MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 490 Nine clans change! 【2 more】

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   Chapter 490 The change of the nine clans! 【2 more】

  's words made Ogg's body shake violently.

   "I won't kill you, because she asked me to save your life before she died." He smiled slightly, but his smile was cold to the bone, "After all, you can be reincarnated in death, and you will endure even greater suffering in life."

  What is more terrifying than death is that you don't even have the right to die, and you have to live in the shadows all the time.

   "Oge, listen carefully—" Rong Jinhuai said lightly, "As long as I'm still in this world, you have to live forever."

The tone of    was very light, but the words he said were so frightening.

  Tian, ​​who was forced to kneel there because of the mighty blood pressure, looked slightly grim, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and he roared: "Nolan, you can't..."

   The words hadn't been finished, and the next second he was vacated.

   "I know what you want to say." Rong Jinhuai brows indifferently, "If you want to kill Grande's direct bloodline, you must have the approval of the Dragon God."

  Tien stared at the man in white in front of him, gritted his teeth: "That's right! Now that the Dragon God is not here, even you have no right to punish me."

   Wasn't he almost digging Wu Qingxiu's grave?

   Just a dead elf!

  Tien only hates that his strength is not strong enough, otherwise he will not dig Wu Qingxiu's tomb, but Feng Qingli's tomb!

   He wanted to see, but by that time, his brother-in-law wouldn't be able to sit still.

  Tian suddenly laughed, very proud: "Nolan, what about your cultivation base and the top nine clans? You can't kill me."

  Dragon God will save him, definitely!

   But the moment the idea came up, I don't know what I saw, and the smile on Tian's lips suddenly froze.

   He looked at a dragon-shaped token floating in the air and roared in disbelief: "Dragon God Order?!"

How could    Dragon God Order be in Nolan's hands?

Didn't the    Dragon God disappear, how could he still give the Dragon God Token to others?

   After this token appeared, the other dragonmen were shocked.

   But after the shock, they immediately fell to the ground and shouted in unison: "See Lord Dragon God!"

   Like the phoenix master order and the phoenix master order of the phoenix clan, the dragon **** order also has the same function.

   "Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!" Tien still couldn't believe it, he struggled hard, his eyes flashing with crazy light, "The Dragon God Token is mine, it should be mine!"

   However, no one looked at him anymore.

  The dragon prince who used to call the wind and the rain in the city of Shengna has turned into an ant that can be wiped out at any time.

   "Yours?" Hearing this, Rong Jinhuai laughed softly.

  The next second, a terrifying scene appeared—

   I saw the man in white raised a hand, and then held it in the air, the dragon-shaped token instantly turned into pieces!

  Tian was also shocked. His eyes were red, and his face was even more sinister: "Nolan, what are you doing? You are disrespecting the Dragon God!"

   "Dragon God trusts you so much, how dare you destroy the Dragon God Order!"

   There is one more thing he didn't say - don't give it to me!

  Tian's face was flushed with blood, and it was obvious that he was out of anger.

   "I'm letting you know..." Rong Jinhuai raised his eyes lightly, "Without the Dragon God Token, I can kill you as well."

  Because there were too many things to deal with before, I didn't have time to take care of Tien.

  This time, new accounts and old accounts are calculated together!

   Of course, it's impossible for Dean to really find his mother's tomb. If even a person of the Holy Order can break through his barrier, then he will be truly ashamed of the Dragon God.

What   Tian found was specially arranged by him.

   "You can't..." Tian finally realized that something was wrong, he actually, actually...

   There is absolutely nothing to blackmail his brother!

   Before he could even think about what to say, Tien heard the sound of his own bones breaking.

   The loud noise of "bang-" was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

   All the dragons looked at the red shadow double holy dragon with a broken neck on the ground in horror, and subconsciously retreated in unison.

  When talking and laughing, murder is invisible.

   Without looking at everyone's eyes, the man in white waved his sleeves, and a fire appeared out of thin air.

  The tongue of fire licked the corpse that still had residual warmth, but it was swallowed up in a moment.

   At this moment, all the dragon people could clearly hear their own voices.


   "Yes!" Suddenly being named, Odell jumped forward immediately, holding her head high.

   For some reason, Tian died, but she didn't feel sentimental at all, but wanted to applaud her brother Nolan.

   Odell thought, maybe it's because Brother Nolan is the object of her admiration, she thinks everything he does makes sense.

  Rong Jinhuai narrowed his eyebrows, his tone unquestionable: "Today I will become the head of the dragon clan."

   "What?" Hearing this sentence, Audrey was a little dumbfounded, "Brother Nolan, what did you say?"

   Make her the king of the dragon race?

  Look at the joke!

   His eyes were cold: "You heard it clearly."

   "No way..." Audrey opened his mouth, "I know nothing."

   How could it be so easy to become the king of the dragon family?

   It is not an easy task to manage a race, let alone a dragon race with a large population.

   Didn't you see that her father was bald? !

   "Learn." Rong Jinhuai looked at her and said only this word.

   "But Brother Nolan, I really..." Audrey still wanted to refuse, but seeing the coldness on the man in white getting heavier, she still responded gloomily, "I promise you."

   She is afraid that she will be bald by then, but what should I do?

   Audrey groaned inwardly. Brother Nolan gave her this mess, he definitely didn't want him to become bald, it was too bad.

   "The rest must not disobey any orders from Audrey." Rong Jinhuai's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, "Any traitor—"

   "Kill without amnesty."


  Not only the dragon race, but almost all races have undergone tremendous changes during this period of time.

  The two dynasties of the human race were combined into one, and the ruler was the Lu family.

   And the Qilin family also announced a new patriarch not long ago. It was the night general they found a few months ago. It is rumored that he was the emperor of the human race.

   Then it was the turn of the Yu clan. One day, the head of the Yu clan announced his abdication without warning.

   What puzzled the Yu people was that she did not pass on the position of the patriarch to the next generation, but to a princess in the next generation. It is said that this princess is still a mixed race.

The    elves are the most peaceful race, but the Eastern elves and Western elves who have been at odds for thousands of years have merged again, and the entire race is king.

   At the same time, the demons have also changed their rulers, the great demon Chessfield has stepped back behind the scenes, and the new one is a demon queen named Shadow Dance.

  The undead tribe is still led by the three lords, but according to some practitioners who were exploring at sea, they saw an army of undead gathering on the island in the distance.

  The realm of the Nine Serenities seems to be very stable, but in fact, there have been huge changes, because...the Lord of the Nine Serenities has disappeared again.

   As for the angel family living in the sky…


   Chaos Continent, Zhongzhou Realm, Siling College.

   In front of the stone table under the bamboo forest, there were two people sitting opposite each other. There was a chessboard on the table, a jar of wine and several wine cups.

  Jun Lin poured himself a glass of wine and was quite speechless: "The nine clans are in such a mess, why are you not in a hurry?"

   "Why should I be in a hurry?" Rong Jinhuai's face was calm, "I'm not a guardian, it's you who should be anxious, and—"

   He raised his eyes and said lightly, "Nine clans are nothing compared to me, not even a single hair of hers."

   "Okay, you are a lover, you are amazing." Jun Lin gave a thumbs up, "But the little girl has gone to the Xuanling Realm to retreat for so long, and I haven't seen you go in and take a look, so I'm not afraid... What happened?"

  Rong Jinhuai glanced at the emperor, and said slowly, "The blood oath of life."

   King's Landing was directly choked, but he forgot about it.

   "But do you really think that after nearly four months of seclusion, the little girl will be able to break through the holy rank?" Jun Lin shrugged, "I think it took me ten years to break through the holy rank back then!"

   "Naturally." Rong Jinhuai smiled slightly, "My wife's talent is not comparable to you."

   King's Landing: "…"

   Damn, I really want to kill this dazzling wife madman.

   "My talent is not bad." King's Landing snorted twice, "Believe it or not, give me a little more time, and I can show you time to go backwards."

   "Well, I believe it." Rong Jinhuai looked lazy, "But at that time, I might not be on this plane anymore."

   King's Landing: "…"

   Kill it or kill it.

   "By the way, let me tell you one more thing." Jun Lin felt that it was still important to do business. He was about to speak, but the eyes of the person in front of him were frozen.

   He wondered: "What's the matter with you?"

   said, he also turned around and looked up at the sky.

   As a result, the emperor jumped up: "What's the situation?!"

   (end of this chapter)