MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 105 All empires know ...

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Everyone does not believe that the Master Guru will teach these things to those pharmacists, but whether it is true or not, each pharmacist is particularly jealous of the pharmacists of the North Camp. As a result, within a few days, someone was on the Internet. It is said that all pharmacists in the North Army Camp have been upgraded one after another, without exception.

Moreover, the quality of the medicines they refined was very high, and the refined quantities were even higher than those produced before. This is enough to prove that the rumors may be true. It turned out that the Master Guru really did these East and West taught to those in the North Barracks.

For a while, many pharmacists tried to find a way to become a pharmacist in the North Camp, but they needed very strict review to enter the North Camp to become a military doctor. Many pharmacists began to try to join the army. To enter the North Barracks to learn what the Master Guru taught to those pharmacists, but unfortunately, those pharmacists were rejected.

Many pharmacists protested separately. Joining the army is the responsibility of every pharmacist. The North Barracks should not reject their applications. They must contribute to this empire. They must glow and work hard to contribute their own strength. Maybe they are just a little pharmacist, but every pharmacist has the faith of loyalty to serve the country!

And the North Military Camp is undoubtedly in the hearts of everyone!

However, the people who eat the melon saw the protest of these pharmacists and immediately laughed and couldn't help but reply: "Don't pretend to be such a great person who is profoundly righteous and willing to die for the country. Who do you want to cover? The purpose is not to want to enter the North Military Camp to steal things, be a man, be sincere! You see, everyone knows your purpose now, embarrassed? Anyway, we are embarrassed.

The pharmacist who has a different approach is extremely sincere to leave a comment and recommend himself under the official Beiwei official website of the Beijun Camp. He sells himself to the best of his ability.

This comment quickly made a lot of melon-eating people like it, and more pharmacists discovered another method. Yeah, why didn't they think of this method!

Immediately afterwards, many pharmacists began to apply their effects in the east, and carried out self-tests under the official micronet of the North Barracks. If they boasted a lot of boasting, people who did n’t know clicked in and thought that all of them were really amazing drugs. What about the division.

A group of people eating melon didn't think it was a big deal, and they ignited the flames next to it, and soon they were all known to the Empire.

In normal leisure time, many people are discussing this matter, sighing that the Supreme Master is so generous, and more importantly, those pharmacists in the northern army camp do not know what luck has been in the last life, and they can follow in this life The great master is studying beside him. The great opportunity this day is really making everyone jealous.

Regardless of how much noise is caused outside, in fact, there is calmness in the northern army camp. Several pharmacists have worked hard to learn beside Mu Yan, and they are hardworking.

In addition, everyone has successfully advanced, and the number of refining pharmaceutical agents has doubled. Mu Yanzhi gradually realized that these pharmacists are actually very talented, but they lack a chance, plus Mu Yanzhi vaguely asked General Han about the reliability of these pharmacists.

And General Han just gave an answer, all these pharmacists can trust.

With that said, Mu Yan's heart has a bottom. Although he doesn't understand why General Han is so confident that these pharmacists will not betray him, but because of his belief in General Han, Mu Yanzhi began to teach these pharmacists new formulas. As a result, this time I made several pharmacists shout out whether they had done something to save the galaxy in their last lives. It felt like they were dreaming, totally untrue.

Mu Yan was very helpless to let these pharmacists go back and calm down. There was no way. These pharmacists were crying and laughing at the moment, and started to cry with excitement, almost anxious to kneel down and make Mu Yanzhi a cow. Even the capitalists think that they are a bully and are trying their best.

These pharmacists looked at Mu Yanzhi eagerly, and did not want to leave at all. Until Mu Yanzhi repeatedly promised that when their emotions were restored, they could roll back. These pharmacists then turned around in three steps, leaving them very reluctantly, for fear The dream in front of me will be instantly broken.

Somehow, the news that the Master Guru taught the two new formulas to the pharmacist of the North Army Camp, like a spark of fire, quickly spread throughout the empire, and almost everyone knew the news.

Compared to the last incident, this incident made it harder for all pharmacists to accept, and almost waited to kill all the pharmacists in the northern barracks!

Damn, why can their pharmacist at the North Camp get a new formula?

Yeah, why?

Haven't you joined the North Camp with the help of that master!

People are tied to the northern army barracks. Isn't he allowed to teach those pharmacists?

Soon, some pharmacists with no background but very talented went to the North Military Camp in person and asked to be willing to give everything, just want to stay in the North Military Camp and become a military doctor.

These pharmacists are actually more talented than those trained by a large family, but they have insufficient resources and no good teacher to teach them, so they are stuck at a certain level and cannot progress.

General Han soon sent someone to investigate these pharmacists, and then asked the pharmacist to sign the contract, indicating that he was willing to join the North Camp, and he would never betray the North Camp for life, otherwise he would die.

Don't look at signing a contract, but this contract is even more terrifying and more binding than the ancient earth, because once the pharmacists sign the contract, this information will be included by the brain, once it violates the contract , The brain will limit the light brain of the pharmacists.

In the future world, Light Brain is an important tool equivalent to credit cards, ID cards, and various functions. It can be said that without Light Brain, this person is equivalent to a black household, and can no longer use Interstellar. Point, maybe this is the end of my life.

So this contract is very binding. After signing the contract, several pharmacists were busy at once: "When can we officially start work?"

Look at these new pharmacists, how respectful and dedicated they are to work immediately after entering the barracks, but all the soldiers understand that the truth is that these pharmacists want to take advantage of the Master!

The head of the regimental hurriedly calmed down the pharmacists and said, "Why are you in a hurry, it took a long time for those medics to impress the Grand Master, and you are willing to teach them something. You are new here, so you hurriedly passed Aren't you afraid of making a bad impression on Master Guru? "

A few new pharmacists suddenly realized, and hurried to ask for help from these psionic soldiers, who were usually too lazy to watch.

For a while, the psionicist and the pharmacist got along very harmoniously, and they seemed to have a lot of love. They could n’t see the old pair of me who would hate you and would only kill and kill, and you would hate me and only refining the pharmaceutical agent. Will not fight against each other.

Mu Yanzhi was eating with General Han at this moment. Actually, he already knew about the outside, and he was a little worried at the moment: "Are you really able to do this?"

General Han said in a hurry: "This is the only best way at the moment. Besides, don't worry too much, everything is mine."

Mu Yan nodded in anxiety, and finally swallowed the words of persuasion into his stomach, saying, "Well, I will fully support you."

In fact, before Mu Yanzhi taught the formula to those pharmacists, he had already told General Han the plan, and General Han nodded and agreed, and came up with a way to make many talented but no back-office pharmacists Voluntarily joining the North Camp, only with more and more pharmacists, the soldiers in the North Camp can get more potions.

After all, many people in the world have monopolized the pharmacist's medicament. Even if there are many pharmacists in the general ’s barracks as the backing, they still cannot supply 50,000 soldiers with medicament. This is why these days about the master The news is often leaked out and known to all the Empire.

In fact, all of this is the result of General Han's manipulation behind the scenes. Otherwise, as long as General Han does not allow it, any news in this barracks will never go out.

In fact, in addition to this, General Han has so many pharmacists, but actually has another idea, which is to use the identity of Master Guru to change the minds of those pharmacists in a subtle way, so that they slowly accept that they can heal the differences. Being able to change people's minds actually starts from the pharmacist, but it is more amazing.

In these words, General Han hesitated for a while, and finally revealed it to Mu Yanzhi.

After listening to Mu Yanzhi, he nodded and said, "I don't know if this method is effective, but I also hope that one day, the beast will not be rejected by human beings. At the very least, it should not be abused."

General Han stared straight at Mu Yanzhi, a hint of tenderness flashing in his original deep eyes.

It is really good to have such a person in this world that is consistent with your philosophy, and will work together to accomplish this great wish.

Mu Yanzhi looked up, then drowned in General Han's eyes, and murmured, "Your eyes are beautiful."

General Han was surprised for a moment, showing a faint smile, rubbing Mu Yanzhi's messy soft hair, saying, "Your eyes are the cleanest I have ever seen."

At the moment Mu Yan's face turned red, he quickly avoided General Han's eyes, but his heart began to jump faster.

General Han ’s smile gradually deepened. His eyes were indeed the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They were clean and transparent so as not to be polluted by this world. What ’s more, his kind and beautiful heart always made him unbearable. I want to protect it carefully, for fear of being destroyed.

Suddenly, the interaction between the two seems to be a little more unknown, and it seems to be much closer than before.

After a few days, many pharmacists started to resist the temptation of the formula one after another, gritted their teeth and arrived at the North Army Camp. After hearing that they would sign the highest-level contract, several pharmacists still agreed, No hesitation.

Because they know that once this contract is signed, it means that they can never betray the Beijun camp in this life, but at the same time, they will also gain the trust of the Beijun camp, get the guidance of the Supreme Master, and those given by the Supreme Master. Formula, these two temptations are enough for them to sell their lives and freedom to the North Barracks.

Of course, all of these pharmacists signed by General Han are people with no background and a clean family. There is no shortage of powerful pharmacists in the North Barracks, so as long as they are talented pharmacists, they are worth training. After all, They have a great master as their strongest backing!

Even if you are a novice pharmacist, as long as an adult master instructs you and refines a potion for you, it will directly allow you to upgrade in three months.

Such a mighty golden finger looks at the whole empire, but only one copy!

Many pharmacists, even after signing life-long contracts, are still very happy, eager to fly to the Master Guru, and take a good look at his great face and see if it will still glow.

Mu Yanzhi was a little nervous at this moment, because all the pharmacists in the northern army camp stood underneath, looking at Mu Yanzhi eagerly, for this reason, Mu Yanzhi had to open the title of Grand Master, and tried to make himself very imposing and imposing. Lest you lose General Han's face.

Sure enough, the pharmacists below were all amazed. They seemed to see the advent of miracles. To put it plainly, these pharmacists were now like a rural bun, and their eyes almost glowed when they looked at Mu Yan.

Mu Yanzhi glanced at these depressed pharmacists, and tried to lower the voice to make the sound deeper. This is more majestic. "You are all hopes for the future of the North Barracks. The medicaments you have refined will Save the life of a soldier. "

Mu Yanzhi didn't say anything falsely empty, and what follows me will make you upstairs, but said something that everyone understands, which made many pharmacists calm down and looked up at Mu Anyway.

Mu Yanzhi continued: "That's why I am willing to teach you what I know. I hope that you can cherish every life in the future. I do not ask you to try to retain every life, but I do my best to live up to my conscience. That's enough, have you heard? "

All the pharmacists nodded in coincidence.

At this moment, in his words, his eyes are firm. Even though he is thin and thin, in the eyes of everyone, he is extremely tall and sacred.

Because of these words, although they have heard many times, but this is the first time, speaking from the mouth of a noble guru pharmacist, it does not make people feel hypocritical, but makes people feel extremely simple.

In fact, Mu Yanzhi would like to say to these pharmacists, I hope you will see the good beasts in the future, you can also reach out and save them.

But he can't say!

Because, the world hates the beast.

Coupled with his current status as a guru, every move can easily affect people in the whole empire. Think about it, a master who is respected and loved by the empire, but openly expressed the hope that all pharmacists would not ignore the power The words of the beast's life are equivalent to the feudal period of the ancient earth, a person openly expressed that I want to be emperor! I want to rebel as much as I can, and it will cause uproar and hatred among the entire people!

The road ahead may be very difficult. It may take a long time to change the human mind of the empire, but at this moment, there is unlimited motivation, because there is a person who will always shield him from the wind and rain in front of him and become his most solid. Rely on.

Mu Yanzhi raised his head and stared at those dark and quiet eyes not far away, unable to help but raise an extremely bright smile.

And the man was shaken by his incomparable smile, shaking his heart.

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