MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 40

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The Twilight Mercenary Corps respects the pharmacist and gives all the best, so the room environment of the elderly is obviously more refined and upscale than most people's rooms. Of course, compared to the rooms of Mu Yanzhi, the rooms of the elderly are natural. It is a little worse.

Mu Yanzhi looked around and found that the room was a bit messy, and the experimental table was filled with bottles and jars and various unknown herbs.

The old man naturally used the sleeves as a rag, sweeping the bottles and jars on the table directly to the floor, and then used the sleeves to scoop the table back and forth, leaving the table clean and spotless before carefully taking it out of his space ring. Flint tripod is on the table.

Mu Yanzhi understands exactly what the other party is doing because the price of flint tripod is too expensive, and many pharmacists take their best flint tripod seriously.

It's like the most important thing for a swordsman is his sword, and the most important thing for pharmacists is their flint tripod.

Even Mu Yan can feel that the potion he cooks in the pot is indeed inferior to the refined quality of Flint Ding, not to mention that there is one thing that Flint Ding cannot match, which is that pharmacists can Control the temperature of the flint tripod carefully with your mental strength, and the bottom surface of the flint tripod will change quickly with the temperature, but the pot can't do it.

Mu Yanzhi also dragged down the chair and sat down, "Mr. Pharmacist, do you want to start now?"

The old man twisted his **** in a fidgety state, and was relieved until he adjusted to the best position. This position can hold the **** best.

The old man wiped the cold sweat on his head and smiled slightly: "Master, I will show you my way."

Mu Yanzhi frowned. "Mr. Pharmacist, I really think you look in a very bad condition. In fact, another day is fine, after all, I will stay here for a while."

The old man shook his head like a rattle, anxiously, "Master, please let me stay with you for a little longer."

"Well, then you start." Mu said helplessly.

The old man nodded, and some nervously took out the medicinal materials that had already been removed from the space ring, put them one by one according to the formula, and then mixed it with water. Then, the old man went into the flint tripod with his mental strength and blushed hard. The liquid of Flint Ding was urged. With each stimulus, the liquid moved slowly, slower than the snail crawling.

Mu Yanzhi's spirit also penetrated into the Flint Ding, but he did not do anything, but just felt the movement of those Flint Ding's liquid.

It seemed worried that Master Guru felt that he couldn't even do this little thing. The old man put his hands on the edge of the chair and gritted his teeth, "Move me!"

In an instant, the liquid in Flint Ding appeared to be like a flock of frightened sheep, rushing wildly, flowing wildly in the interior of Flint Ding, and the temperature of Flint Ding soared in an instant, and the Flint Ding was soared within tens of seconds. The medicinal materials inside were dried to become black pieces, giving out a burnt smell.

Seeing this, the old man quickly slowed down the flow of liquid, but the liquid was still flowing wildly. The old man's eyes were red and he tried his best to suppress those liquids, but still couldn't control those liquids.

"Stop me!" The old man once again exerted his energy to suckle milk, Mu Yanzhi's heartbeat watching beside him, always felt that the old man was a bit too hard, as if the blood vessels would burst in the next second.

At this moment, the old man suddenly trembled, and the cricket's voice was particularly abrupt in the quiet room.

The old man almost seemed to be deflated, and could not breathe any more. The mental power was instantly powerless, and the liquid in the flint tripod was instantly frozen and immobile, as if time was still.

Mu Yanzhi quickly drew back his strength and did not dare to smell the weird smell coming from the air carefully, and said to the superior pharmacist who seemed to collapse to the faceless face: "I suddenly remembered that I had something, so let ’s go , We can continue to discuss this issue next time. "

After speaking, I did n’t wait for the old man to stand up and went out without looking back.

The old man leaned on the edge of the table, the old face grew more and more angry, and tears burst into his cloudy eyes.

God ... what he just did.

He lived so old that his **** collapsed in front of others ... and he pulled it in his pants.

And most importantly, the **** collapsed in front of a noble and strongest pharmacist ...

An old man with an extraordinary status who is respected and admired everywhere he goes, is not even as good as a six-year-old child at this moment.

The old man twitched and finally couldn't stand such a big blow. He cried helplessly, and the scene was extremely bitter.

Mu Yanzhi stopped after walking for a while, almost cried and laughed. He faintly realized why the upper pharmacy tutor was so abnormal, it turned out to be this reason.

This is why he chose to leave immediately after realizing the reason, otherwise the old man would be even more faceless.

At this time, it is not suitable to ask the other side comfortably. The best way is to leave as soon as possible and give the other party a private and independent space to deal with those ...

Thinking of those things, Mu Yanzhi's face was weird, and he always felt a weird smell on his body. He lowered his head and smelled himself, and was relieved to find that there was only a faint herb smell on his body, which smelled pretty good.

Throwing away the wide sleeves, Mu Yanzhi found that he seemed to come unconsciously into a shrub. He looked around and found a small slate not far away.

Walked over and sat down. Mu Yanzhi bored his arm with his chin, staring bored around to pass the time.

Suddenly, he stared somewhere, his hands almost shaking, "This ..."

Mu Yanzhi no longer thought of anything else, ran quickly and ran over the bushes, and then stared at a small part of the soil exposed in the dirt and murmured, "Oh my god, this is a potato ..."

Mu Yanzhi picked up the stone bars on the side and began to dig up the mound. However, after digging for a while, Mu Yanzhi stopped breathlessly. The soil was so hard that he even dug a small part after digging for a long time.

My body is too weak to do such a work that requires physical exertion.

But he was reluctant to discard these potatoes, for a moment there was a dilemma.

"Let's go, I'll come." A voice suddenly sounded from behind, with the man's usual calm and calmness.

Mu Yan turned around in surprise and saw the mask man standing there.

Just standing so casually, the mask man has a feeling that is extremely dangerous and powerful, but in the words of Mu Yan, this is a sense of security.

Mu Yan said with emotion: "I really have a little doubt now that you are calling the beast."

The masked man's eyes calmly walked over and kicked Mu Yan's buttocks. He could barely feel it, "Let it go."

Mu Yanzhi was not angry. He obediently let it go, and then said: "Remember to dig them out, be careful not to touch them. These are precious! But those things are buried deep in the ground, you can dig them all out. ?"

The man in the mask glanced straight at Mu Yan, and did not speak. He directly gathered the power with both hands, and then waved it. The power bounced out instantly, then the land was lifted up instantly, and then floated in the air. The roots of those potatoes were also exposed.

The masked man frowned. He didn't expect the plant's rhizomes to be so developed, and then he condensed a power again, and then opened his hands. The land that was split out instantly softened, and the potatoes trapped in the soil blocks were also exposed. Come out, then jump out one by one and fall to the ground, soon piled up into a hill, and the land fell back into the pit instantly, and became flat.

"All right." The mask man shook the dirt on his clothes, his tone calm.

Mu Yanzhi was stunned, and was so shocked by the mask man's hand that he was absolutely shocked.

He also just told the mask man not to damage the potatoes, and he questioned whether they could dig them all out. Who knows, the other party didn't need to dig potatoes one by one, and he just used the power to get all these things. It's not like digging potatoes like this.

This face hurts so much!

But looking at the big and tender potatoes on the ground, Mu Yanzhi's heart was agitated, as a foodie, how happy to be to eat these things every day, what a shame, if someone can give yourself free every day Vegetables, he is willing to be beaten every day!

"Enough?" The mask man said in a deep voice.

Mu Yanzhi pondered this sentence, and soon aftertaste it, he tempted, "There is still this potato in the ground?"

The male eyes of the mask were dark, "Potato?"

Mu Yanzhi nodded and said, "Yeah, this thing is called a potato, and it's very useful, but I'll tell you what it's useful for now. It's mainly about digging as many potatoes as possible, otherwise this potato might be over a period of time. It will rot. "

The mask man once again dug out the potatoes in another field in the same way, very quickly.

Mu Yanzhi rushed over and reached out to touch the potatoes. In a blink of an eye, the potatoes disappeared quickly, as if they had never appeared.

Looking at the potatoes in the space ring, Mu Yan was satisfied and thanked the mask man: "Thank you so much Dahei, I really do n’t know how to dig potatoes without you. You helped me so much, I Nothing in return. "

"Well," the mask man calmly said, "tell me what this potato is? Use this in return."

Mu said something embarrassing er.

The mask man did not expect the master to say the reason, but he was more certain about the importance of this thing. Looking at the sky, the mask man said: "Go, go back."

Mu Yanzhi grabbed the mask man's sleeve, the mask man paused, looked down at the muddy hand on the sleeve, and frowned slightly.

Mu Yanzhi quickly retracted his hand, a little helpless: "Sorry, accidentally soiled your robe."

The mask man nodded and Shen said: "It's all right."

Although he was okay, Mu Yanzhi was very embarrassed. From his every move, he could feel that the other party was a meticulous and clean person. Out of guilt, Mu Yanzhi said: "I was not just I don't want to tell you what potatoes are, but ... "

"Say," said the mask man.

"This potato is a vegetable that can be used for cooking. I don't want to say that because I don't want others to know the existence of this potato, because the more people know about potatoes, the more potatoes they will plunder the land. In fact, this is nothing. The key is ... ”Mu Yanzhi shook his head, wondering:“ They are too unpalatable. I ’m afraid those people will dig out all the potatoes. I wo n’t have potatoes to eat. I ca n’t even buy this world. Natural vegetables are too expensive and I do n’t have any channels to buy them. "

Mu Yanzhi said something upside down, but the mask man understood the meaning of the other side, and his deep and calm eyes showed a hint of helplessness.

"I won't say it." The mask man stared straight at Mu Yanzhi, only to feel that the image of the Master Guru who did not eat the fireworks in the heart seemed to be slowly breaking down. The potato that Master Guru cares so much is just food. Useless.

However, where does the mask man know that he will give up his dignity in the future for the food made of this potato.

Mu Yanzhi patted the soil on his clothes, and then said: "I will have the opportunity to cook for you once and let you taste what is really good food."

The mask man's tone was calm and uninterested, "No need."

Mu Yanzhi shook his head and muttered, "Wait, I will cook for you once, and I will only cook once. Later, I will let you stare at you and die, and you will not do it. I am □□ I do n’t believe you can stop the charm of cuisine. "

In fact ... the mask man can't stop it!

The mask man in the future just wants to eat a meal. The good general will not do it, but he will grow into a roar and eat like a big dragon head! I can't help but feel happy to eat once and want to fly in the clouds! You have to let Mu Yan's expressionless face hold the huge dragon's head with a delicious expression, forcibly stop flying!

God knows how painful it can be for a dragon not to be able to fly through the clouds.

In other words, the mercenary territory began to get busy, and all the mercenaries who could return came back to start preparing for the forest.

Walking on the way back to the territory, after thinking about it, he couldn't help asking: "Are you free recently?"

The male eyes of the mask turned slightly, and the deep voice was particularly nice. "What's the matter."

Mu Yanzhi said with a little embarrassment: "How much does it cost to hire you to be my bodyguard?"

"Bodyguard?" The mask man knew the word, a profession only found in ancient earth. He said in a half-silent voice, "One thousand interstellar coins."

Mu Yanzhi heard the price, and replied, "With your military value, there are too few thousand interstellar coins."

"Let's go." The mask man continued to move forward without answering Mu Yanzhi's words.

It was Mu Yanzhi who looked at the mask man in the back, and his heart was warm. This **** looked cold and indifferent, but he never refused to ask each other for help, and he was so considerate only one thousand Starcoin.

The mask man was walking in front, and his heart became more cautious. The forest that the mercenary was going to enter this evening was very wrong, but he could not find the reason.

If a precious master of mankind had an accident in the forest, it would be troublesome.

The human master is so precious that his role can prevent too many soldiers from dying from unnecessary sacrifice.

What is scary is that the forest is likely to have ancient beasts. In this case, he will have to show beast shapes.

Read The Duke's Passion