let us take Sister Yue's soul back. ."

   The Lord of Nine Serenities gave a soft "hmm".

   "But brother, you said that Sister Yue is actually not dead, so I think..." Su Muyan said seriously, "Please put Brother Yun back too."

  Although she didn't know how her younger brother was so powerful, she said that if she wanted to cover him, she would cover him for the rest of her life.

   Unexpectedly, after listening to this sentence, the Lord of Jiuyou said indifferently: "I can't do this."

   "Ah?" Su Muyan was stunned, "Why? Don't you take charge of the reincarnation system, little brother?"

   "The one who really controls the law of reincarnation is the way of heaven." The Lord of Nine Nethers said indifferently, "If I put his soul back, the whole realm of Nine Netherworld will collapse."

   One life for another, the law cannot be broken.

  Su Muyan's expression changed: "Really not?"

   Muyue went to the Isle of Reincarnation just to make Yunjing come back to life. If Yunjing dies, all efforts will be in vain.

   She really couldn't bear to see them torture each other like this.

   But what Ling Moshen said is not wrong, the balance of the world cannot be broken just because of one person.

   Qing Yunge and Rong Jinhuai were also silent.

   Since Yunjing died because he opened the reincarnation passage, they could not even let others rescue him through the reincarnation passage.

   is in a dead end.

   "Actually..." At this time, the Lord of Nine Serenities spoke slowly, "There is still a way."

  Su Muyan's expression lifted: "What can I do?"

   She wants to see the real reunion of Mu Yue and Yun Jing.

  The Lord of Nine Serenities looked at Su Muyan and smiled coldly: "One life, another life."

   "Do you dare?"

   (end of this chapter)

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