MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 547 Extras: Wuyuelan stopped the clouds, etc. [Clear cache view]

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  Chapter 547 Extra: Wuyue Lan Tingyun, etc. [Clear cache view]

   Although Wu Junyao looked at this face very raw, but when she thought of her face blindness, she was a little troubled.

   Maybe, someone she knew before?

   As a result, she couldn't remember his face, so she forgot?

  Wu Junyao pondered for a while and felt that this possibility was relatively high, so she asked: "This son, do we know each other?"

   The voice is weak, and there is always some lack of confidence.

   In case it was someone she had met many times, wouldn’t that offend him?

   However, contrary to Wu Junyao's expectations, the man who was as gentle as the moon not only did not get angry, but smiled lightly: "In the cold and cold next month, Your Highness Junyao may not remember it anymore."

   "Shenxuan Island Moon Clan?" Wu Junyao really didn't have much impression of the name, and he was relieved, "Why did you come to the Nine Clan?"

  At the beginning, after Qing Yunge wiped out Xi, Shenxuan Island also returned to normal.

   And all the five tribes of Shenxuan Island that were swallowed up by the Chaos God have all come back to life.

   However, except for Yue Linghan and Long Yu, the others had no impression of what happened at the time.

   But that's fine, as time goes by, the battle between the two gods will gradually subside.

   The Nine Clan World is still the previous Nine Clan World, peaceful and stable, with no dark orcs and no disputes.

   "This matter is a long story." Yue Linghan sighed softly, he frowned slightly, and said quickly, "His Royal Highness Junyao, you'd better stand back a little, and I'll get rid of these people first."

   Hearing this sentence, Wu Junyao was eager to try it. She was extremely happy: "No no no, I'm here, I haven't acted chivalrous for a long time, let me come."

   She clenched her fist, this time she must not hit the wrong person!

   Without waiting for Yue Linghan to speak again, Wu Junyao rushed out.

   With the blood of dragon and elves, and pure imperial blood, Wu Junyao just took one move and killed all those who were chasing Yue Linghan.

   It is worth mentioning that although all the five clans of Shenxuan Island have all been resurrected, their talent Xuantong has disappeared.

  Because the talent Xuantong was given to them by the Chaos God Xi, when Xi died, they also lost these abilities.

   Therefore, if Shenxuan Island was not in a separate space, it would have been wiped out by some eyeing races.

  Yue Linghan didn't feel anything about this.

  Although the talent of "summoning" is gone, his cultivation is still there.

   Moreover, it is fortunate to have it, but it is not worth it, there is nothing to worry about.

   This time, he was hunted down because the Wu Clan always thought that he killed Wuqinghe on the road of Shenxuan.

   Just because a few years ago, either he didn't stay in Yue's house, or he went to the Nine Clan with Longyu, and the Wu Clan couldn't make it.

   This time, they got a chance.

   In order to prevent the Moon Clan from being rescued, he directly forced him to the Nine Clan.

  Unexpectedly, I met Wu Junyao here.

   "Thank you, Your Highness Junyao." Yue Linghan smiled and nodded, "I don't know if His Highness Junyao is here..."

  It's not that he hasn't heard that Wu Junyao has a miraculous symptom-can't remember faces.

   For Wu Junyao, everyone is only divided into two categories, one is Qing Yunge, Rong Jinhuai, Lone Bamboo and Wu Liuyin, and the other is strangers.

   She can remember faces in the former, but nothing in the latter.

   Obviously, he belongs to the latter.

  Wu Junyao was a little dejected when she heard the words: "My sister-in-law said that she couldn't cure my face blindness, so I thought of going out to see it, and by the way, act as a chivalrous person."

   As a result, he failed to stand up for justice.

   "So it is." Yue Linghan nodded and smiled, "I wonder if Your Highness Junyao's face blindness is getting better?"

  Wu Junyao raised her head and looked at him seriously for a few seconds: "Seriously, you look good, but I just can't remember it."

   It's really strange, why she can only remember four people.

   She scratched her head, a little confused.

  Yue Linghan wasn't annoyed either, she still smiled: "I'll take your Highness Junyao to praise me."

   "But I'm really sad." Wu Junyao squatted down slowly, her expression gloomy, "If I can't remember others in the future, what should I do?"

   "Then, look at them more." Yue Linghan also slowly leaned over and reassured, "If you watch too much, you will always remember."

  The man's words carried a reassuring magic power, like a trickling stream, slowly brushing through his heart.

   "No way." Wu Junyao was frustrated, "My sister-in-law helped me to try this method, and it didn't work at all."

   "Well..." Yue Linghan's voice paused, he smiled, "Then I'll help you."

   "How to help?" Wu Junyao raised her head and hesitated, "I can't remember your face either."

   Until the next time we meet, she still doesn't know who she is.

   "I said just now, just take a look." Yue Linghan stretched out his hand and pulled up the elf girl who was squatting on the ground, "Why don't you start with me?"

   "Huh?" Wu Junyao rubbed her eyes, but she was still looking at a face she couldn't distinguish.

"Isn't it about being chivalrous and righteous?" Yue Linghan patted her head amusingly, her eyes soft as moonlight, "I'll be with you, so that you can see me every day, remember a note every day, maybe I can remember."

   "Hey, it seems to make sense." Wu Junyao blinked, "But aren't you the patriarch of the Moon Clan? How can you go chivalrous with me?"

   "No problem." Yue Ling Han nodded, "Someone will handle the matter, so don't worry."

   "That's it." Wu Junyao was very happy, "If you help me cure my face blindness, I will invite you to eat the best food from the Spirit Race and ride the biggest Spirit Dragon."

  The world of elf girls has always been very simple, so simple that people are very envious.

  Yue Linghan's expression was a little dazed, and he laughed again: "Okay."

  Senior Longyu is right in saying that Shenxuan Island is too lacking in human taste and lust, and will feel bored after a long time.

  It's time to go out for a walk.

   Wu Junyao retracted the flame knife into the scabbard and said happily, "Then let's go."

   There is someone next to her, so next time she acts chivalrous and righteous, she should not be wrong.

   So, Wu Junyao started a journey of heroism and righteousness at one time.

   Only this time, it became a trip for two.

   Since then, such a scene can be seen in all corners of the world of the nine clans, so that the two of them go all the way, and no intelligent life dares to cause trouble.

   But if you want to ask if the elf girl's prosopagnosia has been cured, it is unknown.

   All I know is that, later on, the elf queen had a new heir, surnamed Yue.


  2, Lan Tingyun

  Lan Tingyun couldn't remember how long he had existed in this world, because it was so long that he forgot that he was a book.

   The history book of the years predicts the future of the Nine Clan World.

   was born from Chaos. He is not as powerful as Chaos God and Valkyrie. On the contrary, he is very fragile.

   As long as his pages are burned out, there will be no more history books in this world.

  Lan Tingyun didn't even know why he appeared.

   Because he was too boring, he gave himself a new identity - the high priest of the dark orcs.

  Because he learned that the Valkyrie was about to return, he changed his name to Lan Tingyun again at the place closest to her.

  Stop the clouds and mists, and the rain is drizzling.

   He thought that he would burn the last page to help the Valkyrie kill the Chaos God.

   But I never expected that the Valkyrie went directly beyond the avenue and became the first chaos controller in history.

   That's fine, there's one last page left, and he doesn't have to die.

   It’s just such an endless life, it’s still too boring.

  Lan Tingyun watched those intelligent beings who had become peak powerhouses, one by one, break away, reach the illusory thousand, and perhaps start a new journey.

   But he is bound to the world of the nine clans, and he can only stay in this small world.

  The Valkyrie came to him before leaving the Nine Clan World.

   "I can help you become a complete human being." Qing Yunge said lightly, "But in this case, you can only cultivate from scratch, and even worry about life and death, and you have no ability to predict."

  Lan Tingyun was just stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then I will trouble Master Feng."

   With the help of the Chaos Controller, he really became a human, with flesh and blood, but the mysterious power that he once had, no longer exists.

   However, Lan Tingyun has no regrets, he can break free from the shackles and embrace freedom.

  The Ten Great Mysterious Families have changed for a long time, and the Lan Family has long since perished.

   He didn't intervene, because that was the order.

   After the dust settled, Lan Tingyun was about to leave the human race and go out for a walk.

When    became the high priest of the dark orcs, he stayed in that dark world for a long time, and he hadn't smelled the fragrance of flowers or seen the sea for a long time.

   He went to the ocean of stars and came to the sea city named Jager City.

  The style here is very different from Chaos Continent, which makes him a little more interested.

  The nine guardians have changed since the duel between the two gods in the past.

  The guardian of the aquarium, although still carrying the name "Queen of the Star Sea", is already a new generation.

   Therefore, new sculptures were also replaced in the temple in Jager City.

   It was a tall girl, wearing long boots and a small crown.

  Although he doesn't look very majestic, his eyes are staring, and he has the domineering aura of a king.

  Lan Tingyun went through the temple and came to the sea with some intelligent beings who came to visit Jager City.

   He followed the local customs, looked at the children playing and sparring on the coast with calm eyes, and unconsciously, he laughed.

   At this moment, there was an exclamation—

   "Look, look!"

   "Queen of Xinghai! Queen of Xinghai!"

   "Oh my God, I actually saw the living Queen of Star Seas!"

  The originally quiet seaside suddenly gathered a wave of waves.

   A figure slowly walked out from the waves. Her upper body was in the form of a slender girl, but her lower body was a fish tail covered with icy scales.

   Her skin is fair and transparent, shining in the sun, her long soft hair is scattered in the sun, and her eyes are as deep as the sea.

   This is a very beautiful mermaid, with the cool charm unique to the sea.

   Her gaze slowly swept across the intelligent life below, with no expression on her face, until—

   "Human?" Yingluo came riding on the waves, holding a trident in her hand, which was dazzling.

  Lan Tingyun didn't expect this new generation of Xinghai Queen to notice him, he raised his head and looked at her.

  Yingluo's eyes suddenly had a color, and it was astonishingly bright, like a star: "You look like the type I like."

   said, stretched out a hand: "Can you go back to the sea with me?"

The tone of    is light, but with undeniable domineering.

  Lan Tingyun was startled for a moment, then smiled suddenly.

   Actually, that's not bad, isn't it?

"my pleasure."

  The love between books and fish is another legend.


  3, dragon and phoenix tire

  Rong Xi and Rong Nian are twins, but their temperaments are completely different.

   One is bold and stubborn, the other is restrained and very well-behaved

   Therefore, Rong Xi has been very distressed, because she found that her second brother is very stupid, not as smart as her and the eldest brother.

   She was thinking, why would such a smart person give birth to such a stupid person as her second brother.

   But my eldest brother has always been reluctant to talk, and he is immersed in cultivation all day long.

   Uncle Feather did not know where he went, and even Uncle Elf and Uncle Mermaid disappeared.

  Rong Xi has no one to bully, so she can only bully her second brother reluctantly.

   But Rong Nian was a little too bullying, which made her feel particularly boring.

   However, fortunately, my mother gave Xiaojiu to her and let Xiaojiu protect her by her side.

  Rong Xi likes this phoenix very much, because they are one person and one bird together, they are invincible in the world, and they can often make trouble together.

   However, Qing Yunge also gave Rong Nian the air conditioner.

   This time, it’s incredible.

  The air conditioner and Xiaojiu are both nine-star monarch beasts. They are still one fire and one water. Only when they bully the sword spirit, they are very harmonious.

   When they were separated by the brothers and sisters, they became incompatible.

   There is no need to say anything, Xiaojiu and the air conditioner are already pinched together.

   After being promoted to the nine-star monarch beast, the air conditioner also has a fighting form, and it is not necessary to be a phoenix.

  So, something like this often happens in Nanhuai City - a bird is fighting a fish.

   "Rong, Nian!" Rong Xi akimbo, "Hurry up and stop the air conditioner."

   "Why don't you let Xiao Jiu stop?" Rong Nian was not to be outdone, "It was clearly Xiao Jiu who started it first."

  Rong Xi was so angry because she found that Rong Nian seemed to have become smarter.

   He used to be bullied by her, but now he has learned to resist. Could it be that he is growing slowly?

   "Rong Nian, believe it or not, I'll tell my eldest brother that you bullied me." Rong Xi snorted.

   "Save it." Rong Nian folded his arms and didn't care, "Brother is so busy, why do you have time to listen to your nonsense?"

   "That's not necessarily true." Rong Xi was triumphant, "I know your weakness. The person you are most afraid of is Big Brother. When Big Brother comes, you will definitely be scared to wet your pants."

   Hearing this, ten-year-old Rong Nian gritted his teeth: "Rong, cherish!"

  What sister, so not cute!

   "I can't hear you, I can't hear you." Rong Xi made a face and shouted, "Xiao Jiu, let's go quickly and go to Big Brother to complain."

   As soon as Xiaojiu heard it, she burst into flames at the air conditioner: "Hmph, little mermaid, little auntie doesn't play with you anymore, let's go."

  The air conditioner was aggrieved, turned into a miniature and jumped on Rong Nian's shoulder: "Niannian, what should I do, Xixi is going to find big brother, you will be fine in a while?"

   "What can I do?" Rong Nian's face was very ugly, "She's going to go to Big Brother, can't I? Let's go, let's go too."

   This little witch is out of control.

   Wait until Rong Qing sees Rong Nian and Rong Xi who are coming together: "…"

   Fool brother.

  Sister of drama.

   He didn't want to care.

   used the time stop that he had just learned from the emperor, and directly gave the two people to live.

   As soon as the legs are stepped, the person is gone.

  Rong Xi: "…"

  Rong Nian: "…"

   In the end, King's Landing, who kindly passed by, helped them lift their confinement.

   "Hey, you said it's not good who you are looking for, but Rong Qing, who is as perverted as his father?" Jun Lin gloated, "Is it bad luck?"

  Human Sovereign said that he was not jealous that Rong Jinhuai had three children at all, and he was not jealous that Rong Qing was talented since he was a child, and he could even learn all his tricks.

   That's right, he's not jealous!

  Jun Lin thought sourly that although Ah Ying's attitude has softened after experiencing life and death.

   They returned to the way they were before, but he still had no human rights, and was often kicked in his sleep.

   Up to now, he has no children.

  Jun Lin thought of this, full of grief and anger, and roared: "Rong Jinhuai, come out and teach me how to coax my daughter-in-law—"

   In the air, there was a very low and very light laugh, which was so good that it tugged at the eardrums: "Say, I will only coax my wife."

   "You ask for more happiness."

   King's Landing: "…"

  You uncle!

   Fanwai has been replaced, please refresh and see~



   (end of this chapter)

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