MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 110 Three dogs with flowers

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Next, the three dogs began to slap around the bones, and they ate extra fragrant. Mu Yanzhi studied the dog's hair next to it, and finally asked the system to find out what medicine this dog hair can make. Finally, the answer given by the system was yes. Increase your sense of smell.

Mu Yanzhi expressionlessly stared at the dog hair silently, and finally took a deep breath and stuffed the dog hair into the space. The experience of refining the rare medicines of the top grade will be very high, which is very helpful to the brush level.

This is why Mu Yanzhi is not willing to throw away the dog hair even though he knows that the dog hair can only make a medicine that enhances the smell of chicken ribs.

Soon, the stomachs of the three dogs were rounded, but they were still a little bit interested, and General Han went out at this moment to begin to deal with the large-scale riots caused by the dead forest. They did not return until the afternoon.

Mu Yanzhi said, "How?"

General Han shook his head and said, "No traces of ancient beast activity have been found here. They have already left, and the reason for this riot was indeed the flowers, but no one knows why the flowers appeared."

Mu Yanzhi thought for a while, and finally told General Han that he felt this flower was very familiar. After two discussions, it was fruitless. In addition, Mu Yanzhi also asked General Han about the medicinal herbs he gave him. In the data, is there anything that matches the characteristics of this flower.

General Han gave a very positive answer, that is, no.

After thinking about it, I also think it is impossible. After all, if such a large area of ​​flowers is really a medicinal material, then the system may have reminded itself that it can grow from those flowers until it is finally burned. Over a long period of time, I did not hear the system's prompt tone, which shows that this flower is definitely not a medicinal material.

Then the question comes, why do you think this flower is very familiar?

After much meditation, there was no result, or General Han reminded Mu Yanzhi to let him ask the three-headed dog, maybe what the other party would know.

Mu Yanzhi also felt that this method was very good, so he hurriedly told the matter about the three dogs lying on the ground and basking in the sun at this moment. Husky and rhubarb were extremely greasy together. He stared coldly at the two crocheted and loving Erhuang before squinting, a pair of very cold words: "Then you ask the right dog, this is really only my dog ​​knows what is going on."

Mu Yanzhi suddenly came to the spirit, quickly sat down and asked, "Then you talk about it."

As soon as Erhuang's eyes turned, he held up his small chin and said, "Unless you exchange the news with bones, I'll tell you that it's really only my dog ​​who knows about this flower. Isn't it a loss to change bones ten times?"

Mu Yan nodded helplessly and said, "I don't want to lose money. When I catch a few pigs and come to stew a bone for you, but with so many bones, are you finished eating?"

Erhuang nodded a little head, and was very proud: "We have space power."

Mu Yanzhi looked at the three dogs in surprise and couldn't help asking: "What kind of ancient beast are you?"

Erhuang was silent for a while and finally said, "I do n’t know, but I know what those flowers are, those are Datura flowers. I heard my previous patriarch said this, only the ancient animal-level fire system is different. Only then can they be burned to death, otherwise, those flowers are undead, and the smell produced can make the beasts crazy, and then let them kill each other and finally the mandala flower will eat the corpse. "

What Er Huang said was similar to what Mu Yanzhi had guessed, but Mu Yanzhi was still surprised by the name of the flower, because in ancient earth, the mandala flower actually grew in hell, irrigated with blood, and corpse The flowers that feed on them are actually dripping with blood red.

After all, Mu Yanzhi did not expect that this future mandala flower is almost the same as that in ancient earth rumors, and I don't know what is going on in it.

Then Mu Yanzhi asked again: "Do you know how this flower appeared?"

Erhuang shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this forest is strange, and the flames are high below the ground, which is why we chose to sleep here."

Mu Yanzhi nodded and recounted these words to General Han. General Han frowned and kept thinking. Mu Yanzhi also felt that these strange things were all coming together. It was a bit too coincidental, so there must be some of them. What they don't know.

I just hope that this incident will not cause serious consequences.

At the urging of the three dogs, Mu Yanzhi asked General Han to catch a few wild boars, and then killed and stewed the bones. The smell of fresh and fresh bones permeated the forest, so that the three dogs drooled and Erhuang While drooling, he secretly remembered Mu Yan's approach in his heart.

In the end, a lot of pork ribs were stewed, and the three-headed dogs were included in the space. The two parties completed each other's agreement. Finally, the three-headed dogs said they would go back to the clan, and then Erhuang gave Husky a gift. Dasao dog hair, with a look of my okay expression on your face, Mu nodded helplessly and said, "Be careful on the road, not all humans are friendly."

Erhuang Shen nodded in agreement, and said, "Of course I know that you humans especially like to eat our meat, and I will certainly not be stupid to be caught by humans!"

After bidding farewell to Erhuang, General Han and Mu Yanzhi continued on their way to the end of the forest, where they had the medicinal materials they needed to investigate and need.

Mu Yanzhi was on the way, trying to make all the dog's hair into a medicine. Although the medicine that can increase the acuity of the sense of smell is a bit of a rib, it may be used at some time, so there is no movement in the space.

However, it is surprising that since the continuous medicinal materials found by General Han, Mu Yanzhi has originally reached the level of a higher pharmacy instructor. Now that he has refined this olfactory keen medicament, he has taken it one step at a time. This hurdle, successfully advanced to the Grand Pharmacist.

Only three people in the entire empire reached this level, but now he has done it.

The joy of Mu Yanzhi is inevitable, but it is a pity that this joy cannot be shared with anyone, and he can only try to make an extraordinarily rich meal to reward himself. When seeing Mu Yan's effort to cook, General Han is inevitable A little surprised, said: "You seem to be a little bit overjoyed today. What happened?"

Mu Yan sighed, and then laughed especially openly, and said, "Am I acting so clearly?"

General Han raised an eyebrow and said, "It's quite obvious."

Mu Yan smiled, "I can't tell you this reason."

General Han was still very calm on the surface, but his eyes sank instantly. The indescribable uncomfortable feeling filled his mind. For the first time, General Han with self-control felt what was called irritability. Destroyed irritability.

However, he was still very calm on the surface, like a calm lake, but he felt an indescribable sense of oppression for a moment, and vaguely, he noticed that General Han seemed to be in a bad mood, and now he was careful and concerned. : "Dahei, what's wrong with you?"

General Han suddenly looked up, his dark eyes stared at Mu Yanzhi, as if to burn the mask all the way to the bottom of his heart, Mu Yanzhi was panicked by his eyes, his face was red, and he pretended to calm down: "what happened to you?"

After looking at General Han for a long time, he finally said, "I have been thinking a lot in recent days."

One of the words was murmuring, some did not know what General Han wanted to express.

General Han frowned, Shen said, "You are the most special human being I have ever met."

Mu Yan was even more confused, saying: "Ah?"

Looking at Grand Master's bewildered eyes, General Han's eyes became deeper and deeper, and his heart urged to tear off his mask. He wanted to see the true face of Grand Master, and wanted to know everything about Grand Master. .

But he just couldn't do anything.

Until the danger of General Zuo has been dealt with, he must not let the Grand Master have the slightest danger.

General Han suddenly said: "Let's go and continue on our way."

Mu Yanzhi was even more confused, only to follow behind General Han confusedly, looking at the wide straight back of the man walking in front of him, and the deep and handsome appearance of that man, Mu Yanzhi's heart accelerated, as if When I thought of something I shouldn't think about, my face became flushed.

The death forest is dangerous inside, but fortunately the route to the trading bank is safer, so there are gradually a lot of people around on the way. During the rest, many people are still putting out sackcloth on the ground. Then put all the medicinal materials you hit all the way along with the corpse and meat of the power beast and trade them.

Seeing this, Mu Yanzhi quickly walked around, and finally picked up a lot of good things based on the system's prompts. Finally, he took the new potion and refined it, and his experience rose again.

I walked all the way like this, although Mu Yanzhi felt that walking with his feet was tiring, but the thought of everyone was naturally so balanced in his heart. Who made it impossible to use any future technology inside the death forest, although this has not happened so far People find out why, so far the mystery of the empire.

In ten days, Mu Yan finally reached the destination. In fact, the forest is not so small. It only takes ten days to reach the end, because this route is not the route that crosses the forest's most center. It straddles the smallest outer part of the forest's edge, which is why no accident happened to everyone along the way.

After walking out of the forest, Mu Yan dare not look at his own shop, because he has not been on the new potion for ten consecutive days, plus now that he has a deal with General Han, there is basically no shortage of money What's more, the other party also provided themselves with a lot of medicinal materials for free, but the role of the store actually became smaller and smaller, and eventually became a chicken rib.

More importantly, the shop opened by the Grand Master could easily cause a lot of malicious robbery, and indeed caused a lot of bad effects. This is the biggest reason why Mu Yan no longer intends to launch a new one.

So before coming to the death forest, Mu Yanzhi had written a notice to inform everyone that the store will no longer have any new potions in the near future. If it is reopened, it will update a notice description.

This is why Mu Yanzhi did not dare to read the store reviews at all. It is estimated that the reviews have already exploded. Many people must have opinions, but this is also no way out.

After sighing, General Han took Mu Yanzhi to find a place to stay for one night, of course, opened two rooms, which made Mu Yanzhi's heart lost, but also a little lucky, otherwise, I really do n’t know If he was going to sleep with General Han in a bed, would he be unable to help himself in the middle of the night to take advantage of General Han.

Fortunately, he fortunately opened two rooms, and he can finally keep the only face he has.

After sleeping for one night, Mu Yanzhi's spirit was much better, and then after drinking a bottle of Qingxin Elixir, his mental strength returned to its peak state. Of course, this medicine naturally also gave a bottle to General Han.

At this moment, many people around are talking about the upcoming trade fair today. After all, this can be regarded as a trade fair with a large empire influence, so this place gathers a lot of powers from different places. As well as pharmacists.

Of course, there are some scalpers who like to pick up leaks and resell the difference to make a difference, because in addition to this largest trade fair, this district is actually a more comprehensive black city in the empire. Many people are there for convenience. A lot of good things I found come to sell, so this also attracted many buyers to prepare for leaks.

There are still several hours before the trade fair is held. General Han knows Mu Yanzhi likes to pick up leaked herbs, so he took Mu Yanzhi, who has never been here, to a black market and accompanied the other party in a circle.

Relying on the system as a cheat, Mu Yanzhi quickly found a lot of good things, of course, some things are very expensive. Fortunately, Mu Yanzhi is not short of money now. Naturally, I bought a lot, but I do n’t feel bad. During the period, General Han wanted to rush to pay, but was eventually rejected by Mu Yanzhi.

After all, even if there is no power, and the strength is not strong enough, that can not conceal the fact that he is actually a man. As a man, he naturally does not want to show a weaker side in front of people he likes, but wants to show his best. , And strong hope, to hope to get the appreciation of the other party, this is what Mu Yan thinks of most.

General Han was helpless, but he still allowed Mu Yanzhi to pay for himself, but in his mind, when he secretly waited for the next transaction, he would give the Grand Master some interstellar points, so that the other party would not be happy when they wanted to buy and buy.

Where did Mu Yan know that General Han thought of these things? At this moment, he still felt complacent and felt that his grandchildren, secretly wondered if General Han felt that he was exceptionally good.

After buying a lot of things, Mu Yanzhi was all put into the space. Finally, I walked around the place with General Han and felt the local customs. Honestly, this place has a very good scenery. You can feel the quietness similar to the ancient town, as if even people have settled down.

To be honest, it is strange that such an old and rich ancient town style place would turn out to be the seat of the Empire's largest trading bank.

However, General Han explained faintly: "The city was only a virgin forest at the beginning, and it was the highest authority of the trading bank that transformed this place into an old one according to a picture left by an ancient earth. I heard that this style is ancient The earth is extremely famous. "

Mu Yanzhi was speechless, and the truth of the situation was so dare. After shaking his head, and after visiting the last featured place with General Han, the two quickly went to the trading bank, because the trading bank was about to start an hour later, they had to Hurry into the field to find a place to occupy.

When coming to the transaction bank, many people need to verify that their interstellar points are sufficient to pay for the items in it to be released, but they will never see personal information about Guangnao, which is a very good transaction bank.

Mu Yanzhi is also relieved. After setting Light Brain to prohibit others from viewing personal information, he let the person in the trading bank check his account balance and confirm that the interstellar point meets the payment conditions. Then, General Han naturally The conditions are also met.

After the two entered the trading bank, they were instantly shaken by the luxurious decoration of this trading bank. The feeling of this trading bank was just a few words. The place is too big, the decoration is too luxurious, and there are too many people. .

General Han seems to have been here many times, and he is very familiar with this place, and soon he took Mu Yan to a VIP user room. This place is a separate room with fruits and water on the walls. There is a display screen that clearly displays all the details of the lobby in this screen.

Even this screen can be used to control the screen in the air with your fingers, zoom in or zoom out, and shift the lens. This magical technology product is naturally amazing for the villagers ’buns, and ca n’t help playing for a while The screen, until I realized that I was too naive to do so, suddenly moved back a bit awkwardly.

On the other hand, General Han liked the Master's so blunt side. The cold eyes that can't help but feel terrible at this moment were almost like drowning people, which made him extremely nervous and almost didn't know What to do, can only pretend to carefully study the tablet given by the trading bank at this moment, because it shows all the collections that the trading bank is currently preparing for auction.

Mu Yanzhi slid the screen and constantly researched the above things. In the end, the more I looked, the more I felt quite familiar.

General Han didn't know when he came over, and said lightly: "There are a lot of things on it that I didn't find, but they are medicinal materials in the materials you gave me. We can buy these things."

One of the words, I remembered that General Han had a copy of his own medicinal materials in his hands. At the moment, he said, "The medicinal materials auctioned by the trading bank are very expensive, and I think it is not a good deal."

General Han glanced for a moment, saying, "We have had a contract transaction. Any medicinal materials you need will be spent by the North Barracks. You only need to pay half of the potion as payment after you have prepared the potion. . "

Mu Yanzhi nodded and did not speak again, but felt that he had taken advantage. After secretly refining his own medicine, he must give more points to the North Army Camp. After all, the behavior of always taking advantage is unavoidable, although it is shameful. Current status and status, naturally a lot of people are rushing to be taken advantage of.

However, he didn't want to take advantage of General Han. After all, he was the one he liked.

However, what Mu Yan doesn't know is that General Han actually hopes that Master Guru can take advantage of himself. In this case, the other party will rely on himself more and more. But don't look at Master Gong's strength, but he has his own ideas. Will not take advantage of others at all, this is also the place where General Han admires Master Guru most.

Soon, the trading bank officially started, and a very beautiful woman, Ting Tingting, came onto the stage and spoke a lot of opening scenes. In the end, an old man came up and started to introduce the first auction item.

Most of those who can enter the auction of the trading house are treasures that are difficult to buy or see outside. Everyone can't help but cheer up and listen to the auctioneer's introduction.

Mu Yan could not help but be attracted by the first auction item, because he heard the system reminded that this thing is actually a rare medicinal material, as the three-headed dog hair is very precious, more importantly, the system has a formula is a A medicinal material that can make walking speed lighter. Nowadays, the other medicinal materials in the formula are now available, and such a medicinal material can be refined.

Mu Yanzhi immediately raised his spirit and informed General Han about this medicinal material. In his opinion, the medicine that can speed up is the most needed thing for everyone. This is more practical than the chicken ribs that increase the sense of smell.

"This thing must be photographed." General Han's eyes were burning and firm.

Obviously, General Han thought so too. Then, the auctioneer began to bid, and everyone began to price. The price rose from the initial 500,000 million interstellar points all the way. It took less than a minute to reach the target. People shouted to millions.

This medicinal material is actually not known to most pharmacists, everyone just knows that this is a rare quality medicinal material, and that's it, so most people start to hesitate, for a medicinal material that does not know what medicine can be made, flowers Can this money be worth it?

For a while, the speed of bidding began to slow down, and the auctioneer was nervous when he saw the situation. After all, for the first time, the auction must have a good prize. Only with higher bids can his status as an auctioneer follow. The water rose.

From the beginning to the present, General Han has not shot, Mu said he did not understand these things, and waited quietly, until everyone began to hesitate, General Han shot and called five million interstellar points. In an instant, everyone was uproaring, who secretly said that he was so rich, and he suddenly called out such a high price.

At the moment, everyone was talking, but they were also scared by General Han ’s posture and were afraid to increase the price. Therefore, this thing was eventually obtained by General Han, sent by the transaction bank, and then traded. Finally, it was completely owned by General Han.

"Hold it." General Han didn't look at it, and handed it to Mu Yanzhi directly.

Mu Yan was scared and unable to move at this moment, because the price of this thing was so expensive that it was almost going to catch up to one tenth of all his balance. It turned out that the money he had worked so hard to buy was only enough to buy ten herbs. of.

For a moment, Mu Yanzhi felt that he was not a rich man at all. He spent a long time in fact, but he was still very poor. Then look at this general Han and spent so much money without blinking his eyes. It turned out that Bit is the real tyrant.

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