MTL - Pet King-~ 【Fanwai】God of War

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  Zhang Zian thinks that welder Zhao is 80% suspicious, and there may be nothing wrong. Hearing the trouble, he thought he was seriously ill.

   Although this is just his guess, it is not entirely groundless. Originally, welder Zhao was still alive and alive a few days ago, how could it be said that he was critically ill? Although this probability is not completely absent, it is too low after all, and it is not a traffic accident.

   Based on his knowledge of Welder Zhao, this person is usually unlucky. If his fate is hard, Welder Zhao should be in the first echelon in the world. If everyone else is dead, it may not be Welder Zhao's turn.

   No matter what, he has to take a trip to see with his own eyes what is going on with Zhao Welder. If he is really critically ill, he has to help as much as possible.

   "Let's do it, Master Wu, you go ahead, I will tell the store, and then drive over, I guess when you arrive, I will almost be there," he said.

   "Okay, then I'll go one step ahead." Seeing Zhang Zian's agreement, Wu Diangong got on his bicycle and hurried back to the employee's family home first.

   Zhang Zian returned to the shop. Li Kun, who was in the tip of his ears, heard the wind, and asked with a constricted head: "Master, who is critically ill? Would you please go to Miaoshou to rejuvenate?"

  Wang Gan echoed the game while playing games: "Master, there has been an uproar like a war-god **** of war recently, don't be robbed of the limelight by others!"

"Quack!" Richard rolled the tip of one side of the wing into an O shape, and twitched the tip of the other side in the O shape. "Don't worry, this idiot is the **** of war with crooked handles, and he just peeed into the **** of war with crooked mouth. In your mouth, make sure that no drop will leak out, so that the God of War will turn into a chamber pot!"

   "You are the **** of war! What about the Orleans material bag I bought yesterday? I have to pickle you today!" Zhang Zi'an flipped through it, and couldn't find where the courier went yesterday.

   He still has to rush to Zhao Wenger’s house. He doesn’t have time to talk to this cheap bird, but he still has to emphasize to Lu Yiyun that the **** of war is fake. Don’t just add new characters to the pet shop manager in the cartoon...

   Fortunately, there are no customers in the store, especially if there are no female customers. Otherwise, he might be sued for harassment by his surname. After all, people will not prosecute a parrot.

   He took the car key from the cash register, went out to start Wuling Shenguang, and drove towards Zhao Welder's home. Because we were not sure whether Zhao Welder was really ill, he dared not bring the elves to mess with others.

I was embarrassed to go empty-handed for the visit. He stopped for a while and went to the supermarket to buy a fruit basket, a carton of milk and a box of eight-treasure porridge, because the general visits brought both of them. practical.

   Electrician Wu lived in Binhai City all his life. He was familiar with the road conditions and took short paths. When he arrived at the family yard, he met Zhang Zian and stopped. The former pushed the car and accompanied the latter on foot to the residential building where Zhao Welder lived.

   "Master Wu, what is going on? Didn't Master Zhao be fine the other day?" Zhang Zian asked.

Diangong Wu smacked his lips, "I also wonder. Everyone wonders. Everyone who knows him knows that Lao Zhao has a red face every day and his body is very strong. After the news of his critical illness spread in the circle of friends, many people did not believe it. Thought he pretended to be sick and cheated to eat and drink."

   It seems that the eyes of the masses are discerning, and everyone knows how well Zhao Welder is.

   "But I and Lao Zhao are neighbors. I usually walk closer. I know that he is indeed sick, but I didn't expect it to be so serious... alas!" Wu Diangong sighed.

"A few days ago, did Lao Zhao and I go to your store once? There was nothing wrong at the time, and then the next day or the third day, Lao Zhao suddenly yelled that his stomach hurts-you know what Lao Zhao is. , He is very carefree, a little sickness or pain is not a matter at all, he yells, it means that the pain has already reached a certain level."

   Zhang Zian nodded, agreeing with Wu Diangong.

   "Lao Zhao not only has a stomachache, but he also has vomiting and diarrhea-Manager Zhang, you also know that stomach ache, vomiting and diarrhea are very common, and it is usually a bad stomach, right?"

   Indeed, who has never experienced stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea? Under normal circumstances, no one cares, more than 90% will not go to the hospital specially, go to the pharmacy to buy one or two boxes of Huoxiangzhengqi capsules or other antidiarrheal medicines and eat it for two days, and most of them are bad food. .

"At that time, Lao Zhao's family felt the same way. They gave him two boxes of antidiarrheal medicine. After he took it, it stopped diarrhea, but his stomach still hurts." Wu Diangong shook his head, "Lao Zhao, sometimes just It’s too hard and too stubborn. If you still hurt, just talk. He doesn’t say anything. He said that after taking the medicine, nothing will happen, but the pain is only temporarily relieved, but it still hurts."

"Then in the middle of the night, because he always turned over on the bed and woke up his wife, he was so painful that he was sweating, his shirt was soaked, and his face was completely pale and pale. He and I was shocked. I quickly pulled him from the bed, called his son-in-law, and asked him to drive him to the hospital."

Diangong Wu bitterly patted the handlebars and said angrily: "That's it, he can do it, he doesn't want to go to the hospital, he keeps saying it's okay, saying that the son-in-law has to go to work, and he doesn't want to trouble the son-in-law—he. , I just don’t want to spend money to check! Of course, he still felt that he had eaten his stomach at that time, it was not another problem."

"I'm mad at his wife... When the son-in-law drives here, he will be given two options. One is to take the son-in-law's car to the hospital for an examination, and the other is to call an ambulance. Hundreds of dollars. He probably wondered that it would be better to trouble the son-in-law to spend a little more gas than to spend the wrong money, so he reluctantly followed the son-in-law to the hospital..."

   "His wife was afraid that he would go to the hospital and would not be willing to spend money for an examination, so he would come back after a round trip, and specifically asked his son-in-law to take a half-day off, and accompany him to finish the examination..."

To be honest, if something like this happens to someone you don’t know, Zhang Zian must have laughed. Diangong Wu’s description is too vivid, and it makes the listener seem to see the scene with his own eyes. This is not due to Diangong Wu is particularly literary, but because these things have actually happened, Diangong Wu just described it truthfully.

   "As a result, the old son-in-law Zhao accompanied him to the hospital. It seemed that he had made a gastroscope. Guess what was found in the gastroscope?" Wu Diangong asked.

   "I can't guess." Zhang Zi'an didn't dare to guess at random. Isn't it cursing others if the guess is serious?

   Electrician Wu didn’t mean to sell Guanzi. He still couldn’t believe it was true. He sighed and said, “The doctor said that something like a tumor was found in his stomach!”

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