MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 525 The return of the nine monarchs? ! 【Add 2】

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   Chapter 525 The return of the nine monarchs? ! 【Add 2】

   The sudden appearance of nine figures shocked everyone who was still immersed in joy, but after the shock, they were deeply puzzled.

who are they?

What does    mean when you say this?

Isn't    the head of the demons already dead, why is it not over yet?

  Other people were surprised and puzzled, but on the Shura Plain, all the eight divine artifact owners except Ye Jiangchen were shocked when they saw these nine people.

  Qing Yunge immediately blurted out after seeing a familiar face, "Dark Sovereign?"

   Not only her, but several others were also shocked.

   "You are... the Sacred Sky Monarch?"

   "Flame Lord!"

   "It's the reincarnation monarch!"


   The most unhurried Rong Jinhuai was obviously surprised by this.

  Obviously, these nine figures are exactly the nine monarchs who passed away more than 20,000 years ago.

   And now, all of them appear here!

what happened?

   Qing Yunge had a bad premonition in her heart, what could make the nine monarchs come back at all costs?

   She trembled, but was instantly sensed by the person beside her.


   A warm hand clenched hers, and there was a steady stream of power flowing into her body along his palm.

  My heart suddenly calmed down.

   It's no big deal, even if there is any danger, she is not afraid, because he is by his side.

   And after seeing the names of the backbones of the Nine Army call out these titles, the others were also shocked.

   Nine, nine monarchs?

  Isn’t this a legendary god, who is actually alive?

  Wait, they thought it was just a rumor in the book!

   Even Mo Fengyun was a little confused.

   Yu Musheng was shocked, but quickly accepted the accident.

   After all, she is the female head of Shenxuan Island, so she naturally knows that the nine monarchs are real, but she did not expect them to return to the Nine Clan World.

   Yu Musheng is also considered to be a strong person who wants to touch the Great Perfection, so she still knows a lot about some things about the plane.

   Leaving this plane is easy, but coming back again is hard.

  Because when the power of the practitioner has exceeded the limit of this world, it is like water overflowing a cup and will be repelled.

   Naturally, the Dao powerhouse can ignore this.

  Although the nine monarchs are the strongest beings in the eyes of the nine clansmen, they are far from the level of the Dao powerhouse.

   How did they get back?

   But this is not the main point for everyone to consider, and they are very excited at the moment.

   These are nine monarchs!


  Except for the owner of the divine artifact, several guardians, Mo Fengyun, and others, almost all of them knelt down respectfully and bowed to the monarchs in front of them.

   Nine monarchs, headed by flames, stood there.

   Seeing this scene, they waved their hands and lifted up the kneeling crowd again.

   It was Li Yan who just said those words. He swept his eyes and smiled gently: "We are not gods, you don't need to worship us, just treat us as ordinary people."

   "Yes, yes, we are no different from you." Diablo interjected, "Don't be polite to us, we have no air."

   Hearing these words, everyone who was helped up was stunned for a moment.

   The appearance of the nine monarchs was already a big shock to them, so they were still in a state of being out of the sky, so they nodded numbly.

   "Hey little girl, let's meet again." Among the nine monarchs, Diablo was the most detached. He looked at the girl in red in surprise, "I didn't expect this meeting, you've grown a lot."

   It was easy to say on the lips, but the heart was deeply shocked.

   Throughout the tens of thousands of years, whether in the Nine Clan World or the general plane, he has never seen such a gifted existence as a girl in a red dress.

   Such a fast cultivation speed is terrifying!

  Diablo scratched his head, a little unhappy.

   It's over. At the beginning, he was a lot more powerful than his inheritor, but when they met this time, they were almost the same.

   If it weren't for the lack of the power of the Great Dao, I'm afraid she would have broken through the air at the moment when she broke through the saint, right?

   But fortunately, there is no power of the Dao, otherwise some things can't be saved.

   "Senior Dark is wrong." Qing Yunge nodded slightly, "I think you have more important things than this?"

  Nine monarchs will naturally not return to the world of the nine clans for no reason.

   After all, even when the head of the demons brought the phantom demons to invade the world of the nine clans, they still stayed in the general plane and did not come back.

  It would be impossible to say that they did not know about it.

   The original army of phantom demons was accompanied by the head of all the demons, but they were the ones who sealed it.

"Don't be in a hurry, it's useless anyway." Diablo waved his hand, obviously more interested in the girl in the red dress, "The little girl is really incredible, we only sealed the head of the demons at the beginning, I didn't expect you to be good. The guy just killed him."

   "Nice job!"

   As soon as these words came out, the other eight monarchs also nodded in appreciation.

   In this case, it would be impossible for them to be the same as they were at that time.

  Qing Yunge remained calm, her eyes calm and unwavering: "It's just luck."

  If it wasn't for Xiaopu, she would not have been able to advance to the level of a saint in such a short period of time.

   Without the Phoenix Glass, she would not be able to easily kill the head of the demons.

   "As I said earlier, luck is also a part of strength." Diablo touched his chin, "I am afraid that a saint who is less than eighteen years old will not be able to find one in the three thousand worlds."

   Qing Yunge supported his forehead.

   The first time she met, she could tell that this dark monarch was a talker.

   "Okay, stop talking." Yueguang gave Diablo an irritated look, "You can wait until things are settled before talking about the old things. Let's talk about the real business first."

  God knows how hard it is for them to come back, but they still went to ask an emperor from the general plane for help, and they were able to come back. There is still a time limit, but it can't be wasted like this.


   Moonlight sighed, trying to solve that matter was really not easy.

   "Oh oh oh." Diablo patted his forehead, as if he suddenly realized, "It's business, talk about business."

  Riyan shook his head helplessly, and then said to the confused people in front of him: "There are some things I want to find you, this matter is related to this plane, so it needs to be discussed carefully."

  Hanbing also spoke at this time. Her voice was always cold and expressionless: "But this has nothing to do with ordinary people. It is the owner of the divine artifact that has something to do with it."

   His eyes were cold, but his fingers were clenched.

   Damn it, even she was deceived.

  If she knew the truth, she would definitely accept the inheritance of the Snow Soul Sword to another person.

   Hearing this, Qing Yunge nodded and said, "Master of the Wind and Cloud Tower, please take the others back first, and leave it to us."

  Mo Fengyun was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded.

   Jiujun is also very interesting and knows that this level of dialogue is not something they can participate in.

   So they all followed their own team and left the Shura Plain.

   Yu Musheng saw that the matter had settled, although she also wanted to communicate with the nine monarchs, but obviously she could not stay, so she was ready to leave.

   But it was also at this moment that the moonlight said: "Hey, Mu Sheng, you stay too, this is also related to Shenxuan Island."

   Yu Musheng was taken aback.

   Is also related to Shenxuan Island?

   "However, your enforcers can leave, but I have a piece of advice for you." Yueguang's eyes changed, "Don't go back to Shenxuan Island, just stay in the Nine Clan."

   After listening, the law enforcers obeyed the admonition of the Moonlight Monarch even though they did not know why.

   Therefore, they chose to follow Mo Fengyun to the Chaos Continent.

   After all the irrelevant intelligent beings left, the Shura Plain became quiet again.

   But the atmosphere at this time was a little heavy.

   Qing Yunge clearly felt that what the nine monarchs were about to say would be terrifying.

   "Oh, I didn't expect that we would come back one day." The flames first sighed, "I thought this day would not come."

After    sighed, he looked at the nine people who stayed behind: "You must be wondering, why are we coming back?"

   All nine nodded slightly.

   "We came back this time to tell you all the truth about this plane." The flames said in a deep voice, "The next thing you hear may be unbelievable, but it is indeed true."

   Qing Yunge's eyes changed slightly.

   Then, I heard Rie Yan speak again: "You also know that the nine of us are not gods, just ordinary people with high cultivation, but in fact, the legend of gods is also correct."

   Well, tomorrow will begin to unravel all the truth.

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   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion