MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 545 Extra 5: Rong Jinhuai, you beast! 【Look off topic!

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   Chapter 545 Extra 5: Rong Jinhuai, you beast! 【Look off topic! 】

  Therefore, the two newlyweds in bright red wedding dresses left directly under the dull eyes of everyone.


   There was a moment of silence in the air, and then—

   "Damn it!" Xiao Muchen exclaimed strangely, "How could they do this? Why did they leave us behind before this most important process is over?"

  According to the normal marriage ceremony of the human race, before entering the bridal chamber, there are still a series of rituals to be carried out.

   In addition, the bride is usually the first to enter the bridal room, and the groom has to accompany the guests to drink outside, and he can only leave when he is half drunk.

   A few big men had been thinking about it before, they must let Rong Jinhuai seal his cultivation base, and then drink, they will definitely get him drunk.

   As a result, maybe something fun will happen on the wedding night.

   But what I never expected was!

   The young couple actually left? !

   They can't go to the bridal chamber now even if they want to.

   "What's your name?" Hearing this, Su Muyan rolled her eyes, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, do you think your little abacus still works?"

   When I mention this, I get angry.

   When she and Jiujiu were married a few years ago, stupid Muchen kept making him drink with the purpose of getting Jiujiu drunk.

   As a result, something unexpected happened. The Lord of Nine Serenities was not drunk, but Xiao Muchen was already drunk and unconscious.

   In the end, he actually rolled out from under the bed of the two of them, and burped his face full of alcohol.

   At that time, Su Muyan slapped Xiao Muchen out, and ordered him not to take half a step closer to her man.

  What if she didn't find out, stupid Muchen threw her home Jiujiu.

   "I, how dare I." Xiao Muchen felt aggrieved, "Yun Ge and Brother Rong can crush me with just one finger."

   Go and play with two Chaos Masters, is he going to die?

   "Don't dare to be the best." Su Muyan snorted, then waved her hand proudly, "Go, Jiujiu, let's go drink."

  The Lord of Nine Serenities stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, then lifted his young master with one hand, and walked directly to the banquet under his arm.

   Young Master Su: "…"

   He is certainly not biological!

   "It's alright, let's all take your seats." Qing Tian didn't mind, but was very happy, "It's rare for everyone to get together once, so you must have a good time."

   stroked his beard, and his heart began to flutter again.

  The bridal chamber is good, it’s better to give him more great-grandchildren.

   They have such a good bloodline of the old Qing family, they can't be wasted.

  Look at his two good-looking great-grandchildren, one is smart and the other is smart, and they will be useful in the future!

  Xiao Rongnian suddenly felt a little cold, he unconsciously leaned towards the person beside him, then lowered his voice and asked, "Brother, what is sent to the bridal chamber?"

   Hearing this, Rong Qing looked at his younger brother, didn't answer but asked, "Where's Xi'er?"

   Xiao Rongnian was at a loss: "I don't know. After she glued me to the chair, she ran out with Xiao Jiu."

   He didn't realize that he was tricked by his sister.

   At this moment, Xiao Rongnian crawled out of a merman.

  After the air conditioner blew bubbles, he raised his little hand: "I testify, I saw Xixi glue Niannian to the chair with my own eyes."

  Rong Qing: "…"

   What a fool brother.

   Being able to play round and round with Xi’er, it’s not like he’s going to be sold when he goes out.

   He rubbed his forehead and said, "Why didn't you look at her well, and you went somewhere to make trouble after a while."

   Although very helpless, but with pampering.

   "Brother, don't worry." Xiao Rongnian didn't care, "Today is a big day for father and mother, Xi'er won't..."

   The words have not been finished yet, suddenly!

   A roar came from the direction of the new house: "Rong, Xiao, Xi!"

   This shout stunned everyone who was still having fun.

  What happened to this?

   Xiao Rongnian was also confused: "Brother, why is my mother so angry?"

   In my impression, the mother's temper is still good.

  Rong was light and expressionless: "What else could it be, Xi'er must have done something good again."

   The result was discovered before it was successful.

   Just when everyone was still stunned, only to hear the sound of "whoo-", a red shadow flashed and ran very fast.

   "Mother, I was wrong, I was really wrong!" Rong Xi, who was sitting on Xiao Jiu, hugged his head and shouted, "Daddy, Daddy, please stop Mommy!"

   Sure enough, because her mother was no different from an ordinary person on weekdays, she forgot how high her mother's cultivation was, how could she hide it.

  Rong Xi wanted to cry without tears, and reached out and rubbed her back.

  God knows she's eight years old, and she's still being spanked by someone. If you say it, you'll be laughed at.


   Everyone was stunned.

   I didn't expect the little princess to be so powerful and dare to make trouble today, even Xiao Muchen admired her.

  Xiao Rongnian was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, and then chased after him: "Xi'er, wait!"

   Big brother is really right, he must be optimistic about their sister, it is really a mess if he is not careful.

   "Drink, then drink." Qing Tian hurriedly came out to smooth things out, "Children are very playful, don't mind."

   Hearing this sentence, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched.

   Almost everyone in the room was teased by the little princess.

   What should I do if I get tricked?

   I love you, who makes the little princess so lovable.

  Rong shook his head slightly, ready to see what happened.

  The younger brother is too stupid, the younger sister is too skinny, and a little tired.

   As soon as he walked to the new house, Rong Jian heard his mother's teeth gnashing.

   "You gave birth to a good daughter!"

   Immediately afterwards, a chuckle came from the door: "Madam, are you sure it's my life?"

   "I'm very obedient anyway, how could I give birth to such a naughty girl?"

  Qing Yunge is a little crazy. Although she has a heart for fun, she is not as skinny as Xiao Xixi.

   "Xi'er is still a child." Rong Jinhuai comforted, "Maybe it won't be like this when I grow up."

   "This is what you are used to." Qing Yunge glanced at him, "If you and Xiao Qing and Xiao Nian Nian pampered her, how could she become like this?"

   "It's me, it's me." He replied graciously, "After that, Xi'er dares to make trouble, and I see him beat him once."

   "You dare!" As soon as Qing Yunge blurted out, she realized that she was inconsistent.

   She sighed: "Well, I'm actually getting used to her too."

   "But Xi'er is really about to take care of her." Rong Jinhuai said lightly, "There is someone protecting her here, and no one dares to provoke her, but in Tianyu, it's different."

   "Yeah." Qing Yunge said faintly, "We've been here for too long, I already feel that we'll be leaving soon."

  If they stay in the lower plane for a long time, it will also affect the stability of the Nine Race World.

  Because the cultivation base has reached a certain level, it is necessary to go to a higher place.

   Fortunately, in those five years, they already had power in Tianyu, and no one dared to invade.

   But the Unreal Daqian is too big, if something goes wrong, it will be bad.

   "Don't worry." Rong Jinhuai hooked his lips, "Don't you think no one can handle Xi'er? I have a good idea."

  Qing Yunge gave him a suspicious look: "What's your idea?"

  Rong Qing, who was standing outside the door, was curious for the first time, so he listened carefully.

   As a result, I heard his father say—

   "Just get married."

   Then he heard his mother agree with her: "This idea is really good, while Xishi is still young, we can find more young talents for her."

   "Three thousand planes, Ren Qing chooses." His father pondered for a while, "But compared to Xi'er's future, I am more worried about Qing'er."

   "Xiaoqing?" His mother was puzzled, "Xiaoqing is the most sensible and talented, so what are you worried about?"

   "I think, with Qing'er's temperament..." His father sighed, "Qingqing, do you think we can still hold a grandson in the future?"

  Rong Qing: "…"

  Daddy? !

   "Pfft—" His mother laughed, and then sighed, "That makes sense, but Xiao Niannian is too stupid, I'm afraid he won't be able to bring back his daughter-in-law."

  Rong Qing: "…"

   is really not biological.

   He couldn't listen any longer, raised his foot and turned to leave, while the conversation inside the door continued.

   "Actually, we can still have grandchildren."


   "That's... regenerate one."

   "Hey, stop it!"


   "Rong Jinhuai, you beast!"

   "No, you are not as good as a beast!"

  I don't know how long it took before the movement in the room completely stopped.

   After a certain prince had eaten and drank, he was very satisfied.

   Qing Yunge swore in her heart before she fainted, that she must make a kind of elixir, the kind that can make men abstain from **** for a hundred years!

  No, a thousand years!

   But until they left the Nine Clan World and threw the emperor's seat to Rong Nian to travel the Three Thousand Worlds, Qing Yunge did not research this kind of medicine.

Of course, this is something.

  Because of the new story, it has already started.

   Illusory Daqian also followed... the situation was surging.

   "Old Concubine" will open at 0:00 on the 14th! Open at zero! 【There are still six hours! 】

   There are a lot of rewards for public activities!

   If you want to know if Yun Ge and Persimmon have a grandson, then watch "Concubine Xiao"!

   You will never be disappointed!

   "The World of Disaster" is not over yet, and there are still others~



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion