MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 46

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The night is charming, and the moonlight outlines the shadows on the grass. However, the closer to the second half of the night, the colder the air becomes, the clearer the bonfire becomes, and the bonfire is still weak. Provide any warmth.

After 呆 staying on the grass for a while, the mask man received the shield into the space ring, and then slightly moved the bonfire with the power to extinguish the soil, covering the traces, and then said, "Get up, it's time to go back."

Yan Muyan raised his head, and in the moonlight, he could vaguely see the tall shadow of the mask man. Due to the closeness, Mu Yanzhi instantly felt a sense of oppression, and his breathing was delayed for a moment.

The mask man naturally felt Mu Yanzhi's paused breathing sound. He lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Of course, it is impossible for Mu Mu to tell the truth, otherwise it is so shameless, so he shifts the subject as much as possible, "It's okay, let's go."

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, the mask man glanced at Master Guru and determined that the other party didn't pay attention to this matter anymore, and Mu Yan was slightly relieved.

The two walked back along the road when they came. Since the moon was a lot brighter than when they came, they walked a lot faster, and soon returned to the temporary camp.

The two did not say anything next, but just said good night to each other and went back to their tents to sleep.

He Muyanzhi walked so long today, he was already exhausted, and closed his eyes and fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

In the middle of the night, the mercenaries gradually fell asleep in the dusk, and the patrolmen yawned for a long time. Afterwards, it was hard to reach the changing time, and they awakened the mercenaries who patrolled in the middle of the night. After changing positions, they hurried back to their tents to sleep.

危险 When all things are quiet and the night is covering the earth, danger comes at this moment.

Stuck in a huge underground cave, a huge ancient beast snake vomited a letter, and the cold eyes seemed to be killing.

It looked up, it seemed to make a human inaudible sound, as if it was communicating with someone, the quiet air seemed to be filled with dangerous cruel intentions.

黄色 In the dark night, many yellow light dots were scattered around, as inconspicuous as fireflies.

Quickly, one of the yellow light spots seemed to feel something, and began to float towards the mouth of a cave, and finally passed the winding tunnel to the side of the ancient beast snake.

The ancient beast snake seemed to be aware of it, and lowered its head sharply to stare at the light spot, alertness flashed in the gloomy eyes, and then turned its head unawarely, and did not notice anything wrong.

The light spot was slow, flickering yellow like a firefly, drifting slowly, and finally attached to the snake skin.

After blinking for a few seconds, the light spot suddenly exploded like a mine, blasting the unsuspecting serpent with pain, as if the burning sensation from the soul made it no longer able to hide its breath, and issued An angry roar.

嘶 The hissing sound came a long way ...

Many beasts in the forest, even a small bug, began to shiver, fearing to penetrate the bone marrow.

Hagi's sleeping masked man seemed to feel something, and opened his eyes sharply, a hint of coldness flashed in the dark eyes.

Finally found……

The ancient beast is now alive, but it is not a good omen.

At this point, the mask man rose suddenly, and the figure ran towards the snake in the night.

However, even though the mask man took away his coercion on the way, the momentum of that body could not be covered. Wherever he went, the animals that were hiding in the cave or tree hole felt like something terrible. , Began to shiver, the fear in his eyes glowed from his bones.

That is the coercion of aura that can only be released by a powerful ancient beast.

For a moment, all the animals lowered their heads, representing surrender, and waiting in fear for the moment when fate was pronounced.

The ancient beast snake lifted its head, and the forked tongue constantly felt the pheromone in the air, and it was quickly determined that the humans that had made it extremely jealous had been chasing it.

It flicked its tail fast, the huge skull shattered the hard karst cave, and ran towards the mask man.

The masked man flew in the low air, then squinted and stared at the ground under his feet, as if he felt something.

此时 At this moment, a huge mound of bulge quickly swelled on the ground below the mask man, and then a huge snake head broke through the mound, opened his mouth and tried to swallow the mask man.

The masked man didn't panic, but his cold eyes flashed a mysterious light. At this moment, his figure flickered, and the whole person quickly moved to other places. The fast speed did not even react to the ancient beast.

The ancient animal snake shut its mouth violently, but found that the prey that had been going to the mouth escaped, and immediately the irritated eyes became red. It lifted the huge skull to the sky and gave a roar, as if with whom He commanded, and then his cold eyes flashed a look of trickery.

Although the mask man could not understand what the other beast was saying, his instinct felt that something was wrong and he could not help frowning.

At this moment, another powerful coercion suddenly appeared not far away, accompanied by the explosion of the power.

The most important thing is that the coercion is just like the ancient snake in front of him.

Suddenly, the masked man's eyes and micro-micrometer quickly realized that he had been tricked by the other party, and now it is difficult to return to the camp.

For a moment, one person and one beast seemed to be deadlocked, and they were able to withstand their tempers and did not attack.

The ancient animal snake vomited a snake and constantly adjusted its position, but its horrible body was in a state of tension at all times, indicating that the snake was not so calm on the surface, but at the same time it was ready. Ready for sneak attacks.

The masked man looked cold, his posture remained unchanged, his eyes stared at the ancient snake, and soon his eyes condensed on the tiny little wound behind the giant snake, which was the wound caused by the light spots condensed by his abilities.

The ancient beast snake twisted his head uneasily, hiding the injured place accidentally, flashing cautiously in the gloomy eyes, it knew that the man in front of him was very powerful, especially the careless appearance of the other side at the moment. Its psychological pressure has made it more cautious and afraid to shoot.

And this is also the effect that the mask man wants to achieve, one person and one snake have chosen to keep the soldiers, no one has shot first.

The dusk mercenaries on the other side are in a very dangerous state at this moment. Just a minute ago, the mercenaries slept well. Who knew that a huge snake came out from the ground, and the huge booming sound directly sent all The mercenaries were awake at dusk.

Just before everyone responded, the ancient beast snake went straight to the tent where the commander was, and scraped the tent down with a huge snake tail. Fortunately, the tent in the future will have a certain defense ability to resist half of the attack of the snake tail. This did not cause the people in the tent to be crushed to death instantly.

After the leader was awakened by the loud boom, he felt the danger instinctively when the crisis approached, and reacted instantly. He saw that he rolled sideways and avoided the attack of the huge tail. The whole person was almost Sticked to the edge of the tent.

The head of the regimen leaned against the tent, his nerves were strained to the extreme. He realized that the crisis was still there. From beginning to end, he didn't see what the creature that attacked him was, the only thing he knew was that the creature was so powerful. Can't match it at all.

The head of the puppet leader was terrified, and the alarm of the enemy attack was quickly sounded, and the mercenaries who had been awakened quickly rushed out of the tent to gather.

At this moment, the ancient beast snake finally crawled out of the hole, exposing the entire body, that huge and thick. Strong body and horrible cold eyes instantly let all the mercenaries breathe a sigh of air, only felt that a power higher than their power came to the face, accompanied by a thick **** smell, instantly made all mercenaries We have a feeling of incomparably weak.

The fear from their bones prevented them from condensing their abilities to attack.

The head of the puppet gritted his teeth, resisted the instinct of fear, and tried to gather powers in his hands. However, the powers seemed to be blocked and couldn't quickly condense.

The ancient beast snake hovered around, and the giant snake's head remained motionless, as if preparing for an attack.

Upon seeing this, Deputy Chief Wu Bai ran to the commander quickly, preventing the commander's useless work. "That power beast has the ability to disturb the power of the power person."

The head of the puppet was surprised, no wonder that the mercenaries who had performed well in the past were so useless as a soft egg at the moment, he could not help but resentfully said, "This **** beast!"

The rest of the mercenaries also heard this, and couldn't help panic. They didn't have any new weapons in their hands, and with the ordinary knives in their hands, I was afraid they couldn't hurt the power beast.

Not to mention that at this moment the abilities on which they depend cannot be condensed out. At this moment, they are left to be slaughtered by the snake like meat on a cutting board.

But instead of immediately retreating, all mercenaries chose to wait for the command of the regiment.

The commander knew that in the presence of such snake creatures, it is best not to run away without authorization, or he would be attacked by the ancient beast snake out of instinct, so he whispered to everyone, "All mercenary regiments are on standby, do n’t move . "

The puppet mercenaries are not anyone who has never seen the scene. Naturally, they also thought about the instinctual characteristics of snakes, so they followed the command of the regiment and chose to stand by.

这么做 But this does not mean that they are safe at the moment. No one can guarantee when the snake will choose to attack. It can be said that they are almost standing on the ropes in the sky, and they will die if they are not careful.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the giant snake without blinking. The ancient beast snake slightly moved its huge skull, and everyone couldn't help shaking, for fear that the ancient beast snake would attack.

Fortunately, the ancient beast snake just wanted to move its body. I saw its huge water tank-like eyes flushed with red blood, showing the cold and cruel killing intention. It seemed to be looking for something, constantly looking at each one. Mercenary regiment.

Until it swept over a mercenary with a weak mental capacity and trembling, he couldn't help looking at it for a few more seconds, but the mercenary thought that the monster snake was about to eat him, and immediately broke down and yelled, and immediately turned to try Running into the dense jungle.

此时 At this moment, the ancient beast snake suddenly launched an attack ...

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