MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 506 The female head of Shenxuan Island [2 more]

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   Chapter 506 The Female Head of Shenxuan Island [2 Updates]

  The nine-star Monarch beast has a very distinctive feature, that is, at the top of its head, there will be a huge crown-shaped light.

   The nine-star monarch beast, the king of mysterious beasts, and the object of submission by all beasts.

  The plane of the Nine Clan World has only ten nine-star monarch beasts, and one of them is still unknown.

   Even the most aloof Luo clan, the strongest beast master under his command, can only find an eight-star monarch beast.

   But the distance between the eight stars and the nine stars is farther than the distance from the star rank to the **** rank.

   The nine-star monarch beast can definitely compete with the powerhouses of the **** order.

   Apart from his perception of the Great Dao and his state of mind, there is no difference between the nine-star monarch beast that can transform into a human form and the chaos beast.

  Under certain conditions, the Nine Star Monarch Beast can even surpass Chaos Beast in attack power.

   But every Chaos Beast can use the mysterious power of "judgment", which is inferior to the Nine Star Monarch Beast.

   Chaos beasts are innate, and nine-star monarch beasts are acquired.

  Luoyu will not be Ziming's opponent.

   After Mu Yue returned from the Isle of Reincarnation, Zi Ming also returned to Qing Yunge.

   However, it did not become a human, because it is still a contract beast, and it can only transform into a human form after the contract is cancelled.

   However, compared to becoming a human, Ziming is still more willing to sleep beside his master.

   "You are also a beastmaster?" Cold sweat broke out on Luo Yu's forehead, "Why didn't you say it?!"

  If he knew that this nine clansman could drive a nine-star monarch beast, he would never take action.

  Qing Yunge wondered: "Who are you and why should I tell you?"

   This person is delusional.

   "Damn..." Luo Yu cursed, turning around and running away without saying more.

   Now he has become the weak side, and he is the only one who cannot fight anymore.

   Seeing this scene, the knights all shouted.

   "Ouch, brothers, did you see that this bad-faced monkey actually wanted to run away!"

   "It's still our eldest lady who is powerful, even the nine-star monarch beast."

   "No, don't look at who the eldest lady is."

  Qing Fengya was very surprised, he couldn't help taking a breath: "Yun Ge is amazing."

   "That's why you are worrying." Feng Langhuan was very proud, "Our daughter can always surprise people."

  Qing Fengya sighed and rubbed his forehead: "This is not a surprise to me, it is already a shock..."

   Qing Yunge didn't know that she had scared her father, and she was about to go after Luoyu.

  Luoyu must not let go, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

   But if the gods want to escape, they can't catch up. Unless someone stronger than Luoyu appears, they can block his retreat.

   Ziming is not an offensive profound beast, so he can't do it yet.

  Qing Yunge's eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that he could only use empowerment.

   The pinnacle of the ninth rank of the **** stage of Liu Sheng's profound strength is comparable to the average fifth stage of the **** stage, while Luoyu is only the second stage of the **** stage.


   Before the sword spirit could make a move, the mutation happened.

   Seeing the direction of Luo Yu's mad escape, a big hand suddenly appeared, and there was a rumbling sound from the heavens and the earth, like the thunder of the ear.

   In the astonished eyes of everyone, the big hand grabbed Luo Yu directly.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a cold and calm voice: "I already beat the five of you when I went back. I didn't expect you to dare to come to the nine."

   Hearing this sentence, Luo Yu's face changed wildly.

   He didn't care that his life was at stake at the moment, and shouted: "Longyu! My Luo family is not as easy to bully as the Dan family!"

   "Oh?" The voice was still very light, "But I just want to bully you."

   The big hand is slowly closing: "If you dare to bully my family, I will bully me ten times!"

   "Long 婳!" How could Luo Yu not understand that this big hand wanted to kill him, he emphasized, "You killed the gods for no reason, and you will be punished by the female head of state."

   The number of gods on Shenxuan Island is like ants, but the number of gods can be counted. If one less gods, the strength of Shenxuan Island will also be weakened a lot.

   "Female head of state?" Long Jing smiled lightly, "My friendship with her is deeper than your five clans."

   After saying that, the big hand shook it without hesitation.

  Luoyu didn't even utter a scream, and was immediately wiped from this world.

  The three Luo people who came this time have all fallen!

   After Luo Yu died, the big hand disappeared, and was replaced by a beautiful woman.

   She slowly walked down from the sky, her gait was light, and her breath was gentle.

  Real master, back to basics without revealing.

  Luoyu can only be regarded as a fluke to break through to the **** level.

   "Grandma?" Qing Yunge was startled, "Why are you here?"

   "Let's not talk about this." Long Jing waved her hand, "Are you all alright?"

   It was a coincidence that the Luo tribe came to have someone important this time.

   "Grandma, don't worry, I'm here." Qing Yunge smiled, "Mother and father are well protected by me."

   "As expected, I didn't read it wrong." Long Yan praised, "You are only qualified to go there."

   "Where?" Just as Qing Yunge was about to ask where it was, Long Ma took a step forward and walked to the pergola first.

   "Is your body okay?" Long Yu put her hand on the shoulder of the man in white and checked his body, "Have the old wounds been removed?"

   "Cough cough." Qing Fengya coughed a few times, feeling helpless, "Mother, you already asked this question when you came last time."

   Hearing this, Long Jing laughed and scolded: "Do you think I'm nagging?"

   "Mother, don't pay attention to him." Feng Langhuan also said, "He just can't listen to us."

   "Oh, when I'm old, I just want to talk to my children and grandchildren." Long Ma sighed and pointed, "Who knows that my son doesn't appreciate it."

  Qing Fengya: "…"

  Daughter-in-law and old lady went into battle together, and he was a little overwhelmed.

   "Mother, my son is wrong." Qing Fengya quickly admitted his mistake, "Mother, I won't say anything you say in the future."

   "That's good." Long Yu nodded.

   "Mother, what are you doing here this time?" Qing Fengya stood up and asked, "Dad, he and Uncle Xiao have gone out. I'm afraid they will have to spend a few days outside."

   "Go, go, I'm not looking for the old man." Long Yu concealed her emotions, "I'm here this time to find my precious granddaughter."

   "Yunge?" Qing Fengya was slightly startled, "What happened again?"

   "It's a very important matter." Long Jing nodded, "But it still depends on Yunge's choice."

   She turned her head and looked at the girl in the red dress, her eyes not swept away: "The peak of the ninth stage of the holy stage, it's just right, just a little more will not work."

The first six words    directly shocked Qing Fengya and Feng Langhuan.

   The pinnacle of the ninth stage of the holy stage? !

   They won't get it wrong.

   "Grandma, what do you want me to do?" Qing Yunge tentatively asked.

  Longyu said solemnly: "There is a place I hope you can go to."

   (end of this chapter)