MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 101 Big Black Returns

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After three hours of flight, the aircraft carrier finally arrived at the North Military Camp. Thousands of soldiers disembarked the ship in an orderly manner. After standing on the high platform and saying a few words of encouragement, General Han left with Mu Yanzhi. The rest was It is necessary to solve it by the head of the team, otherwise everything must be done by the general. What is the use of such positions as the captain and the head of the group?

The general only needs to grasp the generous direction, and the rest is left to the people below, so General Han took Mu Yanzhi to take a good tour of the northern army camp, and finally watched a group of soldiers. The battle between the matches was extremely exciting, but fortunately it was all up to the point.

This trip was almost full-fledged, and he didn't start refining the pharmaceutical until the evening break. Perhaps it was because he liked General Han that made him uneasy. The results of the evening were somewhat unsatisfactory.

At midnight, Mu Yanzhi dragged his tired body for a wash, and finally lay on the bed, eyes stared straight at the ceiling, watching the infinitely beautiful void special effects continuously spinning, which seemed to be hypnotic.

Mu Yanzhi felt very sleepy, but he didn't want to sleep. After one hour of dry work, his eyes were dry and astringent, and his head was dizzy. Until then, the light brain heard the sound of information.

Who would send him a message at this time?

Don't look at the future world has developed the technology of the empty video screen, but there are still many people who like to use text to communicate. When they open the text message with a sigh of regret, they see the name displayed in the letter, and they are furious. Jumping, all the sleepiness disappeared in an instant, and the whole person bounced as if stimulated.

It's Dahei ...

[It's too late, go to bed early. 】

In just five words, Mu Yan couldn't help researching for a few minutes with a comma and period. After raising a few minutes, he couldn't help replying to the other party.

【You too. 】

To be honest, after knowing that he likes big black, Mu Yanzhi's mood is not good or bad, and his secret love experience in the last life gave him too much blow.

Even though the world worships power, as long as you are strong, it is not a big problem even if men and men are together, but it is clear that a strong person like Dahei may like the weak and beautiful Woman, not him.

Strive to annihilate this newly budding relationship, Mu Yanzhi closed his eyes, tried to hypnotize himself and quickly go to sleep.

And there, General Han stared blankly at the message from Master Gong's reply, his eyebrows gradually narrowed. Based on his understanding of Master Gong's, the other party's response should not have been so short and extreme, which was not right.

In the early morning the next morning, Mu Yanzhi got up and took a brief wash. When he was about to make a meal, he heard the door sound. For a moment, Mu Yanzhi's expression was a little hesitant because he knew that the person outside the door must be **** .

But so far, he didn't want to see Dahei so soon, he immediately gave the black hair a message with his brain.

"I'm busy researching medicaments. I won't go out recently. Don't worry about me. I have food in my space and can solve it by myself."

Soon, the sound of footsteps at the door drifted away, as if leaving.

Mu Yanzhi's whole body seemed to have taken away his strength, and he lost it until the light came again from the light brain. He immediately excited and opened the information quickly.

"Okay, I see. I just came to tell you. I'm going out for a while. You can talk to Xiao Zhang if you have something."

After carefully reading this message, Mu Yanzhi couldn't say anything, but just deleted the message blankly and lay on the bed like a dead fish.

"General, everything is ready to go." The captain came over and prompted.

General Han made a sigh and looked back at the almost invisible high-rise building, as if he could see the window where the Supreme Master lived. After half a ring, he took out his brain and sent a message to the Supreme Master.

"Take care of yourself and wait for me to come back. I will definitely bring you a lot of herbs."

After this passage, General Han said coldly, "Go."

With the command of General Han, the combat aircraft carrier slowly started, and finally left the North Army Camp and stepped towards the unknown map.

This time, there will be dangers, but opportunities will multiply.

This is an opportunity for humankind, and it is also the biggest bargaining chip for General Han to defeat General Left.

Because wherever human beings have never set foot, they always have unimaginable wealth and opportunities.

Mu Yanzhi felt the light-brain tremor and opened the information subconsciously. When the **** hair came over, it felt like a small hammer. It slammed into his heart word by word. The thorns were a little bitter and painful.

Looking at this message repeatedly, the corner of Mu Yan's mouth unconsciously aroused, his mood fluttered.

After having dinner, Mu Yanzhi started to refine the pharmaceuticals. He didn't relax until the afternoon, took a moment to look at the shop, and found that the buyers were making a noise in the comment area, and hurrying to the new one.

Perhaps because of a good mood, Mu Yanzhi soon added more than 20 new bottles of medicine, many buyers quickly snapped up, Mu Yanzhi quickly wrapped up these medicines, let Xiao Zhang come to help express delivery.

Xiao Zhang looked at the shop name written by the courier, and his expression became extremely delicate instantly.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yan wondered.

Xiao Zhang for a long time, and finally said, "Master, is that the shop that sells Qingxin Elixir before you go online?"

Suddenly Mu Mu said, "How do you know?"

Suddenly, Zhang Zhang opened his mouth wide, and he didn't return to his mind for a while. He murmured, "Oh my God, I actually drank the medicine you made yourself."

Xiao Zhang also bought his own potion, but Mu Yanzhi also knew that his potion was difficult to buy. He immediately took a few bottles of cleansing potion from his space and handed it to Xiao Zhang, laughing: "I It ’s hard to get a potion, these bottles are for you. ”

This is the medicine that Master Guru personally crafted, or it was given away for free. Where did Xiao Zhang dare to pick it up, he suddenly shook his head, and was a little apprehensive, "No, no, it's too expensive."

Mu Yanzhi likes Xiao Zhang's temperament. He forced the medicine into Xiao Zhang's arms and said, "Hold it. For me, these medicines can be refined in just a few minutes, not so expensive. "

Xiao Zhang was quite touched and immediately said, "Thank you, Master."

Mu Yan smiled helplessly: "If you want to thank me, please send me these courier services. I don't know much about this barracks, so I have to help you."

After taking advantage of Xiao Zhang, he was more diligent in doing things, and quickly hugged the courier to leave quickly.

Mu Yanzhi retracted the room and continued to refine the medicine.

However, what Mu Yan didn't know was that Xiao Zhang knew the shop, not because he had bought a potion, but because he and the people in the army camp received orders from the captain and asked to stare at the shop. Get new potions and buy them immediately.

Xiao Zhang clearly remembers the name of this shop, so after seeing Mu Yanzhi's express delivery, he immediately understood all this, and also understood the reason for the captain to do so.

Soon, all soldiers in the army knew about this. The shop was opened by the Grand Master. All the soldiers screamed, hoping that they could use their entire forces to buy back the potion they could distribute to themselves. But It was made by the Master Guru himself. Although he used to disdain the potions of this shop, these soldiers changed their attitudes instantly, courting their superiors with great diligence, hoping that the captain could distribute a few bottles of potions of this regimen.

Do not! Even a bottle is fine! They don't drink it, but they donate it and become the treasure of the town!

The whole thing was buzzing. The captain contacted General Han a bit distressed and talked about it. At the same time, he condemned Xiao Zhang's mouth for not opening the door, and he even took the matter. Speak out.

General Han said indifferently: "Xiao Zhang was approved by me."

The captain suddenly hesitated, and said, "General, wouldn't the Grand Master be exposed to the public in case something happened?"

General Han glanced at the Captain and Shen said, "Those people are afraid, as long as I am there, no one can move him."

Yeah, as long as General Han is here, Rao is using no more conspiracies and tricks, and everything will be useless in the face of absolute force.

He should also learn from General Han. He must work hard to improve his force to have the confidence to face all the conspiracies and tricks. The captain seems to have unlocked some knots, and his whole body has a slight momentum.

"Get back to the house and break through the ranks," General Han quickly ordered coldly.

Then the captain realized that he had broken the knot and was about to advance. Now his face changed, and he hurried back to the room to make a breakthrough.

I do n’t know whether it was intentional or not. Soon, the whole empire gradually heard about one thing. The mysterious Grand Master seems to have opened a shop, and many new potions are added every day. I heard that the people in the North Camp were crazy. , Staring at the shop every day.

People do n’t know if this is true or not. After tentatively searching the store, they were shocked to find that the store only used so many dozens of new medicines every day. The most frightening thing was that there were nearly 50,000 buyers. They are all active users, screaming for more and more new, and crying that they can't grab it every time.

In short, this store is very strange, the buyer ’s active value is particularly high, and comments are used as chats, and the scene of more than 50,000 people chatting is how shocking you think about it.

Regardless of whether this medicine is made by a master or not, is it really good to just say this medicine? Even so many buyers are waiting infatuatedly. The most important thing is that the order of these buyers is quite high. At first glance, it is a rich person. What kind of medicine can the rich person not buy? Will he be guarding this shop every day?

People's curiosity suddenly got stunned, and immediately joined the comments to start a group chat.

And the 50,000 buyers followed, and finally chatted and learned something.

what? Is this abominable shop owner opened by Master Guru?

Are you kidding us with 50,000 buyers?

The newly joined melon-eating crowd rushed to reply. We didn't tease you. I heard that soldiers in the North Camp were robbing the store for medicine.

Those old buyers were immediately angry, and suddenly realized one thing, cursed a **** that was very popular in ancient earth! Your sister, no wonder they have n’t been able to grab the potion, even if they have convened as many people as possible, they still ca n’t.

original! The one who robbed them of the potion was the one who bragged that they had 50,000 people as their backing. They dared not to be bragging at all. The people in the north camp were not exactly 50,000 people. No wonder, no wonder they couldn't rob!

For a while, the buyers were angry and roaring, and your fifty thousand soldiers were too bullying! D!

The soldiers of the North Barracks immediately and neatly left a sentence under the comment.

[I'm a soldier]: I just don't talk.

[I'm two soldiers]: I just don't speak.

In this way, there were 50,000 hahaha. The people of the empire were suddenly shocked. They originally thought of this as a joke, and it seemed that 80% of it was true.

Because everyone in the future world can only have one id and can't register at all, these 50,000 reviews are real buyers and users, and they are definitely not machine replies.

For a while, everyone was inexplicably excited, and began to refresh the shop daily. More importantly, the pharmacist union, when a student saw the news, he quickly told his teacher, a higher pharmacist.

The upper pharmacy mentor dismissed: "Don't listen to those news, it's all deceptive. You give me a good study, don't go to the Star Network every day."

The sprayed student suddenly confessed his mistakes, crying without tears.

Having said that, Mu Yanzhi also refreshed these comments. Naturally, I also saw the news. At the moment, I feel helpless and panic. After all, the whole empire thinks that he is a master.

An inexplicable sense of tension filled my mind, Mu Yanzhi once again immersed himself in refining pharmaceutical agents, striving to brush up experience.

Time passed in this way, and half a month passed quickly. During this period, Mu Yanzhi occasionally received some information from General Han, asking how he was doing recently, and do n’t worry about things outside, everything is there. He can solve it, while Mu Yanzhi can concentrate on refining the pharmaceutical agent.

These words gave Mu Yan a great sense of security and immediately replied, "I know."

But half a month later, Mu Yanzhi never received any information from Dahei. Originally, Mu Yanzhi didn't feel anything, but after waiting for a long time, he felt wrong and was very disturbed. He immediately searched the Internet for the following Regarding General Han's case, I realized that the matter was big.

General Han led 10,000 elite soldiers to explore the new area. This place is an uninhabited area. No human will live here. Although there are many abilities who want to get rich and look for opportunities, they have set foot here. The successful people died there, and the rest of the surviving psionicists made a fortune by relying on what they brought back from that place.

Even worse, after experiencing a bizarre encounter there, and finally advanced into a high-level ability, and this is one of the commanders of the North Camp.

Therefore, General Han took the commander to the place and was ready to occupy that place. As long as they could master the place, then the place would belong to the North Army Camp. Once this place was developed, perhaps the forces of the North Army Camp It will expand a lot.

But that place is too dangerous.

More importantly, a lot of people on Star Network said that they saw General Han and his party go deep into the area, and there was no trace, no one could contact, maybe it was planted there.

For a while, the empire trembled, and many people were panicked, because once General Han had an accident, it meant that there might be a terrible existence in that place.

After all, General Han is now so powerful that even ancient beasts can be easily defeated.

Mu Yanzhi's face changed. He quickly dialed General Han's screen, but no one was connected, and it was not known whether something had really happened or because there was no way to contact him.

These are unknown. Mu Yan can only expect the latter. After all, Dahei is so powerful and he still has 10,000 elite soldiers. How could something go wrong?

In this way, I kept comforting myself. Mu Yanzhi was almost in a state of embarrassment these days, living a numb life, in addition to refining pharmaceutical agents every day, I will keep refreshing news on the Star Network, and I will also find and stay in the barracks from time to time. Another captain.

"Is there any news today?" Mu Yanzhi has lost a lot of weight in the past few days. He came to Captain Zhang's office and asked about it routinely.

Captain Zhang's face was also very bad. There were thick black marks under his eyelids, and apparently he didn't sleep well. Hurry up and let Mu Yanzhi sit down and sigh: "There is still no news, but Master Master, don't be too anxious, this one We have experienced it several times before. Sometimes, there are a lot of changes in the new area. No connection does not mean that there is an accident. On the contrary, it may be because there is no way to use the light brain. Wait in peace. "

These words, Mu Yan was tired of hearing, but had to say, Captain Zhang's words gave Mu Yan a great comfort.

"Okay, I know. If there is any news from General Han, you must tell me first." Mu Yanzhi stood up and repeated what he would say these days.

And Captain Zhang tirelessly said solemnly: "You can rest assured, I will."

Mu Yanzhi returned to the room with a sorrowful expression, sitting on the bed and looking at the clouds in the distance, as if all his hearts followed him to the unknown place.

I don't know how long, Mu Yanzhi suddenly heard the light brain shake, suddenly, Mu Yanzhi's face changed, and quickly opened the light brain.

[Big Black]: I'm out. I'll be back in three days. Don't miss it.

In a few words, Mu Yan almost cried and laughed, his heart was ups and downs like a roller coaster.

In these days, in addition to the low mood of Mu Yanzhi, the soldiers of the North Camp were also very worried. They had no mental training almost every day, for fear that General Han would be in trouble.

Fortunately today, the captain notified all soldiers with a loudspeaker, and General Han returned for three days!

The news instantly boosted the morale of all the soldiers, and they were particularly energetic with training.

The empire also quickly received this news. People throughout the empire cheered because they understood that the region that had never been identified by humans was finally taken by their general Han. In other words, the map of the empire would be required again. There is one more land.

Except for the cheering of the imperial people, General Zuo ’s house was in a low pressure. Everyone was trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant, because they all knew that General Zuo always regarded General Han as a nail in the eye. There is no way to successfully become the Marshal of the Empire.

Looking at General Han to make a great contribution again, still such a difficult area has been won, so much credit, how many imperial people have to love General Han more, can General Left be angry? Every day broke a few plates.

The three days were like years, and Mu Yanzhi could only madly concentrate his pharmaceuticals to suppress the anxiety of his heart. He didn't know how long after that, he suddenly heard the system's upgrade prompt.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted from a large pharmacist to a lower pharmacist. 】

It turns out that he is now the next pharmacist ...

Mu Yanzhi didn't have ecstasy at this moment, but felt that he was in a dream, because in these days, he almost kept refining his pharmaceuticals, except for eating. He had long forgotten the concept of time.


The knock on the door sounded, Mu Yanzhi thought that the captain had come, and immediately walked over, pushed the door open, and stood on the spot instantly.

The other person looked up and down Mu Yan, frowned, "Why are you so thin?"

Mu Yanzhi said: "Why are you here?"

General Han forcibly pushed Mu Yanzhi into the room with an unquestionable attitude, and then Shen said, "Take out the things in your space."

Mu Yanzhi nodded stupidly and took out things very obediently.

General Han began to get busy. A former general, who had been a dignified person, started cooking with a very familiar attitude, and the taste was quite fragrant.

It was only from the beginning to the end that Mu Yanzhi couldn't slow down. He was so stunned that he looked at General Han's figure back and forth, and after half a ring, he heard his voice dry and said something.

"You ... aren't you hurt?"

General Han's hand was stunned, staring at Mu Yanzhi as if he wanted to see through the other side. Mu Yan was somewhat uncomfortable avoiding the beginning, and then he heard the man say, "There is a more brutal place The fierce beast has the same strength as the ancient beast, and this battle is more difficult. "

In a simple sentence, Mu Yanzhi knew that there must be a lot of blood and danger in it. He immediately stood up and worried: "Where is the injury? Show me."

General Han did not quit, and immediately took off his shirt and showed his strong body. Mu Yanzhi was a little uncomfortable at first, but he saw that the body that was supposed to be a work of art was actually covered with horrible wounds, and fell down. Take a breath and say, "Such a serious injury, did you take any medicine?"

General Han didn't care about these wounds at all, but continued to cook, and said, "Eat, but it's not as effective as your potion."

Mu Yan said angrily: "What about those potions I gave you?"

General Han's deep eyes seemed to contain heavy weight, and he cried, "My soldiers need these life-saving potions more than I do."

Mu Yanzhi's head hummed for a moment, then retrieved his voice in the middle of the ring, "Then you have these injuries, why didn't you get a march pharmacist for treatment?"

General Han shook his head and said in an unquestionable tone: "My soldiers need pharmacists more than I, not to mention they and their families, I will do my best to bring every soldier back alive."

Mu Yanzhi really wanted to take a **** meal at this moment, his face drew down, and said, "You don't need to co-author? Well, think for yourself. In this world, not your soldiers have family members to worry about, I will also worry about it. what!"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Yan's face changed, and he hurriedly changed his words: "I mean, the captain, Xiao Zhang and everyone who stayed here would worry about you, or you would die in this world. No one can beat the ancient beast. "

After all these words were spoken, it seemed that they were trying to cover up, and suddenly the nervous hands were at a loss, anxious to get into the seam.

General Han's dark eyes seemed to be flashing with complex emotions, and then slowly said, "I know, I won't just die like this, I still have to watch you become a god-level pharmacist."

Mu Yanzhi suppressed the chaos in his heart and echoed, "Yeah, you have to watch me become a god-level pharmacist."

Only at this moment, Mu Yanzhi always felt that General Han seemed to be different.

"Let's eat." General Han handed the cooked meal to Mu Yanzhi, then looked at Mu Yanzhi, and said, "You are too thin."

Mu Yanzhi took the meal, buried his head and ate it, General Han raised his eyebrows, and felt that the Grand Master at this moment was like a little rabbit, trembling, but he wanted to tease him and see the other person tremble with fear.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of the captain saying that for half a month, the Master Guru had been running into the captain's office and had been inquiring about the news. General, inexplicably, General Han's mood was extremely bright.

It's just, this master has been immersed in eating, and he doesn't eat any food. Now he adds a few chopsticks to the bowl of Mu Yan. "Don't just eat, eat more."

Mu Yanzhi was startled by General Han's approach, and was immediately coughed by the rice noodles, saying, "You, why are you so close?"

General Han raised an eyebrow and said in a low tone, "Don't you like me approaching?"

Mu Yanzhi was suddenly speechless, and I was embarrassed to say that I didn't like it, but I was embarrassed to say that I liked it. Now I turned my head and ate, but my ears were quietly red.

When General Han saw this, he did not dare to tease the Master again, and began to concentrate on eating.

After a meal, General Han wanted to clean up the chopsticks and was stopped by Mu Yan. He said, "You are the wounded. Leave these chopsticks alone. I will show you the wound."

Originally, I wanted to treat General Xia's wound first, but because I was too nervous, I forgot about it. Right now, even if he is nervous, he will definitely not delay any more. Let the system check immediately After Dahei's injury, he hurriedly refined the corresponding potion, "Oh, drink it."

General Han didn't ask what kind of medicine it was, and he drank it. Soon, General Han's wound gradually recovered. Although the speed was slow, he did not lose any energy.

While waiting for the wound to recover, General Han tilted his head slightly, his dark eyes looked straight at Mu Yanzhi, and said, "In that place, I found a very strange place, where there are many super high or rare Medicinal herbs. "

Honestly, apart from the professional judges of medicinal materials, only the pharmacists can judge the grades of these medicinal materials, and General Han said the grades of these medicinal materials at once, which made Mu Yan feel very Strange, "How do you know?"

General Han slightly reluctantly said: "You gave me information about medicinal materials before, and I can know the grade of these medicinal materials through mental force perception judgment."

Mu Yanzhi was already numb to Dahei's golden finger, and he reached out his hand and said, "Take it out and see."

General Han pointed to the position next to him and said, "Come, make a place."

Mu Yan took a step back and wondered, "Will you?"

General Han shook his head again and said, "I'm afraid you have to take a step back."

Mu Yanzhi did n’t even know what General Han ’s idea was, and he stepped back two steps again, looking at the huge room around him. There was still such a large open space, and he said, “I think it ’s okay, come out. Right. "

General Han ridiculed, "Are you sure?"

Mu Yan busy nodded, "I'm sure."

General Han bowed his head slightly, with a serious expression on his face, but his dark eyes seemed to flash a moment of sorrow. He slightly raised his hand, took out all the medicinal materials from the space, and immediately filled all the rooms, directly Buried Mu Yanzhi's thin body, no shadow was visible.

At this moment, the system started to madly remind how many rare medicinal materials around it, and the sound was dense for a long time, but at this moment Mu Yan had no time to take care of these, because he was constantly struggling in the medicinal materials ...

"Help ... I can't breathe."

General Han just wanted to tease Mu Yan, and immediately used the power to get Mu Yan out.

At this time, Mu Yanzhi didn't understand that he was in Dahei's conspiracy and tricks. He also said what to take a few steps back. So many medicinal materials directly filled the entire room, no matter how far back there is a fart! Still have to be buried in herbs!

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