MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 12

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Mu Yanzhi jumped in his heart and looked happy, which is why he came here to rent a house, because his light-brained data shows that he is not yet an adult, and the future world will pay most attention to the growth and development of young people. The normal formal place basically halves the price of benefits for minors.

After paying the money, the lo90 robot sent a robot to take a look at the house, and updated the house's pupillary membrane lock to the word.

The robot on the housing exchange drove a small car with Mu Yanzhi towards the destination. After about ten minutes of driving, the robot informed Mu Yanzhi that it had arrived.

Get out of the car, the robot took such a mu Yanzhi to a fairly quiet neighborhood, updated the Mu Yanzhi's information with the robot doorman, entered the community, and finally left with Mu Yanzhi The door of the room, and then the robot started to update the card information of this room, "Mr. Mu, please scan your pupil film here."

The so-called pupil scan is the most capable of proving the existence of a person in the future world, because a person's face and various things can be disguised, but only pupil information cannot be disguised, so the optical brain information is generally proved through the pupil membrane Are you the only way to yourself.

Of course, there are other methods that can also prove whether it is the person, but those methods are not as convenient as the pupil film scan, and the error rate is basically zero.

After updating the house information, the robot entered with Mu Yanzhi, Mu Yanzhi looked around, and couldn't help but marvel. The room in the light curtain he saw at the rent exchange was basically the same as the house in front of him. of.

After the robot briefly introduced some basic things of the house, it said: "You can contact us if you have any future issues. Now this house has temporarily belonged to you. I wish you a happy life here."

Mu Yanzhi nodded, and then sent the robot away. The whole man was completely relieved. He sat on the sofa and completely relaxed, leaning back on the sofa lazily and relaxed, as if at this moment, the whole person was relaxed. .

Looking back on what happened on this day, Mu Yan is a bit tired. Even if he has the original memory, he can finally know nothing in the future world without discrediting with two eyes. At least it can be achieved in just a few short hours. Can adapt to this future world.

However, after all, his soul is a native Earth man. Although the future world is advanced in technology, it is dangerous everywhere and the pressure for survival is very high. A person like him who has no power is basically in the future world. The presence of waste.

"Although this future world is quite amazing, my ancient earth still gives me a sense of belonging." Mu Yan couldn't help muttering.

You have to find a way to get back to earth!

At this moment, Mu Yan's eyes flashed with infinite determination. Then he looked around. Now that time is not waiting for anyone, he still hastily cleaned up the house and then started to focus on the system upgrade.

Do it when you think, and ignore the feeling of tiredness in your body, and quickly clean up this small house. Basically, the house has all the living tools, and you do n’t need to spend money to buy another. It's a relief to him, after all, you can save a cost.

Looking at this originally dirty room, Mu Yanzhi finally felt a faint sense of belonging. The original feeling of a sense of loss seemed to fade a lot at this moment, and he shook a bit helplessly. After shaking his head, sure enough, in order to have a home, the first thing is to have a house. The Chinese people ’s mentality of house is life is root. After thousands of years, it still exists in his mind.

In fact, Mu Yanzhi chose to go to a housing rental exchange today to save half of the rent of a rented house. In fact, when he searched online before, he saw a message that he went to a regular exchange to rent a house. Minors It is possible to halve the price of a house lease.

In other words, he now needs a hundred interstellar points to rent a house. Now he only needs two hundred and five interstellar points to buy a house.

And the saved two hundred and fifty-six interstellar points are completely used to buy other things, such as the various pharmaceutical materials he needs most now. He can buy as many materials as he can. At least the medicine he made should also gain some experience. To upgrade.

With that in mind, Mu Yanzhi quickly opened Guangnao and began to search for cool grass and moonlight grass. Soon, a variety of materials hung by a seller who specialized in selling various common pharmaceutical materials brightened Mu Yan's eyes.

The comments below this seller are almost objective, and this seller has a good deal and is a seller who is worth trading. At this point, Mu Yanzhi quickly looked at the various materials hanging out by the other party, and finally was in a corner. We found cool grasses and moonlight grasses that were not taken seriously.

Mu Yanzhi was slightly excited and wanted to take it immediately to buy it, but hesitated a little hesitantly in the next second. This world attaches great importance to pharmacists. It can even be said that the existence of pharmacists is for people in the future world. In other words, it is comparable to the existence of a giant panda. A potion made by a good pharmacist can completely allow an ability person without potential to break through the bottleneck and advance.

Or a potent rejuvenation or vitality remedy produced by a senior pharmacist can also make a psionicist defeat in a very dangerous area and unfamiliar place.

Therefore, becoming a friend with a pharmacist is the thing that many psionicists want to do most, because with a new pharmacist friend, your chances of life-saving and advanced will be greatly improved.

Because the future world values ​​pharmacists so much, Mu Yanzhi is a little hesitant. If he buys these two things directly to make a medicament and sell it, will anyone be able to test what the ingredients are by testing the ingredients inside, So they found their existence?

After all, the system once said that the profession of pharmacists in this world is still developing. Many pharmacists regard the secret recipe in their hands as the lifeblood, and they will never take it out and be known.

Now that he is too weak, he should be careful to walk like ice is the main thing.

Fourth, at this point, Mu Yan's heart is a bit safe, and he quickly looked at other materials, and then compared some of the formula materials seen in his system, and will upgrade some cheap materials that may be used in the future. Also bought it.

If you buy these materials together with the moonlight and cool grass, others will probably not find yourself wrong.

With a click-to-click transaction, the future world also has something similar to the ancient earth Alipay, so there is no case where the other party will deliberately not send goods to cheat money.

After Mu Yanzhi sold the materials, he searched Xingwang again and saw how other pharmacists refined pharmaceuticals. However, after searching for a long time, there was almost no information about pharmacists on the Internet, which made him even more I felt more behind the scenes of the pharmacist profession. Everyone was unwilling to post anything related to the pharmacist on the Star Network.

But in this way, even if he knows the steps of pharmacy, he doesn't know what tools to use for pharmacy. Will this affect the final quality of the medicament?

Fourth, at this point, Mu Yanzhi quickly opened the preparation process of the pharmaceutical formula in the system with divine thoughts and prepared to study it carefully.

After all, he didn't have a teacher to teach him how to properly make pharmaceuticals, and everything could only be fumbled by himself.

[Qingxin Elixir]

Materials required: Cool grass (3) Moonlight grass (1) Clear water (1).

Steps: Just chop the cool grass, then chop the moonlight grass, heat both plants together, and finally add water, wait until the color of the medicine turns green and the taste is fresh.

Mu Yan repeatedly carefully looked at the next step, and then thought about it, and then quickly landed on the interstellar network to search for something that can be cooked, but after such a search, a lot of various things came out, which made people see it very much. Dazzled and overwhelmed.

After searching for all kinds of things that can be heated and cooked, Mu Yanzhi finally focused his eyes on a very strange thing, because this thing is a thing called flint.

The appearance of flint is red, and it is not hot to the touch, but as long as it is made into a tripod, it can be cooked quickly by putting water in it. However, at this time, the appearance of the tripod will not be hot at all.

This thing is basically used for burning and refining in the wild, which is very convenient.

Seeing the four words of the refining material, Mu Yanzhi's eyes brightened, and he secretly guessed that perhaps the pharmacist of the future world would use this to make pharmaceutical agents?

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yanzhi quickly searched the price of this flint tripod, and was suddenly taken aback. A low-grade inferior flint tripod actually had tens of thousands of interstellar points. It is almost an astronomical number, and it is not at all reminiscent of it.

Dispelled the desire to buy Flint Ding, Mu Yanzhi decided to honestly use his most primitive method to refine pharmaceutical agents.

That is to use the natural artificial fire used for cooking and cooking and the cooking pot to make the medicine, so there should be no difference in doing so?

Mu Yanzhi was also not very sure, so he tried to connect with the system in his mind.

"System, aren't you?"

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