MTL - Pharmacist of the Future-Chapter 64 [Replaced] Disappearing Big Black

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Sitting back lightly on the stone, Mu Yan couldn't help but glanced at the white dragon who was practicing, and the other side opened his eyes as if aware of it ...

Mu Yanzhi drank a bottle of medium recovery medicine yesterday, and his physical and mental strength changed a lot. Especially, his strength was much stronger than before. He usually felt tired and weak on weekdays. Rarely does this happen.

This made Mu Yanzhi pay more and more attention to this medium repairing medicine. He poured this bottle of medicine into his mouth, and felt the very unique cleansing taste in his mouth. Comfortable.

There was a tingling sensation on the surface of the body, even the internal organs. Mu Yan understood that this was the side effect of the medicine that was repairing the wound. The muscles and epidermis were beginning to repair quickly, and then there was a while. Emptiness in the body.

Mu Yanzhi's face changed slightly. I remember that this did not happen after taking the medicine last time. Thinking about this, I quickly instructed the system in my mind and said, "System, use a healthy elf to help me check it and see how it returns. thing."

[Ding, ok, please wait. 】

[Ding test is completed, according to the health elf test judgment result: the intermediate repair agent is repairing damage in your body, so it consumes a lot of your physical strength as the price, it is recommended that the host replenish energy as soon as possible to avoid weakness to shock. 】

Mu Yanzhi heard this, but was even more puzzled. "But why didn't this happen last time?"

[Ding, because the host ate the ancient animal snake meat last time, it has already added a lot of energy. 】

Mu Yan touched his chin thoughtfully and understood something vaguely. He had eaten rice before taking this medicine, but he still developed a sense of weakness, which can only explain the energy contained in these chickens. It's too little.

In this way, how amazing the energy of the ancient animal snake meat should be, but if you think about it, ancient animals in this future world are very scarce. Humans may not be able to see an ancient animal snake for hundreds of years, which is enough to see this. Precious things.

Mu Yanzhi paid more attention to the snake meat with three-fifths left, and decided that if not necessary, they should not be taken out and stewed.

However, as the body was slowly repaired, Mu Yanzhi felt more and more weak, and the whole person began to feel hungry. He quickly took out a piece of snake meat and fried the peppers. The taste was spicy and fragrant. Have dinner.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any rice in his hand, which had to be said that it was a bit regrettable. Fortunately, after taking a few bites, Mu Yan could faintly feel that the power lost in his body gradually recovered.

I am happy, and eat all the snake meat on this plate. My stomach is going to die again. Because I was eating too fast and the dish was too spicy, a thin layer appeared on my body. sweat.

Afraid of sweating when blowing the wind when sweating, Mu Yanzhi quickly found a leeward place to lie down. At this time, the sun was right on his head, and it was sprayed on the body obliquely, bringing a burst of warmth. As Shu unfolded, his consciousness gradually faded.

I don't know how long, Mu Yanzhi yawned and got up, then realized that he didn't even know when he fell asleep, looked at the direction of the sun, and vaguely determined that he had slept for about three hours.

At this time, the Lord Dragon God still continued to practice there, and the giant claw still held the black stone that once brought shadow to Mu Yan.

Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but walk around, staring back and forth at the stone for a few moments, and he couldn't help but be prepared for the fear that the snake might appear again.

However, this time there was no movement in this stone, as if he had seen it wrong before, probably the snake had been killed by Lord Dragon God.

Mu Yanzhi couldn't help but guess, stopped paying attention to this stone, Mu Yanzhi began to look around, but did not dare to go too far. It was not a way to continue, frowning could not help but walk back and forth, the feeling of irritability in my heart was simply Linger.

Seems to be noisy by Mu Yanzhi's deliberately light footsteps, Lord Dragon God opened his eyes slightly, and the dark eyes seemed to flash another kind of light.

Mu Yanzhi turned around and looked back. He couldn't help but be startled by the eyes opened by Lord Dragon God. Some shouted, "Did I make you scream?"

Mu Yanzhi didn't realize that he had been getting along with Lord Dragon God through these days, and his tone gradually evolved from the original estranged respect to the casual nature now.

But the well-thought-in general, the first time, discovered this, but it was strange. He didn't hate the feeling now, slowly shook his head, and continued to look at Mu Yanzhi with that extremely dark eyes, as if reaching the bottom of his heart. See through what Master Guru is worried about now.

Mu Yan thought for a while, decided to try to discuss with Lord Dragon God, "Master Dragon God, I always have something to ask you for help, but I haven't been embarrassed to say."

It seems no surprise to say this sentence, Lord Dragon God's eyes are still as deep as ever to see the bottom, but when looking at Mu Yan, there is a touch of quietness, seeming tolerant I felt that Mu Yan's heart was loosened, no longer nervous, and then the next words were naturally spit out.

"I originally entered the forest with a mercenary regiment. Who knew that two ancient beast snakes were encountered midway, the two we had eaten before." Mu Yanzhi continued: "I have a friend to protect me , He kept running away with me on his back, and then ... I fainted. "

Speaking of this, Mu Yanzhi showed a hint of helplessness and a trace of remorse, and it was obvious that the fainting was too shameful for him.

"I do n’t know what happened during the period. I just woke up and saw that you were lying there with injuries all over you. The most important thing is that the two ancient beast snakes that chased us are dead. thing."

Mu Yanzhi said, sighing, "Then the friend disappeared. I stayed here to wait for him to come to me, but he hadn't heard anything for several days. . "At the back, his tone suddenly fell.

There was a little surprise in the eyes of Lord Dragon God, and he did not expect that the master in front of him would stay here just to wait for himself.

Mu Yanzhi continued: "I can no longer stay here and wait, but with my current strength, there is no way to go too far in this forest ..."

Speaking, Mu Yan's words are a bit difficult to tell, and there is always an illusion of asking for grace.

However, Lord Dragon God instantly understood what the Master Master wanted to say in seconds. The tail was slightly coiled, and the entire Dragon God flew in the air, flying towards the edge of the forest.

Seeing this, his heart irresistibly caused a little panic. After all, in this forest, all he could rely on was the dragon in front of him.

Seeing that Master Guru had not yet followed, the dragon turned his head slightly and issued a slight dragon yin, as if urging Mu Yan to follow.

Mu Yanzhi realized something faintly, and quickly followed him, as expected, after the dragon saw Mu Yanzhi follow up, he turned his head and continued to fly forward.

Mu Yanzhi followed, and soon realized that the dragon in front of him was leading the way, because the opponent was not flying at all fast, so that he could keep up with the opponent without losing.

After walking for a while, Mu Yanzhi gradually felt a little tired and panted. The white dragon leading the way stopped as if aware, his body hovering over a large tree, and the dragon's faucet was high. Eyes closed slightly, I do n’t know when the stone appeared again in the giant claw, and the white dragon body still emitted purple light.

Obviously, the white dragon began to practice again, and Mu Yanzhi also took advantage of this opportunity to find a place to sit down quickly, and scratched his numb legs.

After resting for a while, Mu Yanzhi's breath also returned to peace, and at this time Lord Dragon God opened his eyes and retracted the stone in the giant claw into the space. He shouted at the master sitting below, and yelled, Seems to be reminding to continue on the road.

Mu Yanzhi nodded, "Okay, I see."

Obviously this dragon can't even talk, and can only make simple actions, but one person and one dragon can communicate with each other like a heart, which has to be said to be a wonderful thing.

Even the general, who would never come into contact with humans in a beastly state, could not think of himself today, but walked so calmly with a human being and lived with him for several days. In the past, in his opinion, it was It is absolutely impossible.

Dragons are flying in the low air, while people are walking, but the speed is not slow.

Fortunately, there are no too many shrubs in the vicinity to hinder the progress, so Mu Yanzhi's journey is quite smooth.

Soon, Mu Yanzhi felt tired again after walking for two hours. After all, the forest didn't look like flat ground, and his physical fitness was not so good.

After feeling the change in Mu Yanzhi's breathing, Lord Dragon God looked back at Mu Yanzhi and chose to stop. It seemed that he was going to stop here to rest.

With the physique of Lord Dragon God, I am afraid that he will not be tired after flying all day and night. Obviously, the purpose of the other party is to take care of Mu Yanzhi.

Mu Yanzhi is physically weak and has no abilities. He is a weak person, and now he has become a burdensome thing when walking, so how should he fail.

Out of his unwillingness to be regarded as a weak man, Mu Yanzhi gritted his teeth and felt that he could continue to persist, knowing that he had left the afternoon with the mercenary regiment before, did he still carry it down.

It doesn't make sense now that I have taken intermediate repair potions to improve my body, not even my previous self.

Thinking about this, Mu Yanzhi waved his hand and said, "Don't stop, keep going, I can still insist."

Lord Dragon God's eyes deepened instantly. He could use his mental strength to perceive that the master's physical strength was not yet exhausted, so he raised his tail and continued to fly forward, but the speed was much slower than before. It is obviously taking care of Mu Yanzhi's feelings.

Although Mu Yanzhi is very tired, it is true that he can keep up with Lord Dragon God. He knows that if it is impossible to rely solely on Lord Dragon God, he must learn how to protect himself in the forest. Obviously, at this moment The opportunity to exercise.

It took about a few more hours, and the time suddenly passed from morning to afternoon. Mu Yanzhi may be because he has walked for too long, or because the effect of the medicine has not disappeared in the body. Within a few hours the stomach grunted again.

In the forest, the main thing is not to let the body be hungry, otherwise it will affect the next action and survival. Mu Yanzhi quickly shouted to the front: "Master Dragon God, stop and have a meal, I will hungry."

Lord Dragon God turned his head slightly, nodding his head for a clear understanding, and then hovering around his body, passing around a big tree and passing away, he didn't know where he went.

Mu Yanzhi can only see a residual image, he ca n’t see where the other party is flying away. Although he is worried that Lord Dragon God will not return this time, he still has another thought in his heart, and keeps on Comfort yourself in your heart, don't be afraid, don't think too much.

Standing in place did not dare to move, but took out a dagger from space to watch out for the surroundings, to prevent beasts with short eyes from attacking themselves.

In fact, Mu Yanzhi really does not need to be so vigilant, because the spiritual power of Lord Dragon God can cover a range of one hundred meters, and any little wind and grass in it can't hide his perception.

Not to mention that before leaving, Lord Dragon God has deliberately released the breath that is unique to ancient beasts. Unless it is an ordinary beast, other power beasts, no matter how powerful, will be threatened by this. The killing breath was deterred, so he chose to bypass.

But all this, Mu Yanzhi knows nothing, and can only choose to take out a dagger to choose his own defense. When Lord Dragon God came back with a few chickens, he saw the master's flawless defense posture.

This precautionary posture is really not standard. I am afraid that if there is an ordinary beast attack, this dagger will absolutely have no chance to wave out, and it will be killed by the beast.

Lord Dragon God flies helplessly, but even if the vigilance has reached the highest state, Mu Yanzhi has still not been able to find the behemoth that gradually flew behind him.

The Lord Dragon God was afraid that the Master might be scared. He could only choose to make a small movement deliberately. When Mu Yanzhi heard this movement, he immediately turned around, and put his dagger tightly on his chest until he saw the huge dark eyes in front of this behemoth. At that time, the cold sweat that appeared from the whole body due to tension was instantly blown by the cool wind, and could not help but shiver.

"You're back?" As he said, Mu Yan couldn't help shaking his body, and he couldn't help focusing his eyes on the several chickens that had fainted on the dragon's paws. Some wondered: "You just wanted to catch the chicken?"

Lord Dragon God has no feeling of embarrassment. He treated all these five or six chickens with abilities, and then handed them to Mu Yanzhi. I have already done a good job of what I should do, and now it ’s up to you. Expression.

Compared to the mythology of wind and rain in the previous myth, the high-cold dragon god, Mu Yan instead prefers the food dragon who seems to fall in love with chickens, with a deep, high-cold face, but a warm man who behaves in a special way, right It should be an exceptionally warm dragon.

This made Mu Yanzhi feel that the dragon in the myth became flesh and blood. He would no longer feel that the Lord Dragon God was too far away from himself, clearly within reach, but unattainable.

Mu Yanzhi smiled and took all of these chickens. Renjun couldn't help but ask, "What do you want to eat roasted chicken? Or do you want to make one like the morning?"

The Lord Dragon God didn't even need to think. He directly raised his claws and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, calling out the fire system to bake the soil.

This very simple action instantly made Mu Yan understand, and the tone was definitely affirmed: "Want to eat the Huazi chicken I made this morning, right?"

The dragon's tail couldn't help but beat Xuan Er, nodded resolutely, and the whole body circled on a huge tree, looking very rich and handsome, and extremely domineering. Touched the tip of the tail.

"It feels soft." Mu Yanzhi felt the dragon tail fur in his hand and couldn't help muttering.

Lord Dragon God glanced up at this exceptionally weak Grand Master in front of him, feeling that the other side was touching his own tail. Since he was in the form of a beast, he would naturally instinctively reject and guard against humans.

Being able to stay calm and not instinctively choose to attack when humans touch their tails is obviously a very incredible thing for him.

But it turned out that now, I don't even have the idea of ​​attack.

The Lord Dragon God became more and more certain that the Master in front of him was very special, as if everywhere was full of incredible doubts and mysteries.

You have to know that there has not been a guru pharmacist for hundreds of years, and the guru lord in front of him is like a sudden emergence, which is particularly abrupt and full of doubts.

Mu Yanzhi didn't even know that Lord Dragon God was thinking a lot of things in this moment, and he was still immersed in the beautiful emotion of the dragon tail hair.

At this moment, Lord Dragon God slightly withdrew his tail, his majesty and noble innocence, and there was no way to continue to touch the cheek, but he couldn't help rubbing his palm. Miss the feeling just now.

At this moment, a murmur sounded, let Mu Yan momentarily look back, touched his stomach, and even felt stomach pain due to hungry.

No longer wasting time, quickly take out the cooking tools and seasonings from the space, and wash all the mushrooms and potatoes into pieces, then mix some seasonings inside, and finally stuff them into the chicken belly, and finally use The large leaves are wrapped tightly, tied with vines to prevent loosening.

Pour some water to cover the leaves with the soil in a semi-wet and dry state, and finally put it into the already heated flint tripod to start heating.

A flint tripod can only put one whole chicken at a time, because these chickens are more than double the size of the ancient earth chickens. Mu Yanzhi is fortunate that he has enough potatoes in stock, otherwise I am afraid there is no way to stuff the chicken belly. It's full.

After less than five minutes, the chicken called Huazi has been thoroughly cooked. After all, Mu Yan is too hungry, so the temperature of the flint tripod is adjusted to the highest level, although I know that this may cause the chicken to taste less flavorful. But in the face of hunger, the taste has to be second best.

Mu Yanzhi was worried that the Lord Dragon God would have a psychological gap, so he explained: "This chicken may not taste as good as it was made in the morning, but the difference is not too big, because the baking time is not long enough."

Lord Dragon God shook his head slightly, apparently he didn't mind it very much. In his opinion, what the Master said was not so delicious and it was already too much delicious than all the dishes.

Carefully take the chicken out and place it on a plate. At this time, I'm glad that I left these plates and bowls in the space when I left, and when I was there, the meat was overflowing, and the aroma of mushrooms and potatoes was mixed. With the unique taste of chicken, it forms a unique flavor, which makes people drool.

Mu Yanzhi handed the first roast chicken to Lord Dragon God and greeted, "Come and taste it."

The Lord Dragon God unexpectedly did not take over, but slowly shook his head, pointed with his giant claws and said, his eyes were calm and deep.

Mu Yanzhi's heart warmed, and he understood that the food dragon wanted to eat for himself, and smiled, and said, "I can't eat too much now. Otherwise, I only eat one chicken leg and one stomach. The rest of the chicken You've eaten them all. I still have a few chickens here. "

With that said, he tore off a chicken leg with his hands, and pushed the rest of the chicken to Lord Dragon God's side, and signaled, "Eat."

Mu Yan bit the chicken thigh and hurriedly dealt with the remaining five chickens. This was a cumbersome and laborious process.

If it weren't for his love of food and care for Lord Dragon God, he really didn't want to make these things anymore.

Lord Dragon God couldn't bear the humanized frown, which was a little annoying. He fully understood that the master's appetite may not even eat a chicken, but now the other party has no chance to sit down and has been busy doing it. Something, it's just because of my pouting mouth.

Thinking of the other party as a guru pharmacist who is extremely important to human beings, he is now hungry to cook for himself. Even if he is a general, he is only an ancient beast everyone shouts at the moment.

The whole chicken was swallowed in one bite, and Lord Dragon God slowly gathered together, preparing to use a power to help cut potatoes and wash the mushrooms clean.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile at Lord Dragon God, "With you to help me, I will be able to do it soon."

With Lord Dragon God's hand, Mu Yanzhi almost only needs to put the seasoning, and then urges the flint tripod to heat up, just sitting on the side to rest, there is no need to do any work.

Soon, five minutes passed, and the second chicken was ready. Mu Yanzhi quickly put the chicken on a plate, and then put the third chicken, which had been wrapped in the soil, into the roast.

One person and one dragon continued to eat the second chicken. Mu Yanzhi almost ate all his hands with oil. He couldn't help licking his fingers a few times. There was no way. The chicken was too fragrant.

Mu Yanzhi's appetite is much larger than before. After eating almost the whole amount of chicken, he can no longer eat it. The remaining chicken naturally enters the mouth of Lord Dragon God, and he does not know the dragon. Has the Lord God been full?

"Are you full?" Mu Yan couldn't help asking.

Lord Dragon God nodded slightly, and hugged his body with satisfaction. The giant claw slightly rubbed his belly without seeing the protrusion.

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