MTL - People Are In Tokyo, and the Peerless Raptors Are Also Afraid of Hatchets-~ Three hundred and seventy-five 1 nest

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Is the cabinet amazing?

Believe it or not, I put their cabinet in a pile!

Naoto Nagano quietly watched Xiang Fang Takashi silently use his personal connections to put pressure on himself, and muttered something secretly.

All right.

Cabinet is really cool.

Xiang Fanglong is indeed not an ordinary person.

As a member of the Qinghe Policy Research Association, I naturally have contacts with the Ampei faction of Qinghe's successor, and even men like Koizumi have to rely on Qinghe, which is enough to see how powerful Qinghe will be.

In addition, many talents in the Haibu Cabinet are from the Jingshi Association. Xiang Fanglong is quite prestigious in the economic and financial circles, and the suggestions submitted are often adopted by the cabinet, which will have a great impact on the business and financial circles.

Look at the identity of the person talking to him to know the level of this guy.

Confidential officials of various provincial bureaus, managers of consortiums, and any one who pops out at random is a real high-class big man.

You don't even need to have a good relationship. As long as you're not a fool, you will naturally feel stage fright when you look at the social level of others.

Greeted again with an acquaintance.

Xiangfang Takashi Yuguang withdrew from the obviously fearful faces of Yoshida Iue and Yuki Nagano, revealing a calm and confident smile.

"Isn't it Jing Zhi-kun? It just so happens that I'm also here for the alumni association today. Why don't you accompany me up with Ah Zhen, and I'll introduce you to some friends!"

Nao Nao Nao replied apologetically: "Senior Xiangfang is talking to me? I'm really sorry, I didn't finish what I said when I introduced it just now. This kid is Ryoda Iue."

"Straight man, you are really my good buddy!" Ishigada gritted his teeth and muttered, and then bowed: "Hello, senior, I'm Ishigada, a member of the Economics Department of the Eighty-Nine Realm. It's the first time we meet, please bear with me. ."


Naked humiliation.

Using someone else's name to make yourself misunderstood for a long time is obviously playing tricks on yourself.

Xiang Fanglong's elegant momentum that he had accumulated just now was almost removed, and he stared at Naoto Nagano intently, and the muscles on his face couldn't help but tremble.

The servant next to him was really angry when he saw that the old man was really angry, and immediately played the role of the villain: "You bastard, you are too rude! Do you know what you are doing?"

"Are you talking to me?" Naoto Nagano raised his eyebrows and his eyes became sharp.

"Boy, don't you know how to flatter you! Believe it or not, I can't keep your friend's shop open?"


Naoto Nagano was too lazy to speak, and looked behind Xiang Fanglong and his group.

A woman wearing a Yuzen-dyed kimono walked over with a few people. Her belt was encrusted with diamonds and agate, and the good texture was worth a lot.

But the foreign objects on his body are not more revealing of their identities than the few people who are talking next to them.

One of them was wearing a Uniqlo suit with gray hair. He didn't know if he slept after washing his hair before it was dry. The sides were upturned, messy like a bird's nest.

"Lord Koizumi!"

"Sir Koizumi, you are here too!"


people around.

Bend over and greet people who come.

Although this person is sloppy, the clothes and shoes on his body are very cheap, and he looks out of place in a group of people dressed in hard clothes, but there is no discomfort or inferiority in him.

Instead, he kept a humble smile on his face, nodded in response, and looked very polite.

A powerful figure in the Qinghe Policy Research Association, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, and the current Minister of Health and Welfare - Koizumi Chunichiro.

Seeing him, Xiang Fanglong didn't have the mind to use his momentum to suppress the gangsters like Naoto Nagano.

Bow +1.

"Sir Koizumi, you are here too."

"It's Xiang Fang, are you waiting for someone? Why don't you stand here and not go in?"

"I happened to meet a few juniors, so I talked by the way."

"That's it! Then I'll go up first."

Koizumi nodded with a smile on his face, and after speaking, he wanted to run.

But Naoto Nagano didn't give him this chance at all. He blocked the way and bowed and said, "Lord Koizumi, long time no see!"


Koizumi Chunichiro has already sent greetings to the eight generations of the visiting ancestors.

With his eyes, he could see at a glance that there must be something to slap the face here, and it would be better not to mix it or not.

after all.

Xiang Fanglong is also a person of Qinghe.

The two bastards, Sakurako Ikeda and Naoo Nagano, are also temporary allies.

How to blend.

It's not worth it.

But now, when someone blocked the way, there was no way to pretend not to know him.

With a sudden smile, Koizumi Chunichiro said cheerfully: "Ah! It's Nagano-kun, you are here too! Waiting for Ikeda-kun here, then you young people chat, I'll go first."

"Sir Koizumi, please wait a moment! Nagano is mainly waiting for you."

Naoko Nagano was so stubborn that he stopped Koizumi. His shamelessness opened the eyes of the people around him, and he didn't know what his relationship with Koizumi was.

In fact, it's really about a relationship.

There's really nothing special about it.

It is nothing more than the current Nakamura family, the Ikeda family, the Samurai family, the Tanaka family, as well as the Sanhe, the central bank, and other factions, allied with the Koizumi family, wanting to kill the current internal giving, splitting the Tibet Province, fighting for power and profit, and re-planning the allocation of resources.

But with such an exchange of interests and a joint existence, as a superior, a senior, Koizumi simply cannot be as shameless as a junior like Naoo Nagano.

Damn it!

No wonder this kid was named the shameless dragon of the universe, this shameless ability is even more powerful than me!

"This... Nagano-kun, wait for me, there must be something wrong!"

"It's nothing special, mainly because as an ordinary person of the Yamato ethnic group, he dedicated his soul to this country from the moment he was born. After becoming a life insurance employee, he worked hard for the public interest all the time. But today, I see with my own eyes public officials wearing Louis Vuittons, Rolexes, and Mercedes-Benzes.”


Xiang Fanglong was numb.

The Five Gods are also numb.

Unexpectedly, the poor man in front of him actually knew Koizumi Chunichiro. I didn't expect that this guy would talk to the car about his clothes.

Even Koizumi himself was numb.

"Welfare" comes from "Shangshu Dayumo", which means making people's lives rich. Therefore, the responsibility of the Ministry of Health and Welfare is social welfare and labor services, such as medical care, health, welfare, provident fund, etc., which are all under the control of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

So in terms of morality and responsibility, if someone reacts to the issue of responsibility and people's livelihood, he, the Minister of Health and Welfare, really has to listen.

But what occasion is this?

Obviously it's just looking for an excuse to bully people with yourself!


Suddenly a crisp slap in the face shocked everyone around.

"You said just now that my shop won't open?! With such a mad tone, who got the advice from whom?"

Ikeda Sakurako suddenly shot.

The eldest wife was beaten until her head was buzzing with mosquitoes.

What I said just now was just because Xiang Fanglong was inconvenient to say it, so I did it for him.

But now, the woman in front of her can talk and laugh with Koizumi, obviously not something she can mess with.

Under the conditioned reflex, the eldest wife looked at Xiang Fanglong as soon as she wanted to, her eyes were full of help.

Grass mud horse!

what do you see me doing?

An air of conspiracy hangs in the sky.

Xiang Fanglong was extremely anxious.

As an old man in politics, at this moment, he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a huge pit at some point.

God has dedicated his soul to this country from birth.

But looking at Naoo Nagano and Chunichiro Koizumi's extremely simple clothes, Xiang Fanglong immediately greeted all the eight generations of the five gods and ancestors.

"Lord Koizumi, as far as I know, even your annual salary is only ten million."

"But some people are not high-ranking people, and they can wear gold and silver even just after entering the job, and they are full of luxury As a taxpayer, legal citizen, and corporate manager, Nagano has been doing for the society. I made a humble contribution, but just now, I was even threatened not to be allowed in."

"There are also people who seem to have been instructed to intimidate me or close my friend's shop. Is it because someone is using power to extort and blackmail me for some shameful favor?"

"I didn't!" The eldest wife quickly retorted, terrified.

"Is it because Your Excellency has a guilty conscience for such a big reaction? And what you said just now is so skilled, and there are tens of millions in this outfit. If it weren't for the benefits of being invisible, even Lord Koizumi couldn't afford such a luxury, Your Excellency How can you afford it?"


Too harsh.

The faces of many public officials present changed drastically, and they secretly hated themselves for staying here to watch the fun.

And was watched by all eyes in the middle.

Xiang Fanglong's face was pale, and he quietly hid the watch in his hand. As for Wushenyi, he almost knelt to the ground on the spot, and even lost his courage to resist.


The camera's flash suddenly came on all around.

Followed by a beautiful face well-known to the Kobe public, the famous host of Kobe TV - Kazuko Liyuan.

I also know where she came from.

But this time, it doesn't matter where it came from.

Li Yuan and Zi commanded the younger brother, and pointed the microphone at Wushenzhen: "Hello, gentleman, as far as I know, the annual salary of newly recruited civil servants is about 3.8 million. With your income, why can you afford the latest Patek Philippe value? Twelve million watches?"
