MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 60 Anti-theft

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"System, I remember last time you could connect to the Star Network. You can't take advantage of yourself to help me see what should I do to make pharmaceuticals? For example, should I wash the grass? Or I just follow the steps and do it directly. Can it succeed? "

【Ding! Considering that the host is indeed without foundation, it is not conducive to the upgrade of this system, and special open permissions help the host to become a god-level pharmacist better. 】

Mu Yan was overjoyed, I didn't expect this system to be kind.

"Then you first look at it for me. Would you like to wash the grass? I'm afraid that refining pharmaceuticals with a pan may fail."

[Ding, according to the calculation reference of this system and the networked interstellar network, it is suggested that the host can use the spirit to remove impurities from the material, which is easier to refining successfully. 】

Fortunately, I have read a lot of upgraded web articles before listening to the words. He simply understood what he meant by just listening to the words of the system, but he couldn't help frowning. "But am I not mentally powerless? I am not a power Or, there should be no way to remove impurities. "

[Host, you have misunderstood the meaning of this system. The mental power of the psionicist and the pharmacist are not the same kind of mental power. The mental power of the pharmacist can only be used to remove impurities on the material and feel the medicament with keen mental power. The status of every moment.

Thereby, I know better what to do to make the medicament play a better and greater role, and your mental acuity has been increased many times due to the existence of the system. 】

However, before the words of joy were on the brow, the system continued.

[But although the host has a high level of mental acuity, your mental strength is not enough. It is impossible to better feel the changes in the refining of the medicament and to control the changes of the medicament. It is recommended that the host practice this "clear heart" upgrade as soon as possible Experience, after upgrading, you can get a novice gift package, and you will start to grow your mental strength, so you can afford the consumption of more advanced medicine. 】

Although the system is a bit complicated, it makes Mu Yan seem to understand something, but the general meaning seems to be a little clear. At present, the most important thing is that he should contact the formula upgrade experience as soon as possible.

"Then I try to remove the impurities from this herb with my spiritual power." Mu Yanzhi said, then he picked up a cool grass, and then stared at it intently, imagining that he had transformed into a virtual spiritual power and began to attach to it. Cool grass.

I don't know if this method will have any effect, but the so-called spiritual powers described in the cultivation and various power texts he has seen rely on this method.

However, after a few minutes, Mu Yanzhi's eyes were very tired. He still didn't feel that he had any mental strength. Although a failure made people feel a little frustrated, Mu Yanzhi was not the kind of person who gave up lightly. He continued to work hard again, but still failed the second time.

After Mu Yanzhi experienced two failures, he hesitated to communicate with the system in his mind: "My method seems to be wrong. Can you tell me how to remove impurities from the system?"

[Host, the method you just made is correct, but you have n’t mastered the tricks and methods. I suggest you try a few more times, find some feelings, and the first step to becoming a qualified pharmacist apprentice is to learn how to use your spirit. Force-sensing materials that many people fail to become pharmacists are mostly due to reasons that stop there. 】

"Can I think this is the way you are comforting me to encourage me, but thank you, your encouragement really makes me feel less discouraged." Mu Yan subconsciously said to the system, because he always thought the system was a There is no emotional mechanical intelligence brain, so seeing that the system is euphemistically comforting itself, Mu Yanzhi feels very surprised.

[Yes, this system has detected some fluctuations in your mental strength. This system knows through a large number of instances of the interstellar network and precise calculations through human emotions, and you need encouragement at this moment. 】

Mu talked helplessly, even though the system only knew through mechanical calculations that he needed the most comfort, but man is a very strange creature. As long as there is such a person, even if it is something else, in your most When you are most fragile and discouraged, you are given an encouragement or hug, then this person will cheer up because of it.

Clean up the chaotic mood, take a deep breath, Mu Yanzhi try hard to make yourself think nothing, focus on the cool grass in front of me, and concentrate all the spirit and attention.

I still do n’t know how many times Mu Yanzhi tried repeatedly and failed again and again, and probably even when he started to feel numb, a kind of thought seemed to draw his own thoughts out of his mind. When the feeling of cool grass came out instantly, Mu Yan's mood fluctuated because of this, but the feeling disappeared in the next second.

Mu Yanzhi was not discouraged at the moment, and did not feel regret, but felt very excited. This shows that he succeeded just now, although only for one second, but this example tells himself a truth, that is to keep his emotions peaceful In order to better release mental energy.

I have to say that the quality of Mu Yan's good at summarizing and analyzing is precisely the most important reason for him to feel how to become a pharmacist so quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yanzhi continued to focus on the cool grass again. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his mental strength had become an invisible filament, although he could not see it. Existence, but more clearly perceive the existence of that spiritual force than it seems.

Mu Yanzhi's efforts to suppress the excited mood, try to keep his emotions as calm as possible, and then he quickly put the mental power on the cool grass without eager for profit.

After all, you can't become fat with a single stutter ...

Coming slowly and steadily may be easier to succeed. With this mentality, Mu Yanzhi suppressed the thought of wanting to quickly control his own spiritual power to surround Liangliang Cao, and then explored the spiritual power a little bit. I don't know how long this step took, and finally his spirit touched the cool grass.

An indescribable sense of coolness penetrated into his own mental strength, and Mu Yanzhi resisted the feeling of groaning comfortably, and then continued to release one of his mental strength, and then continued to release, and finally felt a After the rice noodle was so thick, he started to stick it on the cool grass and slowly infiltrate it ...

This feeling is very strange, as if his eyes had grown up mentally, he could clearly perceive the internal lines of the grass and some black impurities inside the grass.

Seeing that impurity, Mu Yanzhi knew that that was probably the so-called impurity in the legend, and all he had to do was find a way to get rid of the impurity.

Just how to get rid of it?

At this moment, Mu Yanzhi seemed to hear the sound of the system faintly.

[Using your own mental strength to decompose the impurity, and then transport the decomposed impurity out, you can remove the impurity. 】

Hearing this, Mu Yan's spirit was stunned, knowing what he should do, slowly enveloping one of the smaller impurities in the spiritual force, and then began to decompose continuously. The process of decomposition also said no What happened to Qing, but when the spiritual force touched that impurity, it seemed as if it had naturally learned to decompose.

After decomposing the impurities, and then transporting those impurities that have been decomposed into fine powder, the surface of the cool grass has many small holes, and the word is to use the dense holes to send the fine powder out, and The surface of the cool grass is intact, but there is a lot of black powder on the surface.

After patiently removing all the impurities, Mu Yanzhi then took all the mental power back, and at this time, he only felt a headache and felt like a big knife sharpening himself. My head and aching face were all pale.

It is no wonder that there are so few people who can become pharmacists, and those who are not strong can not be a pharmacist, nor can they make pharmacy at all.

Because they can't do the first step to remove impurities, let alone the next step.

After a rest, Mu Yanzhi felt that his mind was a lot better. If this scene could not be closed if others saw it, a person with little mental strength would learn it in only one hour. It's terrible to get rid of impurities.

Unfortunately, Mu Yanzhi didn't know that his speed was terrible. At the moment, he felt a little bit sad and felt that his progress was too slow.

He picked up the cool grass that had just removed the clean impurities. The light of Mu Yan still couldn't see the difference between this cool grass and the time when he didn't remove it, but he explored this cool grass with his mental energy. I feel that the properties and functions contained in this cool grass will be more pure than before.

He put the cool grass into the water to clean the black powder floating on it. After washing it, he took it out and wiped off the water with a disinfecting and sterilizing absorbent towel. Mu Yanzhi could have avoided this trouble, but the new human The fact that even a pharmacist apprentice can be considered precious is enough to show how difficult it is to become a pharmacist.

"System, I remember last time you could connect to the Star Network. You can't take advantage of yourself to help me see what should I do to make pharmaceuticals? For example, should I wash the grass? Or I just follow the steps and do it directly. Can it succeed? "

【Ding! Considering that the host is indeed without foundation, it is not conducive to the upgrade of this system, and special open permissions help the host to become a god-level pharmacist better. 】

Mu Yan was overjoyed, I didn't expect this system to be kind.

"Then you first look at it for me. Would you like to wash the grass? I'm afraid that refining pharmaceuticals with a pan may fail."

[Ding, according to the calculation reference of this system and the networked interstellar network, it is suggested that the host can use the spirit to remove impurities from the material, which is easier to refining successfully. 】

Fortunately, I have read a lot of upgraded web articles before listening to the words. He simply understood what he meant by just listening to the words of the system, but he couldn't help frowning. "But am I not mentally powerless? I am not a power Or, there should be no way to remove impurities. "

[Host, you have misunderstood the meaning of this system. The mental power of the psionicist and the pharmacist are not the same kind of mental power. The mental power of the pharmacist can only be used to remove impurities on the material and feel the medicament with keen mental power. The status of every moment.

Thereby, I know better what to do to make the medicament play a better and greater role, and your mental acuity has been increased many times due to the existence of the system. 】

However, before the words of joy were on the brow, the system continued.

[But although the host has a high level of mental acuity, your mental strength is not enough. It is impossible to better feel the changes in the refining of the medicament and to control the changes of the medicament. It is recommended that the host practice this "clear heart" upgrade as soon as possible Experience, after upgrading, you can get a novice gift package, and you will start to grow your mental strength, so you can afford the consumption of more advanced medicine. 】

Although the system is a bit complicated, it makes Mu Yan seem to understand something, but the general meaning seems to be a little clear. At present, the most important thing is that he should contact the formula upgrade experience as soon as possible.

"Then I try to remove the impurities from this herb with my spiritual power." Mu Yanzhi said, then he picked up a cool grass, and then stared at it intently, imagining that he had transformed into a virtual spiritual power and began to attach to it. Cool grass.

I don't know if this method will have any effect, but the so-called spiritual powers described in the cultivation and various power texts he has seen rely on this method.

However, after a few minutes, Mu Yanzhi's eyes were very tired. He still didn't feel that he had any mental strength. Although a failure made people feel a little frustrated, Mu Yanzhi was not the kind of person who gave up lightly. He continued to work hard again, but still failed the second time.

After Mu Yanzhi experienced two failures, he hesitated to communicate with the system in his mind: "My method seems to be wrong. Can you tell me how to remove impurities from the system?"

[Host, the method you just made is correct, but you have n’t mastered the tricks and methods. I suggest you try a few more times, find some feelings, and the first step to becoming a qualified pharmacist apprentice is to learn how to use your spirit. Force-sensing materials that many people fail to become pharmacists are mostly due to reasons that stop there. 】

"Can I think this is the way you are comforting me to encourage me, but thank you, your encouragement really makes me feel less discouraged." Mu Yan subconsciously said to the system, because he always thought the system was a There is no emotional mechanical intelligence brain, so seeing that the system is euphemistically comforting itself, Mu Yanzhi feels very surprised.

[Yes, this system has detected some fluctuations in your mental strength. This system knows through a large number of instances of the interstellar network and precise calculations through human emotions, and you need encouragement at this moment. 】

Mu talked helplessly, even though the system only knew through mechanical calculations that he needed the most comfort, but man is a very strange creature. As long as there is such a person, even if it is something else, in your most When you are most fragile and discouraged, you are given an encouragement or hug, then this person will cheer up because of it.

Clean up the chaotic mood, take a deep breath, Mu Yanzhi try hard to make yourself think nothing, focus on the cool grass in front of me, and concentrate all the spirit and attention.

I still do n’t know how many times Mu Yanzhi tried repeatedly and failed again and again, and probably even when he started to feel numb, a kind of thought seemed to draw his own thoughts out of his mind. When the feeling of cool grass came out instantly, Mu Yan's mood fluctuated because of this, but the feeling disappeared in the next second.

Mu Yanzhi was not discouraged at the moment, and did not feel regret, but felt very excited. This shows that he succeeded just now, although only for one second, but this example tells himself a truth, that is to keep his emotions peaceful In order to better release mental energy.

I have to say that the quality of Mu Yan's good at summarizing and analyzing is precisely the most important reason for him to feel how to become a pharmacist so quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yanzhi continued to focus on the cool grass again. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his mental strength had become an invisible filament, although he could not see it. Existence, but more clearly perceive the existence of that spiritual force than it seems.

Mu Yanzhi's efforts to suppress the excited mood, try to keep his emotions as calm as possible, and then he quickly put the mental power on the cool grass without eager for profit.

After all, you can't become fat with a single stutter ...

Coming slowly and steadily may be easier to succeed. With this mentality, Mu Yanzhi suppressed the thought of wanting to quickly control his own spiritual power to surround Liangliang Cao, and then explored the spiritual power a little bit. I don't know how long this step took, and finally his spirit touched the cool grass.

An indescribable sense of coolness penetrated into his own mental strength, and Mu Yanzhi resisted the feeling of groaning comfortably, and then continued to release one of his mental strength, and then continued to release, and finally felt a After the rice noodle was so thick, he started to stick it on the cool grass and slowly infiltrate it ...

This feeling is very strange, as if his eyes had grown up mentally, he could clearly perceive the internal lines of the grass and some black impurities inside the grass.

Seeing that impurity, Mu Yanzhi knew that that was probably the so-called impurity in the legend, and all he had to do was find a way to get rid of the impurity.

Just how to get rid of it?

At this moment, Mu Yanzhi seemed to hear the sound of the system faintly.

[Using your own mental strength to decompose the impurity, and then transport the decomposed impurity out, you can remove the impurity. 】

Hearing this, Mu Yan's spirit was stunned, knowing what he should do, slowly enveloping one of the smaller impurities in the spiritual force, and then began to decompose continuously. The process of decomposition also said no What happened to Qing, but when the spiritual force touched that impurity, it seemed as if it had naturally learned to decompose.

After decomposing the impurities, and then transporting those impurities that have been decomposed into fine powder, the surface of the cool grass has many small holes, and the word is to use the dense holes to send the fine powder out, and The surface of the cool grass is intact, but there is a lot of black powder on the surface.

After patiently removing all the impurities, Mu Yanzhi then took all the mental power back, and at this time, he only felt a headache and felt like a big knife sharpening himself. My head and aching face were all pale.

It is no wonder that there are so few people who can become pharmacists, and those who are not strong can not be a pharmacist, nor can they make pharmacy at all.

Because they can't do the first step to remove impurities, let alone the next step.

After a rest, Mu Yanzhi felt that his mind was a lot better. If this scene could not be closed if others saw it, a person with little mental strength would learn it in only one hour. It's terrible to get rid of impurities.

Unfortunately, Mu Yanzhi didn't know that his speed was terrible. At the moment, he felt a little bit sad and felt that his progress was too slow.

He picked up the cool grass that had just removed the clean impurities. The light of Mu Yan still couldn't see the difference between this cool grass and the time when he didn't remove it, but he explored this cool grass with his mental energy. I feel that the properties and functions contained in this cool grass will be more pure than before.

He put the cool grass into the water to clean the black powder floating on it. After washing it, he took it out and wiped off the water with a disinfecting and sterilizing absorbent towel. Mu Yanzhi could have avoided this trouble, but the new human The fact that even a pharmacist apprentice can be considered precious is enough to show how difficult it is to become a pharmacist.

"System, I remember last time you could connect to the Star Network. You can't take advantage of yourself to help me see what should I do to make pharmaceuticals? For example, should I wash the grass? Or I just follow the steps and do it directly. Can it succeed? "

【Ding! Considering that the host is indeed without foundation, it is not conducive to the upgrade of this system, and special open permissions help the host to become a god-level pharmacist better. 】

Mu Yan was overjoyed, I didn't expect this system to be kind.

"Then you first look at it for me. Would you like to wash the grass? I'm afraid that refining pharmaceuticals with a pan may fail."

[Ding, according to the calculation reference of this system and the networked interstellar network, it is suggested that the host can use the spirit to remove impurities from the material, which is easier to refining successfully. 】

Fortunately, I have read a lot of upgraded web articles before listening to the words. He simply understood what he meant by just listening to the words of the system, but he couldn't help frowning. "But am I not mentally powerless? I am not a power Or, there should be no way to remove impurities. "

[Host, you have misunderstood the meaning of this system. The mental power of the psionicist and the pharmacist are not the same kind of mental power. The mental power of the pharmacist can only be used to remove impurities on the material and feel the medicament with keen mental power. The status of every moment.

Thereby, I know better what to do to make the medicament play a better and greater role, and your mental acuity has been increased many times due to the existence of the system. 】

However, before the words of joy were on the brow, the system continued.

[But although the host has a high level of mental acuity, your mental strength is not enough. It is impossible to better feel the changes in the refining of the medicament and to control the changes of the medicament. It is recommended that the host practice this "clear heart" upgrade as soon as possible Experience, after upgrading, you can get a novice gift package, and you will start to grow your mental strength, so you can afford the consumption of more advanced medicine. 】

Although the system is a bit complicated, it makes Mu Yan seem to understand something, but the general meaning seems to be a little clear. At present, the most important thing is that he should contact the formula upgrade experience as soon as possible.

"Then I try to remove the impurities from this herb with my spiritual power." Mu Yanzhi said, then he picked up a cool grass, and then stared at it intently, imagining that he had transformed into a virtual spiritual power and began to attach to it. Cool grass.

I don't know if this method will have any effect, but the so-called spiritual powers described in the cultivation and various power texts he has seen rely on this method.

However, after a few minutes, Mu Yanzhi's eyes were very tired. He still didn't feel that he had any mental strength. Although a failure made people feel a little frustrated, Mu Yanzhi was not the kind of person who gave up lightly. He continued to work hard again, but still failed the second time.

After Mu Yanzhi experienced two failures, he hesitated to communicate with the system in his mind: "My method seems to be wrong. Can you tell me how to remove impurities from the system?"

[Host, the method you just made is correct, but you have n’t mastered the tricks and methods. I suggest you try a few more times, find some feelings, and the first step to becoming a qualified pharmacist apprentice is to learn how to use your spirit. Force-sensing materials that many people fail to become pharmacists are mostly due to reasons that stop there. 】

"Can I think this is the way you are comforting me to encourage me, but thank you, your encouragement really makes me feel less discouraged." Mu Yan subconsciously said to the system, because he always thought the system was a There is no emotional mechanical intelligence brain, so seeing that the system is euphemistically comforting itself, Mu Yanzhi feels very surprised.

[Yes, this system has detected some fluctuations in your mental strength. This system knows through a large number of instances of the interstellar network and precise calculations through human emotions, and you need encouragement at this moment. 】

Mu talked helplessly, even though the system only knew through mechanical calculations that he needed the most comfort, but man is a very strange creature. As long as there is such a person, even if it is something else, in your most When you are most fragile and discouraged, you are given an encouragement or hug, then this person will cheer up because of it.

Clean up the chaotic mood, take a deep breath, Mu Yanzhi try hard to make yourself think nothing, focus on the cool grass in front of me, and concentrate all the spirit and attention.

I still do n’t know how many times Mu Yanzhi tried repeatedly and failed again and again, and probably even when he started to feel numb, a kind of thought seemed to draw his own thoughts out of his mind. When the feeling of cool grass came out instantly, Mu Yan's mood fluctuated because of this, but the feeling disappeared in the next second.

Mu Yanzhi was not discouraged at the moment, and did not feel regret, but felt very excited. This shows that he succeeded just now, although only for one second, but this example tells himself a truth, that is to keep his emotions peaceful In order to better release mental energy.

I have to say that the quality of Mu Yan's good at summarizing and analyzing is precisely the most important reason for him to feel how to become a pharmacist so quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Yanzhi continued to focus on the cool grass again. At this moment, he seemed to feel that his mental strength had become an invisible filament, although he could not see it. Existence, but more clearly perceive the existence of that spiritual force than it seems.

Mu Yanzhi's efforts to suppress the excited mood, try to keep his emotions as calm as possible, and then he quickly put the mental power on the cool grass without eager for profit.

After all, you can't become fat with a single stutter ...

Coming slowly and steadily may be easier to succeed. With this mentality, Mu Yanzhi suppressed the thought of wanting to quickly control his own spiritual power to surround Liangliang Cao, and then explored the spiritual power a little bit. I don't know how long this step took, and finally his spirit touched the cool grass.

An indescribable sense of coolness penetrated into his own mental strength, and Mu Yanzhi resisted the feeling of groaning comfortably, and then continued to release one of his mental strength, and then continued to release, and finally felt a After the rice noodle was so thick, he started to stick it on the cool grass and slowly infiltrate it ...

This feeling is very strange, as if his eyes had grown up mentally, he could clearly perceive the internal lines of the grass and some black impurities inside the grass.

Seeing that impurity, Mu Yanzhi knew that that was probably the so-called impurity in the legend, and all he had to do was find a way to get rid of the impurity.

Just how to get rid of it?

At this moment, Mu Yanzhi seemed to hear the sound of the system faintly.

[Using your own mental strength to decompose the impurity, and then transport the decomposed impurity out, you can remove the impurity. 】

Hearing this, Mu Yan's spirit was stunned, knowing what he should do, slowly enveloping one of the smaller impurities in the spiritual force, and then began to decompose continuously. The process of decomposition also said no What happened to Qing, but when the spiritual force touched that impurity, it seemed as if it had naturally learned to decompose.

After decomposing the impurities, and then transporting those impurities that have been decomposed into fine powder, the surface of the cool grass has many small holes, and the word is to use the dense holes to send the fine powder out, and The surface of the cool grass is intact, but there is a lot of black powder on the surface.

After patiently removing all the impurities, Mu Yanzhi then took all the mental power back, and at this time, he only felt a headache and felt like a big knife sharpening himself. My head and aching face were all pale.

It is no wonder that there are so few people who can become pharmacists, and those who are not strong can not be a pharmacist, nor can they make pharmacy at all.

Because they can't do the first step to remove impurities, let alone the next step.

After a rest, Mu Yanzhi felt that his mind was a lot better. If this scene could not be closed if others saw it, a person with little mental strength would learn it in only one hour. It's terrible to get rid of impurities.

Unfortunately, Mu Yanzhi didn't know that his speed was terrible. At the moment, he felt a little bit sad and felt that his progress was too slow.

He picked up the cool grass that had just removed the clean impurities. The light of Mu Yan still couldn't see the difference between this cool grass and the time when he didn't remove it, but he explored this cool grass with his mental energy. I feel that the properties and functions contained in this cool grass will be more pure than before.

He put the cool grass into the water to clean the black powder floating on it. After washing it, he took it out and wiped off the water with a disinfecting and sterilizing absorbent towel. Mu Yanzhi could have avoided this trouble, but the new human The fact that even a pharmacist apprentice can be considered precious is enough to show how difficult it is to become a pharmacist.

Unfortunately, Mu Yanzhi didn't know that his speed was terrible. At the moment, he felt a little bit sad and felt that his progress was too slow.

He picked up the cool grass that had just removed the clean impurities. The light of Mu Yan still couldn't see the difference between this cool grass and the time when he didn't remove it, but he explored this cool grass with his mental energy. I feel that the properties and functions contained in this cool grass will be more pure than before.

He put the cool grass into the water to clean the black powder floating on it. After washing it, he took it out and wiped off the water with a disinfecting and sterilizing absorbent towel. Mu Yanzhi could have avoided this trouble, but the new human The fact that even a pharmacist apprentice can be considered precious is enough to show how difficult it is to become a pharmacist.

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Read The Mage of Eternity