MTL - Pet King-v2 Chapter 1740 Harvest autumn

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Golden autumn.

Windy day.

At this time, the primary school students are assigned homework or composition by the teacher, a fill-in question often appears in the homework, or a sentence often appearing in the composition written by the elementary school students with tender writing pen-autumn is () season.

Zhang Zi'an accidentally saw the fill-in-the-blank question in his assignment in Xiao Celery a few days ago, evoking his childhood memory, because he also did it in elementary school, and the answer he wrote was exactly the same as Xiao Celery --Autumn is the harvest season.

Very vulgar, but a steady answer.

But if he fills in now, he will definitely write-autumn is the season of power saving, go to his mother's score!

The thought of turning on the air conditioner when he was a little bit hot when he was a kid, he couldn't help secretly feeling guilty, not knowing the expensive electricity and water. Now pet stores and aquariums have the biggest daily expenses in addition to the costs of purchasing kittens and puppies. , Followed by water charges. The price of commercial hydropower is doubled compared to the price of residents' hydropower. Every time the bill of electricity bills comes out, he is stimulated to have a heart attack.

You need to turn on the air conditioner in summer and the electric heater in winter. You only need to turn on nothing in spring and autumn. Just keep the shop door open for ventilation.

"One side is in trouble, and the other is support! This is a donation raised by everyone. Today I will transfer all the donations to Mr. Store Manager and ask him to buy disinfection and epidemic prevention drugs for stray cats and stray dogs in Binhai City."

Xiaoxue held a sign with a four-digit number written on it, and solemnly handed it to Zhang Zi'an in front of the mobile phone camera.

Zhang Zi'an took the brand. "Then I would like to thank everyone on behalf of the stray cats and dogs in Binhai City. After that, I would like Xiaoxue to publish the detailed purchase list of the medicine on her Weibo and on the public account of this store to ensure openness and transparency."

The money was actually transferred to him. Today is just a small ritual to let enthusiastic netizens know that the money they have donated has come to fruition.

After the typhoon left and the flood subsided, the streets and alleys of Binhai City were dazzling, even more shocking and nauseating. The bodies of small animals drowned by the flood were often seen, most likely rats, and then cats and dogs. .

Most drowned cats and dogs should be stray animals, including a small number of free-range families.

Vladimir and Xiaobai have tried their best, but the typhoon came too suddenly, and the two of them could not save all the cats and dogs.

For surviving stray cats and dogs, as well as for residents of this city, epidemic prevention after the flood is of paramount importance. The city government will organize a large amount of manpower and resources to put in place disinfection in key areas, but for stray cats and dogs where they are indefinite There is no good way for people.

Xiaoxue's stay in the United States this time is much longer than expected. She had already bought a flight ticket, but was surprised to hear that the typhoon rushed to Binhai City. Even in this situation, she could n’t land even if she returned by plane. Besides, parents could n’t agree. So the family of three delayed for a while before returning to China.

On the second day after returning home, despite the exhaustion of her journey, she immediately devoted herself to the work of outdoor broadcasting, and introduced the disaster situation in Binhai to fans all over the country and around the world. In her live broadcast, everyone saw the bodies of stray cats and dogs that had been drowned before they could clean up. Of course, it was just a glance away, otherwise Xiaoxue and the weaker girls could not stand it.

Although some people questioned that she was taking the opportunity to **** powder, the clear one cleared himself and the turbid one cleared himself.

The carcass of drowned small animals will cause a large number of pests such as fleas to breed, and parasites spread on stray cats and dogs. Many people think of this possibility, but suffer from no good way, unless all stray cats and dogs are eliminated, but this is too cruel and may cause controversy. Besides, the existence of stray cats and dogs will limit the reproduction of rodents such as mice. After killing stray cats and dogs, wouldn't they make mice sting?

Xiaoxue was also very worried about this. He went to a pet store to ask Zhang Zi'an for advice. The latter said that he could solve the problem by administering a fixed dose of medicine to stray cats and dogs, and he already planned to do so.

Enthusiastic netizens who like pets and have plenty of money on hand are generous in their baggage, no matter how much money they have, they talk about their hearts.

Today is the weekend, people in the store come and go, Xiao Xue just left, Zhao Qi and Liu Wenying also came with Yueyue.

"Director Zhang, I wonder if you have taken over this store for the first anniversary? When will you come to the first anniversary store to celebrate the promotion?"

Zhao Qi was carrying a brand-name female bag that she bought. Liu Wenying was holding Yueyue, and Yueyue held a half-eaten ice cream. Maybe this is the last time this little girl had a mouth-watering ice cream. After all, the weather will get worse. It's cold.

"I really haven't thought about it. Our small business has suffered heavy losses in the typhoon, and then the guests will sell blood." Zhang Zi'an's tone was not loose.

"Huh! Who is it? I don't care, today our cat food must be discounted, and it must be broken!" Zhao Qi held a pile of imported cat food and replayed it on the cash register.

Every time she and Liu Wenying come to Tun Cat Food, she will find various excuses to ask Zhang Zi'an for a discount, and Liu Wenying is not embarrassed. In fact, Zhao Qi is willing to buy a few thousand yuan bag, really care about the discounted one hundred dollars? What she enjoys is the thrill of discounting, otherwise she feels lost, which is probably the shopping logic of urban white-collar workers, otherwise Double Eleven will not become a national carnival.

Until Zhang Zi'an failed her, and quietly agreed to give them a 5% discount, she and Liu Wenying returned home with a lot of cat food.

"Xiao Zhang, do you have time? I want to discuss something with you." Wei Kang drove a brand new private car to visit the door.

"Professor Wei, congratulations on your promotion, come in quickly." Zhang Zi'an saw at a glance that Wei Kang was happy and happy, and finally took off the word "deputy" in front of his title.

"Not to mention, not to mention ..." Wei Kang waved his hands humbly and looked around the shop. "Well, you have enough people in this shop, they are almost full, so I wo n’t go in, just say a few words. Just leave. "

"What is it?" Zhang Zi'an asked.

He thought it was about Lippet and Lush dog food, but Lippet is facing the protracted century trial in the United States, which is a matter of ten or eight years.

"That ’s it. We left a lot of regrets on our last trip to Egypt, and you do n’t think it ’s going to be half a year. The radios installed on the auricle fox may soon be out of power. After all, the local environment is too bad. The temperature difference between day and night is too large, and the battery life may not meet the design requirements. Recycling the radio device is not very assured to the local scholars and nomads. This is our last effort ... so I do n’t want us Go into the desert again, and recover those installations by yourself. By the way, you should unite the teachers and students of the Department of Archeology to resolve the regrets left over last time. What do you think? "Wei Kang Daoming came.

Zhang Zi'an almost fainted. Did he fall into Zhuang Xiaodie's dream without knowing it? Or is it the sense of sight?

Everyone in Zhuang Xiaodie's dreams conforms to her own personality, which makes her dreams have a strong predictive effect. Wei Kang in reality and Wei Kang in the dream also have the same last trip to the desert. It's a deep regret that it's not surprising that the same decision will be made after turning around, this is due to Wei Kang's character.

He urged a few words quickly, persuaded Wei Kang to dispel the idea, to recover the radio device, and give it to the locals to handle it. There should be no big problem, because the auricular fox is a social animal, and missing a few devices will not affect the entire ethnic group The analysis of the state of life has had a large impact.

Does such a thing need to be reminded by his biological layman? Of course, Wei Kang knows that this is just an excuse, and the auricle fox is not the point at all.

During the meeting, Wei Kang and the teachers at the same school staggered and mentioned the golden pyramid hidden in the depths of the sand sea. Although Wei Kang had not seen it in person, Lippit loomed during the trial The relevant information has aroused great interest from the Department of Archeology of Binhai University. After all, it is a pyramid that has never been discovered. It is likely to be the tomb of the last pharaoh of Egypt. If it can be entered by a Chinese scientific research team, it will definitely It can sensate the world and make the Department of Archeology of Binhai University known at home and abroad.

Professors of the Department of Archeology have been lingering for a while, and Wei Kang has also moved. If it is a joint application of the Department of Biology and Archeology, the school will definitely approve it, and the last successful experience as a guarantee.

Wei Kang was already disappointed with his underachievers. Heard that archeology students have been hardworking and hardworking, and often participate in field excavations, and even have field excavation experience in the Gobi Beach tombs in the Western Region. The desert has some similarities. If they cooperate, this time the light car is familiar, the equipment and manpower are stronger than the last time. Maybe you can find more secrets about the primitive Egyptian cat from the murals of the golden pyramid.

He and the archaeology professors agreed that the golden pyramid was buried in the yellow sand, which is just one of Lippitt's words. Perhaps the cunning Lippett said it intentionally, in fact, he secretly planned to send his men to swallow the treasures in the golden pyramid. In order to avoid This situation has to happen, and you must dig deep into the Egyptian desert and make a protective excavation of the golden pyramids before Lippet's insidiousness starts.

Zhang Zi'an heard a bitter smile, and the Golden Pyramid was really buried, but he was inconvenient to prove for Lippet, otherwise the pressure and focus would be on him.

This time, obviously, the Department of Archeology of Binhai University was about to move, and was planning to make a big news. I was so determined to bring Wei Kang to Egypt.

He persuaded him to die, and finally persuaded Wei Kang temporarily. This was only an expedient measure. Even if Wei Kang changed his mind, the people in the archeology department might not be dead.

But what can I do? Take a step and look at it.

He intends to wait for the day after tomorrow to visit the Binhai City Museum to see if there is really a female interpreter in South Europe ...

As soon as Wei Kang was sent away, he hadn't even entered the store, but he saw an acquaintance pushing a wheelchair and walking slowly across the road.

It was Guo Dongyue who was pushing his mother for a walk. The wheelchair was modified, and a bracket was installed. A bird cage was hung on the bracket. Several parrots were jumping around in the bird cage. Look at the passing pedestrians.

Guo Dongyue's mother was half-upright, with a childlike innocence smile-innocence that should not have appeared on an adult's face. She stared at the parrot in the bird cage like a child, her lips moving, as if talking to the parrot.

Zhang Zi'an saw Guo Dongyue's circle of friends a while ago. It seems that the big house the latter bought near has been renovated. Now it seems that they have moved in.

He waved to Guo Dongyue across the road, who had long looked at the pet shop and waved at him.

An RV parked by the side of the road, blocking his view.

"Brother Zhang, business is booming!" Feng Xuan walked out of the car in full breeze.

"Guide Feng? Why are you here?" Zhang Zi'an was surprised.

"Shh!" Feng Xuan quietly gestured with a snoring gesture. Now that he is notorious, he is still low-key and does not want to be photographed by people nearby.

"Brother Zhang, I went to visit a friend in the film and television circle. I just happened to pass by here, so I came to see you and Feimas by the way." Feng Xuanhan said, "How are you doing, how are you?"

"Everything is fine, Guide Feng, will you come in and sit?" Zhang Zi'an invited.

Feng Xuan looked at the overcrowded store and smiled and shook his head. "Forget it, wait for a chance to disturb again. By the way, brother Zhang, recently the script of" Battle Dog 2 "came out, I have read it, I think it is very good, you want Don't think about it? "

After Feng Xuan became a domestic first-line director through "War Dogs", he did not hunger for money and shoot bad movies like other overnight famous directors. Instead, he was extra cautious and was unwilling to smash the signboards at the festival. The quality of the script and the investors The requirements are very high, and he can't get into his law.

The popularity of "War Dogs" has made the domestic film industry like to follow the trend, all kinds of animal movies debut, 99.9% are crude money making, making the domestic film critics heartbroken, lamenting that this will make the audience lose enthusiasm, and even some people Commentary: "War Dogs" opened the door to Chinese animal movies, and was closed by other bad movies ...

The domestic animal film market urgently needs another booster to continue the enthusiasm of the audience ~ ~ There is nothing more suitable than "War Dogs 2".

The double harvest of word-of-mouth box office of "War Dogs", neither the crew nor the investors, obviously will not give up this golden signboard. The sequel was put on the agenda early, and the investment budget was ten times that of the first one. .

The script for "War Dogs 2" is already in the process of being revised. The Binhai Film and Television City is also actively operating, saying that it must cooperate fully and leave the shooting location of the sequel in Binhai City. It must not be given away, even municipal culture. The department's leaders are also paying close attention and actively promoting this.

The other details are easy to say, only the starring role cannot be changed-of course this does not mean the human starring role in the movie.

For reasons, Zhang Zi'an and Feimas are difficult to shirk.

He knew that after the release of "War Dogs", Feimas was not immersed in the honor of the past, but continued to observe life, hone acting skills, and strive to make new breakthroughs.

Everyone is looking forward to the future of Feimas in "War Dogs 2".

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