MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 58 Dragon's Little Pride

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Mu Yanzhi bowed his head and forced back the tears that would soon appear in his eyes. The complex emotions in his heart made him inevitably lose his temper. After trying to calm down, he pretended to be indifferent: "Thank you Lord Dragon God ..."

The Lord Dragon God coiled on the tree bowed his head, still looking at Mu Yan with extra serious eyes, the giant dragon eye could clearly reflect a master in a black robe and mask.

But he could clearly see the human tan eyes in front of him at this moment, slightly moist and red, indicating that this person seemed to have cried.

Realizing this, Lord Dragon God's eyes became darker and deeper, and then he carefully poked at the human, motioning to the other party to come closer to his tail.

At this moment, Xiao Bailong's giant claws can shred everything sharply, but when he touched that human, he was extremely careful, forming a strong contrast with his huge and majestic figure.

Mu Yan instantly understood the meaning of Lord Dragon God, and carefully leaned forward. When the hand touched the jasper-like dragon scales, a particularly special touch made him have a momentary hesitation.

The dragon scales are extremely cold and have no temperature, like a white cold jade, full of icy transparency, making it difficult to approach, but the extremely warm heat attached to the surface of the dragon scales makes people feel extremely comfortable. sense.

The surrounding environment is too quiet. Almost only the sound of wind blowing through the leaves can be heard. With some worms, the original mixed emotions have gradually subsided, feeling the temperature emanating from the dragon tail. The last trace of coldness faded away.

Lord Dragon God rolled the dragon's tail to prevent the master who has no ability from falling down. The giant dragon head has no reliable place at this moment. It can only be supported by the giant claw on the chin. The huge body is firmly entangled. Living in that thousand-year-old tree, the majestic face was a little lazy at the moment, and the tip of his tail seemed to be unconsciously swirling.

Mu Yanzhi sat in the circle formed by the dragon's tail. He could feel the heat completely covering him. He could not feel the cold wind blowing at all.

Mu Yanzhi became more and more calm, looking up at the starry sky, and the bright moon hanging in the sky, a kind of sleepiness gradually came, and finally lost consciousness completely.

At night, the sky was shining with a little starlight, and the bright moonlight could clearly illuminate the surrounding scenery, as if the entire forest was covered with a hazy white veil by this moonlight, looking extraordinarily quiet and deserted.

The scales of the giant white dragon are like cold jade. Under the reflection of the moonlight, the entire dragon emits a faint halo due to refraction, which looks extraordinarily illusory.

The style of the night is wet and cold, and the bones are extremely cold. Mu Yanzhi's eyebrows fell asleep with his eyes closed, but his body moved unconsciously toward the heat source.

This subtle movement quickly opened the vigilant general, and the Master Master curled his body like a little pitiful and shrank in his tail to absorb the warmth. It looked really fragile. Especially the weak neck looks pale in the moonlight, and even has some pitiful taste.

And a small white arm exposed from the accidentally opened sleeve was covered with terrible scars, shocking.

The general killed and fought on the battlefield for many years. He naturally used to see **** and brutal killing scenes than the dense scars on the arm of Grand Master.

For example, the violent beast riot, all powers were covered by the continuous beast, the sharp claws severely tore open the chest of the power, the fierce fangs crunched their arms, and the blood sprayed out instantly The ground was dyed red, and the **** smell almost filled the air, and there was cold and **** blood between the breaths.

The broken limbs and broken meat were sprinkled on the grass. The red, green, and green colors covered the entire hillside. It was a large mercenary regiment with five hundred people, and was instantly killed by the beast half.

When he brought the power warriors to kill all the beasts, he could see that there were still some breathing powers lying in the ground, arms, legs, and even chests were almost broken and scattered. The intestines and internal organs that came out of the ground, although those powers contained the hope of survival, but the wounds were too severe, and they finally swallowed unwillingly.

That day, the sky seemed to be blood red, and many veterans saw that scene and could not bear the physiological factors and vomited.

Withdrawing thoughts from memories, the dark and bottomless eyes of Lord Dragon God seemed to flash a dim light. At that time, the scene was like hell. Even his long-time soldiers could not help vomiting, and his heart Still seeing no waves when seeing such a **** scene.

But now, when he looked at the Master Guru's scar that was obviously left after repeated abuse for many years, his heart was inexplicably inexplicable.

The general unconsciously twirled his tail, suppressing the struggle in his heart for a long time, seems to emerge today, but all this is because of the very fragile and powerful pharmacist in front of him.

Looking down at himself like a monster, there was no trace of human beings.

The general's expression was complicated, because he knew for the first time that there would still be people in this world who would treat the beast with goodwill.

He is an ancient beast with horned snakes, but he can be transformed into a human form. He grew up in the human world. His dual identity never made it clear where he belonged, and he concealed his identity as an ancient beast. Being alive, he has to work hard to achieve something that can never be achieved.

Today, however, he seems to be seeing an opportunity that he can never accomplish.

After a good night's sleep, Mu Yanzhi opened his eyes stupidly, and saw the endless blue sky and white clouds, and then he took hold of it. After a while, he suddenly remembered what happened yesterday.

This sleep is too confused.

Mu Yanzhi got up with a bitter smile and looked around. He didn't find the trace of Little White Dragon at all, and at this moment he didn't know when he had been moved from the tall tree trunk to the ground. The most important thing was that the body was still a pad. With some hay.

Mu Yan instantly realized that all of this might be done by Lord Dragon God, and quickly got up to move his stiff body. He walked around carefully, trying to find the trace of Lord Dragon God, but found nothing.

Mu Yanzhi's heart was a little flustered, and an idea flashed into her mind, and she quickly rejected the idea.

Lord Dragon God should not have left like this.

However, after this thought appeared, it could no longer be annihilated.

Even if he saved Lord Dragon God himself, why should Lord Dragon God stay here to protect himself?

Thinking of everything that happened yesterday, and the touch of that moment last night, seemed to have become a dreamlike, imaginary incredible.

Mu Yanzhi stood there in a loss, and the whole person seemed to have lost his motivation.

Perhaps he would never see that white dragon again in his life.

Maybe in this life, I can only remember forever what happened yesterday, so as to comfort the respect and love for the true dragon.


Just then, a subtle sound sounded behind him, bringing a gust of wind.

Mu Yanzhi immediately erected his hair, subconsciously took the dagger out of the space ring and turned away instantly, trying to attack unknown creatures behind him.

It was just that the dagger had not yet attacked, and when his eyes touched the creature he thought was unknown, his arm stiffened.

Lord Dragon God's claws stood on the ground, and his body was bent to show an s-shape. The original huge figure appeared to be more majestic and cold after deliberately standing up, making people fear.

Mu Yanzhi was also shocked by the intangible aura. The half-sound did not return to God, until the opposite Dragon Lord raised his tail slightly, and placed the fruit collected early in the morning on the ground.

Mu Yan's eyes fell on the fruit that seemed to be still with a little bit of dew on the ground. There was some disbelief: "Dragon, Lord Dragon God, is this?"

Mu Yan dare not continue to think about it, for fear that he would be excited by this speculation and burst into his mind.

The Lord Dragon God calmly looked at Mu Yanzhi, reached out the tip of a claw and pushed these fruits, the meaning is very obvious.

Mu Yanzhi's heart throbbed, and the whole person was agitated with a shortness of breath, "Is it really for me?"

The Lord Dragon God has long seen that the Grand Master in front of him seems to like to admire himself very much, and it is not uncommon to be excited about him from time to time. He nodded calmly, and the dark eyes still had a very uncomfortable look.

Mu Yan squatted down without bones, holding these fruits in his arms, as if treasure.

【Ding! Discover super premium quality "sweet blood fruit"]

The system that hasn't spoken in the brain for a long time suddenly made a sound, murmuring, staring at some of these seemingly ordinary fruits in the arms.

This turned out to be the fruit of super high quality?

Mu Yanzhi suppressed the suspicion in her heart and quickly entered the system to search for the information of sweet blood fruit.

[Sweet blood fruit grows on the edge of a cliff and is guarded by a power beast. The sweet blood fruit can restore the aging damage of a certain body. 】

This is the description of the sweet blood fruit in the system, and the 3d picture of the appearance of the sweet blood fruit is also clearly displayed above. Mu Yan can quickly determine that these seemingly ordinary fruits in his arms are super advanced. Quality "sweet blood fruit".

The most important thing is that the effect of this fruit is to restore some physical damage to the body.

Mu Yanzhi quickly thought of the problem of aging damage on himself.

Is it ...

Does Lord Dragon God specifically pick this fruit to heal his body?

This guess seems to be the most reliable and the only most reasonable reason.

At the moment of muting, the bony mind almost buzzed.

Well, that is the true dragon that the Chinese people on earth worship to their bones!

He had such a big face that the Lord Dragon God could drag his hugging body to the edge of the cliff, fight those beasts that guarded the fruit, and finally brought it back to himself?

How great is this?

Mu Yanzhi's fingers trembled, and almost could not bear the heavy reward.

It turned out that instead of abandoning himself to leave, Lord Dragon God went out to pick up fruit early in the morning.

Looking at the claws of Lord Dragon God, it seemed to be stained with a little bit of earth as well as the shiny dragon scales, which looked a little dull at the moment.

At the moment Mu Yan felt guilty, he could imagine how terrible the scene at that time should be.

And it is it who is responsible for all this.

Mu Yanzhi hugged these fruits as heavy as a pound, his voice moved: "Dragon, Lord Dragon God, take a good rest. I will definitely make a good meal for you today."

I went out to exercise early in the morning and saw a group of peculiar beasts robbing fruit near the cliff. In my heart, Lord Dragon God, who might be a good thing, snatched it back and prepared to nourish the Master Guru. It will make Master Guru so moved and ready to repay himself.

The Lord Dragon God wiped the giant claws that he accidentally scratched the mound when he returned from the rubbing road, and his heart became more and more special to the Master in front of him.

It turned out that this master, who is the highest pharmacist in the human world, even liked his beast shape so much.

Lord Dragon God, who has been called fierce by all human beings and the most evil ancient beast, shakes his tail slightly, and a peculiar emotion called little pride is created in the heart.

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