MTL - Pet King-~ Testimonials

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August 18 is a very good day to say goodbye, because the homophony is "bye bye".

There are many things I want to say, but I have forgotten again ...

In short, from February 28, 2017 to August 18, 2019, in the two and a half years, I really experienced a lot of things.

Thanks also to the website and editors for providing a writing platform that can make your imagination run wild.

The story is over and life is still going on. Maybe when you go to a quiet seaside city and hang out in the old city, you will encounter a humble pet shop. Do n’t forget to go in Take a look, maybe you will encounter the pet destined to be encountered in life.

Maybe someone wants to ask about the new book, but you also understand that the current world of the online literature is in a delicate turbulent period. What can and cannot be written remains to be seen, so it's hard to say.

As for the next, it is not time to rest, because probably, maybe, maybe ... will continue to update the series of "Toad Palace Folding Gui".

Finally, I hope that readers will scientifically and pet-friendlyly, otherwise I will be ashamed.

Bye bye!

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