MTL - Pet King-v2 Chapter 1732 my world

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Zhang Zi'an straightened subconsciously because he thought Cleopatra VII was suppressed, but when he looked closely, he was no longer in the palace of ancient Egypt.

Is this ... isn't this the Forbidden City?

He first met Vladimir in the Forbidden City. Besides, the architectural style of the Forbidden City is too obvious. Both the palace and the square are all large.

The sudden change from the style of ancient Egypt to the style of ancient China is really too big.

He stood at the gate of the Taihe Hall at this moment. Compared with the palace, he was as small as an ant.

"I ... where is this?"

A woman's voice suddenly sounded beside.

He looked sideways, "..."

Cleopatra VII stood behind him, more aggressive than him.

She still wore a gold crown and a royal robe, but her face, lip color, and complexion returned to normal. The whole person looked very healthy, and she could not see that she had just faced the crisis of death.

She looked down at her whole body in disbelief, especially the part of her left forearm that was bitten by a poisonous snake, where there were no tooth marks at all, and her skin color was wheat like other parts of her body.

She touched her neck and head again, as usual.

"This ... Is this a dream? Or two thousand years of magic?" She stared at Zhang Zi'an, waiting for his answer.

"Should ... be dreaming."

Zhang Zi'an is not accustomed to such abrupt scene switching. Zhuang Xiaodie's work is becoming simpler and more rude, can't she moisturize and softly transition to the dream world?

"Welcome to my world."

Zhuang Xiaodie's voice sounded in time.

Countless exotic butterflies swarmed and flew to the front of Taihe Temple. They gathered together like a tornado, twisted and rotated.

A fuzzy figure appeared in the butterfly storm, slowly becoming clear, and the colorful scale powder falling off the butterfly wings condensed into her skin, hair and clothes.

Zhuang Xiaodie stepped out slowly from the butterfly storm, and the butterflies scattered.

Zhang Zi'an secretly slandered, no wonder the scene switching became more perfunctory. It turned out that he had devoted all his energy to his appearance animation ...

Cleopatra VII was already stupid.

Where has she seen such a magical scene, how has she seen such a beautiful woman?

Zhang Zi'an was not surprised, and she was not surprised that she could understand her, after all, she had everything in her dream.

He noticed that Zhuang Xiaodie changed her clothes again. The clothes used gold and red as the main color, lined with a large amount of gold silk and complicated embroidery. It looked graceful and elegant, with a royal style.

"As a woman, I admire you very much. I can't bear to see you die for nothing, so I invite you to come to my world as a guest." Zhuang Xiaodie said.

"Ha ha……"

"What are you laughing at?" Zhuang Xiaodie slanted Zhang Zi'an indifferently.

"Nothing ... nothing to do with yourself."

Zhang Zi'an didn't dare to spit out, such as—what a ghost is a woman? Aren't you a butterfly?

No way, why dare not bow your head under the eaves? It's not good for him to pierce her, just if you don't hear it.

However, Zhuang Xiaodie and Cleopatra VII do have some similarities. They both have a strong interest in mathematics and science, but the latter is limited by the times and is usually involved in government affairs. They are not scientific. What to do that will be passed down to future generations.

Cleopatra VII, a generation of queen, had calmed down after a brief panic. She looked at Zhuang Xiaodie, and especially looked at the special clothes on the latter.

"Thank you for your generosity, then you are also Fina's friend? Could you please tell your name?" She said.

"It can only be regarded as a friend of a friend. My name is Zhuang Xiaodie. This is my world." Zhuang Xiaodie motioned to Zhang Zi'an with his eyes and asked him to explain to the new guest.

"Wait a minute, before you invite others, can you ask me for your opinion first?" Zhang Zi'an pointed to his head. "This is my head anyway."

"Oh, then, may I invite her to come?" Zhuang Xiaodie asked in a perfunctory manner.

Zhang Zi'an: "... forget it, it's all here, I don't care about you."

He understood, it must be the moment when the frontal horns collided, Zhuang Xiaodie connected his brain wave with the brain wave of Cleopatra VII. Although it was only a short moment, it was enough for her to connect the latter's memory with The consciousness was completely copied into his mind.

I heard that the human brain has only developed 3% or 5%. Anyway, most of the brain's potential is in a dormant state, and there is enough space to accommodate more things.

It seems that there is no other peaceful solution to the situation where the tension is just now, so he can only acquiesce, and resistance is meaningless. I just hope that Zhuang Xiaodie will "invite" others over and over again. In the brain.

He told the story of Cleopatra VII as easily as possible.

"So, I'm dead after all ..." she murmured, "Isn't it me?"

Zhuang Xiaodie smiled with approbation, "You can think of this layer, it is clear that I am not mistaken. You now inherit all of your original memories and consciousness, and your body is exactly the same as your original, and true What's the difference between you? The original you are about to die, if you want to live, you can only live in this state in my world. "

"That ..." Cleopatra VII wanted to ask her children if they could enter the world like this, but she knew that her children had been closely guarded by the Roman army, and there was no chance at all, so she sighed , Rephrasing: "Can I still see Fina?"

"It's time to ask him ~ ~ Zhuang Xiaodie throws the question to Zhang Zi'an.

"Should ... okay." Zhang Zian murmured in his heart. Can human brain waves and cat brain waves be connected? Big deal to transit through the world of Feimas.

"Also I can tell you that your son will die at the hands of Octavian, but your daughter will survive. Please be grateful."

Now that she can't leave the dream world, telling her the next history is not a big deal. Taking her to the dream world is indeed a good way. It will not change history, but it can also calm Fina.

"I see, thank you." She thanked sadly, this was far better than she expected, at least her daughter can survive, it is a blessed luck.

"Now I want to show our guests a visit and you can go back."

Zhuang Xiaodie suddenly threw her long sleeves and brushed at his face door. He leaned back instinctively, trying to dodge, and then woke up.

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