MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 508 The five clans gather together, the road to the profound mystery! 【2 more】

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  Chapter 508 Five clans gather together, the road to the mysteries! 【2 more】

   "Daddy, when you were away, I took good care of grandpa."

   The voice was flat, but with a little trembling that was hardly noticeable.

  Qing Fengya finally spoke, the voice between her lips and teeth was a little hoarse: "Daddy knows."

  The wind brushed his cheeks, and after another bow, Qing Yunge continued: "Our knights didn't relax for a day while you were away."

  Qing Fengya's eyes were dull, and she also whispered: "Daddy knows."

   After the fifth prayer, Qing Yunge smiled: "When you were away, I was cultivating all the time, and let our family return to the list of the top ten mysterious families."

   The words of our family made Qing Fengya's eyes finally turn red: "Daddy...I know."

   The sixth prayer.

   "When you were away, I wiped out the entire Helian clan."

   Seventh prayer, eighth prayer…

At the time of   's ninth prayer, Qing Fengya couldn't help but stretch out her hand to pick up the girl who was kneeling there, but she still knelt there.

   And this last sentence made him go there with an earthquake.

   "Father, I can finally be worthy of the words... the daughter of the Qing family."

  Qing Fengya took a deep breath, he closed his eyes and smiled: "Daddy knows."

   Tears burst out in an instant, Qing Yunge hugged the arm of the person in front of her, and her voice became choked up: "Father!"

   "Daddy is here." Qing Fengya stretched out her other hand and stroked the girl's hair, "Daddy will always be there."

  It's been sixteen years, it's been sixteen years.

   When he left, she was still in the infant, and in such a blink of an eye, she had become a slender girl.

  Qing Fengya always felt ashamed of the word father, he failed to accompany her, and failed to give her the fatherly love she needed.

   Qing Yunge leaned against the man's leg, very satisfied: "Daddy, I have missed you so much for so many years."

  When she was Feng Qingli, she was born without her father and her mother left early, so she had no impression at all.

   It can be said that Feng Langhuan and Qing Fengya are her only parents, and she has wanted a home for a long time.

   "Daddy misses you too." Qing Fengya said softly, "I miss you and your mother all the time."

  There is a home that he can't go back to, so he can only hide in the dark and watch them, how sad.

   Fortunately, he is back now, but…

  Qing Fengya frowned, he still didn't know which part of his memory he had lost, obviously he didn't forget anything.

   "That's right, Daddy." Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge suddenly woke up, "Why haven't you come back for 16 years?"

"It's a long story." Qing Fengya paused, "I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect to come back to life again. At first, I didn't know who rescued me until your grandma appeared... "

   "She said that she came a step late, and even she couldn't save my injuries, so she handed me over to Shenxuan Island Master."

   "Shenxuan Island Lord?!" Qing Yunge's pupils shrank violently, and his expression changed, "Did he do anything to you?"

   Island Master Shenxuan is the enemy of her and A Huai, no... the enemy of the entire Nine Clan, would he be so kind to save her father?

   "There is nothing unusual about the body. Your grandma has already checked it." Qing Fengya shook her head, "But it is said that I have lost part of my 'non-existent' memory."

"does not exist?"

   "Yes, because I should remember everything." Qing Fengya said, "But I can't come back, not because of Shenxuan Island Master, but another person."

   "But he's been in a fog, and I can't get a glimpse of his true face."

   "I asked your grandma, and she didn't know who he was. The only thing that was certain was that he and Shenxuan Island Master knew each other."

  Qing Yunge's eyes were deep, she nodded slowly: "I understand."

   On the side of Shenxuan Island Master, how many forces are there?

   "Yunge, you don't have to worry about me anymore." Qing Fengya smiled silently, "Let's go with your grandma quickly, you are someone who is going to make a big deal now."

   "Father, are you driving me away now?" Qing Yunge sighed, a hint of slyness in his eyes, "You are too ruthless."

   "You girl." How could Qing Fengya not know that his daughter was acting? He laughed, "It's the true biography of your grandfather."

   "Pfft—" Qing Yunge was immediately choked, she coughed a few times, "Father, if Grandpa knew that you were talking about him behind his back, he would definitely pick up a feather duster and hit you."

   "It's okay." Qing Fengya was very calm, "Anyway, I was used to being beaten when I was a child."

   After a pause, he continued: "But the old man won't be able to see you this time. It is estimated that he will lose his temper for a while when he comes back."

  Qing Yunge is also very calm: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

   After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

   "Okay." Qing Fengya first restrained his smile, his eyes were gentle, "Yunge, you should go."

   Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge stood up, she nodded: "I will succeed."

   Only allowed to win, not allowed to lose!

  Qing Fengya smiled: "Daddy believes you."

   In the snowstorm, the girl's body was thin, but she was as tall and straight as a pine tree, until it gradually disappeared.

   Feng Langhuan didn't know when she came back, she glanced at the east: "Daughter is gone?"

   "Let's go." Qing Fengya smiled lightly, "But she said she would come back."


   Shenxuan Island.

   Today, Shenxuan Island is rare and lively, and all the five clans are gathered together.

   However, the place where they stayed was very simple, in front of a cave. Not knowing what they were waiting for, many people became a little anxious.

   "Why hasn't Master Yunmu come yet?"

   "Didn't you say that you will start the path to the divine mysteries today?"

   "It's been half an hour since the appointed time. Where did Master Yunmu go?"

   Everyone was chatting, making the scene very noisy.

  Yue Linghan frowned, but was extremely calm.

   On the side, Wu Qinghe came over: "Yue Qi, you don't seem to be nervous at all."

   "Why are you nervous?" Yue Linghan said lightly, "This kind of thing can't be forced."

   Hearing this, Wu Qinghe sneered: "But I want to force it."

   He must enter the path of Shenxuan!

  Yue Linghan ignored it and just stood there with his hands behind his back.

   "Look, look!" After a while, someone suddenly called out, "Master Yunmu has come out."

   Everyone heard the sound and looked around, and sure enough, from the depths of the cave, there was a graceful figure coming slowly.

  The person here is not the kind of rare beauty, but his eyebrows and eyes are very attractive, with an independent temperament, which makes people admire.

   is another strong man!

   After seeing the woman coming out, the five patriarchs immediately greeted them and said in unison, "Master Yunmu, can we start now?"

   Yunmu said lightly: "There are still people who haven't come, wait."

   As soon as these words came out, the five patriarchs were stunned.

   (end of this chapter)