MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 36

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Attacking a junior pharmacist in the future world is a serious matter.

Because for human beings, every pharmacist is extremely precious, and no one can guarantee whether a junior pharmacist will grow into a noble higher pharmacist in the future.

What's more, it is because of the pharmacist that all psionicists have many important possibilities such as being able to upgrade abilities, restore life, and so on.

Without the medicine made by the pharmacist, the powers are like a tiger who loses his teeth and no longer has a hole card.

There is no potion of strength, no potion of amplification, no potion of life. Even if the human powers are powerful, they cannot be guaranteed to be invincible every moment, so sooner or later the powers will gradually decline and be suppressed by other races.

This is why even an ordinary pharmacist has proud eyes that look as high as the nostrils and look down on them.

Because, people in this world hold pharmacists too high.

At the moment, a senior pharmacist can't lawlessly attack a guru pharmacist, even if the other party is a pharmacist, what he does can still not cause everyone to forgive.

A distinguished guru pharmacist, that is the hope of humanity!

The highest-level pharmacist known today is nothing more than a master pharmacist.

The mask man looked at Goode coldly, and the Ling Qi's aura that emanated from his body made everyone tremble ...

A master-level pharmacist can completely reverse the battlefield's winning and losing, and can also let countless soldiers no longer need to tragically commit suicide with the enemy.

Such a master-level pharmacist must not die.

The terrifying power gradually formed in the male of the mask, and the terrible and powerful killing intention filled with that power suddenly changed everyone's face, and even all the animals in the forest knelt down and started shaking.

This pharmacist almost killed the hope of humanity, the hope of all soldiers alive!

As a general of the empire, he never wanted to see his soldiers who sacrificed himself to protect the scum!

Seeing that the mask man really started to kill, the old man's face changed. Although he had planned to sever the mentorship with Goode, he could not tolerate others killing his former apprentice.

But the old man could n’t stand up to stop, not because he did n’t want to, but because he could n’t even speak with the power of this mysterious mask man. He could n’t even do it with his fingers. This is from the bones. The terrible results can only be achieved by level suppression.

The old man's face was terrified. How terrible should this mask man's power be, he could completely suppress him.

Even the mental power of an upper pharmacy mentor was suppressed, not to mention other psionicists, who had long been fainted by the coercion of the mask man was considered good.

One of the heads couldn't help scolding in his heart, **** it, how high was the power level of this mask man's power, and the power overwhelmed him so much that the fart he wanted to put was just born back. .

The only ones who were not affected at the scene were Mu Yan.

Mu Yanzhi saw everyone's face pale and shaky, although he was puzzled, but at the moment he had no time to take care of such trivial matters.

"Wait a moment, Dahei." Mu Yan stepped forward and pulled the mask man's sleeve subconsciously.

The masked man lowered his head and looked at Mu Yanzhi's ability to move freely under his coercion. The pair of Ling Yan's deep eyes instantly became as deep as a raging black hole, and even faintly revealed a touch of gold. Yellow light.

Mu Yanzhi's heart was stunned, and I always felt that the golden yellow light flashing in the male eyes of the mask had a very familiar feeling, but when he took a closer look, he found that the light had disappeared. Could it be that he was mistaken? ?

Mu Yanzhi had doubts for his eyes for the first time.

The mask man stared carefully at Mu Yanzhi, and for the first time, he had the idea of ​​protecting this person regardless of everything.

The soldiers of the Empire can no longer be used as cannon fodder by those who can only talk on paper. A grandmaster is really important to him.

"Dahei? Take back the power quickly, am I okay?" Mu Yanzhi knew Dahei might have an unusual status, but he also knew how high the status of pharmacists in the future world was, for fear of Dahei's impulse. Killed the pharmacist and caused trouble.

The mask man didn't speak, but with a right-handed grip, he blinked the crushed power and shattered it, and disappeared again.

Instantly, everyone took a breath.

The mask man's move just wasn't something a normal psionicist could do, no! Even advanced abilities cannot do this easily.

Who is this mask man? He was really terrible and dangerous.

Everyone flashed this thought subconsciously.

Knowing that the mask man attacked the pharmacist for his own sake, although Mu Yan was calm on the surface, he was very moved by Dahei's move. Not everyone dares to attack a senior pharmacist for anyone.

So he said, "Thank you, Dahei."

There is something weird in the mask man's heart. For the first time, he was thanked by a person so much. Everyone who saw him would only be afraid and respectful, but this seemingly weak man who could easily kill, but could ignore his own Coercion, the most unbelievable is that such a contradictory person is still a guru.

Where did Mu Yanzhi know the complex psychological activities of the mask man, he turned his head and said Goode, who was intimidated by the mask man at the moment: "In the beginning you repeatedly challenged me, I did not care about you, but you just wanted to Kill me. If I put up with it, I'm really not a man. Since you want to fight me, I'll satisfy you. "

Good is really afraid at this moment, but he is not afraid of the lowly poor man in front of him, but he is afraid of the terrible mask man. The coercion of that person makes him feel like a sickle of death, even the soul is not aware of it. Fear, he feared that if he provoked the poor again, he would be killed by that **** mask man!

Goode bowed his head with a distorted face. How could such a noble pharmacist die so easily, he would also make a name for himself and let everyone adore him.

Seeing this, Mu Yan couldn't help but taunt, "Did you think Mr. Good was so timid? Connections dare not be challenged by me?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel guilty. Who would be stupid like a pink pig and would agree to your challenge and dare to compare medicine with a guru. Does that person want to live?

In fact, it does.

Goode looked up abruptly, and shouted, "Who said that I was too timid to accept!"

Mu Yan shrugged, indifferently said: "Really."

Goode got up hard, covered his wet pants with a robe, his face flushed: "If this person around you is too strong, do you think I dare not accept your challenge?"

Mu Yan said: "In this case, I will not let Da Hei hurt you, let us try it out."

Goode sneered: "Whoever loses loses his mental strength and can no longer be a pharmacist."

As soon as this word came out, everyone couldn't help looking at Goode in pity, as if he could foresee how Goode was crackled.

Even the old man who kept silent all the time finally couldn't help raising his head and looked at Goode with a bit of disappointment. "Do you know what you are doing, you have to wait until you lose your mental strength to understand how outrageous you are?" "

The old man's unsatisfied eyes instantly stung Goode's sensitive heart. He almost smiled angrily, but his eyes turned red, and said, "I'm so wrong? Teacher, do you think I'm wrong too? You used to disregard my opinions and even hit me, but you have n’t proved my idea every time? Why do you still insist that I am wrong? My strength is so unbearable in your eyes Are you old and your thoughts are outdated, today, I will prove that this time, I am still right! "

The old man became more and more disappointed, and his voice was furious. "Do you think I am hitting you? Ignore your opinion? Do you know where your problem is? You are so proud. If you let it go like this, you will be here someday It fell down, and I'm doing it for you. "

Goode grabbed his badge and stared at the old man with resentment. "It's good for me? You hit me, and you didn't even teach me new recipes. My sister and my sister are about to become big pharmacists, but I'm still senior. The pharmacist is lingering. You are too biased. Teacher, I really don't believe you really do it for me. "

The old man heard the words, tingling in his heart, and sighed with disappointment in his eyes.

Goode seems to have obtained some evidence. "You see, you have no way to refute, saying that my heart is too impetuous, let me repeatedly refine the potions that I can close my eyes, I have long suffered Enough of such an unfair life! "

In the last sentence, Goode growled like a roar, "I know, you never look down on me, you treat all the same as false, you, like everyone, look down on me as a child from the slum! You also But a mean man! "

The old man seemed to be seriously injured, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old instantly.

Mu Yanzhi couldn't bear the old man, saying, "The other party is older than you, and he has also become your teacher, so you ..."

"Shut up for me, you poor man!" Goode growled, his face sulking: "Come on, take out your best potion, let's compare it! If anyone loses, he will lose his energy immediately, forever Can't be a pharmacist! "

Since the other party is so hard and persistent in seeking death, Mu Yan naturally wants to complete the other party. He nodded, "Since you can't wait so much, then I will complete you."

Goode tried to calm the fear caused by the coercion of the mask man, and then tried to keep calm and instructed several apprentices to help themselves to change clothes.

He was a dignified senior pharmacist, how could he compare with that poor man with such a shabby image.

At this time, the Deputy White Commander of the Dusk Mercenary Regiment hurriedly directed the crowd who had not responded at this moment to take care of the scene and made a test stand at a rapid speed.

Mu Yanzhi thought of his flint tripod and couldn't help but whispered to the deputy leader Bai: "My flint tripod seemed to have fallen in that room before. I don't know if you picked it up when you rebuilt the house. ? "

Deputy Chief Bai nodded and respectfully said, "We have put your things back in the newly built house. I will send someone to bring them to you."

Mu Yanzhi nodded and thanked him. Dan Feng, deputy head of the group, narrowed his eyes, and said in a complex tone: "It is indeed a guru, and it is always different from those pharmacists with noses on their heads.

The broad-hearted Mu Yan smiled, secretly thinking about how to hang on that nasty Goode more later.

Soon, Goode, who had changed into new clothes, was surrounded by several apprentices, and when Goode passed the old man, he almost did not squint, as if he had passed by without knowing the old man.

The old man's beard trembled suddenly and closed his eyes fiercely, as if he had completely put down something. The waist that had been hit and bent down slowly straightened.

Mu Yanzhi naturally did not miss the old man's expression, and the evaluation of Good was even worse in his heart. He could even be regarded as disdainful. A person did not even respect his own teacher, and there was no politeness in the eyes. Need to be soft-hearted.

Since Mu Yan had no materials in his hand, he offered to take some time to buy medicines online, and Good agreed with a sneer.

Mu Yanzhi decided to refine one of his most powerful potions, that is, the Qingxin potion. This was the best potion he had refined after he came to this world. Of course, if he tried to make this potion in front of so many people, Get ready to be known about this recipe.

However, he didn't care, because he was wearing a mask, and who could recognize himself.

The most important thing is to be pregnant with countless recipes, and still care about a small recipe? What's more, to pay such a small formula to teach Goode, I don't think it is a loss.

Although there are not many interstellar coins in Muyanzhiguang's mind, fortunately, moonlight grass and cool grass are too cheap, and he can still afford it for a little money.

Half an hour later, the interstellar express robot delivered the express delivery to Mu Yanzhi.

Make sure that both sides have their own things ready, and the old man who serves as the referee announces that the competition has officially started.

At this moment, the old man and the mercenaries were sitting in a row below each other, staring at each other with their eyes wide open, and they couldn't wait to see how the master refined the medicine.

Only the mask man leaned on a tree, looking at Mu Yan's contemplation.

Seeing that nobody cares about himself, Good is more and more uneasy in his heart. He was once ignored by the teachers, and then ignored by the older sisters and elder brothers. Now, with such an important test, everyone is still ignoring themselves and only cares about the poor!

Wait and see. After today's test, these people with pits will understand how stupid they are, and believe that a poor man is a guru.

Is the Grand Master so easy to appear? Only a guru has been born for thousands of years, so why is that poor man a good guru?

Goode looked uncertain, and secretly vowed to hit the faces of these people with the facts. He always looked down on his teacher and would regret treating him like this.

"Give me all the herbs quickly ..." Goode began to instruct his pharmacy apprentice to have everything ready, and let the apprentice act as his assistant to help him share some small things so that he could focus more on focusing on eliminating the herbs. Impurities.

But Mu Yanzhi didn't even have an assistant. At this moment, he was busy putting everything in place and then washing the medicinal materials. Just doing these things would waste a lot of time.

Looking at Goode's side, those apprentices have long cleaned the medicinal materials, and Goode has already eliminated the impurities in the medicinal materials to one fifth.

Suddenly, everyone glanced at each other uneasily, only to feel that it was too aggrieved to let a great grand master go to wash the herbs in person.

A broken senior pharmacist has several assistant apprentices, so why should a guru come in person?

As a result, many pharmacists on the sidelines raised their hands, carefully, "Master, would you like us to be your assistant? We promise to be obedient."

Mu Yanzhi looked up at these intermediate or senior pharmacists, shook his head, "No, I can do it alone."

Several pharmacists heard that sitting back lost was like losing tens of millions of lives.

But the aptitude people are in awe of esteem. Look at this teacher's arrogant master, not even an assistant, really different from those noble and cool pharmacists!

In the words of the ancient earth, that is to look at the simple and unpretentious temperament of the master, which is completely different from those glamorous Jian goods outside.

In fact, Mu Yanzhi rejected these people because he was used to coming by himself. If someone helped him, he would probably disrupt his own rhythm. After all, he has been making pharmaceuticals alone for so many days, and he has already had his own habit. And rhythm too.

The old man sat up and looked at Mu Yanzhi, bit his teeth and raised his hands, and was also careful: "Zong, Master ... Can I be your assistant, I promise not to cause you trouble!"

Mu Yanzhi looks at the other person's sincere little eyes, can't help but feel a numbness in his back, and you can't help disposing of the abdomen. You are a lot of years old, and you still play with the little eyes. The picture is really beautiful, and those with hot eyes I dare not look.

"No, I'm used to being alone." Mu Yanzhi once again rejected the old man's offer, and sure enough he saw the old man withdraw his hand and lost his frustration, and he could even hear the old man muttering a word.

"I haven't been able to be an assistant next to Master Guru. How can I brag and fart with that group of people in the future."

Although it was small, everyone could hear it clearly.

At dusk, the mercenaries stared at Mu Yan without squinting, pretending that they had not heard the words of the old man.

Goode looked at Mu Yanzhi with jealous face, and he was even more uneasy. On the basis of that, he had no chance to let the teacher beat him, but a poor man easily got what he would never dream of, which is most hated The other side refused.

What he wants is not available, but the other side is dismissive.

This cruel contrast and blow instantly made Goode look pale, bowed his head and madly removed the impurities, wait, I will let you know sooner or later, what I said is right.

Mu Yanzhi finally finished everything, so he took out the cool grass and began to remove impurities.

Everyone held their breath, especially those pharmacists, who really wished for a second that they didn't want to miss the opportunity of a great guru to refining pharmaceuticals on the spot.

This is legendary and a living master.

The pharmacists couldn't help but be excited, their necks couldn't help but look forward.

Look, Master Guru must be a very precious medicinal material.

That ’s a guru, not a super-high-quality medicinal material that is worthy of a master's refining!

The pharmacists stared, stared at them, their faces were weird, and they almost screamed.

my God!

They read it right.

This ... this is impossible!

The reaction of the pharmacists instantly confused all the unconscious abilities. Some wondered how the pharmacists reacted so much?

But one of the mercenaries who came out of the slum shivered and said, "I'm not mistaken."

The head of the group could not help asking, "Do you know what happened?"

The mercenary was like a dream, murmured: "I saw the Master Guru holding it in his hand, as if it was moonlight grass that grows only in garbage dumps in slum areas. This is everywhere, and it is almost the most children's most I like to play with toys, but I do n’t see Liangcao, so ... I think I misidentified it. "

In fact, the mercenary himself did not believe this, because he used to play this moonlight grass when he was a child. He was so familiar with this thing that he could not admit it at all.

After listening to the mercenary's explanation, the psionicists looked at each other, some incredible, "This is impossible."

Yeah, how is this possible!

Why does Master Guru choose a garbage weed as a trial potion? We must know that this is a pharmacist test. Once it fails, we must dismantle our mental strength. A pharmacist who has lost his mental strength is still a potion Teacher?

So this medicine must be a medicine that looks a bit like Moonlight, it must be!

Everyone worked hard to persuade themselves in the heart, and at the same time couldn't help but searched the appearance of the moonlight grass and the cool grass with the light brain, and finally couldn't help sighing: The moonlight grass really looks like the thing in the hand of the master. Fortunately, Master Guru did not take out the cool grass.

But the next second, everyone couldn't laugh, and couldn't even keep calm.

Because they saw that the Master Guru eliminated the medicinal materials, and then took out a long plant like a cool grass!


Everyone was almost shocked and couldn't even add a word.

Oh my god, the Master Guru actually turned out to be the weeds in the slums, but those grasses can only grow out of garbage dumps. What kind of impurities are there?

Good is also shocked at this moment, because he also recognizes that the two herbs are moonlight and cool grass that he used to play as a kid.

But how is this possible!

Good's spirit stimulated by this incident is a little fluctuating. He quickly withdraws his thoughts and concentrates on the things in his own hands. He never dares to be distracted again, for fear of what to do in the event of an accident.

Everyone wanted to ask Master Guru what happened, but they didn't dare to mention it, and they only widened their eyes.

Mu Yan satisfiedly put the two herbs that had been removed into the flint tripod, and did not even notice the expressions of the people around him.

According to the steps that were almost remembered in the past, he was very skilled in using the mental force to motivate the flint tripod, and then divided the spiritual force into two parts, one to stimulate the flint tripod, and one to stimulate the potion.

This trick was also just a matter of thought. I didn't expect it to be a success. The result worked quite well. Within a few minutes, the potion had a familiar taste. His instinct told him, This potion is finished! It's also a superior super premium quality level.

Instantly, the fragrance that flew from the flint tripod quickly made everyone intoxicated and took a deep breath, and the next second they were shocked to find that their mental strength and abilities had recovered a lot.

Especially the peculiar sensations are the most obvious. The abilities lost in the fight with the beast this morning are slowly recovering at this moment. This is just a smell. If you drink it, I am afraid that you will be fully restored instantly. I can do it.

The miracles stared at the potion with stern eyes, and their hearts were so hot that they had to take it down! How much it costs!

The masked man closed his eyes and felt the potion carefully, and finally opened his eyes sharply, and a corner of his mouth tickled.

The seller who sells Qingxin Elixir on the Internet is indeed this person. He didn't hesitate to spend so much time following up.

Goode, after smelling the taste, also clearly felt that she was gradually recovering her mental energy due to the removal of impurities.

No, this is impossible!

Goode's face was pale, and his eyes were full of incredibleness. He had never heard of a potion that could restore a lot of spiritual power by just smelling it!

If this is drunk, what effect will it have ...

He dared not think about it, but only hurriedly lowered his head to stir the potion in Flintstone Ding with his mental strength, but this time, he found that he could no longer keep calm, and the fluctuation of mental strength was too great.

No ... he's going to lose.

Because he found that the potion in his flint tripod smelled bad.

Goode couldn't believe that he failed to make even the best potion.

"Well ..." Goode only felt a sweet throat, and the blood spewed out instantly. He stared at Mu Yanzhi unwillingly, and issued the last sentence before the coma, "No! I won't lose!"

The change happened too quickly, and when everyone responded, Good was unwilling to faint, and was aided by his assistant in a panic, so he couldn't lie on the ground.

However, such things as vomiting blood stimulated by opponents are actually very shameful.

All the pharmacists couldn't help sneering, only to find that the resentment was incomparable. They had long been accustomed to this arrogant Good.

The old man stood up anxiously, looked at Good's body, and determined that the other party only spit blood in a desperate rush, and then quietly relieved after having no worries about his life. His wrinkled face was full of helplessness and hatred.

It has been said for a long time that it is Master Guru. Why do you have to fight with each other! Look at the embarrassing scene now, what to do when your kid wakes up!

Mu Yanzhi calmly put his own medicine in a medicine bottle, and then said to the old man: "Oh, the distinguished Goode Pharmacist has passed out. How can this compare? I think he should wake him up."

After hearing Mu Yanzhi's words, there was a flash of funny in the mask male's eyes. I did not expect that the legendary guru would have such bad care.

Yes, Mu Yanzhi said so intentionally.

Before this man made himself suffer a lot, he now has such a good opportunity to clean up each other, how could he be relentless for a moment.

It must be very exciting to let Goode see for himself how he lost.

The words of Master Gongshi really make sense. The old man talked for a while, or took out the potion to awaken Good. After all, this is a pharmacist test, and it must be done.

Goode woke up and saw the old man's helpless face. He subconsciously tilted his head and looked at the stinking potion in his flint tripod, and finally realized that he had really failed.

"I'm not convinced. This time it was an accident. I could have made the best potion." Goode held his hand tightly and said unwillingly, "I want to make it again."

Mu Yan looked at Goode with pity, and said, "Oh? Do you think you're in the house? If you say you want to come back, come back?"

Everyone looked at Gud in disdain, only to think that this man really couldn't afford to lose, and was really not worthy of this pharmacist's status.

Why do you say people are so unfair, and such people can become a senior pharmacist?

"Teacher! I just had an accident. Let me re-refine it again. I can win!" Goode couldn't help but played the family card and started crying for the old man.

The old man looked at Goode, his hands shaking for a long time, and finally turned into a sigh, saying: "Child, the best potion quality you have refined is only high-end potion, but the master's ... but superb high-end quality Pharmacy, and the cheapest medicinal material used, you really lost this time. "

Goode also knows the facts that the old man said, but he couldn't believe it, and didn't want to believe it. In the end, he shouted unwillingly, "Why the world is not fair! Why do you treat me so!"

"Oh? If you come out of the slums, you can also become a senior pharmacist. The most important thing is that you have a higher pharmacist as your teacher. I really do n’t know where this world is unfair to you. Sorry, God. "Deputy Chief Bai could not help but taunt.

Goode's eyes were red, and he stared angrily at Deputy Chief Bai, roaring: "You know what! You don't know anything!"

Deputy Chief Bai sneered, her feminine face full of disdain, "It's a waste."


When Goode heard this, he was mad when he was stimulated, and took out the attacking weapon in his arms, trying to attack everyone. He chuckled and smiled, "Give me to death, I won't lose! You guys! All dead! "

Goode's weapon is the latest technology product developed. Although it may not be easy to attack fierce beasts or other things, it is sufficient to attack humans.

Suddenly, everyone quickly subconsciously attacked Goode with abilities.

The dazzling power slammed into the past, Goode's body seemed to be fixed, he slowly lowered his head, looking at the body he had worn through a hole, unwillingly said: "God is really unfair to me ... why you don't believe me, he is not a guru ... "

After that, Goode fell slowly, and finally took a breath.

The old man shook his hands, didn't speak, but closed his eyes slowly and murmured, "This world is fair to you, and even good to you. You don't know to cherish it, child."

Except for the elderly, everyone had no sense of Goode's death.

Mu Yanzhi saw someone dead in front of himself for the first time. He was stiff for a long time, and even couldn't react. He just thought for a moment that he was not an indirect murderer?

Although Good was damned, he tried to kill everyone, but he was a living person after all.

Mu Yanzhi grabbed the edge of the table and exhaled deeply. This is the cruel future world. He must adapt to this era of dead people at any time. He wants to live!

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