MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 53 Lord Dragon God

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The little white dragon's muscles became more and more full of explosiveness when his muscles were tightened. Perfectly, people couldn't help but wonder if this was the masterpiece of the creator.

Mu Yanzhi glanced quietly and vaguely at the back of the little white dragon, especially when the mane of the little white dragon fluttered in the wind, and it looked extremely furry and looked very good.

The mask man was really disturbed by that gaze, and he couldn't help but want to stay away from the master in front of him.

Obviously he should be a noble and reserved master, but now he is very insignificant and charming ...

Mu Yanzhi didn't even know that his image was long gone in Xiao Bailong's eyes.

He was peeking at the moment and took out the opened potion bottle and handed it over, caring in a very upright tone: "There are a few bottles of potion here that you have to drink."

I don't know, I thought Mu Yan was an extremely upright person, but at this moment his incomparable red luo's eyes had deeply betrayed his wretched soul, yet he knew nothing about it.

The general who turned into a dragon opened his mouth silently, and allowed the one who looked like his servant to be in front of him, but poured a potion into his mouth.

For the first time, the general felt that the medicine was extremely complicated.

Soon, the general clearly felt that his originally damaged mental strength had begun to slowly repair, and there was a hint of wonder in his eyes.

In the past, when his mental strength was damaged, even if he used the best rehabilitative remedy, there was no faster recuperation brought by this remedy. It is believed that at this rate, he could fully recover in about ten days.

The potions made by such a powerful guru are truly extraordinary.

Mu Yanzhi continued to pour all the remaining potions into Xiao Bailong's mouth. After all ten bottles were used up, he carefully cared and said, "Do you feel much better? Is there anything else to be uncomfortable with?"

The tone was extraordinarily charming, mixed with worship, and even the general could feel the care of no fake in that tone.

The general shook his huge furry head, and there seemed to be a touch of human complexity in his cold eyes.

It is impossible for this master to know that he is an infamous snake-horned beast, but this person is full of respect for himself and even cares about his injuries.

What is the hidden reason behind this?

The little general was a little melancholy, and the fact that this mysterious master is in fact difficult to understand.

Mu Yanzhi finally saw the Chinese dragon that only existed in the legend. The whole person was almost in a state of extra brain excitement. How did Xiao Bailong feel that he was extremely noble and domineering? It was a complete mess.

Seeing that Xiao Bailong just looked at himself and did not respond at all, Mu Yan was a little bit depressed, but quickly regained his spirit. After all, the ancient beasts of this world are alert and killing human beings. Not to mention that this ancient beast is a Chinese dragon, it's normal to have a small temper and a little pride.

Thinking that Xiao Bailong's indifference had found the perfect excuse, Mu Yanzhi resumed his fighting spirit again.

The wound on Xiao Bailong was slowly being repaired, and Mu Yanzhi's symptoms could not help but relax. Only then did he feel that he had not eaten all day.

Mu Yanzhi looked up at Xiao Bailong, and found that the other party had closed his eyes for a while, and did not dare to disturb the other party. Mu Yanzhi gently took the potatoes out of the space ring, and prepared to eat something for himself.

Since he only has potatoes in his hand, then he can make a potato soup. Thinking of the taste of the potato soup, Mu Yan's saliva could not help but overflow, and quickly peeled and cut the potatoes into pieces with that dagger. The whole process was very smooth. At first glance, doing this kind of thing often.

Although the mask man closed his eyes, the surrounding sounds could not hide him at all. He lifted his eyelids and saw that the master was dealing with potatoes.

Thinking of the potatoes I had eaten late that night, the mask male eyes seemed to flash a light.

The strange taste of potatoes still made him unforgettable.

After washing the potato pieces, Mu Yan suddenly became dumbfounded, because at this time he remembered that he had no pot at all ...

Mu Yan could not help but scratched his head in annoyance. Damn, I knew he should have a pot on the mercenary regiment side.

and many more!

Since it is a pot, I don't know if that thing can cook, after all, it is used for heating ...

Mu Yan's heart thumped and was excited about his genius-like idea. He quickly brought the flint tripod aside, poured some water in it, and put a piece of potato before he couldn't wait to urge the flint tripod. .

Soon, Firestone Ding was heated up quickly due to the deliberate urging of Mu Yan. Within a few seconds, the water in the pot began to gurgle and bubble, emitting the heat visible to the naked eye.

Mu Yanzhi can feel that the temperature in Flint Ding has not reached the limit with his mental strength, but he has used his mental strength to quickly return the temperature of Flint Ding to normal temperature, smelling the scent of potatoes floating in the air, Mu Yanzhi looks around After a while, I quickly found two branches, cut them into chopsticks with a dagger, and then took out the potatoes in the flint tripod.

After blowing the potato pieces, Mu Yanzhi took a tentative bite, and nodded with satisfaction after feeling the natural flavor brought by the potato. The potato was already ripe and could not be cooked anymore, and it was almost cooked. This pot heats up faster than with fire.

The more you look at yourself, the more satisfied you are with this flint tripod. Not only can you use it for refining pharmaceuticals, but also for cooking soup. With so many functions, you can use it without charging. It is an essential tool for home travel. .

He really is a genius!

Mu Yanzhi complacent thought.

If Mu Yanzhi can look up at Xiao Bailong, I'm afraid he can see the vivid expression of shocking from Xiao Bailong's face.

After all, the little white dragon has always maintained a cold and domineering expression, when did he have such a disgusted expression.

Firestone Ding is so precious that almost all junior pharmacists can't afford it, so most pharmacists almost pay attention to Firestone Ding. They are afraid of falling and smashing, and they usually want to protect it on their apex.

But now the guru-level pharmacist took the firestone tripod for cooking stew ...

This feeling is probably like a god-like swordsman holding a sword is killing pigs and shaving, and the action is extremely skilled, and anyone who sees that kind of scene will be extremely messy in the wind.

Rarely, Master General is seeing this Grand Master in front of him even more.

At this moment, the water in the flint tripod is still at a high temperature. Mu Yanzhi quickly put the potato pieces into it to start heating, and then pour some soybean oil, green onions, and peppercorns that have not been used up the last time. , Stir the soup a few times, and even if you pick up a piece of potato and taste it, make sure that the temperature in the flint tripod is calmed down with mental energy after you are sure it is cooked.

The soup in the pot was still bubbling, and Mu Yan quickly sprinkled the cleaned and chopped coriander, but after a while, the blisters gradually disappeared, but the heat was scattered and mixed. With the unique taste of potato soup, the green potato coriander sprinkled on the pleasing potato soup looks very attractive.

Mu Yanzhi took a deep breath, and his expression was a bit missed. After coming to the future for so long, he can finally drink potato soup. This future world is really not a place to stay.

The little white dragon smelled the unique aroma lingering on his nose and took a breath.

The smell ... there was a strange gleam in his eyes.

It was a smell that had never been smelled, mixed with the aroma that made people want to drool, and the master had a side that he didn't know.

Mu Yanzhi raised his head, and saw that the little white dragon seemed to be smelling the vegetables, the big head was shaking slightly, and the dragon's horn that lined it became more and more domineering and domineering.

Isn't Xiaobailong interested in this taste?

Mu Yanzhi's heart suddenly moved, maybe he could try to let Xiao Bailong taste it. He looked down at his flint tripod and decided to give it a try.

Mu Yan carefully brought Flint Ding to Xiaobai Long, in a somewhat expectant tone: "Do you want to eat it? This is very delicious potato soup."

Potato soup?

Little Bailong chewed this strange name in his heart, and immediately glanced down at the potato soup with fragrance, and remained silent.

Mu Yanzhi said again: "Can you eat and see? You are injured and you need to eat and supplement your nutrition so that you can get better faster."

Little Bailong then gave a slight glance at Mu Yan, nodded calmly.

Looking at the few blue mane on the little white dragon's head stood up obediently, and it was swaying slightly with the little white dragon's shaking, Mu Yanzhi's eyes were straight when he narrowed.

What a domineering and cute dumb hair.

I really want to feel what it feels like.

However, Mu dare not touch it so casually, only secretly expecting this little white dragon to be interested in what he does. After slowly building a relationship, maybe one day, he can touch it brightly.

Thinking of this idea, Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but be grateful for his wit.

"Then you wait, I'll cut a wooden bowl for you first, and then pour the soup in." Mu Yanzhi's tone of excitement unconsciously.

Xiao Bailong gave a slight glance at Mu Yanzhi's thin body, remembering the other party's appearance of being unable to dig a soil, he silently stretched out a claw and dragged a wooden post next to him.

Then he quickly cut out a wooden bowl with his claws on the stakes, and calmly rubbed the wooden bowl on his dragon scales. The wooden thorns on the wooden bowl were sharply polished as if they were polished. Yes, there is a slight reflection in the sun.

Mu Yanzhi was stunned, almost unable to respond.

The little white dragon then made a large spoon with the scraps there, and then rubbed and slipped on his dragon scales to clean the wooden thorns before spraying the wooden bowl and spoon with frost.

It took almost five minutes to complete it all, and it was almost incredible fast.

Little Bailong carefully picked up the wooden bowl with two claws and handed it over. Mu Yanzhi took it over and started with a coldness. He was returned to the cage instantly by the gratefulness of the cold hands. What does that mouthful of dragon breath mean?

He squatted down and poured the soup from the Flint Ding into the bowl. Instantly, the soup that was already very hot became less hot due to the dragon's breath on the wooden bowl.

Sure enough.

In Mu Yan's heart, he worshipped Little White Dragon more and more, and even such a clever way to come up with it was almost as necessary as Da Hei's ability.

Thinking of Dahei, Mu Yan's emotions fell instantly.

"I don't know what happened to Dahei." Mu Yan said with some worry.

He couldn't see anyone, he couldn't see the dead, and he didn't know if he was injured. Why didn't he come to himself?

Just thinking about it, Mu Yan's heart is a bit depressed.

Xiao Bailong stared at the weak human in a complicated mood. He did not expect that this man was still thinking about himself.

"Mum ..." A voice sounded suddenly.

One of Mu Yan's awkwardness, covering his stomach a little awkwardly, he did not expect his stomach to start a revolution because of hunger.

"Still don't think too much." Mu Yanzhi took a deep breath and blocked all the thoughts in his head.

Lift the bowl carefully, Mu Yanzhi stood up and said softly to Xiao Bailong, "The soup has cooled a lot. The temperature is just right. Take a sip?"

When Xiao Bailong saw this, he suddenly thought that this person was already hungry, but he gave up the soup to himself.

Then he shook his head helplessly. Even if he was injured, he was still stronger than the immensely fragile human in front of him, and it was the other person who needed food most.

Little White Dragon reached out his paw and gently sent the bowl over, and pointed at Mu Yan's belly.

"Eh?" Mu Yanzhi blinked and understood the meaning of Xiao Bailong.

Little Bailong ... is he concerned about himself?

Thinking of this, Mu Yanzhi was once again shamefully excited.

A feeling of admiration from the dragon **** filled his heart, he was flattered, and his voice was stupefying: "Thank you, thank the dragon god!"

After saying this, Mu Yanzhi hurriedly raised the soup bowl carefully and drank it with a bite and sip. This is the potato soup handed over by Xiao Bailong, which has an extremely high meaning. Several people in the world can enjoy it. To this glory?

Dragon God?

The mask man who has been scolded for various unpleasant titles for the first time heard a completely different name from the master's mouth.

He was a little hesitant, faintly as if his soul had a strange feeling for the name he had never heard of.

As if he was born, he should be called a dragon **** ...

As if he shouldn't have been called a snake-horned beast ...

And Dragon God is his real name.

He should have been revered by countless people, instead of being rejected and hated by all living creatures as he is now.

The mask man's mind seemed to flash a wonderful scene.

The beautiful deep sea seems to be a huge palace made of crystal. A huge dragon lives there and is revered and worshiped by countless creatures. As if raising hands, it can destroy the world, tear the space, and be so powerful that no one can overcome it.

The dragon felt too familiar to him, but strange.

Suddenly, the dragon's eyes seemed to flash through sadness, and murmured: "I am the dragon god, the supreme god, but still can't save the loved one, it is ridiculous, what good is God?"

Inexplicably, the mask man seemed to share the same feeling, as if there was a feeling that he was the dragon, and his heart was inevitably filled with sadness and helplessness.

He is the supreme **** of the world. Everything he wants is at his fingertips, but he still loses his loved one.

What's so good about being God?

Everyone wants to be a god, but he doesn't know that he can't even save a lover.


He is not a dragon **** at all, and he has no loved ones.

Realizing this, the mask man's intellect was pulled back instantly, looking at the master who was still eating, the mask man's eyes grew deeper, what was the scene that just flashed in his mind.

Mu Yanzhi did not even know that he had just given the word to the dragon.

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