MTL - Pet King-~ [Fan Wai] Zhi Tiao Ming Road

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Welder Zhao is also considered a habitual offender. Every time he pokes the basket, the noise made by the basket is getting bigger and bigger. This time it is not easy to end. In this kind of old-fashioned employee family courtyard, the news spreads very quickly. Almost no one knows about his cancer. Even the unit leader came to visit the sick with two cartons of milk. As a result, he had a super oolong. should I explain this to others?

The family used to be in sorrow, but now they are still frowning, looking at the fruit baskets, food and beverages, and flowers piled up in the corridor. These have to be returned to others. Fruit baskets and flowers are not easy to return, and they have to be converted into money. For others, the loss can be big if you think about it this way.

Welder Zhao didn’t care about himself, “Retreat? Keep all of them. They came to see the sick, and the parasites are also sick, so why should they return it... Next time they get sick, I’ll carry them too. It’s a bad thing to go to see you?

  His wife is so angry that he wants to beat him again. Is this how to use reciprocity? Isn't this cursing others?

Now everyone has not 100% determined that Welder Zhao is a parasitic infection. Medical reexamination is needed to confirm the diagnosis. However, the abdominal pain stopped after taking anti-allergic drugs. This phenomenon is actually very indicative. If it is a tumor, How can anti-allergic drugs work?

   Seeing that he has become the target of the public, Welder Zhao consciously shut up and did not dare to mention accepting all the gifts, but because of his character, he is definitely not willing to pay for Oolong.

He glanced at the flowers and fruit baskets in the corridor, slapped his thigh and said, "I have an idea! Old Wu, Gan Minger, let's ride a tricycle, load these flowers and fruit baskets into the car, and ride to the door of a nearby hospital. Street stalls, anyway, it’s hard to go empty-handed if you go to the hospital to visit. Let’s just sell it cheaper. Others sell 100. Let’s sell 95. Don’t worry if we can’t sell it. Maybe we can still make money... No, or let’s Go tonight? Whoops! Why are you hitting me again? Isn't it right?"

  His wife shivered with anger, and pointed at him and cursed: ", dead ghost, go to the hospital to treat the bugs in my stomach now, and want to set up a street stall?"

"The bugs in the belly can wait. It's not bad for a couple of days anyway, but the fruit baskets and flowers can be time-sensitive, especially the flowers. They may be wilted tomorrow and are worthless..." Welder Zhao took a look. My wife wanted to do it again, and quickly added: "I have a way to cure the worms and set up a stall by the way. Anyway, I have to go to the hospital and kill two birds with one stone! Lao Wu, walk, when you get to the hospital, you look at the stall first, and I'll register!"

Less than an hour ago, Welder Zhao thought he had cancer and looked ill, but now that he knew he was probably not cancer, he immediately regained his vivacity without taking the parasites seriously, because When he was a child, people all over the country didn't talk about hygiene. It was common to have worms in his stomach, just take some deworming medicine...

   Electrician Wu rubbed his temples like a headache, and he really didn't know how to take this old man.

"Master Zhao, the worms in your stomach are not roundworms. Don't take it seriously. Anisakis worms can burrow into the internal organs. They are only in the stomach now. If you delay any longer, let them reproduce in the stomach. In the next step, they will enter the small intestine and even the liver. Then it will be troublesome! In the stomach, you can use the fiber gastroscope to clamp it out with tweezers. When you reach the liver, you may have to have an operation. Think about the cost of the operation... so big!"

   Nothing is as effective as Zhang Zian's words. When he heard the operation, Zhao Welder really thought of the operation fee and the subsequent hospitalization fee. It was a bottomless pit, and it also delayed his fish farming.

   Everyone tried hard to persuade them, both hard and soft, and finally dispelled the idea of ​​Zhao Welder going to the hospital door to set up a street stall.

   As for how to tell the facts to those who have come to visit the disease...Everyone is too lazy to deal with this problem. Anyway, it is the problem of Zhao Welder himself, let him handle it himself.

Welder Zhao’s wife opened the refrigerator and wanted to throw the pieces he bought back into the trash can. He stopped alive and disagreed, saying that it’s not good to eat raw, but it’s the same if it’s braised. Now the state calls for saving food. You are committing a crime. understand?

Zhao Welder’s old husband and wife kept arguing, mixed with the persuasion of their daughter and son-in-law, and the whole room was in a mess. Zhang Zian was so irritated by their quarrels, and Wu Diangong was accustomed to it. Obviously this was Zhao. Daily life at the welder's house.

   "Master Zhao, you guys are busy, I'll leave first."

   "Ah? Oh, Manager Zhang, go slowly, I can't make a move, so I won't give it away... Lao Wu, you send it for me... Wait! Manager Zhang, what's in your hand?"

   Zhang Zian looked down, and he was carrying the fruit basket milk eight-treasure porridge that he bought when he came.

   "I brought this. Since Master Zhao is fine with you, I don't want the fish in the fish tank, but I have to return these items quickly. Fortunately, I had prepared for it and didn't throw away the shopping receipt."

   "No, you sent them all, why take them back? That's too stingy!"

  Welder Zhao is still yelling, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com was so angry that Diangong Wu carried two more fruit baskets and said to Zhang Zian: "Manager Zhang, let's go, you also bring these two fruit baskets, I will help you carry them downstairs."

  Zhang Zian did not refuse, because there were too many fruit baskets sent by others, and the Zhao Welder family couldn't finish it anyway, so I just brought them back to show their condolences.

   Zhao Welder’s son-in-law will come, and he probably wiped his buttocks for the trouble caused by the old Zhangren. He hurriedly carried two cartons of milk and had to take it downstairs to ask Zhang Zian to take it away.

  Welder Zhao called a distressed, and he said that he would never pick up cheap again. This is good, stealing a ton of rice!

   The people present were overwhelmed by what he said. Everyone knows that it is better to count on the Chinese men's football team to win the world championship if you are expecting Zhao Welder to correct evil.

   Zhang Zian said: "Master Zhao, for the sake of these two boxes of milk, let me show you the way."

   "What? Minglu? I'm not dead yet! What is Minglu?" Welder Zhao blew his beard and stared.

   Zhang Zian did not answer his words, and continued: "You know, the local "Binhai Daily" has the kind of rewards for soliciting news clues, right? It is said that each valid clue is rewarded from 50 to 500."

   Welder Zhao rolled his eyes, "Go on."

"If nothing else, you should be the first local person to be infected with Anisakis from eating raw marine fish. Maybe it is the first in the country. This is very newsworthy. Maybe the reporter will visit you. Your example warns others not to eat fish raw." Zhang Zian said.

   Welder Zhao's eyes are getting brighter, and he slaps his thigh and says: "He who knows me, Zi'an!"